Our Bonds

Chapter 144 - 130.5



So lonely...

Why am I like this?

Right... If only Admiral didn't... at that time...

It's Admiral's fault...

Even though I cried for help...

He keeps ignoring me...

So cold...

So lonely...

Why... must I suffer like this...?

It's all Admiral's fault...

Even though I loved him...

Even though I trusted him...


I hate him...





I had... enough...!!!

"Fleet... Destroy everything!"


*Cape Engano* -Shouhou POV-

You got to be kidding...

Even though they are low ranking Abyssal and Sirens, this is too much!

Admiral sortied us to assist in thinning out the sudden outbreak of Abyssal and Siren sh.i.p.s in Cape Engano and the subjugation of the Abyssal Crane Princess. By the time we reached the operation area, the other fleets from various Naval Districts have started their attacks.

Abyssal and Siren sh.i.p.s reached out as far as the eye can see. Our radars are overloaded by the number of enemy signatures being picked up. Explosions and fire can be seen at every angle we look.

"Hawawa! What should we do?! There's too many of them!" (Gambier Bay)

"Calm down. We just have to proceed as per normal." (Yahagi)

Yahagi-san is right. No point in getting scared now. We just have to break through.

"Still, this is extremely chaotic. I can't locate the others." (Ooyodo)

"Look out!" (Satsuki)

Satsuki-chan aimed her AA gun upwards and begin firing at an Abyssal Hellcat that was flying towards us. The Hellcat burst into flames and fell into the ocean.

Admiral was right. There might be some Wo-class Abyssal Carriers here.

"Thank you, Satsuki-chan." (Ooyodo)

"Ehehe~" (Satsuki)

"The fleet over there! Please identify yourself!" (???)

As we were about to launch our attack against the Abyssals in front of us, a voice entered our comms, demanding us for identification. Is this Yamato-san?

"This is flagship Ooyodo of Maizuru Subjugation Fleet. It's a honour working with you, Yamato-san." (Yamato)

Oh, Ooyodo-san. Sorry for being rude. Things are chaotic here." (Yamato)

"That's okay. I understand. What's the situation right now?" (Ooyodo)

"It's just as you can see. The number of enemies are overwhelming. All of the Abyssals are Destroyer Ni-class and Light Crusier He-class. The Abyssal aircraft were solely launched from the Abyssal Crane Princess herself. As of two hours ago, the Abyssal Crane Princess's fleet has stopped moving. However, more Abyssal sh.i.p.s are spawning and she has started to launch her aircrafts at a accelerated rate. I need you guys to eliminate as much Abyssals as you can in the South-eastern flank and possibly secure a route so we can go in and take her out. Be careful not to get surrounded. Kitakami-san's fleet at the Northern flank got surrounded so we are going in to extract them." (Yamato)

"Understood. We will handle the numbers on our end." (Ooyodo)

"Thank you. That helps. Good luck." (Yamato)

"Ooyodo-san, your orders." (Yahagi)

"Right. Starting from now, we will communicate through code. There's a chance the enemy may tap into our channel."

"Abyssals can do that? Sounds impossible." (Satsuki)

"They did it once. Admiral received an unknown call from around here before. He suspects the call might be linked to the Abyssal Crane Princess. Of course, it was just a suspicion. Anyway, here is the plan. We will go in a line ahead formation. I will secure the front, Fubuki-san will be providing AA cover behind me. Shouhou-san and Gambier Bay-san will be in the middle. You two are our main stars after all. Similar to me and Fubuki-san, Satsuki-san and Yahagi-san will cover the back. Make sure the enemy doesn't get a chance to flank us." (Ooyodo)

"Roger!" (All)

"Now, start the operation!" (Ooyodo)

Following Ooyodo-san's plan, we charge straight into the horde of Abyssals and Sirens.

Most, if not all, of the Abyssals were Light Cruisers and Destroyers, so it didn't take much effort to sink them. The problem is the number of Abyssals and how fast they spawn from the sea.

"Gh! They just won't stop appearing!" (Satsuki)

"There's too many!" (Fubuki)

"Hawawa! This is too much!" (Gambier Bay)

"Argh!" (Yahagi)

Smoke suddenly engulfed Yahagi-san. Her riggings and clothes are in shreds.

"Yahagi-san, are you alright?" (Satsuki)

"I let my guard down. A torpedo..." (Yahagi)

"No way..." (Satsuki)

"I can still fight." (Yahagi)

"Don't push yourself. Satsuki-san, defend the rear. Yahagi-san, fall back to the middle and provide cover fire." (Ooyodo)

"Got it. My apologies, Satsuki-san." (Yahagi)

"Leave this to me! I can handle a bunch of small fries on my own!" (Satsuki)

As we continued to sink everything in our path, explosions and screams can be heard all around us. We should be use to this kind of noise by now, but hearing so many of them at the same time is really scary.

"All sh.i.p.s, be advised. The Abyssal Crane Princess is heading to the South-eastern area. I repeat, the Abyssal Crane Princess is approaching the South-eastern area. All nearby sh.i.p.s, please converge." (Ise)

Ise-senpai's suddenly entered our ears through our comms. No, more importantly, the Abyssal Crane Princess is coming here?!

"Shouhou..." (???)

"What was that?"

I just heard someone call my name on the comms.

"Who is this? How did you get on this channel?!" (Yamato)

Before anyone could answer, Abyssals and Sirens suddenly blew up in a distance in front of us! Some were even flung high into the air. What is happening?

"What's happening?!" (Gambier Bay, in English)

"Shouhou..." (???)

"Yamato-san!" (Ooyodo)

"On our way! Hang on just a little longer!" (Yamato)

There is a lot of chatter on the comms. Everyone is riled up by the strange events unfolding around us. Abyssals and Sirens being thrown around like rag dolls, a mysterious voice that infiltrated our secured communication channel.

"Ooyodo-san, enemy aircraft!" (Fubuki)

"Tch! Diamond Formation, now! Prepare for AA combat! Shouhou-san, Gambier Bay-san, get some fighters up in the air."


"Un-understood!" (Gambier Bay)

As I was about to pull my bowstring, I felt a sharp pain in my side. A burning sensation coursed through my body.


I got hit by a HE shell. I can't move.

"Shouhou-senpai!" (Gambier Bay)

No good... The pain is blurring my vision...

I can feel something warm flowing down my face. Is this... blood?

"She's here! Everyone, focus on the enemy! Yahagi-san, check on Shouhou-san!" (Ooyodo)

Everyone is fighting. I need to get up...

"Wait! What is she- Hyaa!" (Satsuki)

"Yahagi-san, look out!" (Fubuki)

"Yahagi-san! Shouhou-san!" (Ooyodo)

As I looked up, I find myself staring at a terrifying sight...

A grey figure dressed mainly in black stood towering over me. Her hair was floating. She wore a hakama and had a turret on her back.

The Abyssal Crane Princess was in front of me! However, compared to the one we saw in the records, she was much smaller. I know I have seen that face before. Instead of the sharper, more matured face, this one has a younger, smaller face which is eerily familier. She stared at me with sadness and hatred in her eyes.

"Shouhou..." (Abyssal Crane Princess)

That voice...

No way! ! Even though her voice is slightly distorted, it definitely belongs to her! And that face. That's not Zuikaku-senpai!


I can't move.

"I finally... found you... I was so lonely... Hey, where is Admiral? Let's go together... Shouhou... To the bottom of the ocean..."(Abyssal Crane Princess)

The Abyssal Crane Princess got closer. I can feel her cold fingers tighten around my neck.

I can't... breathe...

"Get away from her!" (Ooyodo)

The left side of the Abyssal Crane Princess explode and she moved aside. I can feel the oxygen rushing into my body as soon as she released her grip. My throat hurts from both the pressure and the sudden flow of oxygen.

"Shouhou-san, are you alright?" (Fubuki)

How is this happening? Wasn't the Abyssal Crane Princess supposed to be Zuikaku-senpai's Abyssal counterpart? Why is Zuihou the one in that body?

"Ooyodo-san...? Fubuki-chan... Yahagi-san... Long time... no see... So many... friends... Hey... Come with me... Then, I won't be lonely anymore..." (Abyssal Crane Princess)

"I know some of the Abyssals have memories of their past life, but why is she speaking like she knew us personally?" (Yahagi)

"No. That's impossible! It can't be...!" (Ooyodo)

"Come with me... to the depths of the sea..." (Abyssal Crane Princess)

"Zuihou-senpai?" (Fubuki)

"Then... you can recall the same sorrow and bitterness as I did..." (Abyssal Crane Princess)

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