A single stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The originally dead black market has rekindled a bit of enthusiasm.

Everyone found that the transaction price really began to rise slowly.

Many people even found that the antiques they put up were obviously bought faster, and even as much as they offered would be bought.

When the market was hot before, they had to compete for bidding to buy antiques, but later it began to plummet. They only needed to put up antiques and prices and wait for the results of the transaction. If the transaction could not be successful, they would continue to lower the price.

Therefore, most people who panicked and sold their antiques did not know who they sold their antiques to.

But for them now, as long as they can ship, they are already saving their lives.


The three brothers and sisters of the eldest prince looked at each other, and the idea of ​​​​determined to ship began to waver again, and no one spoke first.

"It seems to be over?"

The fourth prince was talking about the endless decline like an avalanche before.

The eldest prince and the sixth princess did not speak, and they could not be sure.

And because of the previous scene, they were also scared.

But unlike the eldest prince and his three siblings, other people in the black market even cried with joy, thinking that they had finally survived the darkest moment and were glad for their persistence.

But some people were very upset, thinking that they had sold too early, and some even bought it back.

But even so, the price was still steadily adjusted, and it seemed that the decline had stopped.

"Fourth brother, why don't you sell it to stop the loss?"

"If it falls again, I really can't stand it."

The Sixth Princess is a girl after all, and she is more timid at this time and wants to choose a more secure way.

The eldest prince also meant it, but he just looked at the fourth prince and didn't say anything to persuade him.

In his opinion, he had persuaded enough tonight, and he had said all the words that should be persuaded, and the fourth prince still needed to make his own decision.

After all, they had agreed at the beginning that the fourth prince would be responsible for this month's competition, and it would always be bad to intervene halfway now.

Anyway, no matter how bad the result is, it's just losing all the capital and losing the game. They have lost before, and such a result is far from being unaffordable.

"Brother, Sixth Sister."

"I want to wait and see."

After struggling for a long time, the Fourth Prince gritted his teeth and said.


The Sixth Princess wanted to persuade her again, but was stopped by the First Prince.

"Fourth Brother, then do as you think."

The First Prince nodded and encouraged the Fourth Prince.

Next, the three siblings stayed at the trading place, watching the price fluctuate constantly, and their hearts were constantly tightened.

This price is also interesting, rising by 100 and falling by 200, falling by 200 and rising by 300, just like this, pulling back and forth non-stop, making people staring at the price feel anxious.

Next, until dawn, the price did not return to 2,000 taels of silver.

As the sky got brighter, the black market was temporarily closed, moving from the street to the yard, and temporarily closed for an hour.

After all, the daytime business in the West Market will start later, and the people in the black market will make room for them.

Even though the antique trading in the Jinpeng Dynasty has been hot recently, they will still abide by the rules that should be followed.

If you want a business to last long, you must have rules.

The eldest prince and his three siblings could not bear it any longer and went back to rest.

They were all martial artists with cultivation, and it was reasonable that staying up all night would not be so uncomfortable, but they found that staring at the price all night made them particularly exhausted.

Especially because of the constantly fluctuating prices, the three siblings felt a burst of boredom and irritability, and their mentality was seriously impacted.

Back at Zhang's house, the sixth princess went straight back to her room and fell asleep.

The eldest prince pulled the fourth prince aside, looked at him with bloodshot eyes and said:

"Fourth brother, you can't stare at it like this anymore, let the people below watch it."

"You are responsible for setting a price and telling them when to buy and when to sell."

"I always feel that our efforts are a bit too unworthy."

The fourth prince nodded tiredly.

He didn't feel this way a few days ago, but last night was really tormenting him, and he didn't want to experience it again.

When he started practicing martial arts, he didn't feel so hard.

The three siblings returned to Zhang's house and went back to their rooms to rest.

The eldest prince and the sixth princess fell asleep quickly, but the fourth prince was obviously very tired, but he couldn't fall asleep.

He closed his eyes, and the strings of prices flew around in front of him.

He couldn't sleep and opened his eyes, and everything looked like antiques from the Jinpeng Dynasty.

The fourth prince tossed and turned for a long time, and lay in the room until the sun was at its highest point, but he still couldn't fall asleep.

"No, I can't fall asleep at all."

The fourth prince climbed up from the bed, closed his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows to relieve the dryness and fatigue of his eyes.

He felt drowsy at this time, and his five internal organs were bitter, as if bitter juice was spreading.

The fourth prince walked out of his room, summoned his attendant, and couldn't help asking about the current price of antiques from the Jinpeng Dynasty.

The attendant hesitated, but still told the truth.

"Your Highness, according to the latest news just now, the price has fallen below one thousand taels."

The fourth prince was stunned, and after a long time he smiled bitterly.

Although he had expected it, when he really heard the news, he still felt dizzy.


The fourth prince suddenly started retching without warning, but because he had not eaten, all he vomited out was water.

He immediately began to exercise his skills and control his body through cultivation.

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

The attendant hurriedly went to help the fourth prince.

The fourth prince waved his hands, ignoring his own body, and immediately ordered:

"Tell them to sell all the antiques and use the remaining money to repay the mortgage. I will take care of the rest myself."

"Tell the Money Gang to clear the mortgage arrears immediately and stop rolling back the interest."

"They will still sell me this face."

After the fourth prince finished giving his instructions, he felt helpless.

The attendant felt uncomfortable seeing the Fourth Prince in such a state of despair, but he still conveyed the Fourth Prince's order without hesitation.

When the fourth prince saw his attendant leaving, he fell weakly to the ground and leaned against the door. He stared blankly at the distant sky and murmured to himself: "What a miserable loss..."

Facts have proved that at least the fourth prince did not cut his flesh in the dark night before dawn.

In the next three days, the price of Jinpeng Dynasty antiques continued to fall slowly, heading towards the price of five hundred taels of silver.

Many people want to turn around now but it is already too late.

Especially when there was a slight correction before, those who re-entered the market heard that they had already lined up at the moat outside the city.

As time came to the last day of the competition, the price of Jinpeng Dynasty antiques finally dropped to 688 taels.

But at this time, this month's Royal Garden Competition has also ended. After tasting the ups and downs in the mall, all the princes and princesses returned to the palace with their own results.

On the way back to the palace, Princess Ankang lay by the car window and looked at the retreating scenery outside.

She had been playing wildly in the capital these days, and she felt a little bored.

But now that I have to go back to the palace, I can't help but feel regretful.

"Alas, I feel like I haven't had enough fun when I go back." Princess Ankang said.

Hearing this, Yu'er just covered her mouth and smiled.

A few days ago, when Princess Ankang seemed bored, Yu'er would accompany her to play chess to relieve her boredom.

But Yu'er is also very aware of Princess Ankang's mentality and knows that it is human nature.

Li Xuan squeezed Princess Ankang with his head and took a seat by the window, looking at the scenery on both sides of the road.

Looking at the busy figures on the street, Li Xuan couldn't help but thought to himself:

"I don't know how many families were destroyed this time, and how many people were let loose?"

Since Li Xuan has set up a trap, he will naturally not be merciful and has the kindness of a woman, but he can't help but feel a little emotional.

No matter how well he sets up his game, there will always be monsters who are extremely smart and can control their desires and make money from his game.

In addition to people with real abilities, there are of course those who are lucky.

Li Xuan was helpless against these two types of people.

They are not within the Five Elements at all, and it is as difficult as going to heaven to plot against these people.

But it was not them that Li Xuan wanted to plot from the beginning, but those greedy and incompetent people.

Fortunately, these people are the majority no matter what era they are in.

The heavy two million taels of silver notes in the Emperor Hong Bone Ring reminded Li Xuan of this fact all the time.

the other side.

The three brothers and sisters of the eldest prince were also heading towards the imperial city in a carriage.

It's just that the atmosphere inside the carriage is inevitably much duller.

This time they not only lost all the capital of the game, but also spent a lot of money to repay the mortgage loan.

The fourth prince used up all the savings he had saved over the years and borrowed a large amount of money from the Zhang Mansion.

But even though it was a loan, since they were all from the same family, it was actually almost the same as taking. The Zhang family paid for them to fill the hole.

As the head of the family and grandfather, Zhang Zhixian had to pay the money even if he was dissatisfied.

Otherwise, if the three brothers and sisters of the eldest prince go out to do business, they will not only lose everything, but also owe a lot of loan sharks. Zhang Zhixian will not be a good person after this news gets out.

After all, he is the Shangshu Ling who is the head of hundreds of officials, so he really can't do without this face.

Therefore, Zhang Zhixian had to endure the pain and pay them back the money, but he also severely criticized the three grandchildren.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the carriage was too dull, the Sixth Princess wanted to say something to lighten the atmosphere, but before she could open her mouth, she was stopped by the eldest prince's eyes.

The eldest prince shook his head gently at the sixth prince, indicating that the fourth prince should be given some time to calm down.

The eldest prince knew very well how big a blow the fourth prince suffered this time.

Now is not the time for them to intervene. They have to let the Fourth Prince recover on his own first, otherwise nothing they say will work.

The sixth prince's red lips opened slightly, and she looked at the fourth prince worriedly. Finally, she closed her mouth again and sighed softly.

"Perhaps, we really are not this material, right?"

The Sixth Princess was devastated.

It seems that no matter how hard they try, they can't achieve their goals.

As the princes and princesses returned to the palace one after another and came to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to submit their results, the results of this month's Royal Garden Competition finally came to fruition.

For twenty days, the participating princes and princesses showed off their magical powers and conducted various business activities.

In the end, the last three people who made a profit were also the top three in this competition.

The first place, Princess Ankang, finally submitted a silver check of 500,000 taels, making a total profit of 490,000 taels.

The second place, the third prince, finally submitted a silver check of 60,000 taels, making a total profit of 50,000 taels.

The third place, the eighth prince, finally submitted 24,840 taels, with a total profit of 14,840 taels.

Others all suffered losses of varying degrees, ranging from a few taels of silver to losing all their money.

Such a result made Emperor Yongyuan furious, and he immediately formulated a system for the princes and princesses who caused losses to repay in installments from the monthly allowance.

For a while, these princes and princesses who were used to a wealthy life complained bitterly.

But apart from these, everyone was still shocked by Princess Ankang's outrageous results.

Immediately, a bear kid who did not want to reveal his name questioned Princess Ankang's results, but Princess Ankang clearly pointed out the source of income and proved that it was reasonable and legal.

"I just had a good hand and won some money in the gambling house."

According to Princess Ankang, she went to the legally operated Sihai Casino to play poker on the last day of the competition, and won all day, with the tax payment of Sihai Casino as proof.

According to what Princess Ankang said, it was really well-founded and could not be slandered.

No matter how unconvinced the others were, they could only accept the fact.

The Sihai Casino was of course just an excuse. Li Xuan and Shang Zongguan had already made arrangements for this matter.

In order to conceal the fact that Princess Ankang was behind the speculation of the Jinpeng Dynasty antiques, they made corresponding preparations.

Anyway, the taxes paid by the casino could be taken by Emperor Yongyuan.

Li Xuan also paid a full 500,000 taels of the winnings.

According to Shang Zongguan, this money was enough to fill the deficit of the national treasury.

And there was also the benefit of continuing speculation in the future, so Emperor Yongyuan should not be short of money for the time being.

After all, Emperor Yongyuan had to personally take action later. The wealthy tycoons in the capital had just sent Li Xuan away, and they welcomed a bigger evil star. It was really a blessing.

Of course, the subsequent speculation had little to do with Li Xuan. He was only responsible for sharing the profits. Anyway, he had already taught Shang Zongguan the method. How big it would be depends on their own strength.

After the Ministry of Internal Affairs calculated the final results, except for Princess Ankang, the mood of others was not much better.

Of course, the few people who spent money directly were not included, such as the Seventh Princess who bought the Stargazing Treasure Book she had been dreaming of, and other little kids who bought snacks and toys.

"Your Highnesses, according to the final results, the final winner of this month is Her Highness the Thirteenth Princess."

"Congratulations to Her Highness Ankang for accumulating another point."

"As for the winning prize of this month, it will be presented by His Majesty in person in Ganlu Palace tomorrow. Princess Ankang will be invited to meet the emperor alone."

Zhao Feng, who rarely appeared in public, announced loudly.

When they heard that Princess Ankang could meet the emperor alone to win the award, the other princes and princesses were shocked on the spot.

How long has it been since Emperor Yongyuan summoned his children alone?

The signs that Princess Ankang was favored were becoming more and more obvious, which made many people feel uneasy.

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