
Li Xuan withdrew his gaze coldly and looked at the only white thin dog still standing.

This guy was so stared at that he trembled and his whole body trembled with fear.

As Li Xuan continued to approach, the white thin dog retreated step by step.

"Meow? (Did you bite my companion?)"


Li Xuan only responded with a stern growl.

Apparently cats cannot speak dog language, and there is no way for them to communicate.

But through each other's voices and body language, some rough meanings can still be understood.

Since this thin white dog is the boss of the dogs, this responsibility naturally falls on him.

They injured Mao Ba's leg, and Li Xuan must get the debt back.

The thin white dog retreated all the way to the tree, leaning against the trunk of the tree, unable to retreat.

It barked crazily, trying to scare away Li Xuan, but it was of no use.

Finally, the thin white dog was finally cornered and advanced instead of retreating. The dog jumped over the wall and rushed over, opened its mouth and bit Li Xuan.

Li Xuan was calm and smiled contemptuously.

The speed of the thin white dog was too slow in his eyes.

He lowered his head slightly and moved his copper-headed iron arm. The hair on his head became deeper and deeper silently.


Li Xuan ran straight over and hit the white thin dog's nose hard, causing it to have a crooked nose and slanted eyes, and blood on its face.

The thin white dog fell to the ground wailing, its four paws scratching at the ground randomly, but it couldn't grab the ground and couldn't stand up.

Being hit so hard by Li Xuan caused him to temporarily lose control of his body.

Seeing how vulnerable the white thin dog was, Li Xuan didn't bother to waste any more time.

He stepped forward, raised a paw, and gently stepped on one of the white thin dog's front legs, and then stepped down with a slight force.


There was a heartbreaking sound of fractures, and the white dog's howl suddenly became several times more horrifying.

Li Xuan followed the same method and destroyed its four long legs.

At this time, the thin white dog only had the strength to pant and could not even scream.

It bit one of Mao Ba's legs, so Li Xuan left one leg for it.

One leg for another, fair enough.

Li Xuan looked down at the thin white dog lying on the ground, which had no power to resist anymore, and meowed at him:

"Meow! (If you dare to hurt my kind in the future, I will step on your neck and break it!)"

Li Xuan didn't care whether the white thin dog could understand.

His words have been brought, and whether they live or die in the future depends on themselves.

Li Xuan left the white thin dog and no longer cared about it, but shouted at the tree.

Chiyu, who was originally trapped in the tree, was so frightened that his legs and feet didn't obey him at all, and he couldn't get down even if he wanted to.

At this time, the seemingly harmless little black cat on the ground was more terrifying in its eyes than the original five mad dogs.

Li Xuan looked down for a while and found that Chiyu's legs were weak and he couldn't get down from the tree at all.

He had no choice but to go up in person and pick up the chi jade.

This Chiyu was so frightened that after being bitten on the back of the neck by Li Xuan, it didn't even react at all. It was simply better behaved than a cat.

After Li Xuan put the chi jade under the tree, he let it go.

But its four paws were still a little weak when it stepped on the ground, and it couldn't stand firmly.

"Meow, woo? (Brother, are you okay?)"

"Meow, meow. (No, it's okay.)"

Li Xuan nodded, then took Chi Yu, joined Cow and Fat Orange, and left the place.

Only the five thin dogs were left in a miserable state in the yard, unable to show off their power anymore.

On the way back, Li Xuan took the lead and led the way towards Jingyang Palace.

Niu Niu and Fat Orange followed behind, looking at Li Xuan's back with admiration. Their eyes were very similar to the way they usually looked at the cat bully.

As for the Chitama, it followed at the end, looking at the three of them with a somewhat fearful expression.

He knew Cow and Fat Orange, the famous cat gangster in the palace, who often followed a very vicious one-eyed raccoon dog.

The one-eyed civet cat is known to all the cats in the palace and is the dominant one here.

But now both Niu Niu and Fat Orange are following Li Xuan, looking respectful and frightened.

This made Chikutama wonder whether something had changed in the cat circle in the palace. Could the little black cat in front of him have defeated the one-eyed raccoon dog and become the new cat tyrant?

Chiyu was thinking uneasily all the way, and followed them back to Jingyang Palace, where he finally saw the cat bully who was recovering from his injuries.



Cow Cow and Fat Orange excitedly ran to Cat Bully and vividly told how Li Xuan had taught those dogs a lesson and made Cat Bully angry.

Mao Ba listened blankly, seeming a little silent.

Although it had expected it, listening to the description of the cow and Fat Orange, it still felt unreal for a while.

The enemy that he had managed to break free from had no strength to resist in front of Li Xuan.

While Cat Tyrant felt lonely in his heart, his desire for power also ignited.

It looked down at its injured hind leg, hoping to recover quickly so that it could continue practicing.

During this period, it caught and ate countless mice, and its food intake increased several times compared to the beginning.

These changes all appeared after practicing the Ten Tiger Forms.

And with these changes, it can feel that its body has become a lot stronger.

The last time it felt like this was when it was transforming from infancy to adulthood.

The cat bully looked at Li Xuan, who was lying on the ground with his eyes narrowed, basking in the sun in boredom. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Li Xuan stretched out and planned to leave Mao Ba and the three of them here to play by themselves.

Anyway, they should be able to solve the food problem on their own, and it shouldn't be a problem to help the cat bully find something to eat.

He was about to go back to play with Princess Ankang, but he found a cat following behind him.

"Meow? (Why are you still here?)"

Li Xuan asked in surprise as he looked at Chiyu following behind him.

He thought Chiyu had gone back halfway, but he didn't expect to follow them back to Jingyang Palace.

"Meow, meow, meow... (Okay, okay, okay...)"

Chiyu stumbled as he spoke, not knowing what he meant.

"Looks like this guy was scared."

Li Xuan thought helplessly.

"Meow, woo, meow. (Go back, it's okay, don't be afraid anymore.)"

"Meow, meow, meow... (Okay, okay, okay...)"

Chiyu continued to repeat his previous words.

"Meow, woo. (If you encounter trouble in the future, come to me and I will take care of you.)"

Li Xuan had a good impression of Chiyu. He was a warm-hearted and good cat.

If it hadn't been for it last time, Li Xuan wouldn't have been able to find Yu'er so quickly.

"Meow, meow, meow... (Okay, okay, okay...)"

"Meow, woo. (Uh, go home.)"

Li Xuan saw that it was in a bad state and bumped it with his head.

Chiyu then walked out in despair, but he still kept meowing and repeating the same words.

"Don't let this child be so scared."

Li Xuan thought with some worry.

But then he yawned loudly and became sleepy.

"Forget it, let's go find Ankang and get some sleep first."

"Running around makes me sleepy."

Thanks to "Book Friends 20170612155915766", "The Queen's Little Feather", "Seven Plums", "Snowy Night Winter", "Xinkaxi", and "Suswastika" for their monthly ticket support.

There are some caves, a little late, sorry.

Go to bed early and get up early, everyone, good night~~~


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