Li Xuan did not dare to follow too closely, and only dared to observe Manager Shang from a distance.

Manager Shang and the colorful eunuchs beside him are both masters. If they are noticed, it may be difficult to escape.

Therefore, Li Xuan controlled the distance and used the kitten's innocent appearance to confuse them, in order to achieve his purpose of following.

At least, so far, it has been relatively smooth for him.

Apart from not being able to hear Manager Shang's voice, his every move was under Li Xuan's eyes.

After Manager Shang left Jingyang Palace, he wandered around the harem seemingly casually.

However, from time to time, eunuchs in colorful clothes would come to him in a hurry and report something.

Manager Shang would give them a few random instructions every time and then send them away.

Near noon, Manager Shang took people back to the House of Internal Affairs to rest.

After having enough wine and food, he led someone to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to count a batch of supplies, checked them and put them into storage.

Then he drank tea, took a walk and sunbathed in the sun, looking as if he was waiting to get off work.

Li Xuan looked up blankly at the broad daylight, feeling envious and jealous in his heart: "Is this the magical life of a retired boss?"

"He simply has no time to spare!"

There is joy in leisure, and the world is as wide as a pot!

"This eunuch really made him understand."

Li Xuan sighed in his heart and couldn't help but admire him.

There are so many eunuchs and maids in this palace, but probably only Mr. Shang will be treated like this when he gets older.

Just looking at these circumstances, Li Xuan was still not sure whether Manager Shang really had no other intentions.

It's not that he doesn't completely believe that there are good people in this palace.

But after seeing the complex calculations of people, I couldn't help but be more cautious.

Although they only had two or three kittens in Jingyang Palace, others could not see that they had any value worthy of being calculated.

But Li Xuan also had to be careful.

Who knows what other secrets he doesn't know about in this palace.

Staying until night, Manager Shang still looked so leisurely.

It seemed that apart from dealing with the incident of hurting someone in the alleyway, he had nothing else worth dealing with today.

Li Xuan also discovered that it was not that there were no things that needed to be handled by Manager Shang, but that after he received the report, he quickly gave a solution and then handed it over to his colorful eunuchs to handle.

Even if Mr. Shang has nothing to do in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he rarely handles these matters personally.

From this point of view, Yu'er's luck is really good.

If Manager Shang had also left the matter in the alleyway to his eunuchs in colorful clothes, the outcome would probably have been different.

Li Xuan had been staring here all day. He didn't even have time to eat lunch or dinner, and his stomach couldn't help but growl.

After dinner, Mr. Shang took out a volume of chess records and a chess board and started playing with them in his yard.

Naturally, Mr. Shang is not on the same level as the three little ones from Jingyang Palace. They are playing five-star continuation. They are playing serious Go.

Although Li Xuan was far away, he could still see that the chessboard was filled with the chessboard in a short time.

What if he was playing backgammon and had the chessboard so full, and was even studying it with chess records.

Then Manager Shang...

It’s also quite easy to learn!

Chief Shang has a separate, secluded courtyard in the House of Internal Affairs.

It doesn't look big, but the furnishings inside are very exquisite, and they don't appear to be extravagant or luxurious at all. Instead, they have a sense of simplicity.

It’s that feeling of being very poor.

"The boss is the boss, and his aesthetics are so different."

Li Xuan nodded and could only explain in this way.

He yawned out of boredom, feeling that there really wasn't anything strange about Mr. Shang.

This man looks just like an ordinary retired old man.

If there's anything special about him, it's probably that he has more leisure time than the average retired old man.

"The old man should go to bed earlier. After he goes to bed, I will go back and have a meal first."

Li Xuan stretched himself to refresh himself.

He didn't feel so bored when he was watching in Yanqu Hall.

"It seems that my energy has dropped in the past few days. I need to get a good night's sleep when I get back."

Just when he was about to fall asleep out of boredom, someone suddenly came to visit Manager Shang.

There were quite a few people coming, and the lanterns they carried were all connected in a line.

But these lanterns stayed outside the small courtyard, and only a figure entered the small courtyard.

Seeing the person clearly from a distance, Li Xuan couldn't help but shrink his pupils, his sleepiness disappeared, and he suddenly cheered up.

"Zhao Feng!"

Li Xuan was at a high place at this time and immediately glanced down to detect the surrounding warnings.

He planned to get closer and listen to their conversation.

How could he not be curious about the content of the conversation between high eunuchs like them.

The security down there is indeed tight, but it's already dark now, and with the appearance of my kitten, I might be able to give it a try.

Seeing that Zhao Feng had walked up to Manager Shang in the courtyard and bowed in salute, Li Xuan could no longer hold himself back and jumped down and rushed towards the small courtyard.

Along the way, Li Xuan looked for bushes and branches, and using the cover of these things, he successfully approached the courtyard.

It was not that the eunuchs in colorful clothes were not alarmed at all during this period, but they only glanced at Li Xuan and then looked away.

Fortunately, none of them were too serious, otherwise even if he was a cat, he would probably be expelled.

Moreover, this is the House of Internal Affairs after all, and we can clearly feel that the vigilance level of the colorful eunuchs is far less strict than it was in Yanqu Hall.

At that time, they guarded almost every door and window and hid in the house when talking, leaving Li Xuan helpless.

But tonight they didn't do it to this extent. After all, Manager Shang's courtyard is open-air, so they wouldn't have to build a shed.

Li Xuan reached Manager Shang's yard without any danger.

After he came in, he discovered that there was no defensive force in the yard, and there were only two people, Mr. Shang and Zhao Feng.

At this time, Manager Shang had already stood up holding the chess record, while Zhao Feng followed behind him, holding the chessboard upright without disturbing the chess pieces on it at all.

The two returned to the house, closed the door and talked by candlelight.

Li Xuan could only see their shadows stuck to the tables and chairs outside, sitting opposite each other.

Li Xuan refused to give up, lying on the ground and crawling forward silently, raising his ears and pointing in the direction of the shadow.

At this time, his racial advantage became apparent.

Most people, even top experts, probably don't have such outrageous ears as Li Xuan.

Still far away from the room, he could vaguely hear the voices talking inside.

Li Xuan didn't dare to be greedy, so he stopped here and listened carefully.

"As long as you can hear it, it's not music. Why do you need such high sound quality?"

He made up his mind not to crawl forward even half a step, closed his eyes and listened carefully to their conversation.

"Didn't I tell you? Come to me if you have nothing to do."

Manager Shang's voice came, but it was full of disgust.

"My kid, aren't you here to pay your respects to your godfather?"

Zhao Feng's laughter sounded next.

Li Xuan, who was eavesdropping outside, raised his eyebrows silently and thought to himself: "These two people really have a father-son relationship."

He had heard some things about Manager Shang before.

General Manager Shang was the previous General Manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was deeply trusted by the Emperor. This is why others always respectfully call him "General Manager".

And after he resigned from his post, he could still be called such a person without any taboo. This shows that these two people are not just father and son on the surface.

Judging from the appearance, he and Zhao Feng are almost the same age. It seems that Manager Shang has taken good care of himself.

Zhao Feng, on the other hand, seems to have not learned the maintenance skills of his godfather.

"It's useless to talk to me about this."

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Thanks to "Deathwood Wolf" for your reward support.

Thanks to "The Ups and Downs", "The Conch in the Sleep", "The Rise of Men All Over the World", and "Blank Format Contempt" for their monthly support.

What else could it be?



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