Our Bonds

Chapter 165 - 150

After tying and gagging Akashi, Belfast took her out of the office.

"Now with that out of the way, let's get to thein topic. Vestal, if you would." (Commander)

"Yes. The results of the scan are out. Zuihou-chan and Shigure-chan certainly have Siren technology in their bodies. Frankly speaking, there is a red mental cube inside them." (Vestal)

Before I can digest anything Vestal just said, she pressed something on her tablet and a projector emerged from the ceiling. A picture appeared on the wall. It was the results of their scan. At the center of their body's, there was a cube. The cubes seems to be forming it's own connection to the body, with roots spreading out in all directions.

"That thing... is inside us?" (Zuihou-chan)

"Yes. A red mental cube has made your body it's vessel." (Vestal)

Both Shigure-chan and Zuihou-chan gave a pained expression. I understand how they feel. That thing... is like tumor. It looks as though it's trying to hijack their bodies, with all those extensions branching out of the cube

"Usually this is a cause for worry, but not for them." (Vestal)

"How can siren technology in my girls be anything but worrisome? You already saw the effects on mental cubes on Shigure and Yuudachi back then."

Shigure and Yuudachi were once coated with mental cube fragments, causing them to shrink to the size of fairies. If that much can cause such an effect, I can't imagine what the whole thing can do.

"Calm down. Let Vestal finish first." (Commander)

"He is right. This whole thing may not be as bad as we think." (Zuihou)

Vestal cleared her throat, before continuing,

"As you know, we shipgirls are made out of mental cubes. It serves as our core as well as our entire being. It gives us the power to fight the Sirens, summon our sh.i.p.s and recover quickly when we are hurt. Most importantly, it gives us the ability to make memories, feel emotions, lead our loves as humans. That's what the mental cubes are to us. However, in IJN's case, the shipgirls are entirely different. No one knows what they are made off. Biologically, they are human. However, unlike humans, they are tougher and have access to weaponry effective against the Abyssals and Sirens." (Vestal)

"I'm sorry, but we already know that."

"Admiral, let her speak." (Zuihou)

"In their case, they are possess both characteristics from both sides. However, the mental cube doesn't seem to serve any specific purpose. It's not a core or a spying tool for the Sirens like we initially feared. It's not some sort of virus or foreign entity, so the body isn't rejecting it. It's just living inside them. These are our the initial findings. Like I said, there aren't any adverse effects of it merging with them. Without further testing, we cannot figure out it's purpose or abilities. There is one thing though. It's just a guess, but it could have the same powers of creation. That's why Akashi thought you two could be able to create gems for her. Since gems are of the same colour." (Vestal)

This is getting ridiculous...

"Okay... Is that it? A unknown entity living within my girls. We don't know it's purpose or what it can do, apart from creating a red rock. I'm sorry, but I find this hard to believe."

"Are you saying Shigure-chan and I can create jewelry? That's awesome!" (Zuihou-chan)


"Zuihou-chan, do you know what you're saying? Don't you find this ridiculous?"

"Aliens are already invading this world on top of an Abyssal takeover. And Shigure-chan and I came back from the dead. Learning that we can create jewelry out of thin air is nothing compared to any of that." (Zuihou)

"That's right. This is nothing." (Shigure-chan)

What? How are these girls able to take in all of this like its nothing? I mean, what Zuihou-chan said makes sense. After all the crazy things that have happened so far, creating gems is nothing in comparison. But still...

"So, Commander-san. What do we create it?" (Zuihou-chan)

"About that...Erm... Ask Vestal. She knows better than me." (Commander)

"Commander!!!" (Vestal)

You don't know either, huh? The two little girls look at Vestal expectantly. Vestal looks a bit perplexed. I think she was expecting them to take the news in a bad way. I feel the same too.

"Erm... If I'm not wrong-" (Vestal)

"Mental cube... So it's got to be about thoughts and imagination, right? That's means I should be able to create it with my mind." (Zuihou-chan)

"Eh?" (Vestal)

"Zuihou-chan?" (Zuihou)

"Wait. Hold on. Don't just-"

Before any of us can say or do anything, Zuihou-chan cupped her hands together and closed her eyes. The room was filled with blinding red light and heat that lasted for a few seconds.

When the light finally dissipated, I was met with a shocking sight.

The room was hot, but that wasn't the point. Zuihou-chan was kneeling on the ground with a pained expression. Her hands were burnt as a red gem with smoke emiting from it laid on her palms.


"Zuihou-chan!!!" (Zuihou)

Shigure-chan quickly knocked the red gem out of her palm, sending it across the room. Zuihou and I rushed to the small, injured light carrier. Her injuries look severe. The bow hand glove was burned off. Her hands are extremely red, and the skin around them is starting to blister. Her sleeves were also charred.

"Hot... It hurts..." (Zuihou-chan)

"Dammit. That's why I tried to stop you."

"You dummy! Don't just start something on your own without listening!" (Zuihou)

"Vestal-san, do you have first aid kit?" (Shigure-chan)

"I have a box here." (Commander)

"Let me see her. I'm a repair ship. It's what I do." (Vestal)

We made way for Vestal to inspect the damage, when suddenly,

"A gem! I can smell it!" (AL Akashi)

Akashi come into the office like a crazed woman.

"Akashi, not now! Shut up and give me a hand!" (Vestal)

"Nya?! What happened here?" (AL Akashi)

"I will explain later. Tend to her wounds first." (Commander)

"Sorry, Master. I let her- What happened?" (Belfast)

The next person to walk in was Belfast.

"Good timing. Head maid, I need an cold compress, stat." (Vestal)

"Understood." (Belfast)

Belfast rushed off without asking anything. By now, tears have started to flow down Zuihou-chan's cheeks.

"Shh~ It's going to be alright. I know it hurts, but just bear with it. Vestal and Akashi will make you better."

"It... hurts... *hic* it hwurts... Admiral..." (Zuihou-chan)

"There. There. Take a deep breath. Count to four. Exhale. Count to four. Keep doing that. Good girl."

I continued to calm the little girl down as the two repair sh.i.p.s tend to her hands.

"This is most likely second-degree burns. Close to third. The dermis was almost penetrated. Zuihou-chan, I'm sorry but I'm going to poke your hands a bit."

"Ouch!!! No! It hurts!" (Zuihou-chan)

"I'm sorry. No nerve damage. It's a second-degree burn." (Vestal)

"The damage is only at the palm area nya. We need to cool the area down before we can apply anything nya." (AL Akashi)

"She can get repaired back at our base. Right now, we need something to stop the pain."

"I will cool the area down. After that, some light dressing to prevent further exposure." (Vestal)

"I will leave it to you."

"You are going to be fine. Once we get home, a bath will turn your hands as good as new. Just endure this for a while. Okay?" (Zuihou)

"O... *hic* *sniff* Okay..." (Zuihou-chan)

"I got the compress." (Belfast)

"Give it to me. Sorry. This may hurt a bit." (Vestal)

"Ow... Uuu..." (Zuihou-chan)

Vestal gently pressed the cold compress onto Zuihou'-chan's palm, causing her to flinch in pain. She was about to start crying, but held it in.

"Brave girl. Just leave it like this for a few minutes. Once it's cooled, I will bandage it for you." (Vestal)

"Comander, we need some bandages and tape nya. Do you have it nya?" (AL Akashi)

"Yes. I have some here." (Commander)

"Good. Give it to me when I say so nya." (AL Akashi)

About fifteen minutes later, Akashi asked Commander for the bandage and some tape. Vestal removed the compress while Akashi quickly dressed her hands.

"It still hurts..." (Zuihou-chan)

"When we go home, go to the docks immediately. Zuihou, Shigure-chan, go with her."

"Of course." (Zuihou)

"Got it." (Shigure-chan)

I turned to the four Azur Lane members in the room,

"Thank you for all you have done today. We will take our leave first."

"Sorry. If only I hadn't told them the possibility of creating a gem..." (Vestal)

"Well, none of us know anything about the red mental cube. And besides, her getting injured wasn't your fault."

"I'm sorry..." (Zuihou-chan)

Before I can say anything else, Akashi immediately darted across the room, to the spot where the gem landed.

"Foun- Ouch! It's hot!" (AL Akashi)

"No way. Those gems aren't supposed to be that hot." (Commander)

"If it was hot enough to burn a shipgirl, I don't think we humans should even touch it."

"I concur. Belfast, get me some fire tongs." (Commander)

"Understood. I will go find one." (Belfast)

"Erm..." (Shigure-chan)

Shigure-chan pulled on my shirt to get my attention,

"I was just thinking, could the red mental cube in our bodies increase our firepower?" (Shigure-chan)

"What makes you think that?"

"The red mental cube generates heat. Look. The floor is starting to burn." (Shigure-chan)

Shigure-chan pointed at the gem. Sure enough, the area around the gem is charred and there are still small fires.

"Nya!" (AL Akashi)

"Get the fire extinguisher." (Commander)

"Sorry, Shigure-chan. Can we discuss this further when we get home? I want to get Zuihou-chan fixed as soon as possible."

"Un. Okay." (Shigure-chan)

Shigure-chan may be on to something, but Zuihou-chan's injuries come first. I carried Zuihou-chan on my back,

"Commander, send me the data from the scan later. I will look through it myself. We will update you as soon as we discover something."

"Alright. I will transfer the data through the encrypted channel. Just make sure she is all healed up." (Commander)

"That's the plan. See you... next time."

The four of us left the office.

"You're leaving already? That's too bad. I was about to prepare dinner for you." (Belfast)

Along the way, we met Belfast, armed with fire tongs and a metal bucket.

"I appreciate the thought, but as you can see..."

"I understand. Her well-being is of utmost importance. Please wait for a moment. I will get Edinburgh to escort you home." (Belfast)

"That will be helpful. Thank you so much." (Zuihou)

"Edinburgh!" (Belfast)

"Yes. What is it, Head maid?" (Edinburgh)

Edinburgh suddenly popped her head out from around the corner. Was she close by?

Edinburgh brought us home on her ship. The journey was smooth-sailing. They weren't any Abyssals or Sirens, and we met Samidare and Suzukaze along the way. I bought Edinburgh a bowl of Anmitsu from Mamiya as thanks while Zuihou rushed her sister to the docks. in the meantime, Shigure-chan followed me to the office to discuss about her thoughts.

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