Our Bonds

Chapter 128 - 115

Since I'm on leave for the day, I decided to do some shopping at the mall. I going to need to buy some treats for the girls back home. And the plushy I promised Yamakaze. The treats are simple enough. The main problem is choosing the plushy. I don't know which one would she like. This store has way too much choices.

As I was in the midst of deciding, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Yo. Long time no see." (???)

I can hear her voice but I can't see her. Only when I look down then I noticed who it was. A short girl with shoulder length back hair stood behind me, smiling. She was wearing a pink jacket over a purple dress. At first glance, she looks like a middle school girl, but in fact, she is the same age as me.

"Lisa-chan! Long time no see!"

This girl's name is Amano Lisa. We were classmates and fellow dance club members back in highschool. We used have long practice sessions together, hang out with the others after club activities, go out for movie sessions, having dinner at a restaurant, even booking a studio to practice for an upcoming performance. Those were the days. I'm surprised to see her here. She was supposed to be in Tokyo.

"What are doing here?"

That was a stupid question. Of course she is here to shop. Why else would you be at mall?

"Just hanging around. I was finally forced to clear my leave. So I figured I came back for a day or two." (Lisa)

"Oh right, you are in the police force."

"Yep. In the forensic department. We are busy almost everyday. I can't say much. Classified stuff." (Lisa)

"I see. That's sounds rough. Isn't Kihara-kun with you?"

"He is at the hotel. Say he wants to sleep in for the day." (Lisa)

Kihara-kun is her ridiculously tall husband. He was our junior back then. We were surprised when we discovered they were dating. The difference in size is amazing when they stand side-by-side.

"What about you? You look like you are having some trouble." (Lisa)

"Well, I can't seem to choose the right plushy."

"For your girlfriend?" (Lisa)

"No. More like my daughter. Ah!"

Crap. I worded my sentence wrong.

"No. I mean-"

"No way! You're married?! When?! Why didn't invite me?" (Lisa)


"Ooh~ So you became one of those 'Admirals'. I thought you finally had a family on your own." (Lisa)

"Ahaha. That's a bit of a stretch."

Although, I did think about it.

After managing to settle her down and buying a green teddy bear, we took our chat to a nearby dessert shop.

"Hehe. You finally got a little harem of yours." (Lisa)

"Umm... Not really. I see myself more of a father figure to them. Well, most of them at least."

"Aha. So you have eyes on one of them. So, how is she? Cute? Beautiful? How is she like?" (Lisa)

"What are you? My mom?"

I talked to her about Zuihou. How she enjoyed cooking, how fun it was just spending time with her, the antics she would get up to and all sorts of stuff. Of course, I made sure to stay away from the more sensitive and confidential stuff. I'm surprised that I can talk this much to her even though we haven't spoken for a long time. It feels like we are back in highschool. How nostalgic.

"You must really be in love with her. I never thought the little boy back in highschool has grown to be such a man." (Lisa)

"While you haven't grown much."

"Hey!" (Lisa)

"Hahahaha! Sorry. I just had to."

"Geez! As punishment, you need to go shopping with me!" (Lisa)

"Yeah yeah. I'll follow you."

I need to buy more stuff anyway.

Our first stop was a clothing store. As expected, she hasn't change much. Lisa still likes to dress up. It is a little awkward for a guy to be at a store that specialises in women clothing, but there is one thing I would like to get. While Lisa chooses her dress, I went to the lingerie section. As I thought, the men that came along with their partners are all gathered at one corner while their partners choose goods. There are some unlucky ones who got dragged by their girlfriends to assist in the choosing. As for me, this is extremely awkward! But it's for the sake of my fantasies.

There are so many varieties to choose from, I wonder which one is the perfect fit.

"Um... Excuse me, sir?" (???)

Oh boy. Here comes the hard part.

A store clerk approached me with an awkward smile. I can see the other customers giving me some dirty looks.

"Can I help you?" (Store clerk)

Stay calm. Just act natural.

"Yeah. I'm looking buy a present. For my girlfriend."

Who buys a babydoll as a present?!

"I-I see. Do you know what size she wears?" (Store clerk)

The store clerk is trying her best to keep up her smile. She is definitely think that I'm a pervert. She is not wrong though.

"Erm... She is about this height. A little bit on the small side."

"There you are! Why did you just lea- Huh?" (Lisa)

Great timing!

"A little taller than her, but flater."

I pointed at Lisa as I spoke to the store clerk.

"I see. I reccommend this selection then." (Store clerk)

"Did you just use me as a measuremnt?! And what are you buying?!" (Lisa)

In the end, I settled for a semi-transparent, pink babydoll. You can never go wrng with a classic style.

"Stop making that creepy smile. It's gross." (Lisa)


We hung around the mall for a little while, playing at the arcade, eating more desserts. Basically relieving our youthful days. Though, it is weird without the rest of the clique.

"Phew. Today was fun." (Lisa)

"Yeah. I'm surprised you can keep up with all those moves. I can barely keep up."

"Well, Kihara-kun is still dance freak. I join his hip-hop dance sessions from time to time." (Lisa)

"We should meet up again some time. Let's invite the rest."

"Good idea! It's been a long time since we all hang out. Oh. Before you go,"

Lisa took out her phone and scoot over to me,

"A commemorative photo!" (Lisa)

We took a few shots together.

"I'll send you the photos later." (Lisa)

And so, we part ways. Lisa said she will be returning to the hotel to pick her husband up for lunch. As for me, the girls are waiting for me back at the base.

When I returned, Yuudachi and Shigure were waiting for me at the gate.

"Admiral-san, welcome home poi!" (Yuudachi)

"Welcome home, Admiral. How was it?" (Shigure)

"I'm back. I brought a lot of stuff for everyone."

"Hmm? *sniff* *sniff* Admiral-san, there is a weird smell poi." (Yuudachi)


"Yeah. It's an unknown scent." (Shigure)

Don't tell me...

"Admiral, was there someone else with you?" (Shigure)

Yeah. I knew this would happen.

"Ah. I met my highschool friend. She came here for a vacation."

"I see." (Shigure)

"More importantly, what did you buy, Admiral-san?" (Yuudachi)

"Here. Some snacks and drinks. Share it with the rest, 'kay?"

"Yay! Let's go, Shigure!" (Yuudachi)

Yuudachi grabbed the bags of food and ran off with Shigure in tow.

"Wait, Yuudachi!" (Shigure)

Now then, where is Yamakaze's room?

I walked to the destroyer's dormitory to look for her room. She shares her room with Harusame and Shiratsuyu.

There it is.

I knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds. No response...

"Pardon my intrusion..."

I slowly opened the door. The lights were off and there's nobo- Nope. There is someone here.

On the top bed, barely illuminated by the corridor lights, I can see a fluff of green hair sticking out of the covers. That's Yamakaze's bed. She sleeps this early? Did she have an expedition today?

I crept over to her, took the green teddy bear out of the bag, and gently set it by her side. I also left a small note in its arms, so she wouldn't be so confused when she wakes up.

With that done, I quickly made my exit. I don't want to get caught sneaking into a another girl's room while she is sleeping.

When I returned to my office, Zuihou was waiting for me.

"I'm back."

"Welcome hom- Hmm?" (Zuihou)

Zuihou pranced over to me, but stopped midway and glared.


"The smell of another woman.." (Zuihou)

You too?!

"No. It's not what you're thinking. I just came across my highschool friend. That's all."

"Really? You just came across your highschool friend?" (Zuihou)

I frantically nod my head. She seems doubtful, but she accepted it nonetheless.

"Anyway, I have something for you."

"?" (Zuihou)

I gave her the bag containing the babydoll. She took one look into the bag and immediately figured out what it was. She immediately turned red and started to stutter,

"Th-t-this i-is..." (Zuihou)

"You know what to do in the future."

"Thi-this is tr-transparent! H-how can I? Admiral, you pervert!" (Zuihou)

As she started flailing her arms at me, my phone notifications started to go off.

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