Our Bonds

Chapter 214 - 195.5: An Azur Lane Crisis

Akashi and I entered the bunker where we stored the black mental cube. The bunker is located right below the island, in a cavity within the underground cave systems. This is the place where we process and transfer the data collected from mental cubes into our servers. In the center of the room is our scanner. It consists of a steel table, a circular camera scanner with wires extending all the way onto the table, and a protective glass perimeter, which is removable.

"Now then, what should I try today?"

The security on this thing is way too tight for a typical data storage system. It doesn't have a password but everything is protected behind multiple layers of firewall. Since that day, we haven't made any progress beyond the first firewall. None of our computers were able to hack it.

Maybe I could try breaking it today. Mental cubes are interesting constructs. No matter how you break them apart, the pieces always turn into cubes. The data stored in the small cube will be a small portion of the data stored in the original block. However, there is a risk that this cube has a fail-safe which might destroy it's stored data. I have to take the risk of we want to achieve any results.

"Akashi, get me a hammer."

"Nya? What are nya tryna do?" (Akashi)

"Smashing it? I wanna try fragmenting it. Maybe if we analyse and hack each individual fragments."

"That... may be a good idea nya. But what if there's a fail-safe installed?" (Akashi)

"Then we just wasted a few weeks worth of effort trying to hack and analyze it. But it's not like we lost anything. Only time was lost. Now then, let's give this thing a couple of whacks and see how it reacts."

Akashi gave me a hammer from her tool kit. As usual, I insert the wires into the cube as the camera scanner switches on. It's a one-way system, allowing us to look into the stored data without compromising our own data and security. I raised the hammer,


"All systems green. I can begin the hack any time." (Akashi)

"As soon as I give it a whack, attempt to break through the first firewall. Oh, and prepare to lockdown all data systems if a feedback is detected. Here I go,"

I brought down my mini hammer of justice, just kidding, onto the cube. Upon impact, it let out a rather scary sound, similar to glass breaking. Despite that, the cube is still intact. Ok, never mind. I can see some cracks forming along the sides.

"Firewall penetration is currently at 50% nya." (Akashi)

"50? So hitting it actually worked?"

I should have done that in the first place. Usually we never hit anything more than 10% penetration, even after spending an entire day in here. To hit 50% in a matter of seconds is extremely surprising.

"Nya! We got through the first firewall nya!" (Akashi)

Already? I took my seat at the computer,

"Keep breaking the layers. We are finally getting somewhere."

Akashi and I spent the next hour hacking into the cube. After the first two firewalls, the rate of pentration slowed down but we managed to break through the first ten layers. How many layers of security does this thing have?!

"Eh? What is this?"

After the first ten layers of firewall, I found an encrypted file. There is no name.

"What should we do nya?" (Akashi)

"For the time being, let open it."

"Then, beginning the decryption. Nya?" (Akashi)

"Eh? You haven't done anything yet, right?"

"That's right nya. Eh? That's weird nya." (Akashi)

The file started opening and deciphering itself. Inside the file contained multiple macro commands. There were things like 'Fire turret 13' and 'Load tubes 1 through 6'. It's all attack commands. Why would there be attack commands stored in the cube?

"Akashi, what do you make of this?"

"Is this thing made to control something?" (Akashi)

"That's what I thought. This could be a control-type."

Control-types refer to cubes which are used to execute attack commands and give simple orders to the host. They are usually found on mass-produced Siren Sh.i.p.s. But this can't be any control-type cube. They are more firewalls, and the Abyssal that was using it didn't look like it was being controlled, at least according to Maizuru and Shirakami's report.

"Let's dig a bit deeper."

"Roger nya" (Akashi)

"I can't allow you to do that." (???)

Suddenly, there was a disembodied voice coming from somewhere. Has someone hacked us?

"That was a horrible. Don't you know it's rude to hammer a lady's head? Even worse, how dare you look inside me? Just because I'm unconcious doesn't mean you can have your way with me." (???)

"Akashi, trace the source. Figure out where the hack is coming from."

"It's not coming from within the systems. It's coming from somewhere within the room." (Akashi)

Within the room? Wait, don't tell me...!

I turned to face the cube. Or what should have been a cube.

The cracks from before were gone. Tentacles sprouted from the cube and ingrained itself into the ground.

"Ufufu~ Have you realised? You thought I was just an ordinary black mental cube, right? Ahahahaha~! Sucks for you. Empress-sama told me to go incognito and getyour data, but since you made me angry, I'm gonna destroy your base now. Ehehehe. Ahahaha!" (Cube)

This thing is a sentient being? Empress? What does that mean?

My Personal Communication Device started to ring,


"Commander! Something weird is going on! Tentacles appeared from the ground and attached themselves to some of the shipgirls! Now, they are attacking us!" (Norfolk)

You can't be-So that's what it's doing!

"Ahahahaha! Isn't it interesting? Watching friends turn on each other." (Cube)

"Norfolk, gather as much girls who aren't affected and get to the ocean. Try to subdue them and minimise damage to the base. Do not hurt them. Akashi and I will try to stop the cube on our end."

"Wait, what cube?" (Norfolk)

"The black mental cube has gone berserk. It's trying to take control of everyone. Hurry up and get out of there!"

"Comm- *bzzt* Yo- *shrrk*" (Norfolk)

"That's mean. Telling others that I'm going berserk. Because of that, no more talking for you." (Cube)

This thing...

I rushed to the cube and tried to pull it out. Damn. It won't budge.

"Ufufufu. It's no use. It will take more than that to even move me." (Cube)

"Akashi, give me a knife. I going to cut this thing."

"Do that and all the girls I have caught will die. You don't want that, do you?" (Cube)

Tch. It got me.

"You coward!" (Akashi)

"Fine. What do you want?"

"Your memory isn't really the best. I told you, I'm going to destroy your base. But just letting you watch your girls kill each other doesn't make for interesting content. How about this? Since you are such a great hacker, try hacking into me. I won't revert my security to the highest level, but I will fight back. If you can get to my core level, I may consider deleting the stolen data and stopping the attack." (Cube)

It's treating this whole situation like a game. I don't have much of a choice, do I?

"Before that, I wan-"

"You want to call for backup? Sure, I don't mind. In fact, it will make it easier for me to eliminate the anomaly." (Cube)

I spoke into the emergency comms systems,

"This is Azur Lane, requesting immediate assistance. We are under attack. I repeat Azur Lane is under attack. The enem-"

Smoke blew out from the dashboard as sparks emitted from the console.


"Okay. That's all I'm going to let you say. Don't wanna ruin the surprise, right? Now, are you ready?"

"Kh! Akashi, take your place. We are going to tear this thing inside out!"

"Got it nya! Just this once, I will do it free of charge nya!" (Akashi)

"Do your best~ Though, it's not like you will get anywhere near the core." (Cube)

Akashi and I continued hacking. The firewalls are getting harder to penetrate. Not only that, it seems to be reforming the firewalls we previously broke. This thing is enjoying itself.

"Oho~ Things are getting real noisy out there."

You are making them fight each other. Of course it would be noisy.

"Wow! She sent that girl flying!" (Cube)

"Huh? Oi! What are you talking about?!"

I told them not to attack each other.

"Ahahahaha! This is crazy! They are totally going at it. This is so fun to watch!" (Cube)

"Oi! What is going on out there?!"

"Look look. Isn't this exciting?" (Cube)

One of the screens flickered on, showing us what is going on outside.

It's total chaos! Maizuru's girls and mine are attacking the affected girls. There were more shipgirls being controlled by the cube than I thought. More than half of my shipgirls are being controlled by this thing. More importantly, they are beating each other up!

"No! Don't!"

I watched as Zuikaku slashed through Enterprise's body. Enterprise fall to the surface, blood flowing out from where she had been cut.

This is horrible.

"You! Stop this right now!"

"Are you sure you don't want to watch? It's really interesting." (Cube)

"Commander, look at Enterprise's body." (Akashi)

Akashi tug on my sleeve. I turned back to the monitor just in time to see Enterprise standing back up. Her wounds are gone.

"You forgot about my power, didn't you? Ehehe. That's why I said your memory isn't the best." (Cube)

The cube is healing them? Is that why they are going on the offensive now? Admiral Keita knew about this and ordered everyone to fight back.

"Not really. The core of the anomaly initially maintained a defensive position. Up until the kimono girl with large chests decided to slug the foxy one." (Cube)

Taihou and Akagi, huh. Damn. This thing played me like a fiddle.

"Come on. Hurry up and keep trying. I already repair led three of the firewalls already." (Cube)

"Damn you!"

I returned to my seat and continued the hack. It really repaired the three firewalls I broke through before I got distracted!

"Do your best~ Do your best~" (Cube)

"Shut up!"

"Ahahahaha~" (Cube)

Since it has come down to this, I beg you. Hold on just a little longer.

I don't know how many hours we have been doing this. Akashi is almost at her limit. My eyes and fingers hurt. My brain can't keep up with this. But... they are still fighting out there. There are more of them now, probably reinforcements from IJN. I need... to... stop...

"Aww~ Is that your limit? Humans are pretty weak and useless after all. Now then- Eh?" (Cube)

"For gods sake, you were ordered to get information, not destroy the samples." (???)

"Who's there? How are you able to take control of my systems? Only Empress-sama can do that!" (Cube)

A small, cold voice echoed through the room. Now what?

"Wrong. The Arbiters have full control and authority over all Siren personnel. And besides, Nee-sama told me stop you." (???)

"NO! Wait, that voice... You are... Temperance-sama?" (???)

"You finally realised?" (???)

Another screen flickered on, revealing the small face of a girl with a white victorian mop cap. Her skin was pale and her eyes were blue, an obvious trait of a Siren Higher-up. This is Temperance?

"I was only going to stop this nonsence of yours and possibly overlook this whole thing. But now I'm angry. As punishment for your insolance, I hereby strip you of your admin privileges and sentence you to death." (Temperance)

"Commander! The security is gone. The data is being purged!" (Akashi)

My screen showed the firewalls being penetrated at breakneck speeds. Files were disappearing in large groups.

"No. Please! I will do anything!" (Cube)

"Then die. Human, this is will be the first and last time we are doing this. Since the experiment was a flop, dispose of that cube as you see fit. Don't worry about her control. It will be gone once you blow her up." (Temperance)

"No! Come back! Oi, you shitty brat! How dare you! I was chosen by Empress-sama herself! I'm the chosen one!" (Cube)

The screen faded to black. The cubes firewalls, data, security... eveything is gone. It's now just a black mental cube with tentacles.

"Looks like it's our win. Akashi, do the honours."

"Nyeah. Gladly." (Akashi)

Akashi took out a small mental cube, which transmuted into a Single 120mm gun and aimed it at the cube.

"No. No no no no NO!"

A tentacle lashed out at Akashi, crashing her into one of the consoles,

"Nyargh!" (Akashi)


I rushed to her side. Good. She is still alive. Just unconcious.

"No. It can't end like this... I'm Empress-sama's chosen one! I will be the one that destroys you! I will be the one that destroys humanity." (Cube)

More tentacles start to sprout out of the cube, flailing about and thrashing the place. We need to get out here!

I carried the unconcious Akashi out of the room in my arms while dodging the tentacles. The cube has really gone mad this time.

I slammed the bunker door shut.

Think. If I can't destroy it from here, what are my options?

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This is risky, but it has to work.

I made sure the bunker door is sealed tightly before making a run for it. I activated my PCD. I'm hearing quite a lot of static, that means the signal is not stable. The comms tower must have been damaged.

"This is Azur Lane's Commander Ao. Can anyone hear me? The cube is now isolated in a bunker at the bottom of the island. Target the spot with weird tentacles coming out of it and destroy the cube! I repeat, the cube is isolated at the bottom of the isalnd. I need someone, anyone, to destroy it."

Please. Get my message.

"Comman- firepower... *Bzzt*" (Maizuru Admiral Keita)

Yes. I managed to get my message across. He asking about firepower right?

"You need three to blow up the bunker. One should be enough to destroy the cube."

I sprinted towards the cave entrance. Why did I make such a big and complex cave systems?

Moments later, the whole cave shook. Isn't that way too fast? How close are his girls to the island?

Suddenly, I felt something pushed me from behind. The force was so strong that it sent me and Akashi flying for a bit. Was that a shockwave? Eh? I can't move. There is a sharp pain in my leg and chest.

My left leg was bent at an unnatural angle. My chest hurts and it's getting harder to breathe. The force of the shockwave was so strong that it must have broke some of my bones. Akashi is... Good. She seems fine.

There was a distinct sound of rock being broken. I looked up and realised that the ceiling was starting to cave in. Right on top of us!

The place became dark. My body hurts. I can't feel anything...

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