More late at night.

A small courtyard in Yanqu Hall.

Deng Weixian and his godfather prepared here early.

Li Xuan nestled in the bushes, yawning boredly.

During the day, he exercised a little and finally stopped hiccupping.

Otherwise, this latent work would be really difficult to do.

"First, let's get started."

The godfather said.

He came here specifically to watch Deng Weixian's martial arts training today, just to observe how Deng Weixian removed the blood evil from Linhu's essence and blood.

Deng Weixian heard this and immediately took out a jar of Linhu Essence and Blood that he had brought last night from the house.

He had been taught a lesson in the morning, so he naturally knew which can to take.

"It's rare for my godfather to look forward to it so much, so naturally I can't let him down."

Deng Weixian thought so and put his hands into the clay pot with ease.

The biting chill suddenly hit him, causing him to frown tightly and endure the severe pain.

Although the pain was still unbearable, it was obviously much better than in the morning.

At least it won't hurt so much that he doubts his life.

The process of absorbing the essence and blood of Linhu was very fast. In less than thirty breaths, Deng Weixian began to practice the ten tiger postures.

The godfather couldn't help but nodded in approval when he saw that Deng Weixian could persist for nearly thirty breaths.

"As expected, this boy has a special physique. He can absorb so much tiger essence and blood at this stage."

"When he is promoted to the blood coagulation realm, he will absorb much more tiger essence and blood than me."

"The stronger the breath of ice, the easier it will be to practice in the future..."

"Not surprisingly, his achievements will be higher than mine."

From this moment on, the godfather actually had the intention to sincerely accept this adopted son.

There is no eunuch in the palace who would not recognize his godfather and godson whenever given the opportunity.

It's just that most of this is an exchange of interests, and there is no friendship to talk about.

It wasn't like that in the beginning.

In his eyes, Deng Weixian was just a chess piece that could be shaped and discarded at will.

From start to finish, it's just random.

But as Deng Weixian gradually showed more and more value, the godfather couldn't help but start to waver.

Tough-hearted, talk less and do more, work quickly, have extraordinary talents...

Coupled with the special physique revealed at this time, I have to say that the godfather is really moved.

One day he will grow old, and all his strength will eventually leave him.

At this time, whether you can have a reliable adopted son will determine whether you can have a good death.

Look at the palace manager Shang, who reached the pinnacle of power in the harem when he was young and became a legendary eunuch.

In his later years, he retired bravely and delegated power to his adopted son without any hesitation. Now he is serving as a sinecure in the palace and enjoying his old age in peace.

Mr. Shang has been decent his whole life.

Such a life is the dream of almost all eunuchs in the palace.

But the godfather understands the difficulty of this.

Finding a reliable adopted son in the palace is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky.

But now, such a candidate seems to have appeared in front of him.

Seeing Deng Weixian sweating profusely on the court and performing the Ten Tiger Forms and the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claws with ease, his godfather felt even more itchy in his heart.

Remembering that the two errands given to him before were both done beautifully, the urge became even more overwhelming.

"Oh, look again, look again..."

It is no small matter to sincerely accept an adopted son, and the godfather has to be more cautious.

"If you want to win this son's heart, you must avenge him, but after all, that is..."

"Think again, think again..."

Even though he prides himself on being decisive, his godfather couldn't help but hesitate.

For eunuchs like them who are destined to have no children, it is really difficult to sincerely recognize an adopted son.

Not only must you invest your precious resources, but you must also unseal your heart that has been watered like cold iron.

"Benefit and righteousness are at odds with each other, and good and evil are opposites."

"Righteousness moves a gentleman, benefit moves a villain."

Thinking of these words, Deng Weixian's godfather couldn't help but smile under the shadow of his cloak.

This is what his godfather taught him before.

Based on his understanding of Deng Xiang, it would be difficult to completely win over him if he was only offered huge profits.

Only when you treat others with sincerity can you make them truly submit to you.

"Oh, let's talk about it later."

This thing is so fucked up, he doesn't like it when it's easy to conquer him, but he doesn't like it when he likes it.

The godfather shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He turned to check the jar of Tiger Essence and blood that Deng Weixian had absorbed, and found that the color had indeed faded.

"As expected, his physique is truly amazing."


The godfather tilted the clay pot and looked at the liquid inside carefully in the moonlight.

"The blood evil absorbed is not as thorough as the first jar."

"Although he seemed calm before, it was not difficult to see that he was holding back the pain."

"It seems that I thought too wonderfully before."

The godfather understood at this time that although Deng Weixian's physique could eliminate the blood evil in Linhu's essence and blood, it should be limited and could not eliminate the blood evil as infinitely as he had previously expected.

This also made many of his previous ideas invalid.

"Speaking of which, this is normal."

"He has brought me so many surprises recently that it makes me a little unrealistic."

The godfather smiled bitterly and shook his head, put down the clay pot in his hand, and watched the young man practicing martial arts on the field.

"But even so, he is still a martial arts wizard. In the future, we must find more martial arts with cold attributes for him."

"You must make good use of the extra cold breath in your body."

Now that he had figured out the upper limit of Deng Weixian's physique, his godfather was not too disappointed. Instead, he immediately made arrangements for the future and planned to fully develop his adopted son's talents.

Li Xuan, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the father and son didn't have too much suspicion about others from beginning to end.

He naturally absorbed the blood evil in Linhu's essence and blood.

But unlike the severe pain his godfather said, Li Xuan only felt waves of cold comfort.

When he soaked his feet yesterday, he specially soaked both jars.

As a result, there is a difference after soaking it like this.

Perhaps Li Xuan's body could absorb the blood evil reaching its limit, and the effect of absorbing the blood evil became worse and worse.

This is why the colors of the two jars of Linhu Essence and Blood are different.

Only then did Li Xuan realize that the coldness flowing in his body was not just the power of Linhu's essence and blood.

And as his strength continued to improve over the past two days, his appetite became smaller and smaller.

Li Xuan's body seemed to be undergoing changes that even he himself was not quite aware of.

He could clearly feel that his body's strength and speed were growing, and his weight was becoming more and more substantial.

But the amount of food I need to eat every day has actually become less.

As he continued to approach the blood coagulation realm, Li Xuan felt that he seemed to be moving towards a higher level of species, as if he was evolving.

His breathing, sleeping, and even sunbathing now give him more energy.

But correspondingly, it was even more difficult for him to control food that contained special power, such as Tiger Essence and Blood.

Even Li Xuan himself couldn't tell clearly whether he was cultivating immortality or simply being naughty.

"No, the more I think about it, the more I get greedy."

"I have to go find Xiao Dengzi again tonight to make peace."

"Anyway, this kid is so prosperous now that he will definitely not be able to use up the three cans of Linhu Essence and Blood."

"As an older brother, I must share the burden with him."

"This kid is too stubborn. Why are you so serious? He almost ended up sleeping."

Li Xuan waited anxiously in the bushes for Deng Weixian to finish practicing. He didn't realize that the halazi had dripped all over the ground under his feet and formed a small pool of water.

He also didn't notice that there was a small mound in the center of the water at his feet. It was crawling with a group of small ants, and they were dancing their tentacles crazily towards him.

Judging from his excited expression, he must not have said anything nice.

Thanks to "Be willing to be a cow and don't think about boarding the ship for a meeting", "桜 Thought", and "Wait a minute" for your monthly ticket support.

Is there anyone who understands ant language who can help me translate what they are saying?


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