Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 61 The princess is not very serious either

There was still too much blood evil in the third jar of Tiger Essence.

Deng Weixian's absorption speed obviously slowed down, and the pain level instantly increased.

After absorbing about a quarter of another can of Linhu's essence and blood, the final absorption slowly ended.


Deng Weixian took a deep breath and lifted his hands from the jar tremblingly.

The thick tiger essence and blood slowly dripped down his palm, showing no signs of absorption.

On a pair of forearms, all the blood vessels were glowing blue and densely distributed on the surface of the skin.

In the end, Linhu's essence and blood did not break through above the forearm.

But even so, Deng Weixian has already created new history.

The godfather held up his arms and stared at those magnificent arms, speechless for a long time.

The godfather understands that Deng Weixian may be the most successful human race in history in absorbing the essence and blood of Linhu.

Such a large amount of tiger essence and blood would be able to breed many icy breaths in the future.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

The godfather held Deng Weixian's arm tightly and cheered repeatedly.

This was the first time that Deng Weixian saw his godfather so excited, and he couldn't help but feel even happier.

And he could feel that he could maintain the strange state he had after practicing martial arts before.

Not only can it be maintained, but it can even be far more comfortable and transparent than before.

"Is this the blood coagulation realm?"

Deng Weixian watched as the blue lines on his forearm gradually disappeared, but in his ears he seemed to be able to hear the energy and blood in his body rushing like a torrent.

The divine waves soared wildly, bursting into flames, and thundering against the sun.

The vague rumbling sound in his ears made him feel incomparably powerful.

The godfather let go of Deng Weixian's arm and realized that his aura was much stronger than that of an ordinary warrior who had just entered the ninth level. He couldn't help but sigh sadly and turned to look at the sky.

Deng Weixian felt that his godfather seemed to be in a low mood, and quickly asked: "Godfather, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry about it."

The godfather turned his back to Deng Wei and waved his hands first, then resumed his usual posture and ordered:

"You have consolidated your realm in the past few days, and the remaining Linhu essence and blood must be properly preserved."

"Although this thing can no longer be absorbed, you can drink it mixed with water in the future to restore the consumed cold breath and physical strength."

"Do not use this method unless absolutely necessary. It will cause damage to the internal organs every time. You must recover for a month before taking it a second time."

"For the first time, you should mix water with a ratio of one to ten. The ratio of water must be high at the beginning. Later, when your cultivation level is higher, you can slowly lower the ratio of water."

As he spoke, his godfather threw an empty porcelain bottle as big as his palm, and Deng Wei first caught it with his backhand.

"This is a popular recipe for cold blood wine in the far north tundra. From now on, you can mix some of it in this small porcelain bottle with you. It may save your life."

Deng Wei first looked at the small porcelain bottle in his hand, and then at the clay pot with three-quarters of the Linhu essence and blood left. He immediately saluted and said, "Thank you godfather for the reward."

Through this period of practice, he had long known how precious Linhu's essence and blood was.

It was already a big deal that his godfather could use it for him to practice, and now he was also rewarding him with the rest.

Although he said it casually, Deng Weixian felt that this cold blood wine must be something extraordinary.

My godfather said that this thing can save lives at critical moments, which is definitely not an exaggeration.

"Well, you should consolidate your cultivation these few days, and then I will make my own arrangements."

"Yes, godfather."

Deng Weixian respectfully accepted the order and watched his godfather leave.

Li Xuan hid in the bushes, watching Deng Weixian clean up the things in the yard, and also prepared to go back to rest.

"That's great. Little Dengzi has also been promoted to the ninth rank. After that, I'm waiting to learn new martial arts from him."

"I have to keep an eye on him these days."

Deng Weixian successfully broke through to the blood coagulation realm, and Li Xuan was naturally happy for him.

Not only is Yu'er's younger brother more promising, Li Xuan's future is also brighter.

He has not been able to improve his practice in the past few days, and he is not as motivated as before.

Of course, today Wang Suyue demonstrated a complete Wang's Military Style Boxing, which gave Li Xuan a new technique to practice.

I just don’t know how effective this technique is.

Judging from the name alone, it seems to be a basic boxing technique only spread among the military.

But seeing how well Wang Suyue plays, it shouldn't be too bad.

Anyway, he has just entered the blood coagulation realm now, that is, he is just a fledgling kitten. Most of the martial arts should be enough for him to practice well.

Moreover, the blood cold wine that the godfather mentioned at the end also made Li Xuan a little concerned.

He hadn't mixed it with water before, he just drank it without any discomfort, but he didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, he felt very comfortable.

It seems that the physiques of humans and cats really cannot be generalized.

"There are only so many babies left in the future, what should we do?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a little worried. Now that Deng Weixian no longer needed to absorb Linhu's essence and blood, the remaining jar would only be used as blood-cold wine.

In this way, if he goes to drink secretly again, I'm afraid Deng Weixian will immediately notice that the portion has become smaller.

"Hey, how can we deal with this in the future?"

Maomao sighed, life is not easy.

Jingyang Palace.

Today the sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly.

But Princess Ankang did not bask in the sun in the yard as usual. Instead, she nestled in the bed with a face full of expectation, staring at Li Xuan with a pair of bright light blue eyes.

"Axuan, let's sleep again today!"

Li Xuan turned around and faced Princess Ankang with his butt, pretending not to hear.

"Whose princess is this? Why is she so shameless?"

He complained secretly in his mind.

But the next moment, Princess Ankang became more serious and hugged Li Xuan into her arms.

"Come on, come on!"

"I slept so sweetly after we played together last time."

"Let's play again~"

Li Xuan remained unmoved, like an old monk in meditation.

"Come on, A Xuan."

"Let me help you stretch."

As Princess Ankang spoke, she started to play with Li Xuan's body, scaring him so much that he quickly broke away.

His body has not fully recovered since the last time he was beaten, so how can he dare to mess around again.

Li Xuan's cat paw pressed on Princess Ankang's hand that was about to move, and slowly pressed it down.

But Princess Ankang did not give up and stretched out her other hand to grab Li Xuan, but as expected, she continued to be pressed down.

Her two hands were folded together and pressed.

Princess Ankang looked at the little kitten claws suppressing her hands, but found that she couldn't break free.

"Hey, is Ah Xuan stronger than me?"

Although Princess Ankang knew that she was very good, she didn't expect that she was such a good person.


Princess Ankang began to struggle with all her strength, but she couldn't resist Li Xuan's cat claws.


"Axuan bullies people!"

Seeing that she couldn't break free, the girl immediately started to fake cry.

Don't look at Princess Ankang, who is weak and weak in front of outsiders, cold and cold, and rejects people thousands of miles away.

But he was just a child in Jingyang Palace, especially when he was alone with Ah Xuan, it was a true expression of his feelings.

She always maintains a sensible look in front of Yu'er, but with Li Xuan, she often acts coquettishly and acts nonsense.

Not to mention, this girl is really determined to defeat Li Xuan.

Li Xuan was afraid that she would get excited and hurt herself by messing around, so he pretended to be casual and silently moved his paw away.

As a result, Princess Ankang had already planned and seized the opportunity. She hugged Li Xuan and got into bed. She smiled proudly and said:

"Hahaha, little cat, let's see where you can escape!"

Thanks to "Feng Shui Yin" for the reward support.

Thanks to "Book Friends 20230314153145059", "Jeep 212", and "Xianyu ah Xianyu biu" for their monthly ticket support.

I don’t know if you know a strange woman named Empress Shiji.

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