Our Bonds

Chapter 18 - 17

Alfonsino, the area where we encountered the English-speaking fleet. Based on Sakura Shigure's story, it seems that her fleet set up their base on one of the islands two days after we rescued Zuihou. What were the odds of that? Since we will be threading in potential enemy waters, I think it's safer to send the main fleet for this, Flagship Agano, Suzuya, Shigure, Yuudachi, Ryuujou and Zuihou. They will be escorting Sakura Shigure in search of her allies. The plan is the same as the rescue mission, using scout planes and recon seaplanes to search the islands.

"The same as usual. Eliminate any abyssal sh.i.p.s nearby before beginning the mission. I will give orders based on the situation. Be prepared for an attack by the Sakura Empire. They might mistake us for kidnapping Sakura Shigure."

"Nah. They won't do something stupid." (Sakura Shigure)

"Says the one who got lost at sea while playing without permission."

"ugh..." (Sakura Shigure)

"That being said, hold back a little. Our objective is to get them to listen to us. Try not to sink any of them. Understood?"

"Yes!" (All)

"Sortie will be in half an hour. Get ready. Dismissed."

The fleet moved out, along with Sakura Shigure. I told her to bring along her equipment as well, since we are 'returning' her. Just hope that the Sakura Empire isn't unreasonable.

At 1300 hours, Agano's fleet has reached their destination. They were a few abyssal patrol along the way, but they all have been dealt with even any major problems.

"Anything in the area?" (Agano)

"Nothing on the radar." (Suzuya)

"No planes too." (Zuihou)

"Begin operation. Launch the scouts." (Agano)

Agano, Suzuya, Ryuujou and Zuihou launched their scout and recon planes while Shigure and Yuudachi watched the skies. It took a while but the planes were able to find something. No, I should say the enemy showed themselves.

"Saiun on island five is being shot at!" (Zuihou)

"So they are there. Retrieve all planes. Head to the shore of-" (Agano)

"Enemy planes spotted!" (Shigure)

As expected, they did rush towards us.

"Ah! those are Akagi-sama's planes!" (Sakura Shigure)

Did she say Akagi? Those planes certainly look like Zero fighters and Type 99 bombers. I wonder how this Akagi looks.

"Enemy fleet spotted! Coming from the port side!" (Suzuya)

A pincer attack of sh.i.p.s and planes, huh. A smart move.

"Admiral, what should we do?" (Agano)

"Ryuujou, Zuihou, intercept the enemy planes. Suzuya, Yuudachi, shoot down any planes that make past the both of them. Agano will keep an eye on the enemy projectiles and give instructions on how to move. Shigure, stay close to Sakura Shigure. Do all these while moving towards the enemy and evading their attacks."

"Roger!" (All)

This is going to be hard. Though not really effective, we need to show that we are not hostile. Shooting down their planes and not firing at those shipgirls is the only thing I can think of.

"This is really hard." (Shigure)

"Zuihou-chan, move to your left!" (Agano)

As they moved closers, the enemy fleet seem to stop firing. Did they finally realise that we are not here to fight?

Standing in front of them was a busty girl wearing what resembles Yamato's outfit, who I saw back then at Yokosuka Naval District, with a black robe. She had a flight deck which is made of... fire? Her hair was long and brown. Her red eyes looked cynical. What caught my eye was the nine tails and those ears on her head. She looks like a nine-tail fox. Is she the one that was shown to Zuihou by that Belfast person?

"I am Akagi of the glorious 1st Carrier Division, the fleet known to have no equal."

"She's starting..."

One of the shipgirls behind her, probably a destroyer judging by her equipment, said. That girl wore the same outfit as Sakura Shigure. Her hair was white and long.

"Ah! Yuudachi! Akagi-sama! Long time no see!" (Sakura Shigure)

"Shigure-chan?" (Akagi)

"Eh? That girl is also Yuudachi poi?!" (Yuudachi)

"Ehh?!" (Sakura Yuudachi)

"You are the one which that maid lady showed me." (Zuihou)

"Hmm? What a do you mean?" (Akagi)

Now they are all confused. I guess it's better than being attacked.

"Shigure-chan." (Suzuya)

"Oh, right." (Shigure)

Shigure brought Sakura Shigure to the front.

"We are here to return this girl back." ( Shigure)

"Return? Do you mind explaining? This is confusing. That small green girl is somehow making me remember of the time when we attacked that port." (Akagi)

She is referring to the Attack on Pearl Harbor, I think. Akagi was part of the main attacking force. Zuihou helped in their escape. Oh by the way, I remodeled Zuihou last week. Now her outfit is green and her munate has a camouflage pattern. Compared to last time, she is definitely stronger now. Her voice also got a little high pitched compared to last time.

"Who are you calling small?!" (Zuihou)

Agano, who was at the side laughing the whole time, explained. Everything from where we are from, our encounter with the Royal Navy and Eagle Union, and how Sakura Shigure ended up at our base.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble our Shigure caused. As flagship, I will take full responsibility and make sure to punish her accordingly." (Akagi)

Akagi gave a apologetic bow.

"EHHH?! No way!" (Sakura Shigure)

"Shut up you!" (Akagi)

"No, it wasn't a bug deal. Finding out that there is another version of me was a fresh experience." (Shigure)

"Is there a Zuihou in the Sakura Empire?" (Zuihou)

"No, but I know Shouhou is around." (Unknown shipgirl)

Both sides started asking questions about their counterparts and sharing their common history. I know they want to talk longer but I think it's time to come back.

"Come on, girls. It's time to come home."

"Aww... Just a while more please? Akagi-san's tail is so fluffy." (Agano)

Zuihou and Agano were playing with Akagi's tails. They seem to be enjoying themselves.

"Was that your commander?" (Akagi)

"Commander? I guess admiral means that too. Yeah, it was." (Zuihou)

"Can I talk to him?" (Akagi)

"Erm..." (Agano)

"It's okay. Patch her through."

Agano handed her radio over to Akagi.

"Greetings. Are you the commander of this fleet?" (Akagi)

"Yes, I'm the Admiral of the Maizuru Naval District. I'm sorry of their behavior."

"Hehehe. It's alright. Again, I'm sorry for all the trouble our Shigure caused." (Akagi)

"No no. It was a fresh experience. My girls had fun with her anyway."

"It's been a while since we had something interesting like this. To think that there are different versions of us. Say, what's Akagi like at your side?" (Akagi)

Our Akagi? I heard about something called 'Akagi feeding time' by my friend in Yokosuka. He always complained that Akagi kept draining their Bauxite reserves.

"Hmm, a big eater. But without the tail and ears. "

Akagi burst out laughing. Her laugh was like a typical yandare laugh. A little bit like Tatsuta's.

"That sounds just like me! I hope I can meet her." (Akagi)

"If you want, you can ask your commander to send in a request. I'm sure my girls want to meet their other versions as well."

"A tempting offer. I will try my luck when we return back to our base. You know why we were here, right?" (Akagi)

"I do. They are gone already though."

"Yeah, we know. We actually completed our mission last week, but stayed here to loom for Shigure. Who would have thought she would end up in a naval base with other IJN shipgirls." (Akagi)

The girls bid the Sakura Empire fleet farewell. I didn't know what to expect but I'm glad it went better than the negotiations with those two. The Sakura Empire girls look fierce and beast-like, but they are nice girls. Maybe I can get my girls to wear animal ears sometime.

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