That night.

Li Xuan came to the imperial dining room for inspection as usual.

It was already late at night and no one was left here, so it was a good time for him to start dinner.

Li Xuan skillfully climbed through the window, looked at today's menu, and finally nodded with satisfaction and went straight to cooking.

Tonight, he was particularly bold in eating. When he came up, he went straight to a crystal elbow that was as big as himself, and started making out with it while holding it.

Different from the cautious style of the past, which was just a taste, today is a decisive battle to the end.

What stands out is that he is unscrupulous and lawless.

No one else, because Li Xuan made up his mind to break through the Ten Tiger Forms to perfection tonight.

time does not wait.

While Li Xuan was dilly-dallying, the situation in Jingyang Palace would only become more and more difficult.

Although he is still a little kitten less than one year old, it is time to stand up.

Li Xuan ate openly and decided to save enough energy in one meal. He would practice the Ten Tiger Forms a few more times tonight to try to reach the full limit.

The meat on the table was being wiped out one by one. It was too much to eat anymore, so Li Xuan took the time to practice the Ten Tiger Forms again to brush up on his progress.

Wait until you have consumed enough before continuing to eat, and the cycle repeats.

[Tiger Form Ten: 91%].

[Ten Tiger Forms: 94%].

[Ten Tiger Forms: 97%].

Perhaps because he had enough energy in his body, the decline in progress today was not too obvious, nor did Li Xuan feel too uncomfortable.

But this method has its limit after all, because Li Xuan really can't eat anymore.

He felt that the food was in his throat and he would spit it out if he ate any more.

And Li Xuan worked so hard and achieved great results. One of his kittens actually ate the weight of two adult men, which was simply terrifying.

This is also thanks to the practice of the Ten Tiger Forms, which has made his appetite increasingly strong, otherwise he would not be able to achieve this level through hard work alone.

Li Xuan was not in a hurry to leave after eating and drinking. He found the largest food box in the imperial dining room and filled it with food. He seemed to want to bring a takeaway to the little master of the family.

When the food box was about to be filled, he then put the leftover bones and other remnants of his food into the food box. Obviously, behind the rough eating photos, he had not completely lost his usual caution.

Today's food box was three times larger than before, but Li Xuan still picked it up easily.

The changes brought about by practicing the Ten Tiger Forms on him are obvious. Even he himself is a little unsure of the strength of his physical body now.

Li Xuan felt that this technique suited him particularly well, and even the little eunuch's effects after practicing it might not be able to match his.

Holding the food box in his mouth and turning it out of the window, Li Xuan looked up at the sky.

"The moon is dark and the wind is high, it's the right time!"

But at this moment, the fallen window sill accidentally hit the corner of the food box, making a crisp sound, which was particularly harsh in the silent night.

Li Xuan's eyes flashed, and he turned his head. The food box was also carried along, and the window that was blocking the way was safely returned to its place.

It seems that because he chose a food box that is not commonly used tonight, there are inevitably some mistakes.

But it doesn't seem like the problem is big.

Li Xuan calmly climbed over the courtyard wall with the food box in his mouth and left the imperial dining room.

As soon as Li Xuang left, the door of the royal dining room was pushed open, and several people came in quietly.

The light of the lantern quickly illuminated the courtyard, and several people began to check in the imperial dining room in batches.

After a while, someone came to report: "Father-in-law, there is indeed a thief!"

Under the illumination of the lantern, a trace of water snaked along the window until it suddenly disappeared under the corner of the wall.

The leading old eunuch rubbed some water with his fingertips, then put it under his nose and smelled it, and found that it was vegetable soup.

At this time, the person who went to check the house also came back and reported: "Father, there are a lot of dishes missing, most of them are valuable rare meats."

When the old eunuch heard the report, he snorted coldly and flicked his fingers to shake off the water stains on his hands.

"How dare you steal food in the palace? I want to see who is so dissatisfied with longevity."

"Chase me!"

The old eunuch waved his hand and gave the order, and everyone around him responded with a roar. They all used Qinggong to float over the courtyard wall and followed the traces.

These eunuchs are all masters.

same moment.

Yanqu Hall, backyard.

Among the neat rows of side rooms, only two were still lit by candlelight, which stood out.

"did you find it?"

"No, it's all gone! It's all gone! Even the bag of brown rice was stolen!"

"His grandma dares to break into the empty house in broad daylight. Are there any rules?"

"Keep your voice down, don't wake others up."

"I'm not a thief, why am I whispering?"

"Don't be impulsive. I'll go to the printer's father-in-law tomorrow for help. I'll definitely be able to catch the thief."

"How can Mr. Printer be so easy to talk to?"

"Just give me all the monthly reports for next month. This is not the only amount of money you and I have lost? Please bring it clearly!"

After a long time, a reluctant sigh sounded.

"Oh, that's all it can do."

The ones still lighting up the lamp and sighing this late at night were not the two eunuchs who bullied Yu'er during the day.

At this time, their faces were full of wretchedness, and they were not as proud as they were in front of the Jingyang Palace.

"Turn out the lights and go to bed early. We'll talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow."

Although the other eunuch was unwilling, he couldn't say anything. He just nodded irritably and put out the candle.

Their candles went out, and the surrounding area became dark.

They were planning to go back to their rooms, but suddenly they noticed two will-o'-the-wisps floating in the air. They were so frightened that they all froze in place.

But after staring for a while, I realized it was a pair of cat eyes.

There was a cat standing on the wall, staring directly at them.

"Damn, even a cat dares to scare me!"


Just as they were about to pick up stones from the ground and hit the cat, there was a muffled "bang" sound under their feet, followed by a burst of appetizing aroma of food.

"What does it smell like?"

The two eunuchs thought at the same time.

They were all the lowest-ranking eunuchs in the Yanqu Palace. They had never seen the Holy Emperor's royal food, so they didn't dare to think about it at all.

Just now I saw the cat riding on the wall moving its head slightly, and there was a sound under its feet. Could it be that the cat dropped something?

Now that it was pitch black in front of them, the two eunuchs could see the cat's movements not because of their amazing eyesight, but because they saw the two shiny cat eyes moving accordingly.

The two eunuchs lowered their heads and lit the candle again, intending to see clearly what had fallen on the ground.

The orange candlelight lit up, and the yard became bright again.

When the room became brighter, the two eunuchs couldn't help being startled.

Just like this, in the blink of an eye, several figures appeared beside them, their faces expressionless, staring at them coldly.

Each of these people had a chilly temperament, as if cold air was constantly dripping from their bodies.

It doesn't look like a living person.

The two eunuchs immediately lost their footing and dropped the candles in their hands. They did not forget to ask in a high voice:

"Is it a human or a ghost!?"

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