Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 63 My godfather still cares about me

When the yard became quiet, Li Xuan jumped down from the tree.

"I wonder what your plan is this time?"

But he knew that he would have work to do tomorrow.

How could Li Xuan not be curious about what kind of work Deng Weixian's godfather assigned him?

And listening to their conversation, I'm afraid this mission won't be easy.

"It looks like there's a good show to watch tomorrow."

the next day.

A moment of unity.

Deng Weixian walked toward Wang Suyue's room anxiously.

The place where people live is in the front hall, and he is no stranger to this place.

Before, Deng Weixian came out to follow the small table every night, so he was familiar with the business.

He made a special effort to find out Wang Suyue's room in advance today, and was rushing there as time went by.

The godfather asked him not to do it too early or too late, so Deng Weixian had no choice but to do it.

It was just about the time they were finishing their work day, and most of them were going to have dinner and then get ready to rest.

People like them today have heavy workloads every day. If they don't take a good rest, they will soon be unable to hold on.

The talents had just finished a day of training and were having dinner with their tired bodies.

Deng Weixian was also thinking about the purpose of his godfather asking him to go to Wang Suyue's room at this time.

But when he stood in front of Wang Suyue's room, although he was mentally prepared, he still stood there with a dull expression.


Li Xuan, who followed Deng Weixian, was not much better.

"That's not true, is it?"

The faces of one person and one cat gradually became filled with red light, reflecting the heat.

The fire burns brightly and rejuvenates the spring, and the furnace shines brightly through the night.

The two of them did not see some sexy scene, but witnessed the fire scene.

There was a raging fire in Wang Suyue's room, and there were tongues of fire in the doors and windows, and the sound was terrifying.

Deng Wei had anticipated many situations beforehand, but the situation before him seemed too outrageous.

"Play it by ear!"

He immediately remembered his godfather's instructions to him, and immediately shouted at the top of his lungs: "Here comes someone, he's gone!"

"Someone come quickly!"

Except for Deng Weixian, there was no trace of anyone else nearby, and only his voice could be heard empty and far away.

But the fire was raging in Wang Suyue's room, and it might be too late to wait any longer.

He gritted his teeth and then rushed into the fire.

When Li Xuan arrived, Deng Weixian's figure had disappeared into the dancing flames.

"Oh my god, this is too much fun!"

Li Xuan was so anxious that he turned around in circles a few times, not daring to chase in easily.

Too much hair and weak fire.

Li Xuan was no exception. He looked around and found a water tank not far away.

He didn't have time to think too much, and jumped in directly, soaking himself to the core.

When Li Xuan jumped out of the water tank again, he had turned into a miserable drowned cat.

He resisted the instinctive urge to throw his hair away and dived into the fire.

Deng Wei went in alone first, and Li Xuan was worried.

If Deng Weixian had done something good, Yu'er would not have been able to cry to death as her elder sister.

"None of the children at home have peace of mind."

Li Xuan gritted his teeth, circulated the cold breath in his body, suppressed his instinct to fear fire, and dashed left and right in the fire scene.

When he came in, he found that the fire inside was not as scary as it looked. At least many tables and chairs had not started burning.

But some of the easily ignitable fabrics had caught fire, and there was actually a charred human-shaped torch on the ground.

Li Xuan's eyes widened in fright, and his heart was filled with guilt.

"What fire?"

"You get used to it so quickly!"

"It's all burnt!?"

His eyes couldn't help but turn black. How could he explain this to Yu'er?

Just when Li Xuan was suspicious of Miao Sheng, there was a sudden movement in the back room, and he hurriedly hid behind a pillar on the side.

As a result, the next moment, he saw Deng Weixian running out carrying the unconscious Wang Suyue.

Seeing that Deng Weixian's face had been blackened a few times, but he was still breathing well, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel worried and then happy.

"Great, little Dengzi is still alive!"

"Huh? Who is that on the ground?"

Li Xuan was happy for a while, but then a new question arose.

But at this time, the human-shaped torch on the ground has been burnt to a crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, and there is no trace of its appearance.

On the other side, Deng Weixian carried the unconscious Wang Suyue and rushed out the door.

But as the fire grew stronger, the roof beams began to collapse, and the furniture in the room also fell, making the scene more and more dangerous.

Deng Weixian used his left kick and his right claw to remove all obstacles in front of him, unleashing his full strength in the blood coagulation realm.

He couldn't help but fight desperately at this time, otherwise he might not even be able to get out, let alone save Wang Suyue.

Deng Weixian had more and more scorched marks on his body, and flames began to climb on his hair. Fortunately, he was already close to the door and could rush out with just a few more steps.

Deng Weixian kicked a ignited chair away and opened a way out. He could already see the people outside the door who came to put out the fire.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and planned to rush out in one go, but he didn't notice that half of the charred beams fell down above his head.

In such a blink of an eye, by the time he noticed something was wrong in the noisy fire scene, it was already too late to react and he just glanced back hastily.


The thick beam is already in front of you. Even if it is only half of it, if it hits you, you will die or be maimed.


"Bang bang bang..."

Deng Wei first used his free hand to protect the back of his head, squatted down quickly, slid forward, and made the best dodge action in an instant.

He understood that his speed was probably too late, but the pain he expected did not appear.

He looked back and found half of the beam on the ground, still rolling.

On the beam, Deng Weixian saw a huge ice claw mark.

The ice melted rapidly in the heat of the flames, and the paw prints were gradually burned into a blur, leaving only darkness.

Although Deng Weixian was surprised, he did not move slowly. He stood up again and rushed out of the fire scene in one go.

"Quick, come quickly, Wang Cai is still angry!"

Deng Weixian shouted anxiously.

If Wang Suyue was choked to death in the fire, the success would be in vain.

There was no need for Deng Weixian to remind him. Countless palace maids and eunuchs immediately gathered around and carefully placed the person aside.

Others were still busy drawing water to put out the fire.

After rushing out, Deng Weixian's feet gave way and he collapsed directly on the ground. He looked back at the raging fire scene and was frightened for a while.

"Was it just now, godfather?"

He would never mistake the blood-slaying tiger claws. Coupled with the ice remaining on the beams, Deng Weixian could not think of anyone else with such strength except his godfather.

"It turns out that my godfather has been protecting me secretly."

Thinking of this, Deng Weixian couldn't help but feel complicated.

He always thought that his godfather just wanted to use him. Even if he showed better talents, he was just a more useful prop for his godfather.

Now it seems that is not the case.

Just when Deng Weixian was having complicated thoughts, a cold voice suddenly came from beside him.

"what is going on?"

Deng Weixian looked up and saw the printing father-in-law with a terrifying expression and throbbing veins on his forehead.

Deng Weixian's heart trembled, and he was so frightened that he couldn't help but vomit.

Thanks to "Watermelon Money Bag" for the reward support.

Thanks to "Xixing Temple, Youfeng" for your monthly ticket support.

It’s a new day, keep working hard!


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