Our Bonds

Chapter 107 - 96

I made my way to the Command Center.

"What do we got?"

"An hour ago, we received a report from Zuihou-san. She said her mission was completed and they are on the way back. 15 minutes later, we recieved another report from Zuihou-san. She said that they picked up a SOS beacon and were going to investigate. The latest update was the SOS signal she put up." (Ooyodo)

So she tried to save someone but eneded up needing rescue herself.

"Where are they now?"

"According to the beacon's location, they're currently holed up in between some rocks near Kis Island." (Ooyodo)

How did they end up there? I'll figure that out later.

Ooyodo brought up a bird's-eye view of the area. The 6 blue markers indicate Zuihou's fleet. Behind them are 6 grey markers while there are 20 red ones in front of them. The red ones are enemies while the grey ones are...

Eh? Why are there grey ones?

"Ooyodo, what is that?"

"We don't know. It might a civilian fleet or something entirely unknown." (Ooyodo)

That must have been what send out the beacon which attracted Zuihou.

"Hoh... So that's how you can tell." (Rei)

"Lieutenant Commander Rei..."

She followed me to the Command Center. Oh well, this can be a good learning experience for her.

"Time to put what you learnt into good use."

"Roger!" (Rei)

Instead of the usual playful and cheerful expression, Rei had a serious look.

"Currently, Zuihou's fleet is holed up in between some rocks near Kis Island. Based on the info we have, they are supposedly protecting something." (Ooyodo)

"According to protocol, we will send out a rescue fleet. However, with the current situation, we need to consider the number of enemies and what is the cargo."

"Cargo?" (Rei)

"Right. They don't teach that in the academy. Cargo refers to what the fleet is protecting or escorting. Just like an expedition. The resources the shipgirls bring back are the cargo."

"Because they are protecting it. I see." (Rei)

"Admiral, what should we do?" (Ooyodo)

I would like to send out a combined fleet but that will take time to set up. I also need to take into the account the speed of the fleet. I can't also just send out a small one. Only one way left.

"We will send out three fleets."

"Three fleets?! You can do that?" (Rei)

"Roger. Here are the shipgirls that are ready to sortie." (Ooyodo)

"I feel bad but we are going to send out Suzuya and Ryuujou again. Suzuya, Kumano, Hiryuu, Noshiro, Shimakaze and Murasame in the advance fleet. Ryuujou, Souryuu, Tenryuu, Tatsuta, Shigure and Yuudachi will be send out immediately after the advance fleet. Fusou, Yamashiro, Shouhou, Etorofu, Matsuwa and Tsushima will be on clean up and protective duty."

"Protective duty? What is that?" (Rei)

"It basically means they will focus on protection instead of eliminating the enemies. Though in this case, they will assist in elimination as well."

"Roger. I will go set up the fleets. They will sortie in 10 minutes." (Ooyodo)

"I'll leave that to you."

"Is that it?" (Rei)

"No. Our real job starts now."


Ugh... Why are they so many of them?

We were returning from our sortie when we picked up a SOS signal. The source of the signal came from other shipgirls. They were all dressed in white coats. At first, they were frightened and confused. The one with braids was the only one that responded to us when we tried to communicate with them but we couldn't understand each other. The only thing we knew was that, they were hiding from something.

And that was when we got ambushed by a bunch of similar-looking, bikini-clad girls.

They are not Abyssals, so I think they are Sirens. They were pretty easy to take down, but they just keep coming. It's creepy how they all look the same and just blankly stared at us.

We finished a sortie, so we ran out of ammo and fuel pretty fast. For the time being, we hid behind some rocks near Kis Island. We can't move and contact has been cut off.

"This is the third time I needed rescuing..."

"ты в порядке?" <Are you alright?> (Braided girl)

"Sorry. I'm not sure if I can understand."

"простите" <Sorry> (Braided Girl)

She had a depressed look on her face. Maybe she is sad that they are stuck here.

"Sorry. I couldn't save you all. But don't worry. I already called for help."

I'm not sure if she understood that. She just gave a smile a pointed at herself.

"Аврора" <Avrora> (Avrora)


"дада" <Yeah yeah> (Avrora)

Introduction? I guess we could do that to lighten up the mood a little. Avrora and I started using gestures to communicate. We introduced everyone to each other. This sort of reminds me of the time when I got caught by the Royal Navy and Eagle Union. At least, this group is friendly.

Speaking of which, it's a little quiet outside. Are we in the clear?

I peeked out behind the rock and quckly dart back into hiding when I saw one of them go past.

Nope, we are still surrounded.

What should we do? We are just sitting ducks here. I can't launch my planes with a damaged bow. The others are out of ammunition and exhausted.

Suddenly, I heard a loud explosion followed by a shockwave. Is that?

"Enemies spotted! Well ,well... let's do it!" (Suzuya)

Suzuya! And the others as well. A loud buzz sounded in my ear and I finally heard the voice I wanted to hear.

"Finally, I got through. This is the third time you nearly gave me a heart attack. Seriously, do I have to ground you again?" (Admiral)


He doesn't sound too happy. Of course he wouldn't.

"Yahoo~ I'm here too!" (Rei)

"I'm gonna have to punish you when you get back. In the meantime, stay where you are." (Admiral)


Soon, Ryuujou-chan's fleet and Fusou's fleet joined in as well. Following Admiral's order and Rei's as well, they cleared out the horde within seconds.

"Seriously, I just got back and I had to go out again." (Suzuya)


"Oh well. At least you girls are alright." (Yamashiro)

"So... Who are these people poi?" (Yuudachi)

I introduced them to the others.

"They have weird names." (Shigure)

"друзья?" <Friends> (Avrora)

Avrora pointed at me and the others. I have no idea what she just said so I just nodded.

"Suzuya, I need one last favour."

"Hmm? What is it?" (Suzuya)

"Can you give us a tow? We can't move..."

"We were leaning against the rocks the entire time." (Amatsukaze)

"Ehh..." (Suzuya's fleet)

While we were out of fuel and couldn't move an inch, Avrora and the others seem alright. Just to be safe, Ryuujou-chan's fleet decided to tow them as well. Ryuujou-chan picked Tashkent-san, who is about the same size as us.

"Спасибо" <Thank you> (Tashkent)

"Er... I don undasutando..." <I don't understand> (Ryuujou)

"Ryuujou-chan, they don't speak english too."

"Then what do they speak?" (Ryuujou)

"Oh I've seen that style of clothing before. They must be Russian." (Rei)

"I thought I heard that name somewhere before. So that girl is also Tashkent. We have a Tashkent here too, but she is in Kure." (Admiral)

"If that girl is another Tashkent, that means..." (Ooyodo)

"Azur Lane?" (Admiral)

"дадада. Вы знаете Azur Lane?" <Yeah yeah yeah. You know Azur Lane?> (Avrora)

That 'da' means 'yeah', right? And she said Azur Lane...

"For the time being, bring them back with us. It has been a tiring day for all of you. I'll go ask Azur Lane about those girls. Oh, and I want a written report about this." (Admiral)

Ugh... I guess I'm the one that's going to write that. It would be great if that's the only punishment I'm going to get.

"Now then, I gonna need some restraining rope from Akashi. How am I going to-" (Admiral)


"Admiral! You are still connected! They can hear you!" (Ooyodo)

"Oh crap!" (Admiral)

There was the sound of something being dropped and then, silence.

Suzuya, Shigure and Yuudachi blushed while the others looked confused. Please tell me it's not what I think it is...

"Erm... It will be alright. The girl in the book seems to enjoy it." (Shigure)

"Poi poi." (Yuudachi)

"I going to say this in advance. Good luck, Zuihou. Hey! Don't struggle!" (Suzuya)

That was the first time I didn't want to return.

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