Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Episode 18: The New Accompaniment

I ride Schwartz down the forest road.

Celia comes after me desperately from behind.

"It's okay!" but it doesn't look very much like running with bubbles blowing out of your mouth into your congested eyes.

At first, I tried to get Celia on board.

"You can't ride a horse with your husband. I won't be late, so go ahead and ride."

This is the result.

Schwartz whispers and tells me to get him on.

Guilt on me, suffering from Celia, man's ass on Schwartz.

There's nothing good about all three of them, so grab Celia up and put her on before me.

"Horses are tired and late for riding to me!

Celia screams, but that's a mistake.

Schwartz is as light as you got on and there's nothing wrong with him, and he cared about you in the first place and walked slowly.

As soon as she rode, she shook her head satisfactorily, and looked at Schwartz, who had increased her speed. She also noticed. She squeezed in a rough breath.

I'm giving Celia the steel sword I took from Claire and the shield I had.

It's just a little big for her, but when I let her shake it, it was surprisingly good, so I'm letting her hold it.

I don't have the skill, but if it's just the sense of the sword, it seems to have something extraordinary.

We are now walking north of Goldonia, on the northern edge of the central plain, through the Great Forest Zone, which stretches across the border with the Federation.

With a linear distance of more than 100 km, this forest is well established as a street on an important road that connects the Federation with the central plain.

However, damage caused by bandits and intruding undeveloped people has been reported from time to time due to the spread of less promising forests on the left and right.

"When I say no, I fight too!

and entertain the feeling of a cute ass with an intentional Celia between her legs.

Schwartz seems to enjoy the feel of the furry lady's legs on one side of her back.

I have a delusion that Schwartz and I might be alike, but that's not true.

Walk the main road that stretches.

Just the main road that connects the Central Plains to the Federation is different from people frequently during the day.

Along the streets, there are lodgings everywhere, which are poor, but beds, water and other items necessary for the journey can be purchased.

Because of this, we are kept on our journey by carrying only minimal baggage.

It is fundamentally different from the road to the village of Sheila, which was still visited.

Don't feel like you're being shown the power of the Federation and the Kingdom of Goldonia.

As the sun begins to set, we will find our nearest place to stay and finish our journey today.

There seemed to be some of us in the lodging, and there were multiple horses and front carriages parked in the stable.

"Is the bed open?

"Ooh, that's a lot today! That's the last of you. You're lucky."

Pay for your stay and eat in the lobby.

I often spend time in the lobby until just before I go to sleep because I don't get out of my normal accommodation, and my bed is kept in one room and I can't say I'm comfortable.

And sometimes there is useful information for conversations between guests.

I was in the conversation with Celia, too, but I didn't have much good information.

"Are you a mercenary, too? He's got a big spear, but he's the one who's gonna lose his life! Mercenaries who fought for years like me."

The man who has been telling me about mercenary knowledge and behavior from earlier said Gondo and called himself a mercenary in the war.

A strange man whose own heroic stories run through the battlefield come out one after the other but does not remember the specific place name country name.

He's often injured in heavy combat and miraculously helps, but he didn't have one scratch left on his body.

"Ooh! Oh, my God, that's fantastic! How dare you!

They say the man who is exaggerating in response to Gond's story is a good merchant with Lug.

And there are three women and one big man sitting in the corner of the room.

Everyone has a collar and the big man has a burnt mark on his arm.

He's a merchant, but a slave merchant, they call it a commodity.

Slavery is legal for both the Olga Federation… the Kingdom of Goldonia, and what Lug is doing is not illegal.

Lug says he's on his way from the Federation to Goldonia for business.

"Did I say Lug? You seem to know exactly how strong I am!... So I was just talking to you, your slaves are pretty good women. I'm gonna be a big shot in the near future! I don't think it's a bad idea to invest in it right now..."

Lug also reacts exaggerated to Gondo telling him to hold the woman in the dark.

"No, no! Your martial arts and traditions were sincerely brilliant! It's just that the women I'm taking with me today are just as good as you can see. Besides, they're all in the virgin. One hundred gold coins in the city of Wangdu are just the kind of top balls that do."

"He said it was 100 gold coins! Something with such a stupid price!

"No, especially if this upper-ball becomes a virgin, will the nobleman move his forefinger?"

Lug makes one woman stand proud.

He was seventeen years old, not to mention a slave. Was he cared about his appearance, or the brown hair flowing down to his waist had not lost its beauty.

The back is generally sluggish in shape in places such as coarseness.

It's hard to be a exposed person or lean over, but definitely beautiful, you can say that's pretty beautiful too.

Most of all, catching my eyes is huge breasts, pushing my clothes up all torn. That would be the best size I've ever seen.

It was a tremendously sized chest that wobbled every time I wandered.

The two daughters beside her aren't bad either.

It would rather fall into the category of beauty, but it was getting sumptuous.

"My other daughters are pretty good. If they taste it, it will lose its value... Of course, if you can give me 100 of these daughter's gold coins and 50 other daughter's gold coins, I will give them to you right now, so please feel free to enjoy them?

There's no way a mercenary could have that kind of money.

Gond had to shut up while saying bump.

Slaves are the property of their owners, stealing is not only damaged, but can also be captured by guards.

Plus, Lug pushes no.

"But it's this kind of upper-ball, so all sorts of bugs are dropping by, and they're letting this guy make his turn."

The slave's big man seems to have his daughters' turn to play a role.

The man giggles at Gondo, who still can't give up.

Mercenaries in the war went to bed awfully frightened by the gaze of a round-handed man.

"By the way, you have a very beautiful girl. May I ask about your relationship?

Lug, who got rid of Gondo, turns his gaze this way.

Celia seemed blatantly disgusted.

He's my squire.

"Ho ho. You are an adorable squire! It's been a great trip."

You're having fun every night, aren't you? Girls' hobbies, huh? and receives an inferior grin.

You can ignore me, but it's time for Celia to explode, so let's keep it around here.

"Your daughters are quite a bunch of beauties, and it's not bad to be watching, but it's time for this girl to go to bed. Let me be rude."

"That's a shame! You too, if a hundred gold coins..."

I wave and head to the bedroom with Celia.

I have a hundred gold coins.

I wouldn't be spared to have those big tits, but if I bought a slave, Celia's eyes would hurt.

It's resistant to show the beast you've served in front of a girl who admires herself, and it's boring to let a leaning woman go free with gold.

The beds are grouped into large rooms so everyone except slaves will sleep in the same room.

It's not necessarily that there are no fools in Celia who often have no ties to women on their journeys.

"Celia, are you coming to my bed?

"What? Yes! Nice to meet you. Good luck!

You don't have to work hard.

I hug Celia from the front because she's a little chilly.

Is it because she is still a child? She is warm and warm.

And a hug all the time would be even warmer.

Celia has turned her hand around her dreaded back when I'm enjoying the warmth in her arms.

"Dear Eigil..."

Celia staring upwards from her chest, buried in a man's chest plate, etc. It's only a nightmare for me, but Celia is happily rubbing her face.

It feels soft on the chest, Celia seems to be kissing the chest.

She also reacts to a thin-bodied girl because she refuses for quite a while and blood collects in her groin.

"If you stick around too closely, you're gonna offend me, right?


Celia put the sheet in her mouth without saying anything and bit it.

Don't let your voice leak... I'm just kidding.

At that time, Schwartz's hissing echoed.

He wakes himself up in the middle of the night saying what he's doing, but then it sounds like another horse would be hissing continuously too.

Me and Celia look each other in the eye and immediately grab the weapon.

I don't have time to wear armor.

Unusually noticed men preparing chatter and weapons.

This street is relatively safe sometimes patrolled by guards, except at night.

We raid in the night and flee to the woods before morning arrives.

That way it won't even catch the eye of the guard.

Sometimes referred to as bandits or groups of barbarians.

They come through the woods, so the army can hardly even spot them.

Everyone kicks their heads as only the legendary mercenaries were asleep as they head to the lobby with their weapons in their hands.

Even a guy like this would be about shielded.

I look out the window, because it's not a raid, it's a possible horse thief.

But I see more than ten people outside the window, surrounding the quarters.

I am not a horse thief at the time of the siege.

It is clear that the purpose is us.

I told everyone what was going on out there and prompted them to prepare for battle.

"Agil. Mercenary."

"Bruno, mercenaries as well"

"My lord, you can use the spear."

"Eh. A pedestrian and a fighter..."

"I can't fight! Instead this slave!!

"It's Mac."

"You're late! My name is Gondo! Running through numerous battlefields and through countless martial arts!

Kick Gond and finish the introduction briefly.

The next time I make you go through extra trouble, I'm going to slap you.

You call that slave name Mac, he's in good shape and seems to be able to use it, but he's probably round hips.

Three are practically combatable, now how many can survive.

As far as I'm concerned, Celia and I wish I could protect myself, but I want to protect those super boobs somehow.

That size of milk is a treasure for mankind.

"I guess the number of enemies is at least ten. This one is at a disadvantage in numbers. This is the castle, dawn!

Something about the pedestrian screams, but it doesn't work either.

If I'm the ones out there, I'll light them on fire.

And apparently, the enemy moves forward quickly.

Smoke was already coming in from everywhere.

As the scream rises, Mac tries to open the door to the outside by order of his husband, but I do my hand on his shoulder to stop it.

It's too stupid to take the only exit against someone who's ambushing you on fire.

Send a signal to Bruno with the sword and to the shopkeeper with the spear, poking the gond and throwing it out the door.

An arrow stabs the gond as it continues to stand, followed by several spears.

The mercenaries in the war were out of breath screaming ugly.

"Now! Go!"

Me, the shopkeeper, and a mercenary named Bruno run through the side of Gondo, who became like a hare.

There are four men sticking spears out at Gondo, Bruno and the shopkeeper one at a time, and I'll cut down two.

"Slap the Archers!

Bruno screams.

Correct, I can't move if they're after me with a bow.

The enemy sets a bow, but no one seems to be able to fire immediately if everyone has shot at Gondo.

When I approach you all at once, you rush to throw away your bow and try to switch it to a sword, but it's too late.

Let's break them both. Beat them in the head.

Now the bow is crushed.

But the number of enemies seemed to be higher than I thought.

When a scream rises in the rear and looks back, Bruno and the old man in the lodging are slashing and tying two against each other, but the number of enemies is still high.

A pedestrian is being pulled down to the ground and rarely stabbed with a small animal scream.

All five men break through Bruno and the old man to the ladies.

(Can you make it!?

I'll run as fast as I can, but they're faster.

But an unexpected reinforcement appeared.

A wall can be formed in front of an enemy approaching three slave women.

It's a wall made of moving trees at high speeds, Mac lifting and swinging tables.

I can't say it's a weapon, but if it hits, it's not weird to die instantly.

Besides, he's grabbing his leg and swinging the top plate forward, so he can't get Mac to attack him.

"I'll do good!

But the crisis will not end.

The old man, who was fighting 2-on-1, finally exhausts himself and a spear pierces his chest.

Bruno cut one off, but it looks tough to get two more soon and turn to other cover.

Five before Mac, three before Bruno.

Things changed when a moment of confusion arose as to which to cover.

A shadow that pops up to roll under Mac's swinging table.

The little Celia cut off as she crawled the ankles of her attacking enemies.

Two enemies fall and a distracted one is bounced off the table.

Though the remaining two will change their goals and cut a small shadow to death.

"Well done."

I'm already in front of you.

A valdish swung at all costs double-crossed one, not the side.

Double-cut vertically from head to groin.

An incredible amount of blood splashed and the damp firewood cracked as it scattered all the objects in the body.

The one who remained tried to escape screaming whether his heart had been completely broken, but he was throat-pierced and desperate by a sword protruding from his feet.

Bruno, meanwhile, also finally cut down his last enemy, and the two, who were crawling with Celia cutting off their legs, Mac slammed the table and turned it into crushed fruit.

Bruno does quite a job, killing all his opponents one-on-three.

Looking at the bodies, apparently these guys are like barbarians from the East, not just bandits.

Armed with spears and swords, they must have been bandits by the time they got here, raiding pioneering villages.

They don't have metal products.

In the end, there were no injuries to the three female slaves, and Celia just rubbed off her knees when she rolled too.

Bruno and Mac are almost intact, old man and pedestrian. You can say that something was killed, but for the number of people, it's a good fight.

Speaking of which, where's Lug?

"He's rolling in here."

Follow the loog Bruno is passing out behind the Mac.

Apparently, he passed out when he hit Mac's swinging table.


Mac is pale.

Slaves with their hands on their husbands are mostly executed.

Few masters accept force majeure.

"Do you owe this guy anything?

Occasionally there are good bonded slaves and husbands.

"... no"

Then the conversation is quick.

Mac fought bravely and defended the treasures of humanity.

It's a waste of a man to die for such a filthy man.

Bruno and I already turn the fire when we grab Lug and throw him inside a burning lodge.

I would be able to roast a whole bunch of pigs with no demand at all.

"He struck his head in surprise at the barbarian raid and passed out"

"And burned to death as it was. That was a miserable last time."

Me and Bruno shake hands.

That's a pretty good one.

I praise Celia as she stands by her side.

Seems like you have a sense of battle besides your thoughts.

I guess that's what made people so irresistible about waving their swords.

"Well, the problem is over."

Bruno cuts it out.

More than Lug was murdered by the barbarians, his possessions are required by law to go to the survivors, but unfortunately his possessions will be taken away by the barbarians this time.

In other words, the treatment of three female slaves and Mac becomes a problem.

Besides, I have to tell them that the lodging was raided by the barbarians.

"I'll tell them about the raid on the lodge."

Bruno heads to the Kingdom of Goldonia.

That would be good for the distance to the next lodging.

"I'm going to Gordonia. Agir's going to the Federation. Which one do you guys want to follow?

Ask four people.

"I... to the Federation..."


"I would like to be with you, Mr. Agil."

I thought so.

Lug came from the Federation.

I guess they were "purchased" in the Federation.

Whatever fate awaits, it will be natural to want to spend a little time near your hometown.

Besides, I've got Celia, and she doesn't even look like she's dealing with me in a rambling manner.

Perhaps he also felt there was less danger of it suiting him badly.

"I... want to go to the Kingdom of Gordonia"

Mac says he wants to head to Goldonia.

Bruno slightly distorts his face.

That would be right, three beautiful women for me and a big guy for me, a gatimucci macho.

"Then you can use Lug's carriage, and you can't let three women walk."

Fortunately, the stable was not on fire, and there remained a two-headed medium-sized carriage with Lug's front and a pedestrian loba.

I gave Bruno all forty gold coins that were in Lug's purse because this is too good for me, but Bruno throws half of them here and gives them to me.

"Total streaks are not good. Now he's an accomplice. I'll pick up their weapons instead."

Quite a good man, I suppose.

Mac's been watching you with respect.

"Plus it's gonna take a lot of work for a woman to get. I don't need a carriage."

I can't agree with you because the more women there are, but I need a carriage. Let's try to use these 20 for these guys.

The front carriage would also be appreciated amid slowing down speed but expected cold weather.

"Bruno, what are you doing to Goldonia?

"I'm a mercenary. If you go, it's a mercenary regiment."

Yeah, I think we got something connected.

"You have a bit of a big profit to make, I can't give you the details..."

I have a wonder, too.

The wings of dawn seem to recruit quite extensively.

"I'll see you when I'm on edge."

Bruno's voice was repeated over and over again for some reason.

We're ready, too.

Schwartz will have Celia on board and me and my three daughters on the carriage.

I'm the only one who can move the carriage.

I used to move it in the mercenary corps, but hey, let's get used to it.

Schwartz is sending a hot gaze at the female horse hitting the carriage.

He really doesn't have a vision, I didn't know you'd even be interested in horses......... don't you feel uncomfortable?

I'll also reload the luggage I was putting on Schwartz in the carriage.

By the way, our luggage was taken out by Celia by the time it burned down.

When I stroked my head, I was grinning and rushing to get ready to leave.

With dawn, Bruno and Mac head south. We head north.

We'll see each other again anyway.

Well, I'm going to be with the girls behind me for a while now, and it would be nice to have a deeper rapport.

I also have trouble being able to stay as solidified in the corner as I am now.

"So, can I have your names?

"It's Alisa. Your husband."

"It's Colette..."

My name is Nonna.

Alisa has a firm voice, Colette is obviously frightened, and nonna...... she with super big boobs lifted the edge of her skirt to show her a beautiful greeting.

She's the only one with a different vibe.

"So what do you guys want to do?

What? And they all look up.

"If you want it and you've become a slave, you're gonna sell it out in some town, you're gonna keep it mine, but is it?

"No! No!" "Me too!

Alisa is a small town, Colette is from the countryside and apparently kidnapped by bandits in a slightly distant gap and sold out by slave traders as it were.

Is federal security no big deal either, or were the two beauties marked from the beginning?

"Our hometown is in the east, so security isn't so good."


"So if you guys want to go home, you can send him on a trip, but do you know where he is?

The eyes of both of them shine, the place seems to be around northbound as it goes through the woods.

I mean along the street, so if you ask for your name in the town or village you stop by, you'll find out sooner or later.

It's just that the Federation has a different dimension of breadth than within the Central Plains.

I would have to be prepared for the January unit of time to simply say we're heading north.

The snow will get worse, and we can't expect the same speed as we thought.

Then there will be another problem.

Even my child Celia is still feeling her passion lately, but it's quite a struggle to endure the nineteen- and sixteen-year-olds Alisa and Colette, and two more than the two, the mindless beauty Nonna, nearby.

"Clearly. I'll send you home properly. So why don't you let me hold you guys for the rest of the trip?

Colette froze her face as she had a full grin at the incredible development.

"No... no... hey!

Alisa holds onto Colette, who suddenly rumbles.

"Excuse me! I think I remember Colette because she's been treated so badly by the guys so far. Give this kid a break because I'll deal with him..."

"No, I will."

Nonna, who had barely spoken before, gave a good sounding voice.

"It is," she mumbles, but Alisa looks somewhere relieved.

I guess she was also afraid that a man she barely knew would take her virginity from her.

Nonna, on the other hand, sits in a beautiful position and turns to her, wondering if she will hear a stretch of her spine and say "pissy".

But his eyes are slightly shaken, and his hands, assembled on his knees, are also shaking.

"Don't be shy. You're a hell of a beauty, but you have no taste for a woman with dark eyes like that."

What bothered me more than anything was Nonna's eyes, eyes like she'd given it all up.

Unlike the other two, I can go home, but I'm afraid of being offended by a man, that wasn't my eye.

It was like saying I was nowhere else to go, like where I was going.

Huge breasts in non-flying beauty, hugging and taking away the virgin will give you the best pleasure, but if you do that, she's going to remain a dark face forever.

I'm sorry for such a shady relationship.

"You're holding a lot of things."

Three people lay their eyes down.

He was kidnapped and traveled from banditry to slave traders.

You can't be safe.

"I promise, I'll never get my hands on you guys today. So talk a lot and refresh yourself."

Which way, today there is nothing to do but go straight.

Let's just say I listen to the women slowly and wait for them to open their crotches from me.

After Colette and Alisa were kidnapped, they did everything but rob the bandits of their virginity.

He was further reminded of his service to men so that they could sell high even after being sold to slave traders.

He repeated his mouth service to slave traders and their acquaintances, as he did every day, and was consumed with dirty liquid.

He said that two women tangled in front of other male slaves in the play and were exposed to masturbation sperm all over their bodies.

Colette cried and Alisa spoke with a dark face.

He said even if we could go home, we'd already be dirty.

"I know you're sorry, but I don't think you're dirty."

I stop the carriage and enter the carriage from your podium.

Hold them with both hands and hold them just a little tight.

"You wash that stuff and you're done. What they taught me is that when you have a man you love, you can use him."

Continue stroking your head.

"No man is angry at the good service of a woman. If anyone cares about the past, stop being such a trinket."

They were hugged and stiffened themselves for a while, but eventually they lost their strength and started crying out loud with their hands around my back.

Nonna looked lonely at the condition and Celia looked at the bumps and Schwartz hairs.

Stop him, Schwartz stands out when he balks because he's all black.

We left again, but Celia is sitting on your stand.

I'm in the carriage with the two of us hugging me.

I'm also surprised at Celia's talent for doing everything, but I'm surprised Schwartz follows me on his own, even though no one's on board and hasn't pulled the reins.

Is he really a horse? I think he's a sketchy guy who was magically turned into a horse.

And on both sides of me, Alisa and Colette, I raised my voice earlier and cried heavily, but I fell asleep to see if I was tired of crying.

If I pull it off now, I might wake it up, and most importantly, I'm leaving it like this because it's comfortable.

"You're a pretty cute one when you're 19 and tired of crying."

Touch Alisa's head.

"I think I'm relieved."

Nonna is smiling.

She looks seventeen years old, but she looks as if she's an accomplished mother.

"Seems like it's been hard on my eyes ever since, and I think I've reassured you that if it's in your arms, it won't look bad anymore"

"Nonna...... you were. Are you gonna be okay?

"Pfft. I wasn't kidnapped by a bandit. I was ready."

Were Nonna sold for debt or something?

Because there's no place to go home.

Maybe my husband just changed after all.

"I'll give you a hug whenever it gets hard."

"Yes, I might ask you one day"

"It's going to feel amazing."

"You're sketchy," they say, but you're not angry because you're smiling calmly.

But the dark light behind my eyes never went out until the end.

When Celia rode herself out because of the noise at your table, the woods stretched out on both sides, and there was a vast expanse of earth with horizons visible on all fronts.

Finally, we're in the Olga Federation.


Name Agil

Status Individual Mercenary

150 coins of money (discount below silver coins)

(Money may be reduced on its own even if it is not out in the making due to travel expenses, etc. as a guide)

1 x Weapons Large Valdish Steel Knife

Gear Upper Leather Armor Upper Leather Small Upper Leather Boot Black Cloak (Curse)

fur coat

Fellow Schwartz (Horse) Celia Alisa Colette Nonna

12 Experienced

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