"But even if it's stolen goods, it's not good."

"What if I get implicated?"

"Axuan, you'd better return this thing quickly."

Even though she knew it was stolen goods, Yu'er was still worried.

It's not that she is too timid, it's that her status as a palace maid does not allow her to have other ideas.

It's the same reason why Li Xuan didn't make arrangements for Yu'er when he stole the royal meal.

Yu'er was really afraid of something of unknown origin.

Although she was also greedy for this good-quality ham, she was still more afraid of the punishment that might come.

Fortunately, Li Xuan had expected it and patiently comforted Yu'er, hoping that she would accept it.

Princess Ankang watched this scene from the side, her eyes moved slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking of.

After being silent for a long time, she secretly turned her gaze to Li Xuan, who was still actively persuading Yu'er. She pursed her small mouth slightly and outlined a beautiful arc, revealing two cute pear dimples.

Li Xuan suddenly felt someone hugging him behind him. Just by the familiar smell, he knew it was Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang hugged him, buried her face in the soft and smooth fur like satin, and kept rubbing him.

"This little girl, what are you causing trouble for?"

"I'm busy!"

Li Xuan meowed casually to express his dissatisfaction, then ignored Princess Ankang who was holding him, and then gestured with his paws, trying to persuade Yu'er to keep the ham.

But no matter how he persuaded her, Yu'er was always worried.

Just when the work of persuasion was getting intense, Princess Ankang spoke.

"Sister Yu'er, I also want to try this thing. Can't we keep it?"

"I've never had this before and I wonder what it tastes like."

Princess Ankang said pitifully, but she also had an air of being too ignorant, which made people feel pity for her.

"Ah this..."

Yu'er's eyes suddenly turned red and she said nothing more.

"Even if His Highness doesn't say anything, I still plan to stay."

"No, I got this originally. I think those people's hands and feet are dirty. Rather than giving them an advantage, I might as well take it back and eat it."

"I'll take this ham to the kitchen first, so Your Highness doesn't have to worry about it anymore. We'll cut some off and taste it tonight."

As Yu'er spoke, she went to carry the ham. The moment she lowered her head, she quietly wiped her face with her sleeve while no one was paying attention.

Seeing that Yu'er finally changed her mind, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ankang must be able to speak easily!"

Li Xuan turned around in Princess Ankang's arms, and then kissed her hard as a reward.

I don’t know where the little girl learned it from, but her acting skills are top-notch.

Princess Ankang was tickled by the kiss and giggled, feeling extremely happy.

Then Li Xuan got out of her arms again and jumped lightly onto Yu'er's shoulders.

At this time, a few tears happened to fall from her face and landed on the ham.

Li Xuan rubbed his head against the tears on Yu'er's face, and then kissed her tenderly to comfort her.

"Axuan, I understand."

Yu'er wiped away her tears and whispered:

"I'll practice those moves with you, and I'll also eat well."

"You must be doing this for my own good, right?"

Seeing Yu'er thinking about it, Li Xuan also meowed happily.

He fell to the ground, stood up, and helped Yu'er lift the ham.

The weight of this top-quality ham was quite large. It was difficult for Yu'er to hold it alone, but Li Xuan easily lifted it up.

Yu'er is holding the hoof part and can't feel any weight at all.

"Are you already so strong?"

Looking at the small body that was completely out of proportion to Ham, Yu'er was secretly shocked, but she didn't say anything.

"Axuan, be good."

"Help me take the ham to the kitchen and hide it."


Yu'er and Li Xuan carried the ham one after another and left the room towards the kitchen.

Princess Ankang stayed where she was, watching their departure. She waited until they were out of sight before muttering to herself:

"It turns out it was all Ah Xuan before..."

But then Princess Ankang smiled, and her beautiful eyes narrowed into a pair of crescent moons.

"Hehe, you are indeed my cat."

"It's really different!"

In the following days, Li Xuan became much more stable.

He takes Yu'er to practice the Ten Tiger Forms every day and supervises her to eat well.

Then he cultivated the copper head and iron arm himself, and when the power of Qi and blood was exhausted, he went to the imperial garden to make out with the black dragon statue.

During this period, I occasionally gave them some pointers.

Mao Ba's performance was somewhat beyond Li Xuan's expectations and gave him some surprises.

Not only did they completely memorize all the moves of the Ten Tiger Forms, but they also performed well.

This is remarkable for an ordinary wild cat.

Especially Cat Tyrant, who has already started to master it.

Persistent training should at least improve its strength and agility a lot.

I just don’t know if the mice in the palace are enough for them to eat.

Li Xuan also wanted to visit Deng Weixian's practice in the evening to check on his progress.

Now it seems that although Deng Weixian has massage techniques to promote recovery, his progress is not much ahead. He seems to be almost the same as Li Xuan.

At this point, Li Xuan also felt strange.

"It shouldn't be. Xiao Dengzi should have practiced more often than me. Why is the progress so slow?"

Although it is a good thing that the progress is flat, Li Xuan wants to find out the reason.

Ever since he started to guide Yu'er in her cultivation, he had been particularly concerned about her cultivation.

Because these are likely to be problems that Yu'er will encounter in the future.

"I don't know if Deng Weixian's godfather will come again one day. Just practicing so slowly, there is always something in vain."

During the journey of cultivation, both Li Xuan and Deng Weixian were novices. They had no other choice but to practice hard according to the techniques of bronze head and iron arm.

In addition to the time spent on these things, Li Xuan stayed in Jingyang Palace every day to accompany Princess Ankang.

Eat, sleep, and bask in the sun.

Then there is listening to her tell those stories that she has told countless times.

Li Xuan just regarded it as white noise to help him sleep.

That night, Li Xuan came to Deng Weixian's courtyard again and watched him practice.

He was feeling the parts strengthened by the bronze head and iron arm technique.

He could clearly feel that when the power of Qi and blood passed through these parts, it was significantly more active and the reaction was faster.

Li Xuan gradually understood that the technique at this stage was probably to strengthen the entire body so that all parts could quickly respond to the blessing of the power of qi and blood.

"Is this what the Strengthening Realm means?"

But in this case, I'm afraid I can only rely on time to grind it out bit by bit.

Thinking of what Deng Weixian's godfather said at the beginning, Li Xuan had a deeper understanding at this time.

"It's so troublesome to be promoted to the eighth rank now, what should we do in the future?"

"I wonder if there is any way to speed up this progress?"

Compared with when he broke through the blood coagulation realm, his current advancement is too slow.

Even though Li Xuan could see his accurate progress, it only increased by two or three points every day, which still made him feel particularly unhappy.

And just when he was feeling depressed, the long-awaited figure finally came again.

Thanks to "Baoshan Maple Leaf Red", "Emerald Green Pepper", "Bookworm-Li Ruoshui", "Looking for the Wind", "Why Do You Sleep on a Moonlit Night", "Book Friends 20171003223347368", "The Sorrow of the God", "Maple Morning Glow" ", "Shan You Fu Su", "Dong Dali", "Gu Xian Ling" are supported by monthly votes.

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