Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 479 Returning to the old business

The business Li Xuan wanted to do was naturally not to gamble in a gambling house.

But in order to make preparations, he planned to come to these money-backed industries to liquidate the assets and see if there was anything that could be used.

Just like the fourth prince can take advantage of Boss Qian's connections and industry, Princess Ankang naturally has no reason to give up the advantage of money.

As long as their capital is still the 10,000 taels of silver notes and they can make the business look legitimate, then no matter how much the final profit is, it will comply with the regulations of the competition.

Arriving outside Sihai Casino, Li Xuan asked Xu Lang to find the person in charge here.

After identifying themselves, they quickly met the person in charge of the gambling house.

Nowadays, due to the shortage of manpower in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the person in charge of this gambling house is directly a flower-dressed eunuch.

However, the flower-dressed eunuch in front of them was wearing casual clothes. Apart from his special temperament and young-looking face, he didn't look out of place in a gambling house.

"Your Highness, your lord."

Arriving at the private room behind the gambling house, the eunuch in charge of the place respectfully saluted Princess Ankang and Li Xuan.

Princess Ankang glanced at Li Xuan in her arms with some surprise.

She had felt a little strange before. It was normal for the colorful eunuchs in the palace to salute her. Why did she never forget to salute respectfully when she saw her own kitten.

"Is it the care of the two managers?"

Princess Ankang just thought about this question in her mind and did not ask it. After all, they still had business to do at the moment.

Xu Lang also got straight to the point, following Li Xuan's instructions and questioning the person in charge directly.

According to Xu Lang, the flower-dressed eunuch in front of them is responsible for managing all the money gang industries that have been taken over recently, and is directly under the management of Zhao Feng.

If it weren't for this relationship, Xu Lang wouldn't have recognized this person.

The colorful eunuchs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs divided into two groups according to the affairs inside and outside the palace.

We don’t interact with many people on weekdays, and sometimes we even don’t know each other.

But because this person reported directly to Zhao Feng, Xu Lang knew his information.

"The villain Zhu Shimin is indeed responsible for the money help business that he took over, but I don't know why His Highness is here today..."

Zhu Shimin looked to be in his twenties, with a fair face and no beard, but his body and bones were the same as Xu Lang's, strong and slender.

Although he is mainly responsible for affairs outside the palace, he also knows the content of the competition between princes and princesses this month, so he is a little worried that Princess Ankang is coming to defeat him.

Although these properties are ostensibly in the name of Princess Ankang, Zhu Shimin reported to Zhao Feng, and it is impossible to give these properties to Princess Ankang for casual use without Zhao Feng's consent.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for you."

Princess Ankang was thoughtful and understood Zhu Shimin's concerns, and immediately held Li Xuan in her arms to her.

"If you want to ask, just ask him."

Looking at Li Xuan in front of him, Zhu Shimin blinked.

He is responsible for the business of the Money Gang and is one of Zhao Feng's trusted confidants. He is naturally aware of Li Xuan's existence, otherwise he would not have saluted so respectfully before.

"I wonder what Master A-Xuan's orders are?"

Zhao Feng had previously told them that no matter what the circumstances, they must try their best to cooperate and meet Li Xuan's requirements and not neglect them.

Li Xuan patted him with his tail and wrote:

"Don't be too nervous. I just came to do business with you. At most, I will lend you some manpower and money."

When Zhu Shimin saw this, his expression turned bitter.

"Yeah, it's still the same."

But he couldn't refuse Li Xuan's request directly. He could only delay time and ask Zhao Feng to make a decision.

Just as he was thinking about what to say, Li Xuan continued to write:

"Don't worry, I will only lend some people for now. As for whether you want to borrow money later, it is up to you to decide. And there will be enough time for you to report to the boss, so I won't embarrass you."

"Everything I borrow from you will be charged with interest. It doesn't matter if you don't want to borrow it later."

"I just want to lead your Ministry of Internal Affairs to earn some pocket money."

Li Xuan's tone was not small, but the lack of force made Zhu Shimin sigh in relief.

"In that case, let me do as you please."

Zhu Shimin answered respectfully and thought to himself: "As long as it's not a loan, it's easy to talk about anything."

Li Xuan looked at Zhu Shimin and knew what he was thinking.

But as he said before, he really didn't come here today to take advantage.

"Do you know anything about the Taobao stall business in West Market?" Li Xuan went straight to the point.

Zhu Shimin smiled helplessly, but still replied:

"Of course it is clear. The Money Gang was responsible for managing that area before. The stall fees and management fees of the stall owners were collected by the Money Gang. Although it is not much, it is a stable income."

The three little ones were stunned. They didn't expect that there was such a relationship.

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs has no plans to move these relatively stable businesses yet, and they will remain as they are for the time being."

"But this business is not reliable. It is just a way for antique shops in the West Market to deal with their overstocked inventory. There are very few real things mixed with Taobao stalls for sale."

Zhu Shimin thought Li Xuan wanted to make money from the Taobao stall, so he quickly persuaded him.

But after listening to Zhu Shimin's words, Li Xuan didn't take it seriously and asked:

"So, you guys should know a lot about Taobao stalls."

"In this case, you can help me check their purchasing channels and the inventory on the market, focusing on the batch of fifty taels of silver."

After listening to Li Xuan's request, Zhu Shimin thought for a while and said:

"My lord, this is not difficult. I can find someone familiar to explain it to you now."

"As for the specific number, I'm afraid it will take two days."

Li Xuan nodded and motioned to Zhu Shimin to do it now.

Zhu Shimin didn't hesitate: "Sit down here for a while. The younger ones will go and come back."

Zhu Shimin was also a resolute master, and he quickly brought people over.

This was an old accountant with white hair and beard. He walked in shakily, bowed his head to the people in the room, and said respectfully:

"I've met a few adults!"

Mr. Zhang Fang obviously got Zhu Shimin's signal, so he was so generous when he came up.

Princess Ankang quickly signaled and asked Xu Lang to help him up.

It's not easy for this old man at his old age, and he actually helps such an underground gang make a living with money.

"Mr. Tao is the accountant who is responsible for managing the revenue and expenditure of the Taobao stall. He knows the situation there best."

At the moment, Li Xuan wrote on the back of Princess Ankang's hand, and then she asked questions.

"Mr. Tao, I wonder where the antiques on Taobao stalls come from. Can the source of the goods be checked?"

"As far as I know, they are all overstocked inventory of various antique shops in the capital. Some of them cannot be sold, and some are damaged during storage and transportation, so they are sold to the Taobao stall owners at low prices."

"In addition, there are people who specialize in making fakes to make them old. These people are not skilled in craftsmanship and cannot imitate more valuable antiques, so they can only do these menial and tiring jobs, with little profit."

"Most of the Taobao antiques under 20 taels come from this."

Mr. Tao knows everything and has an honest attitude.

"Where are those fifty taels of antiques?" Princess Ankang asked next.

"Most of these are real antiques, but they cannot be sold for various reasons. For example, the year of origin cannot be confirmed, or they lack commemorative significance. In short, they are all boxed goods that are determined to be loss-making, and they are sold out out of necessity. The Taobao stall owner, therefore, has a higher purchasing price, so he sells it at a high price of fifty taels.”

"But as far as I know, antiques on Taobao stalls at this price are the most difficult to sell. After all, fifty taels is enough to buy real antiques."

Mr. Tao endured a sentence and did not say: "How can there be so many fools in this world?"

But next, Princess Ankang's question made Mr. Tao glare.

"If I buy all the antiques priced at 50 taels from Taobao stalls in Beijing, how much will it cost?"

"This, this..." Mr. Tao looked at Zhu Shimin at a loss, not knowing how to answer.

Zhu Shimin said coldly: "Just answer whatever I ask you!"

"This little old man has never calculated carefully, and he doesn't dare to talk nonsense." Mr. Tao said this, but he looked thoughtful, obviously he was calculating in his head.

"If you calculate it roughly, it will require at least tens of thousands taels of silver, and at most hundreds of thousands taels. It is difficult to exceed 200,000 taels."

Mr. Tao was quite experienced, and he could calculate a rough result in just a few breaths.

When Li Xuan heard this, he smiled playfully.

"That's okay, don't be too greedy."

At this time, except Li Xuan, no one else knew the purpose of his asking these questions.

After asking Mr. Tao questions, he let him go down.

Li Xuan got out of Princess Ankang's arms, stood on the table and said to Zhu Shimin:

"Little Minzi, please do me a favor."

Zhu Shimin hurriedly responded: "Your Majesty, just ask."

"Send someone to buy fifty taels of silver antiques from Taobao stalls. Remember, only the ones priced at fifty taels are not accepted. Let them choose carefully. Even if they don't know how to do it, pretend to be selective. "

"I will give you ten thousand taels today and buy two hundred pieces back."

"By the way, remember to send more money to help the original gang members."

Zhu Shimin glanced at Li Xuan, but then immediately accepted the order and left without asking any questions.

"Should I say it or not, these colorful eunuchs are really useful."

Li Xuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Then, he directly took out 10,000 taels of silver notes from the Emperor Hong Bone Ring, only to find that Zhu Shimin had already gone out to order people to do something.

"Hey, little Minzi, why did you go to do something before you even got the money?"

Princess Ankang asked curiously.

Hearing that Princess Ankang imitated Li Xuan and called Zhu Shimin Xiaominzi, the others didn't think anything of it, but Xu Lang's expression changed slightly, and he looked a little unnatural, but he quickly covered it up.

"Axuan, are you planning to sell these antiques?"

"But didn't Mr. Tao just say that these fifty-tael antiques are not easy to sell even on Taobao stalls?"

Princess Ankang still hasn't figured out the business Li Xuan wants to do.

Li Xuan shook his head and replied:

"No, we don't sell antiques, we sell a story."


The expression on Princess Ankang's face was even more confusing.

After a while, Zhu Shimin came back after explaining the matter. Li Xuan handed him the banknote. Zhu Shimin did not refuse and accepted it directly.

This kind of detail of doing things first and getting money later made Li Xuan very fond of Zhu Shimin.

"No wonder Old Zhao came to arrange and take charge of the money gang's affairs."

After Zhu Shimin accepted the banknote, he then asked Li Xuan:

"Do you have any other instructions, sir?"

"No, go and do your work." Li Xuan replied with a casual wave of his tail.

"The little fellow, please retire first. If you have anything to do, please give me your instructions."

After Zhu Shimin went out, Princess Ankang couldn't help but ask: "Axuan, what should we do next?"



In the next few days, Li Xuan continued to provide funds for Zhu Shimin to buy goods on the market.

10,000 taels, 30,000 taels, 50,000 taels…

Li Xuan gradually asked Zhu Shimin to increase his purchases.

Thanks to the support of Zhou's mother's inheritance, this money was no burden for them.

And Princess Ankang's 10,000 taels of capital had already been included in it.

However, although the business of Taobao stalls was not illegal, it was not regulated by the government, and only the money gang was responsible for managing the stalls.

So, Princess Ankang's business should be exempted from any taxes generated by the transaction.

After all, the money gang only charged management fees to the Taobao stall owners, and did not charge any fees to the buyers.

And from the first day, Taobao stalls actually responded.

I don't know where the stupid rich man came from, but he actually bought antiques worth fifty taels of silver in large quantities on Taobao stalls.

Although many people came forward to buy in batches, it was abnormal enough to sell two hundred pieces in one day.

Especially since the circle of Taobao stalls was not large, it attracted the attention of many stall owners on the first day.

But when the intensity of the second and third days of the shopping spree continued to increase, these stall owners realized that something was wrong.

Some stall owners stepped up their purchases, intending to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

Some stall owners quietly put away their goods and planned to wait and see.

On the third day, when Li Xuan invested 50,000 taels, there were few antiques priced at 50 taels on the Taobao stalls on the market.

The news that antiques priced at 50 taels were in short supply spread quickly in the West Market, and more and more people involved in the antique business began to pay attention.

East of the city, Songbaizhai.

Boss Qian handed over the 100,000 taels of silver notes with trembling hands and bought back the goods that originally belonged to him from the fourth prince.

He knew that when his silver notes were handed over, his goods would become less and less, until he had nothing.

"Boss Qian, look at it more openly."

"You spend money now to make money in the future."

The fourth prince comforted him casually and planned to leave.

If it weren't for making the business look legal, he wouldn't have to go through so much trouble and pretend to do business back and forth.

But at least, the bulging banknotes in his arms told him that it was all worth it.

In three days, 30,000 taels turned into 100,000 taels, and it was unknown how many times it had increased.

But the Fourth Prince also knew that once Boss Qian's assets were emptied, this good business would be over.

But just as the Fourth Prince was about to leave, Boss Qian suddenly called him.

"Fourth Master, wait a minute!"


The Fourth Prince couldn't help but frown, his face turned cold.

It was far from the time for Boss Qian to beg for mercy, which made the Fourth Prince very dissatisfied.

According to his estimation, Boss Qian's assets were enough to do business for a few days, and begging for mercy now made the Fourth Prince feel that Boss Qian was a little too confused.

When he followed him to make money before, he should have had today's awareness.

But Boss Qian's performance disappointed the Fourth Prince.

Seeing the Fourth Prince's expression, Boss Qian shuddered with fear and hurriedly explained:

"Fourth Master, it's like this."

"There are rumors in the West Market that someone is buying goods at Taobao stalls, only buying antiques priced at fifty taels, and has been buying for several days in a row, spending a lot of money."

"Some people say that this batch of antiques is mixed with relics of the ancient underground city in the Western Regions."

"These relics seem to have clues to enter the ruins of the underground city."

The Fourth Prince couldn't help but sneer at Boss Qian's words and shook his head in disdain.

"Why do you think I'm here toss with you now?"

"This is a competition, and my brothers and sisters are also trying to make money with me."

"Just wanting to make money with such a trick is a bit too naive."

The Fourth Prince couldn't help but laugh and laughed.

"But Fourth Master, even if this is a lie, we still have a chance to make money."

"Some of the stall owners of those Taobao stalls have already taken the goods for private transactions. The antiques that were originally worth fifty taels can now be sold for eighty taels."

"I have a lot of antiques of this quality here."

Boss Qian said, looking back at the antiques he "bought" today.

After hearing this, the Fourth Prince couldn't help but ask: "Why don't those stall owners sell directly, but have to trade privately?"

In his opinion, this is all proof of rumors.

"Fourth Master, you don't know."

"There are rules on Taobao stalls. You can't bargain. The prices are fixed at those few levels. If you change the prices randomly, the managers of the Jinqian Gang will drive the stall owners out, and the Taobao stalls will not be able to do business in the future."

"If it weren't for the big market this time, those stall owners wouldn't dare to trade privately."

For Boss Qian's strong persuasion, the Fourth Prince had no intention of being moved.

"Don't I know how much money they have in their hands?"

"Boss Qian, you should just do business with me at ease."

The Fourth Prince said with a hint of warning.

The other princes and princesses only had 10,000 taels of silver each, so no matter how they tried to steal their money, it would be impossible to earn all the money they had.

But the Fourth Prince had already made 70,000 taels of silver from Boss Qian, so there was no need for him to get involved.

But Boss Qian was still unwilling to give up, so he grabbed the Fourth Prince's sleeve and tried to persuade him.

The Fourth Prince could no longer bear it, so he was about to slap Boss Qian in the face.

He felt that he was too polite today and was too disrespectful to Boss Qian, which made him forget his superiority and inferiority.

But before the slap landed on Boss Qian's face, the fourth prince's movements suddenly stopped.

"One hundred thousand taels!"

Boss Qian met the slap and spoke out these three words firmly without blinking.

When the fourth prince heard this number, he was stunned for a moment and did not bother to hit anyone.

"Fourth Master, they have spent more than 100,000 taels on goods in the past few days. There must be something to gain!"

Boss Qian tried his best to persuade him as if he had grasped the last straw.

"One hundred thousand taels?"

The fourth prince's expression also changed, and he quietly retracted his slap.

"Is it Lao Ba?"

"He tricked those little guys into forming an alliance again?"

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