Three days flew by.

The eighth day of September.

The preliminaries for this month’s Cuju competition officially began in the Royal Garden.

The three little ones set off from Xingqing Palace early and arrived at the Royal Garden before the start of the competition.

The Imperial Garden at this time was different from three days ago. Three Cuju courts had been set up.

It looks like today's game will be held at one of these three venues.

Princess Ankang's game is not at the front, it is in the eighth game in the middle, and there is still some time before they take the field.

Before that, they can take a good look at other people's games.

All the participating princes and princesses put on Cuju costumes to facilitate movement.

This kind of clothing has a slim cut and is made of breathable and refreshing material. Even if you sweat profusely during exercise later, you will not feel any discomfort.

This kind of fabric is a royal tribute and cannot be enjoyed by ordinary people.

But when Jingyang Palace was rewarded before, it received a large amount of materials, including this kind of fabric.

During these three days, Manager Shang took advantage of the three little ones to practice Cuju and sent someone to prepare their Cuju uniforms.

Jingyang Palace’s team uniform is mainly sky blue, which is similar to Princess Ankang’s eye color.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er's Cuju costumes are slim and tailored, setting off the graceful figures of the girls.

Both girls had their long hair combed into a high ponytail to make it easier for them to play Cuju later, and they wore a jade belt to protect their foreheads as a decoration.

What a pair of heroic Cuju girls.

This should be left to future generations, and it must not fascinate a large area.

Even Li Xuan wore a small vest and tied a same-color ribbon on his tail, so he also had a team uniform.

At times like this, you have to admire Mr. Shang's attentiveness. He didn't even forget Li Xuan's Cuju uniform.

And don't mention it, this little vest is really well made, as expected of a royal tailor, and Li Xuan is very satisfied.

When the time comes, the game begins.

Six teams of people came up to the three Cuju fields one after another to compete against each other.

Like Princess Ankang's team, there are only a few tamed animals participating in the competition.

At least the six teams in this game are made up of people.

Other players waiting for their matches sat on the viewing stands around the venue and watched the game seriously.

The three little ones just found a place to sit down, but the people nearby automatically backed away and gave up a lot of space to them.

The three little ones looked at each other and suppressed their laughter.

"I didn't expect that being disliked would have its benefits."

Seeing that the stands that were quite crowded just now suddenly became empty, Princess Ankang joked carelessly.

The three little ones have long been accustomed to such treatment, but no one paid them any mind.

The stands around the venue were spacious, and according to the three little ones' personalities, they always found a corner to sit down in order to avoid trouble.

But this time, in order to see the game clearly, they found a position with a good view.

Of course there are more people in a good position, but as soon as the three little ones came over, the others all gave way for fear of getting involved with Jingyang Palace.

After all, Jingyang Palace is now a thorn in the side of many people.

But this is also convenient for the three little ones, and they occupy a large and good position.

Fortunately, the stands near the competition venue were repaired enough, otherwise there would be no place for others to watch the game.

"Hmph, people hate dogs!"

In the distance, the Sixth Princess looked at the large stand occupied by Princess Ankang and snorted coldly.

"Sixth sister."

The eldest prince sitting aside shook his head gently at his sister.

"That's what it is."

The Sixth Princess said unconvinced.

At this time, the fourth prince sitting on the other side also said:

"You'd better think more about how to win Ankang later."

"After the last time, you also know that Ankang is not as weak as we thought."

After the Autumn Hunting Competition, the three eldest prince brothers and sisters also had a review.

Although the eldest prince and the fourth prince have not directly fought against Princess Ankang, they can get a glimpse of it from the situation described by the sixth prince.

The Sixth Princess tried hard to catch Princess Ankang but failed.

In the end, she was even knocked unconscious by Princess Ankang, and she forgot many things that followed.

But at the beginning of the battle, Princess Ankang used a hidden weapon to restrain her, and she still remembered the situation when she was still able to fight after her feet were tied with a long whip.

Judging from these alone, Princess Ankang is no longer a sick princess who could not walk well and could only rely on a wheelchair.

After all, the Sixth Princess is an eighth-grade warrior, and her cultivation level is not bad among all the royal heirs.

The three brothers and sisters did not cultivate their cultivation through the use of medicine, but cultivated it on their own, and they also have corresponding combat effectiveness.

"Hmph, this girl has a deep mind. She has been pretending to be sick for so many years, but she doesn't know what she is planning."

"But since she has already exposed her trap, there is no reason to be deceived by her again!"

The Sixth Princess sneered and looked at the two eunuchs in black clothes waiting aside.

"No matter how deep Ankang is hidden, it can't change the fact that Jingyang Palace is sparsely populated."

"We can't even get three people together, so we have to let the cats play. I'll see how they play Cuju with me later."

The two eunuchs in black clothes brought to the competition by the Sixth Princess were carefully selected by them and were the elites in Qingshu Palace.

Even among the seventh-grade Ouchi masters in the palace, he is definitely the best.

Of course, the two most powerful ones were placed in the eldest prince's team to ensure that he could win the final game.

But the attendants around the fourth prince and sixth princess are definitely not bad, and they are all proficient in Cuju.

In this competition, the three brothers and sisters' servants are definitely the strongest.

From the perspective of the Sixth Princess, if Jingyang Palace couldn't even get three people together, how could it be possible to get a good deal from them.

"It's a joke to put a vest on a kitten!"

The Sixth Princess sneered, obviously thinking that Princess Ankang had no choice but to find a cat to come up and make up the numbers.

To some extent, this is also true.

After all, there are only three of them in Jingyang Palace.

Emperor Yongyuan probably meant to take care of them when he set the competition to three-person Cuju.

Otherwise, if they were asked to find one more person to appear, Jingyang Palace would not be able to find one.

"Sixth sister, you still have to be careful."

"That cat is Ankang's pet. He also won the previous animal taming competition with this cat."

"Even I have to admit Ankang's strength in taming animals."

The eldest prince analyzed calmly.

At that time, although he was not able to participate in the competition with his most proud white mark, the other thin dogs he trained were still good.

But he still lost to the little black cat raised by Princess Ankang.

"At least, that cat doesn't have any problems with commands."

"Maybe he will be as big a trouble as Lao Ba's Haidongqing."

While speaking, the eldest prince's eyes had turned to the field.

Two quarters of an hour passed quickly, and the first round was over.

In the second round of the competition, the eighth prince suddenly appeared.

As expected by everyone, the Eighth Prince's team consisted of two people and one beast, with Axiang standing majestically on his arm.

Axiang looked down at his opponents, raised his head proudly, and looked like a king.

There is a bird participating in the Cuju competition, which is really a big advantage.

It can be clearly seen that as the Eighth Prince came on the stage, everyone's eyes were focused on the field where he was.

Everyone wants to see how much role Axiang can play in the game.

With a whistle, the second round of competition officially began.

The eighth prince's opponent is a little bean curd.

Although Xiao Douding is small, his two close attendants cannot be underestimated.

Two muscular eunuchs with big shoulders and round waists stood on both sides of Little Douding, guarding him tightly.

"Laoba, it seems that's the end of the day for you."

Xiao Douding looked at the lineup on the Eighth Prince's side and said confidently.

The Eighth Prince looked at Xiao Douding opposite and was also confident of victory.

"You bastard, you're going to call me Bago!"

The Eighth Prince, as a child king, is still very dignified and cannot tolerate the slightest provocation from the little beans.

At the beginning of the game, Xiao Douding took the lead and launched the first round of offensive.

Xiao Douding, who was still very arrogant just now, naturally retreated behind the two attendants, hiding his presence.

Then the two big-bodied eunuchs immediately stepped forward and launched an attack simply by combining passes and shots, without any extravagant movements.


The ball made a muffled sound, then made a sound of breaking through the air, and shot straight towards Feng Liuyan on the opposite side.

After seeing a warrior kicking Cuju, the three little ones were already used to this kind of attack.

I even think that kicking Cuju should be like this.

If the Eighth Prince didn't have time to defend. Xiaodouding's side should be able to win this point.

But at this moment, a clear cry resounded throughout the audience.

The next moment, Axiang's figure flew out and stopped the ball in time before it passed through Feng Liuyan.

Axiang's iron claws were seen hitting the ball heavily, immediately changing the trajectory of the ball.

But at the same time, it can also be clearly seen that Axiang's figure also fluttered backwards with this impact.

After all, Axiang is a bird, so he has some disadvantages in terms of body shape.

But even so, it is enough to play an important role in this Cuju competition.

After successfully fending off Xiao Douding's attack, the Eighth Prince and his attendants were not far behind.

He arrived at the landing point of the ball first, controlled the ball, passed it twice lightly, and then shot the ball high.

Although the Eighth Prince's shot was quite powerful, its accuracy was slightly worse.

Looking at the arc drawn by the ball, it seems that it is going to cross the goal and go straight out of the field.

But even so, there was no trace of embarrassment on the Eighth Prince's face, and he still maintained a confident smile.

"Haha, old man, you're still so bad at football!"

When Xiao Douding saw that the Eighth Prince was playing so poorly, he immediately pointed at him and laughed, taunting him endlessly.

"Boy, you are too young!"

The eighth prince curled his lips and smiled contemptuously.

Seeing that the Eighth Prince was still speaking harshly, Xiao Douding was about to continue taunting him mercilessly when he suddenly heard the attendant next to him shout:

"not good!"

The ball that was going to cross the goal suddenly changed direction, turned downwards, and flew in the direction of Feng Liuyan.

They all saw clearly that it was Axiang who had just blocked the attack before, and in the blink of an eye he appeared in front of their goal again and delivered the fatal blow.

Axiang swooped down like an eagle hitting Mao Zhi, and slapped the ball hard with his talons.

With the help of his own weight and speed, the ball that was originally flying upward suddenly accelerated with a whoosh.

By the time Xiao Douding's two attendants realized something was wrong, it was already too late, and they could only watch the ball pass through Feng Liu's eyes.

"One to zero!"

After a whistle, the referee on the sidelines made a decision.

"Foul, foul!"

"How can anyone play Cuju like this?"

"Axiang is attacking in the air, how can we defend him from below?"

"People don't have wings!"

Xiao Douding was naturally unconvinced and immediately expressed his dissatisfaction loudly to the referee.

But these are of course useless.

Since it was agreed at the beginning of the competition to let the tamed animals participate in the competition, it is natural that such a situation has already been encountered.

The eunuch in colorful clothes who was in charge of the referee remained silent. He just shook his head, rejected Xiao Douding's protest, and signaled that the game should continue.

"Damn it, damn it!"

"Despicable old man!"

Little Douding stomped his feet angrily to vent his anger as if he wanted to stomp through the soles of his shoes.

"Why don't you two think of a solution quickly?"

After Little Douding stamped his feet to numb them, he turned around and started to lose his temper at his two attendants.

"Your Highness, there is no need to worry."

"We were just testing it out."

"Now I have tested the opponent's depth and have a glimpse of the chance of victory."

Although these two eunuchs look tall and thick, they are both human beings.

Even if the current situation is really not good, they will not say anything depressing themselves. Instead, they will cheer up Xiao Douding and give the master the illusion that I still have the upper hand.

In this way, even if they do lose the game in the end, it can be said to be bad luck, not lack of strength.

They are naturally the most aware of being slaves. Although the results are important, the experience process is the most important.

Even if the final result is crappy, as long as the master can be made happy, he will naturally continue to reuse them in the future.

Otherwise, how could there be so many servants in the palace who are all smart and capable.

It all relies on this ever-changing "way of slavery". Even if you are familiar with it, no matter how incompetent you are, you can still be reused.

To put it simply, they don’t have to be capable as slaves, but they must learn to provide emotional value to their masters.

Isn't that right?

As soon as the two eunuchs cheated, Xiao Douding immediately turned from anger to joy and urged them:

"Oh? Where is the chance to win?"

"Tell me quickly!"

Seeing their master Hong Wen fade away, the two eunuchs looked at each other and secretly said, "It's so dangerous."

But the two of them immediately whispered something into Little Douding's ear, which made Little Douding beam with laughter.

"Okay, okay, kick me, kick me hard!"

After hearing what the two eunuchs said about their chances of winning, Xiao Douding beamed happily and returned to his initial confident state.

Naturally, their changes were not hidden from the Eighth Prince across from them. After all, this little Douding was beaming with joy and had no intention of hiding it at all.

But the Eighth Prince didn't care and waited for them to kick off.

The Little Beans had just lost a point, so according to the rules, it was up to them to continue kicking off the ball.

This time they changed their positions, with Xiao Douding in front and the two eunuchs behind.

Little Douding gave the ball a symbolic bump in front and passed it to the back.

The ball fell between the two eunuchs, and then they actually raised their legs at the same time, one left and one right, and kicked the ball brazenly, launching a tacit coordinated attack.

"Big Eagle, don't underestimate the bond between us!"

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