Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 470 Report, I want to be a tainted witness!

Li Xuan couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

It is definitely not easy for Xu Lang to be called a master.

The carriage they were sitting in was extremely conspicuous, and there were eunuchs in colorful clothes accompanying the carriage for protection.

In this posture, no one would take risks for no reason.

Li Xuan quickly lay down by the window, opened the curtain with his head, and looked out.

As expected, there was a figure standing in front of the carriage, blocking their way.

This is the first time Li Xuan has met this person, but judging from his demeanor, he should not be an ordinary person.

This is a very handsome-looking uncle with a few highlights of white hair on his temples. He is handsome and well-dressed. He is a man who puts a lot of thought into his appearance.

People who have the energy to spend so much time on their appearance must be either rich or noble.

And as soon as Li Xuan felt it, he noticed the extremely restrained and calm aura of the other party.

"At least he has the strength of level four."

Li Xuan couldn't help but be secretly shocked. He didn't expect that there was such a powerful figure in the capital.

The other party's method of concentrating his breath was extremely clever. If Li Xuan hadn't been carrying Yin and Yang Qi, he might not have been able to make such a clear judgment.

As for Xu Lang, he probably made his judgment based on instinct.

Otherwise, if he really knew the danger of the other party, the level of precautions would not be so low.

Li Xuan immediately wrote to the two girls to remind them:

"At least he is as strong as Zhao Feng, so be careful."

Princess Ankang and Yu'er looked shocked, then nodded solemnly.

Although I guessed that the other party would not be so crazy as to intercept and kill the princess not far from the imperial city, it was better to be cautious before knowing the purpose of the other party's visit.

At this time, Xu Lang, who was in the carriage after reminding him, also shouted loudly: "Who is coming? Do you know whose car the collision was? Why don't you retreat quickly?"

While he was talking, the eunuchs in colorful clothes accompanying him had already surrounded the person blocking the car.

At this moment of tension, the other party replied calmly:

"My dear Chen Tan, I had relevant clues from the Money Gang and the Chang'an County Magistrate, so I had no choice but to stop His Highness's carriage. Please forgive me."

The uncle who called himself Chen Tan respectfully knelt down on one knee and apologized for his reckless behavior.

"Is it a private informant?"

The three little ones looked at each other with a look of surprise on their faces.

But then they realized something was wrong.

Princess Ankang just ordered Xiaocui to investigate the matter secretly yesterday. Where did this person named Chen Tan get the news?

They made the matter bigger in the court, but it was just a front-foot effort. After the court was over, the three little ones immediately left the palace, and then they met this man blocking the carriage.

No matter where this uncle named Chen Tan got the news, he was moving a little too fast, right?

"Your Highness, is there any conspiracy?"

Yu'er said worriedly.

But Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He was not afraid of someone playing dirty tricks, but he was afraid of encountering a reckless man who would attack them halfway regardless.

This unreasonable situation made Li Xuan feel troubled.

Princess Ankang obviously had the same intention and said to Yu'er:

"If it's a conspiracy, I really want to see what tricks they want to play."

Then Princess Ankang smiled confidently and ordered Xu Lang through the car curtain:

"Please ask this righteous man to follow us, and then find a nearby teahouse or restaurant where we can talk."

Xu Lang immediately conveyed Princess Ankang's intention.

Chen Tan immediately agreed and walked respectfully beside the carriage.

Soon, they found a teahouse with not many customers and asked for a private room to sit down.

In the private room, Princess Ankang sat down with Li Xuan in her arms, with Yu'er and Xu Lang standing behind her. There were eunuchs in colorful clothes guarding the door outside.

Opposite them, Chen Tan sat down with a smile and treated Princess Ankang respectfully.

"Your Highness Princess, please forgive Chen Tan for being rude. I really have something important to report to Your Highness, but there is no suitable way, so I have to block the way in the street."

Princess Ankang smiled slightly and maintained her royal style.

"Chen Yishi, don't be cautious. I heard you had clues about the Money Gang and the Chang'an County Magistrate. What's going on?"

"Your Highness, in recent years, people have heard that the Chang'an County Magistrate has accepted bribes, coerced local gangs into giving money, and helped them embezzle people's property. He also took advantage of his position to judge cases indiscriminately, and sent those who complained to prison. Such evil deeds, It’s really outrageous.”

When Li Xuan heard this, he felt something was wrong.

Princess Ankang even waved her hands and said:

"No, no, no, Chen Yishi misunderstood."

"What I'm asking is, how did Chen Yishi know that I was investigating this matter?"

"Logically speaking, not many people should know about this matter until now."

Although Princess Ankang was still smiling, the meaning contained in it made Chen Tan swallow nervously.

"Haha, this..."

Chen Tan laughed twice, then replied naturally:

"Your Highness broke into the Chang'an County Government Office yesterday, and the county magistrate was frightened by His Highness's righteousness. He was so frightened that he peed his pants and fell unconscious on the spot. Now the news has spread throughout the capital."

"When the common people thought about it, they felt that His Highness would never do this for no reason, and that's why he took the presumptuous action today."

"Did the common people misunderstand His Highness's intentions?"

Chen Tan asked apologetically.

After hearing these words, Princess Ankang couldn't help but take another look at this person.

She knew that Chen Tan must not be telling the truth, but no matter what his purpose was, she didn't mind hearing what clues he had.

"Then I wonder what clues Chen Yishi has, to see if we can convict the Chang'an County Magistrate."

"I will tell you everything I know. If we can bring down the county magistrate Zhang who has plundered the people, it will be a great merit."

Chen Tan said righteously, and then he enumerated the crimes of the Chang'an County Magistrate, starting from the most recent example and working his way back, and he was so meticulous.

After listening for a moment, Princess Ankang felt something was wrong.

"Is this person Zhang Jian's master or accountant?"

"How does he know so much?"

"Betrayal by a confidant? Or is it a fraud?"

Princess Ankang silently exchanged glances with Li Xuan in her arms, and saw that Li Xuan was also confused.

Chen Tan talked about Zhang Jian's good deeds, and he described them in detail, including how much money Zhang Jian had embezzled and how much he had paid to his superiors.

In just a few moments, Chen Tan had counted all the good deeds Zhang Jian had done in the past month, and he was just short of telling the three children what color underwear Zhang Jian wore every day.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Chen."

Princess Ankang couldn't help interrupting.

"How did you know all these things?"

"And empty words are not enough, do you have evidence to prove that these things really happened?"

As a result, Chen Tan's next response made the three children even more confused.

"Of course there is evidence."

Chen Tan answered affirmatively, and then took out a thick account book from his arms.

"Your Highness, please take a look."

"This is a copy of Zhang Jian's personal account book for the past six months. In addition, I can find the person involved in the cases mentioned earlier. If the person is deceased, his family can also be found."

Princess Ankang took the account book and flipped through it for a while. She found that the data on it was rigorous and did not seem to be falsified at will.

But just through the one-sided words of this stranger, Princess Ankang found it difficult to believe Chen Tan's words.

After all, how could such a good thing happen?

They were just about to go out to investigate the evidence of the crime of the Chang'an County Magistrate, and someone took the initiative to offer all the evidence. Any normal person would doubt it.

"Mr. Chen, how did you know about this account book and the things you said?"

"This answer is related to whether I can trust everything you say. Please answer honestly."

Princess Ankang stared into Chen Tan's eyes and asked seriously.

Chen Tan was stunned, as if he suddenly remembered something, and apologized repeatedly:

"Oh, look at my brain, I actually forgot about this."

The three little ones and Xu Lang were unmoved, waiting to see what tricks Chen Tan was going to play.

"I am not polite. I was nervous just now and forgot to introduce myself to Your Highness."

"Please allow me to introduce myself again."

Chen Tan said, stood up from his seat, bowed to Princess Ankang, and introduced himself:

"I am Chen Tan, the current leader of the Jinqian Gang, a folk righteous group, the Beijing Chamber of Commerce."

"Ah? (Meow?)"

Chen Tan's self-introduction made the three little ones look even more confused than before.

Even Xu Lang, who was extremely professional, twitched his mouth and looked weird.

"You said, you are the leader of the Jinqian Gang?"

Princess Ankang confirmed to Chen Tan in disbelief.

"That's right."

Chen Tan nodded firmly.

Princess Ankang looked at the account book in her hand, thought about what Chen Tan said before, blinked her beautiful eyes, and her brain worked quickly.

Li Xuan also blinked his big eyes, and his forehead gradually became hot.

He couldn't figure out what this guy was going to do.

"What are you doing, ouch!"

Li Xuan held his hot forehead and meowed in pain.

Princess Ankang also took a while to relax, and realized that her current behavior was a bit indecent. She immediately sternly looked at her face and asked Chen Tan:

"Boss Chen, are you surrendering now?"

Princess Ankang's tone could not hide the incredible meaning.

"Hey, why did your highness say that?"

The doubt in Chen Tan's tone was also quite simple.

"As far as I know, the Money Gang and the Magistrate of Chang'an County are colluding with each other and jointly oppressing the people."

As soon as Princess Ankang finished speaking, Chen Tan said indignantly:

"Slander, this is all blatant slander!"

"The purpose of the Money Gang has always been to relieve the worries of the people, promote the development of business in the capital, support local merchants in the capital, and help foreign merchants find business opportunities."

After that, Chen Tan sighed heavily again.

"It's just that over the years, the Money Gang has always been misunderstood by people with ulterior motives."

"There are even people like the Magistrate of Chang'an County who want to use the influence of the Money Gang among the people to satisfy their own selfish desires."

"Although the Money Gang has grown stronger, as its scale grows, people's hearts are gradually divided, and the gang is becoming more and more difficult to lead."

"When this happened, I, the gang leader, cannot shirk my responsibility, and I am even more ashamed of the trust of the previous gang leader!"

Chen Tan became more and more excited as he spoke, and he couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

He quickly wiped away his tears and said to Princess Ankang in shame:

"I was a little excited, please forgive me, Your Highness."

"Well, okay." Princess Ankang replied perfunctorily.

Li Xuan was even more stunned.

"Good guy, this acting is so real."

Naturally, he didn't believe that Chen Tan, the leader of the gang, would be so rude. He felt that Chen Tan must have shown this to Princess Ankang, in order to test whether Princess Ankang was simple-minded and believed his lies.

"Good fellow, I co-authored this because I thought the magistrate of Chang'an was about to fall, so I came to cut him off with justice."

Taking advantage of Chen Tan's "revelation of true feelings", Li Xuan and Princess Ankang secretly communicated under the table and wrote on each other's bodies.

After discussing for a while, Princess Ankang asked Chen Tan directly:

"Gang Leader Chen, aren't you afraid of retaliation from the Money Gang by doing this?"

"Even if Zhang Jian falls, the people behind Zhang Jian have not fallen."

I believe Chen Tan himself knows who Princess Ankang is talking about.

No matter how powerful the Money Gang is in the capital, it is just an underground gang. If the Zhang family intends to target them, they may not be able to bear it.

"Your Highness, your words are wrong."

"No one could punish evildoers like Zhang Jian before."

"But it's different now!"

Chen Tan's eyes were moist and he stood up.

"The princess is here, the capital is at peace!"

"When your highness the princess comes, the blue sky will appear!"

Princess Ankang lowered her head, bit her red lips silently, clasped her jade-like toes hard, and completed the huge project of three rooms and one living room in an instant.

Li Xuan noticed Princess Ankang's little moves and was very angry.

"Thankfully, this guy is still the leader of a gang?"

"You're having fun with us, aren't you?"

The leader of the money gang was quite serious at first, but the more we got along with him, the more abnormal he became.

I don’t know if this person is originally so emotional or if he deliberately made such a gesture.

Anyway, Li Xuan and Princess Ankang were very unhappy.

This person simply implements the principle of "I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed" to the end.

Princess Ankang suppressed her temper, and then confirmed to Chen Tan:

"So, Gang Leader Chen hopes to report the crimes of Magistrate Chang'an from the position of a 'victim' who was coerced into helping Magistrate Chang'an, right?"

"Chen just wants to return a peaceful world to the people of the capital."


The three little ones and Xu Lang looked at Chen Tan speechlessly, and thought in unison:

"Why did the Money Gang choose such a guy as its leader?"

Princess Ankang thought about this and suddenly discovered a blind spot. She asked directly and politely:

"How do you prove that you are the leader of the Money Gang?"

Chen Tan was stunned when asked.

The private room suddenly fell into silence.

"I do have a gang leader token here."

As Chen Tan said this, he made a gesture of taking something out of his pocket, but then put it back.

"But His Highness may not recognize the brand of a small gang like ours."

Chen Tan showed a distressed expression, and then suddenly his eyes lit up:

"I brought an entourage with me today, and I have met a few of them. Maybe he can prove my identity."

"I'll bring the people up right now."

Chen Tan said, stood up and pushed the door open, then quickly went downstairs and disappeared.

Princess Ankang looked outside the door and said quietly:

"He didn't run away, did he?"

At this time, Yu'er continued:

"Your Highness, he just ordered the most expensive tea and refreshments in the store and didn't pay for them."

Yu'er is always so sharp when it comes to details like this.

Princess Ankang's eyes twitched.

She is not that short of money now, and can still afford a tea. The main reason is that she doesn't want to be teased by that kind of person, otherwise she will look stupid.

Princess Ankang held the account book in her hand and had the urge to throw it out the window.

Li Xuan didn't think so.

The opponent's strength is so high, there is no reason to play tricks on them like this.

Moreover, even if the account book and what Chen Tan said are false, the three little ones have just wasted some time, and the loss can be ignored.

"Xu Lang, send someone to report the situation here to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and let the two general managers make a decision."

In the previous court meeting, the Ministry of Internal Affairs had already participated in this trial and had the power to go out of the palace to assist in the investigation.

Xu Lang immediately took the order and sent a fast-footed eunuch in colorful clothes back to the palace to report.

At the same time, Chen Tan found his entourage outside the teahouse.

"Why did you ask me to come up? The discussion didn't go well?"

Yang Wanli, deputy leader of the Money Gang, asked nervously.

Yang Wanli is good at disguising his appearance and shrinking his bones. At this time, he pretended to be a hunchbacked old man, holding a stack of candied haws and selling it on the street.

"No, the conversation went very smoothly." Chen Tan said easily.

"With my efforts, Her Royal Highness the Princess has been attracted by my charm and fully understands our appeal."

"Right now, I just have some doubts about my identity. I need you to go up and prove it. Then it will be natural to reach an agreement."

Upon hearing this, Yang Wanli grabbed Chen Tan's lapel and said anxiously:

"Brother, I've told you before that your tricks won't work on little girls, so don't show off in front of His Highness!"

"Hey!" Chen Tan slapped Yang Wanli's hand away in disgust, and said seriously while adjusting his clothes: "I've told you several times, when you work, you should call me gang leader."

At the end, I didn’t forget to add this sentence:

"You are just jealous of my luck!"

Yang Wanli's eyes widened in anger and he threw the candied haws pile.

"I quit, I quit!"

"Whoever wants to be the deputy gang leader of this bastard, I will officially quit the Money Gang now!"

Yang Wanli turned around and left.

Pedestrians on the street were surprised when they saw the hunchbacked old man suddenly walking like the wind.

When Yang Wanli turned around, a look of ecstasy that could not be concealed appeared on his face.

As a result, at the next moment, while Chen Tan took over the candied haws, he also grabbed hold of Yang Wanli, who was running as fast as a ghost.

"Oh, Lao Yang."

"I'm just telling the truth. Why are you so incapable of making jokes?"

"You are no longer the deputy gang leader. Who can I pass the position of gang leader to in the future?"

"dont you agree?"

The joy on Yang Wanli's face disappeared, and he turned to glare at Chen Tan with gritted teeth.

Chen Tan, on the other hand, smiled and couldn't help but put his arm around Yang Wanli with one hand, and walked towards the teahouse with the candied haws in his other hand.

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