Our Bonds

Chapter 167 - 152

Shigure-chan aimed at the single Destroyer I-class roaming near the base. Two flaming shells shot out of her gun and flew straight at its target. Upon impact, that oversized malformed fish started to burn while screaming.

"That looks painful." (Rei)

"Shigure-chan, you okay?" (Shigure)

"I'm fine, Onee-chan." (Shigure-chan)

"Everything is within expectations. Admiral, you seeing this?" (Akashi)

"Yep. The data is in sync. Alright. Head on back. We got the results we need."

"What about that destroyer?" (Akashi)

"It should be sinking-"

The sound of explosions echoed through the speakers. A ball of fire engulfed the I-class before disappearing under the surface.

"Ow. That does look painful. Ok, target destroyed. The experiment is a success. Come on back."

"I'm hungry." (Shigure-chan)

"Let's get something to eat back at base." (Shigure)

The 'pyro shell' experiment was a success! Shigure-chan managed to tap and utilize the red mental cube in her! As she conceptualized, she was able to add a napalm effect to her shelling attacks. The whole process involves Shigure-chan transfering and giving the energy a 'form'. She decided on materializing it as a gel to coat the shell with. She basically created a napalm with her mind. The modified equipment is able to efficiently transfer the energy from her body and coat it around the shell.

After a couple of test-firing and getting used to it, she was ready for a field test. Lucky for us, there was a lone Destroyer I-class roaming just outside our perimeter. Shigure went with her sister to provide backup in case anything happens while Akashi monitors the situation and compile the data.

Shigure-chan is amazing. She turned what I deemed to be harmful into an advantagous weapon. I originally thought the mental cubes will have negative effects on my girls. Yuudachi and Shigure getting shrunk by mental cube fragments, Zuihou-chan burning her hands, although that was her own recklessness. I was hesitant on going through with the experiment. Shigure-chan's efforts proved otherwise.

Zuihou-chan is the only one who hasn't added any effect to her arsenal. I can understand if she doesn't want to, since she got hurt before. I should ask of she wants to-

"Amazing! Shigure-chan did that?" (Zuihou-chan)

"Yep. She used the mental cube to create a napalm effect."

"Napalm? What's that?" (Zuihou-chan)

"It's like a fire bomb. It burns the target as well as blowing it up. Zuihou-chan?! When did you enter?"

"You didn't noticed? I thought you knew since you were answering her." (Rei)

I didn't notice her at all. And I just instinctively answered her questions. But this is good. I can ask her if she wants to create her own-

"If I learn to control the output, can I do the same thing?" (Zuihou-chan)

She just made my job easier. She is interested.

"Of course. But we need to figure out the effect you want and your application process. Shigure-chan can directly transfer the energy to her guns and give it a napalm effect. Yours will be totally different. Your main source of attacks is through your planes. We need to figure out how to share your power over long distances."

"In that case, I know someone who can help. I'll invite them over." (Zuihou-chan)

Zuihou-chan immediately ran out of the command room. There is someone who can help her with this? It's probably someone from Azur Lane.

"I guess we should prepare some tea?"

"If it's a fox girl, I call dibs. I want to fluff her tail." (Rei)


I stand uncorrected. Zuihou-chan really did called a couple of Sakura Empire girls over. And they are all big shots.

There is the familiar Akagi, Kaga and Amagi. Accompanying them are two young girls I have never seen before. One in red kimono and the other in blue. They were both fairly tall and busty.

The one in red wore only half of her kimono, leaving half of her bandeau exposed. Kind of like how Shouhou wore hers before getting remodeled. She has an Odachi on her back, which is clearly longer than her. She wore black tights on her long, slender legs. A pair of grey fox ears stood on her head, along with four grey fluffy tails sticking out from her back. She is a battleship. I caught a glimpse of her five twin 41cm guns and a couple of other guns before they disappeared into... well, somewhere. I'm not sure how they disarm apart from letting their docking their sh.i.p.s.

Keeping with the groups fox theme, the girl in the blue kimono has a pair of white ears and five white fluffy tails. She carries three swords, attached to some board which floats and follows her around, and a blue ethereal fox... which is actually a flight deck?! Furthermore, there are a few orbs following her, and they seem to resemble the lunar cycles. Something about this one gives off a divine vibe.

"My apologies. When Akagi received Zuihou's call, I just had to come and see the twin light aircraft carriers and destroyers." (Amagi)

She is definitely talking about Zuihou and Shigure and their smaller counterparts.

"I brought these two along to meet you too. They were just bored the other day, so they are rather inexperienced. I wanted them to know who are our allies first before going out into the field. Go on, introduce yourselves." (AL Amagi)

"I'm part of the Eighty-Eight fleet program, first ship of the Kii-class Battleship, Kii. Due to various reasons, I never got a chance to shine in the war. But now I have, and I'm going to use it to the fullest!" (Red Kimono Foxgirl- Kii)

"I am called Shinano, aircraft carrier of the Sakura Empire. As a Yamato-class ship during the war, I was to stand beside my sister. Alas, there is impermanence in all things and nothing became of this one's life..." (White Kimono Fox girl- Shinano)

Kii is like a girl eager to get out and have some fun. I can tell that she wants to show off her strength. Shinano, on the other hand, speaks in a rather abstract manner, resembling those ancient type of people I often see in action anime. The ones that speak in verses and you can barely understand what they are saying. Also, she sounds sleepy.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Zuihou. Regretfully, I'm the smaller one. So please address me as Zuihou-chan to avoid confusion. This is my Admiral. That lady over there is Commander Rei." (Zuihou-chan)

"Zuihou-chan, we can do our own introductions..."

"Teehee. Sorry. I got carried away." (Zuihou-chan)

"As she said, I'm the Admiral of Maizuru Naval District and I welcome you to my base. And this lady is..."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Commander Hashimoto Rei. I'm mainly assist the Admiral in his duties and night act-Mmph!" (Rei)

I quickly covered her mouth before the words came out. She was about to say something stupid.

"Let's continue this in my office. Commander Rei, please buy some refreshments and snacks for our dear guests. That's an order."

"Puhaah. Admiral's scent..." (Rei)

"Just go already!"

"Kyaa~ Admiral got mad~" (Rei)

This girl... Playing around at my expense... I quickly compose myself,

"Now, please follow me to my office."

"No fair. I also want to do night battles like Onee-chan." (Zuihou-chan)


"Oh my..." (Amagi)

"This man... is just like Commander. A pervert." (Kii)

"But that makes Commander such a dashing man. His stamina, his technique..." (Akagi)

I think my reputation just took another nosedive.

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