Our Bonds

Chapter 1 - Prologue

-Maizuru Naval District-

A loud crack nearly made me jumped out of my sit, pen flying out of my hand. Sounds of water pounding against any surface it could find followed, as if it were trying to break in. A late night storm, and a rather fierce one.

I reached down to pick up my pen and continued my work. After that large-scale operation, which ended in a failure, the amount of steel and bauxite we have are in the red, not to mention the amount of buckets left is close to none. We suffered way too much casualties back then. So for now the plan is to focus on resource acquisition, improving our equipment and getting stronger. Well it's not me who is getting stronger, it's them. My job is to become smarter so as to plan out our strategies for each potential scenario.

"The sound of rain is somewhat relaxing. With this much rain, the destroyers will start frolicking around, especially the Shiratsuyu sisters."

"The others are still asleep. Admiral, shouldn't you get some rest too?"

A rather monotonous, yet somewhat concerned voice responded to my monologue. I looked up from my papers to see a pair of blue eyes underneath unkempt black hair. Standing in front of my desk, in her pajamas, was the second ship in the Shiratsuyu Class.

"Shigure? Why are you not asleep yet?"

"I-I could say the same to you. It's already 0220. Why are still awake?" (Shigure)

Before I could respond , another loud crack echoed across the room, followed by a shriek. I looked down see Shigure hugging tightly around my waist, obviously shaking like leaf. Rather, I can feel her shaking like one.

"Oh I see,"

I said as I place my hand on her soft head,

"It was scary huh?"

I begin stroking her hair, trying to calm her down. Muffled sniffing sounds can be heard and my waist is starting to feel a little wet.

Sobbing? Must be one of her usual nightmares again.

Using my other hand to pat her back, I continued my attempt to calm her down.

"Shhh~ It's alright it's alright. We are still here, okay? Shhhh~ Good girl good girl. Come on, let's move to someplace more comfortable alright? "

I don't want to carry all the way back to her room while she is in this state. Yuudachi will definitely freak out. So I decided to carry her over to my sofa and continue soothing her. Shigure didn't want to let go so I had to carry her in an awkward position. I grabbed the blanket I usually have on the sofa and I covered her body with it. Naturally, she brought up to cover her face. I continue to soothe her until I can neither hear her sobbing nor feel any signs of movement. It took a while, but at least she has calmed down and fallen asleep. This sort of situations are pretty normal I'm this Naval District. Since the Destroyer dorm wing is close to my office and my room, some of them tend to seek my company especially when they have nightmares about their past. One prime example is the girl on my lap. Even though she is part of the main fleet, she has these "attacks" from time to time. Since I'm stuck like this for the time being, mind as well get some shut eye. I close my eyes and let the darkness consume my conscious.

-0615- 04/03/20XX

"Commander. Commander wake up. Geez, how long are you going to sleep? Wake up already!"

A combination of a certain shipgirl's loud child-like voice and shaking rouse me from my slumber. I open my eyes to see what resembles a grey puppy's head.

"Morning Tokitsukaze."

I let a yawn and pat this girl's head. Tokitsukaze smiles gleefully and nuzzles me. The tenth ship of the Kagerou class, Tokitsukaze is one of the nosier and overactive girls in the naval district. Her small size and behavior totally resembles a puppy's. In fact, she is not the only shipgirl that resembles and acts like a small dog. Shigure and Yuudachi act the same sometimes, especially Yuudachi.

"Why are you here? You don't have secretarial duty this week."

"Ahh~ Zuihou told me to wake you up first while she prepares breakfast. So I did." (Tokitsukaze)

Zuihou? Oh, she is finally out of the docks. That means all of them have fully recovered.


"Hmm?" (Tokitsukaze)

"Gather the entire fleet in the cafeteria by 0800. I have instructions for you all."

"Ohhh! Another operation?" (Tokitsukaze)

"Not anytime soon. Just training and expedition plans."

"Got it! I'll go gather everyone! " (Tokitsukaze)

Tokitsukaze ran out of my office as she said that. With one little d.o.g.g.y gone, I look down to check if the other one is still sleeping. Nope, she is gone, probably went back to her room to change. Speaking of which, I guess I should go change too.

As I reach the door leading to the hallway, a knock resounded from it, before opening slowly.

"Easy does it. Wahh! Admiral, you scared me!"

A girl in a white kimono top and red pleated pants greeted me with surprise. Her brown hair is tied up into a ponytail with a red-striped white hachimaki. Her small statue makes one think that she belongs to the Destroyer class, which consists of girls resembling grade schoolers to high schoolers. On the contrary, this girl is a light aircraft carrier. The second ship of the Shouhou class CVLs, Zuihou. Along with Shigure, she is part of the main fleet and my secretarial ship for most of the time.

"Good morning, Zuihou."

Good morning, Admiral! I made breakfast for you????" (Zuihou)

"Ahh thanks. I'll go change first."

"No~ It's been a long time since we had breakfast together. I want to eat together with you, can I?" (Zuihou)

With a mixture of puppy eyes and that the way she asked me, no way I could say no to this adorable creature.

"Well, I guess I have some time before I start work. Alright, let's eat together."

"Yay!" (Zuihou)

With a cry of glee, Zuihou went ahead to set up the dishes on the coffee table. I looked at her happily work, thinking about how the way these girls live their everyday lives. If you take away the fighting they have to do almost everyday and their equipment, they are just ordinary girls. With the ongoing war against the abyssal fleet, fighting is of course inevitable. However, what happens if the war ends? What will happened to these girls? Will they be able to live an ordinary live even after losing their purpose? These questions I ask myself from time to time give me a tinge of sadness and confusion but...

"Admiral, hurry up! Let's eat!" (Zuihou)

We will cross that bridge on it comes.

"Alright alright. I'm coming."

-----------------Authors note-----------------------

Hello. This is my first time writing such a story. This story will be more on the romance side rather than an action-filled plot.(I have no idea on how to write those) Feel free to leave you comments and suggestions on how to make the story better.

Thank you!

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