"Your Highness, you are too kind."

"Although Bilge has lived in the desert for a long time, I have heard of your reputation."

"I am fortunate to see you today. You are truly worthy of your reputation."

Zheng Wang and Bilge still have the mind to flatter each other in the prison of the Ministry of Justice.

It can be seen that both of them are very indifferent to the current situation.

I just don't know whether these two people are really calm or deliberately pretending.

"If the Wolf Lord knew that Ambassador Bilge was treated like this in the capital, I am afraid he would be very sad."

Bilge just smiled slightly at Zheng Wang's words, and did not express his opinion. Instead, he said:

"I am afraid that the Wolf Lord has a more painful problem to solve now."

"Isn't it, Your Highness?"

Since he was imprisoned, Bilge knew that things were developing in a way he did not expect.

Judging from the fact that Zheng Wang would appear in front of him today, Bilge knew that all this was a gamble by the Emperor of Daxing.

After all, he is an envoy of the desert. It is not difficult to guess why Daxing dares to treat them like this, that is, Daxing no longer needs the hypocritical friendship between the two countries.

"I am also very sorry about this matter."

"Our Majesty is still very young, and it is inevitable that he will be impulsive, but I think in the near future, he will realize his mistakes."

King Zheng said confidently.

Bilge looked at the King Zheng in front of him. Although he kept a smile on his face, he was already very vigilant about this person in his heart.

Even he, the envoy of the desert, knew very well about the ambitions of King Zheng.

But such a person still called the wind and rain in Daxing, with overwhelming power and standing for many years.

Bilge did not doubt what King Zheng said.

Such a person does not need to bluff with words.

After the first meeting with King Zheng, Bilge could not help but begin to doubt in his heart whether his mission to Daxing was right or wrong?

At present, it seems that no matter whether it is Emperor Yongyuan or King Zheng who will sit on the throne in the future, it seems difficult to say which one is a better situation for the desert.

"I hope the two countries can still maintain friendship in the future."

Bilge said sincerely.

"Peace is our common expectation."

King Zheng left this sentence, put on his hood again, and said goodbye.

The private meeting between the two was very short, and they did not exchange much useful information in words. It seemed that it was just a simple greeting.

But what the two people exchanged, perhaps only they themselves knew best.

In the next few days, the three little ones still visited various government offices in the capital as usual to supervise the work of these officials.

But now they have learned how to deal with Princess Ankang. Even if they are deliberately picked on, they will greet them with a smile and never give Princess Ankang a chance to get angry.

This made Princess Ankang, who was determined to play the role of a savage princess, feel a little embarrassed.

And now, Li Xuan is seriously criticizing Princess Ankang for not getting into the role deeply.

"But, Ah Xuan."

"Every time we go there, they serve us well. It's against the rules for me to check their work, but they cooperated very well and didn't complain at all."

"They even did whatever I said. Why would I get so angry in this situation?"

Princess Ankang defended herself aggrievedly.

Li Xuan didn't care. He slapped the ground with his tail and taught her a lesson:

"Does the arrogant princess need a reason to get angry?"

"The tea is too hot, the snacks are not delicious, the other party is too ugly..."

"If you want to find an excuse to get angry, how can you not find one?"

"You little girl is just slacking off!"

Princess Ankang and Yu'er looked at the reasons listed by Li Xuan and couldn't help but frown.

"Ah Xuan, how can you let His Highness live in the future?"

Yu'er stood up for Princess Ankang.

She felt that if Princess Ankang really did this, her reputation would be ruined.

"You are so stupid. For the future of Daxing, what's the point of sacrificing a little reputation?"

"When Daxing really becomes turbulent in the future, it may not be just this little reputation that will be sacrificed at that time."

Li Xuan shook his head and said helplessly.

After all, the two girls are still young and have many naive ideas.

Whether it is Emperor Yongyuan or Prince Zheng, they are not ordinary people.

Two tigers fighting, they cannot survive together.

If the ambition of Prince Zheng cannot be extinguished in time and he is allowed to stir up trouble, then the whole Daxing and even the world will be turbulent, and countless innocent people will be involved.

Li Xuan naturally does not want Princess Ankang and Yu'er to live in such a world.

"But if we make trouble unreasonably, won't it delay their preparations for war?"

Princess Ankang asked puzzledly, holding her chin with her palm.

Li Xuan was silent and speechless.

Princess Ankang made sense.

Although it is not clear why Prince Zheng allowed these officials to actively prepare for war, it is always right to stop the enemy from doing what he wants to do.

In the past few days, Li Xuan has been busy at night, going back and forth between the residences of important officials in various government offices, but he has not found anything.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is also actively investigating, but there is no news until now.

Such a smooth preparation process did not make Li Xuan happy at all, and he was even worried.

During this period of investigation, he clearly understood that these officials were not just acting, but were seriously advancing the process, and even the efficiency was quite gratifying.

But the more this happened, the more uneasy Li Xuan became.

Now, not only the two managers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also Emperor Yongyuan were silent.

Fortunately, they had vowed before, but it looked like the war was really about to start.

Although Emperor Yongyuan said that it would be a good thing for them that the war started, Li Xuan just felt that something was wrong.

Although he had only met King Zheng from a distance a few times before, he was sure that this was not a person who was willing to surrender easily.

"Axuan, don't be anxious yet."

"We'd better wait for the news before taking action."

Princess Ankang touched Li Xuan to calm his impatience.

After visiting all the yamen in the capital as usual during the day, the three little ones returned to Jingyang Palace at dusk.

When the three little front legs came back, the two stewards came to visit.

Surprisingly, neither of the two stewards looked very good-looking.

Not only that, they also brought bad news.

"We have found out what they are doing."

Zhao Feng said and took out a stack of memorials and secret letters.

Manager Shang continued:

"They are not preparing for war, but emptying the treasury!"


The three little ones widened their eyes in shock.

Princess Ankang immediately looked through the memorials and secret letters. In Princess Ankang's arms, Li Xuan lay down at the table and started reading together.

As they quickly browsed the contents of the memorial and the secret letter, Li Xuan and Princess Ankang gradually frowned.

The contents of the memorials are all similar, and they are all kinds of urgent documents.

"Money, grain, ordnance, supplies..."

"Is the treasury about to be emptied?"

Princess Ankang couldn't help asking after reading it.

According to the accounts in the memorial, although Daxing's original treasury was not rich, it was definitely not empty.

But in the past few days, the consumption in the accounts has been like running water, and it has begun to bottom out.

Even before the war started, the treasury was already in dire straits.

"In less than half a month, preparations for the war have already reached the point of being on the verge of bankruptcy."

Manager Shang sighed, as if he had not expected such a situation.

Only then did Li Xuan realize that those officials had prepared so seriously for the war in order to drain the treasury and make the war aborted, announcing it was aborted during the preparation stage.

"The reserves in the national treasury are originally sufficient, right?"

"Otherwise, my father would not insist on starting a war."

"Are they really not afraid of death when they do this?"

The memorials and secret messages in front of her completely broke through Princess Ankang's understanding.

In her opinion, this was a blatant provocation to the imperial power.

Originally, the mission of the three little ones was to find out those who were passive and slack in preparing for the war, so as to punish them and weaken the power of King Zheng's men.

But now, King Zheng took the initiative to commit crimes that were enough to send all his men to beheaded.

Regarding Princess Ankang's problem, Manager Shang gave a detailed explanation.

He first took a memorial, then looked at the accounts on it and began to explain them one by one.

"Your Highness, what is recorded here is not the general ledger that has been consumed."

"The upper part, which accounts for less than half of the consumption, is materials that directly support the front line."

"And the remaining half is the estimated consumption account for assembling an army of 200,000 for the expedition."

Princess Ankang quickly understood the accounts according to Manager Shang's explanation, but even so she didn't feel much better.

"In other words, supplies to support the front line have begun to be mobilized, and some of them are already on their way to the front line."

"As for the 200,000-strong army heading out to the desert, we haven't seen a single shadow yet, but the remaining reserves in the treasury are no longer enough for the army to go out, right?"

"They want to use this to force the father to take back his life?"

"But this account is wrong, isn't it?"

“They went so far in falsifying their accounts, how many people would they have to push out to take the blame?”

Princess Ankang was right.

Even in Li Xuan's opinion, this strategy is not profound, even stupid.

"Isn't this taking the initiative to hand the knife to Emperor Yongyuan?"

Emperor Yongyuan was worried that he could not find a chance to deal with King Zheng's gang members.

If this matter is investigated further and accused of delaying foreign wars and embezzling the treasury, then why not make it bloody?

"Your Highness, their mastery lies here."

Zhao Feng said, clenching his fists with an ugly expression.

"They haven't touched a penny of the money in the treasury."

Zhao Feng's words made the three little ones feel baffled.

Princess Ankang even asked more: "But the accounts in this memorial..."

"They advanced money from the treasury." Zhao Feng took a deep breath and closed his eyes unwillingly: "From the prefectures and counties around the front line."

The three little ones blinked, not understanding what they meant.

Manager Shang pressed Zhao Feng's shoulder and explained for him:

"Your Majesty dares to speak out and is well prepared to deal with it. He has close confidants who support him in several important yamen. The expenditure of the treasury is closely monitored by His Majesty."

"I didn't expect that Prince Zheng would find a way to bypass these people."

"In the name of supporting the front line as soon as possible, they directly transferred all the needed supplies and grain from the warehouses of prefectures and counties around the front line to the front line. The remaining part was collected from the private sector in the name of temporary war tax."

"This matter is gradually expanding its scope and its impact is extremely harmful."

Hearing this, the hearts of the three little ones all trembled.

"In principle, the materials collected from the temporary war tax will be repaid to the people in batches from the national treasury in the next few years, so it is said to be an advance payment to the national treasury."

"The reason for such a huge expenditure is that they directly mobilized supplies and food for the two hundred thousand troops from the beginning, which will produce a lot of waste during transportation."

"Things that should have been done step by step were mentioned directly from the beginning to maximize consumption."

When the three little ones heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

Just listening to Manager Shang's explanation, they could already imagine what was happening in the counties around the front line.

In the name of the imperial court, local officials emptied the treasury and at the same time levied excessive taxes on the people.

The explanation for all this may be that Emperor Yongyuan launched a war against the desert on a whim.

It is conceivable how much resentment the people will have towards Emperor Yongyuan if this process is pushed forward by someone with intentions.

Thinking of this scene, Li Xuan couldn't help but swallow.

"And how much supplies were collected, how much was consumed on the way, and how much was left after being finally sent to the front line."

"It's difficult for us to verify the details in the capital."

"Even if we verify them one by one in the future, it will take a lot of time and energy."

Speaking of this, Manager Shang also showed a rare look of exhaustion.

"In other words, King Zheng took advantage of this opportunity to not only damage his father's prestige among the people, but also embezzled a large amount of money, food, grass and other materials collected from the people. In the end, he forced his father to stop preparing for war, withdraw his life, and lost his face. …”

"Do you kill three birds with one stone?"

Princess Ankang murmured to herself, with a complicated expression.

Before getting the news, Princess Ankang really thought that those officials had learned from the mistakes made by the magistrate of Chang'an and began to work hard and obey the orders of Emperor Yongyuan.

But now it seems that she was really too naive.

"Now, we are in a dilemma."

Manager Shang sighed.

Suddenly, Li Xuan jumped on the table and wrote with his tail:

"I didn't complete the task."

"Axuan, this matter has nothing to do with you!" Zhao Feng said flatly.

"Is our entire Ministry of Internal Affairs just a decoration? Do we need to put all the responsibility on you, a cat?"

"This matter has been found out. It was several low-level officials from the Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Household Affairs and Ministry of War who falsely sent orders to the local government. The local government actively cooperated, which resulted in such consequences."

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs failed to detect it in time and is fully to blame!"

Zhao Feng lowered his eyes and looked gloomy.

The three little ones couldn't help but feel a little silent when they saw Zhao Feng's terrifying appearance for the first time.

Manager Shang said nothing.

Now the general manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is Zhao Feng, and he needs to handle these matters himself.

Otherwise, it will only be a matter of time before Zhao Feng loses His Majesty's trust.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Xuan asked Zhao Feng:

"Is there anything else I can do?"

"There will be." Zhao Feng said firmly.

"Whatever they eat, I will make sure they spit it out twice as much!"

Zhao Feng's tone was cold and frightening.

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