Our Bonds

Chapter 149 - 135

As planned before, Yamato's fleet will be the last line of defense for the base. Once the Abyssals in other sectors are eliminated, they will head over to reinforce the attack. Brunei Anchorage and Kure will handle the Abyssal escorts, if the situation is the same as Cape Engano. After which, they will continue to close in on the Abyssal Phoenix Princess. Sasebo and Maizuru will charge straight at the Abyssal Phoenix Princess. Azur Lane's Carrier Fleet will go around and hit the Abyssals from behind. If everything goes well, we would be able to hit the Abyssal Phoenix Princess with the full power of ten fleets.

From Yokosuka, we have Yamato, Musashi, Haruna, Maya, Kasumi and Kagerou. Sasebo's fleet consists of Bismarck, Graf Zeppelin, Kitakami, Ooi, Yuugumo and Naganami. Kure's Torpedo squadron has Jintsuu, Yukikaze and the four Akatsuki sisters. Brunei Anchorage sent over Italia, Roma, Zara and Roma, Houston and Johnston. For our side, we have Zuihou, Suzuya, Yahagi, Ooyodo, Murasame and Yuudachi.

The carrier fleet from Azur Lane has the three Yorktown-class Carriers, the Crane sisters and Akagi. Their torpedo squadron has Suzuya, Belfast, Yuudachi, Yukikaze, Shigure and Le Malin.

Joining the fight later will Azur Lane's Kaga and Taihou, Souryuu, Tenryuu's torpedo squadron 3, with Asashio, Arashio, Mutsuki, Kisaragi and Satsuki, and Tatsuta's torpedo squadron 4, with Yamakaze, Shiratsuyu, Yayoi, Uzuki and Fumizuki. Maya will head straight back to base before joining up Yamato's fleet. Shouhou will return as well and provide secondary air support.

It's starting. Large numbers of Abyssal start to surface from all around the main Abyssal fleet. It's just like the situation in Cape Engano, only Destroyer Ni-class and Light cruiser He-class. Even her escorts are of the same rank. Usually the escorts would be Carrier Wo-class or Battleship Re-class, but her fleet is pretty weak. Maybe that's why she is trying to overwhelm us with numbers.

I brought along a portable monitor and radio headset to observe the situation from Grozny's ship and give orders accordingly. It's a little small, maybe I'm just not used to watching a battle unfold on such a smaller screen, but it gets the job done. For me, Grozny will remain near the base with Akashi until I feel the need to intervene. If that happens, Grozny will bring me close enough to the battlefield. I will then signal to Enterprise, who is also in cahoots, to pick me up via plane. Hopefully, the Abyssal Phoenix Princess will sink and that's the end of a story. If thats the case, I could still tell her goodbye in my heart as I watch her sink. The problem now is, she is totally different from before. Previously, her form is very much like the Abyssal Crane Princess, with floating hair and a turret attached to her back. Now, she has taken on an entirely new form.

She is basically Zuihou if she lets her hair down and dyed it white. And add three horns at the left corner of her forehead. She is wearing a black traditional miko's garb with a white short skirt. What is most eye-catching about her is that large, black appendage which replaces her right hand. It looks like a crossbow. There is the Lath, which protrudes out from the end. And she is using it to launch her planes!

"Diamond formation! Prepare for triple-A combat!"

"Admiral, the planes are focusing on us!" (Zuihou)

"If that's the case, we will draw their attenetion while the others move in." (Bismarck)

"She just plans to break through, huh? Understood. While the two of you handle the planes, Jintsuu-san and Italia-san, mainten line-ahead formation and continue to close in from the sides. Eliminate whatever Abyssals you can along the way.Be careful not to let them surround you."

"Roger! Preparation for assault, complete. Let's go!" (Jintsuu)

"I will show you the true power of shipgirls!" (Italia)

"This is Avrora. We are approaching the operation area shortly."

"Avrora, your fleet will intercept the Abyssal Phoenix Princess if she tries to escape. Standby at you position."

"Understood. Avrora, holding position." (Avrora)

"Tenryuu, Tatsuta, what's your situation?"

This is Tenryuu-sama. All of my girls are pefectly fine. We are on our way to the battlefield." (Tenryuu)

"Alright. Make your way in towards the target from the South-west direction."

"This is... Tatsuta. Sorry, one of those stupid things managed to hit me..." (Tatsuta)

Tatsuta's out for the count.

"Roger. Are you the only hurt?"

"No. One of the little ones got hurt as well."

I switched the camera to Tatsuta's location. Both Tatsuta and Fumizuki are badly injured.

"Tatsuta, Fumizuki-san, fall back to base. The rest of you hold your position until Agano and Noshiro arrive. After that, head to the battlefield and enter from the north-west. The both of you got that?"

"Finally Agano's show time, right? Hehehe, I've been waiting." (Agano)

"Noshiro. Setting sail." (Noshiro)

Explosions and balls of fire can be seen and heard from my position. Aircraft from both sides explode in mid-air. I haven't seen this scene in a long time. The sound of gunfire and exploding Abyssals accompanied by their screams echo in my ears. I feel excited just watching the battle unfold in front of me.

"You are in my way! Admiral!" (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

I can hear her screaming on the radio. How did she tap into the signal?!

"All sh.i.p.s, the target is tapping into our signal. Unless it's important, maintain radio silence with other fleets. I will communicate with codes."

I can hear various tapping on the radio. They switched to using Morse code pretty fast.

I switched the channel to communicate back with Rei.

"Rei, do you read me?"

"Yeah, I'm monitoring things at my end. Oh no. Admiral, something is wrong! The channel are lighting up one by one!" (Rei)

"Cut the connection! Switch to Morse code."

That girl... She planned on searching every channel for me. She is hellbent on aiming for me.

"Grozny-chan, we need to move."

"Understood." (Grozny)

The entire ship roared to life as the anchors were brought up. I can feel a slight breeze as the ship turned to starboard and advanced forward.

"Maintain this speed. We will go as close as we can to Yorktown's fleet."

"Understood. Grozny, maintaining speed." (Grozny)

"Akashi-chan, how is my equipment?"

"You are crazy, nya. How do you plan on using this old pistol against an Abyssal? This old thing can barely work nya!" (Akashi)

I had Akashi-chan to do some maintenance on the old Nambu Pistol and the sabre. She is obviously not too happy with it.

"And that sword, it's tough, but don't expect it to block anything for long nya. It can only take three direct hits before breaking nya." (Akashi)

"That's oddly specific. Can you do something about it?"

"What do I look like nya?! A swordsmith?! I don't even have the proper equipment to temper a sword nya. I can oil your gun and make it work again, but the sword is not going to get anything nya." (Akashi)

"Alright. That's more than enough. Thanks."

"You can thank me by treating to that dessert shop in your base nya." (Akashi)

These Azur Lane girls really like Mamiya's dessert.

As we get closer, the explosion and fighting are getting louder and more ferocious. Rei and I have been giving orders using Morse code. Since it's using a different signal, the Abyssal Phoenix Princess can't track us.

"Admiral! Where are you?! I missed you..." (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

I can hear her through the monitor...

"Duck!" (Akashi)

Suddenly Akashi pushed me on to the deck. One of Grozny's main guns angled towards the air and fired with a thunderous bang.

Argh! My ears! They won't stop ringing!

It took a while for me to recover. So that's how a main gun sounds like up close. Interesting, but I wouldn't recommend standing near one with ear protection.

"What happened?"

"Enemy aircraft...Sorry for during without warning..." (Grozny)

Grozny looked down. She looks as though she is going to cry. I pet her head,

"It's okay. You did what you had to do. Thank you."

Grozny looked at me with glimmer in her eyes.

"Nya! I saved you too!" (Akashi)

"Yeah. Yeah. Thank you."

She is a cat, right? So...

I stroked the underside of Akashi's chin. She seems startled at first, her eyes immediately straightened up, but immediately melted into my palm afterwards.

"Nya~~" (Akashi)

"Why are you my way?! Aren't we all friends?! I see... You want to join me too... Let's go together..." (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

"Damn... She is crazy just as my Admiral said." (Bismarck)

"This is never ending. How many planes is she going to lau-ouch!" (Kitakami)

"Kitakami-san!" (Ooi)

A firebomb dropped from the Abyssal Hell Diver scored a direct hit on Kitakami, burning off most of her uniform.

"How dare you-!!!" (Ooi)

In a fit of rage, Ooi launched a set of torpedo at the Abyssal Phoenix Princess, only to have them blocked by a Light Cruiser He-class that just spawned in front of the torpedos.

Bismarck continued her shelling. The Abyssal Phoenix Princess evaded the shells but staggered as something hit her from behind. She turned around and growled.

"Sorry for being late." (Belfast)

"We finally managed to break through." (AL Suzuya)

It was Azur Lane's combined fleet. They are finally in firing range.

"That oni girl, kinda looks like me..." (Suzuya)

"Ah, you're right!" (Zuihou)

"Focus! This is not the time!" (Yahagi)

"Sorry." (Zuihou & Suzuya)

Thanks, Yahagi. I was about to say that myself.

The Abyssals Phoenix Princess started to launch more planes, in all different directions. This is bad!

"Grozny, full speed ahead. Take us to the back."

I can feel the ship increase its speed. The inertia almost made me fall backwards.

The explosions in the air got more frequent and fiercer as everyone concentrated on the Abyssal aircrafts and the enemy in front of them. With everyone working together, it was not long until the results were out.

All of the fleets have entered their firing range. Even the ones that joined in after the battle started. Her escorts are gone, and she stopped spawning Destroyer Ni-class and Light cruiser He-class. They got the Abyssal Princess Phoenix cornered!

"So many... friends... Even Shouhou is here... Let's go together... I need to get Admiral first..." (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

"No! You are sinking right here!" (Zuihou)

"You..." (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

The Abyssals Phoenix Princess steed wide-eyed at Zuihou. Her eyes were suddenly filled with rage as she charged at Zuihou.

"You...!!!" (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)


On my cue, everyone fired everything they have at the Abyssal Phoenix Princess. Shells, torpedos, firebombs. Everything was thrown at her. There are multiple explosions, and with each explosion, her painful screams echo through the air.


I stopped their attacks. Apart from being overkill, I can't bear to hear her screams anymore. It pains my heart...

The Abyssal Phoenix Princess, now in town clothes and covered with burn marks and injuries, fell to her knees as she started to sink.

"Why...? Why must I... sink again...? I just wanted... to be with everyone..." (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

I'm sorry, Zuihou. Goodbye.

"No... I don't want... to go... not like this... I see... Admiral... You planned this, didn't you?" (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

Wait. Something is wrong...

A weird, black and red glow started to form around her. What is happening?


"No! It's not safe! I can't-" (Enterprise)

"Just do it!"

I need Enterprise to get me into the air. This malice, this bloodl.u.s.t is not normal.

"It's tour fault... Even though I loved you... You want to sink me again!!??" (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

She suddenly stood up, unleashing a force which pushed everyone around her away. There was screaming everywhere as everyone fell to their feet from the force. Even Grozny was slightly pushed away.

This is bad! This wasn't suppose to happen.

I hear the distinct sound of a propeller plane close by,

"Admiral-san, above! Grab my hand!" (Enterprise)

I looked up to see Enterprise, riding on a plane, closing in. I stretched my hand for her to grab it and pull me up.

It's cold and the air blowing straight into my eyes hurts. I can't even keep them fully open for a few seconds. And we are moving pretty fast so I held onto Enterprise's shoulder for dear life.

"What is that? What's happening?

"I'm not sure, but there's definitely a Siren reaction." (Enterprise)

"A siren?! But she is an Abyssal!"

The black and red glow around her hot bigger and stronger. In front of everybody's eyes, her wounds closed up and her outfit became back to how it was originally.

I need to buy time. I need to distract her so that they rest can regroup. I turned on the public channel,

"Yo, Zuihou! Long time no see!"

"What are you doing?!" (Enterprise)

"Admiral? Why are you up there?" (Zuihou)

"You fool! What is the commander doing oonthe front lines?!" (Graf Zeppelin)

Of course. Announcing my presence using the public channel will also get everyone's attention.

"Admiral... Found you... I have... so many things to say to you..." (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

The glow around her is getting stronger...

"All sh.i.p.s, fire!"

As almost everyone has gotten back on their feet, I ordered another round of shelling. The air was once again filled with the smell of smoke and gunpowder.

However, the Abyssal Phoenix Princess doesn't seem fazed. In fact, she looks as if nothing hit her. No. She definitely took damage from all that. It's just that, she is healing. What kind of bullshit is that?

"Why...? Why do you want to sink me again...? Do you really hate me that much...?" (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

No! That's not my-

"Or is it because I'm easily replaced...? That's it, right? That's why there is another me here!!!"

She charged straight towards Zuihou, knocking Suzuya and Murasame away in the process. She lifted Zuihou up by the neck, claws start to form from underneath her blackened crossbow-like arm.

"I sunk... because of you... How could you...replace me so easily...?" (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

"Gh! Argh!" (Zuihou)

"Zuihou! Put her down!"

"It's your fault! It's all your fault!!!" (Abyssal Phoenix Princess)

The others can't shoot because Zuihou is in the way. An aerial bombardment may hit her too.

I planned for this, but I really was hoping to not do it.

"Enterprise, throw me."

"Don't be stupid! I know Commander told me to follow your orders but this will really kill you!" (Enterprise)

"I don't care what happens to me! I am not losing her again! Throw me, now!"

"Oh for the love of- Fine! You asked for it!" (Enterprise)

Enterprise grabbed me by the collar and picked up her speed. As soon as we were above the pair... she dropped me!

I said throw, not drop! She just dragged me by the collar and tossed out of the plane like I'm some doll!

This is scary. I have never done anything like this before. Oh no, I'm falling fast!

The last thing I saw was the two of them looking up at me, before I got enveloped in a bright, red light...

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