Our Bonds

Chapter 240 - 217

I am beginning to understand what the Marshal Admiral's note meant. I did not expect this all.

Parked at our port was a large battleship, with it's large twin 381mm guns, 12 single 140mm guns , and 4 single 102mm AA guns turned away from land. A single gangway extended from the side of the ship to the pier, with a maid stationed at it's landing. It was the ever stoic Sheffield.

"We have been awaiting your arrival. Please board the ship. Master is waiting within." (Sheffield)

"What is going on? What does saving Shioi have to do with this?" (Shion)

"Only one way to find out."

The four of us followed Sheffield on board the battleship. While Shion is a little confused about what is going on and how to save her sister, the other three look eager to explore the ship. It's their first time on one, after all. I did bring Zuihou on board a battleship before but that one was a museum, it can't really compare to an actual working battleship. To be honest, I want to explore too, but I have priorities.

Sheffield led us to the ship's bridge and knocked on the door,

"Master, I have brought them." (Sheffield)

"Bring them in." (Commander)

Sheffield opened the door and gestured us to go inside.

"Welcome. Long time no see." (Commander)

"Same to you. Looks like you have more or less recovered."

The Commander looks physically alright, minus him being skinnier than I remember and a brace on his left leg. He is using a cane as a support.

" I still can't walk properly though but it's nice to come out after so long. You won't believe the trouble I had to go through with Akagi and the others. Anyway, let's go. Hood, if you would." (Commander)

"With p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e." (Hood)

The battleship roared to life and begin moving. What the heck? How? I don't see a crew piloting the ship. No one is doing anything. How is the ship moving on its own?

"This is Hood's sh.i.p.s, the HMS Hood." (Commander)

Oh. Ok, now it makes sense. Since this ship is technically an extension of Hood, she can control it.

More importantly,

"So, care to explain what's this all about?"

"Huh? That Admiral didn't tell you anything?" (Commander)

"Admiral? Where is he from and which one? And no, all I got was a stamped piece of paper."

"Admiral Takamori. From Yokosuka Naval HQ." (Commander)

"There are two Takamoris in Yokosuka. Does he sound like a young man?"

Please tell me he sounds like a young man.

"No. He sounds old. Like super old." (Commander)

Oh no,

"You idiot! That's the Marshal Admiral! You called the Marshal Admiral?!"

"The Marshal Admiral? I asked to speak to an Admiral or some higher ranking officer. He replied he is the Admiral in charge of the current operation you guys are doing. He didn't say he was the Marshal Admiral, he just said he was Admiral Takamori." (Commander)

What is Rondo's grandfather doing? Is that why his stamp was on my request?

"What did you say to him? Please tell me you didn't say anything stupid."

"Of course not. I just asked to bring you and your rescue fleet along. I explained to him the current circ.u.mstances and the urgency to push ahead with the mission. I also managed to convince him to let you tag along and go ahead with your rescue op." (Commander)

That's good. I was so worried for a moment. But now I have several questions.

"Okay... But why do I need to-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but why not we discuss this over some tea?" (Hood)

Hood stood between us and gestured to a table set on the middle of the bridge. My four girls are already helping themselves to the snacks. Aren't they carefree...

I took a sip of the tea Sheffield had served me. Black tea, the same one I just drank while I was panicking back at base, minus the sweetness I'm used to. This one is a bit bitter. I suppose I need to add the sugar myself. They would explain the pot of milk and plate of sugar cubes on the table.

"We have more than three hours before we reach out designation. Plenty of time to discuss our strategy." (Commander)

"You haven't explained why I'm needed here."

"I'll get into it soon. I will take questions once I'm done. As we speak, the fog is expanding it's area of influence, turning whatever it touches into a myirror Sea. An hour ago, I sent Saratoga to scout the area so we can have a brief idea on what we are against. Our enemies are the standard mass-produced Siren sh.i.p.s, Siren elites, and Sakura Empire clones." (Commander)


"Saratoga also discovered something unusual during her investigation. The fog is thick so she shouldn't be able to see much. However, in the distance, there are flashing lights." (Commander)

"Searchlights?" (Shigure)

"No. Laser lights. Very strong and colourful laser lights. Even the shipgirls stationed outside the fog reported seeing the lights projecting against the surrounding clouds. That's when I realized that there may be shipgirls stranded on the island. They probably couldn't escape because of the copious amount of Sirens in the area. And they probably don't know anything. Why else would there be laser lights being projected from a supposedly uninhabited island in the middle of nowhere? That was probably their way of letting us know that they exist, and that they are trapped. With that in mind, I called your HQ to inform them that we are pushing ahead with the operation to clear out the Sirens and rescue the isolated shipgirls. I know that you have a shipgirl that was last seen in the area so I asked if I could bring you along as well since I have no idea which shipgirl is yours. Your Marshal Admiral was the one the one who answered and gave permission to bring you along." (Commander)

I see. So the possibility of shipgirls being stranded forced him to begin the operation early. But if that's case, why does he need to tag along? Couldn't he have just commanded the operation from his base? Why am I needed here?

"Now that the context has been set, let's move on to our strategy. The objectives are simple, defeat the Siren boss in charge of this Mirror Sea and rescue the isolated shipgirls. I have four fleets on standby, three main fleets and one submarine fleet, and ready to sortie on my orders. One fleet will be in charge of the rescue mission while the others will take down the Sirens. Your girls will follow the rescue fleet. Once they are secured, return back to this ship. As the name suggests, the Mirror Seas have a cloning effect, able to replicate shipgirls who enter the area. So make sure to only follow those with a neon blue armband. I will provide you with short-range radios to remain in contact." (Commander)

"Wait, short-range radios? What for?"

"Like I said, to remain in contact." (Commander)

"The Mirror Seas block out all forms of communications from both outside and inside. You can't contact others from the outside while inside and vice versa." (AL Hood)

"However, communication can still take place if all involved parties are within the Mirror Seas. Because of that, I need to tag along as well. You see where I'm going with this?" (Commander)


"Give me a second. This is a little too much info."

Umm... Mirror Seas... Clones... Isolated shipgirls... Rescue... Block all communication from outside and inside... Can still communicate if everyone is in the area... Short-range radios...

"Oh, I got it! So that's why you need me here."

"Yep. I can't take care of two operations at once so I need some help. Since your missing shipgirl might be involved, I decided to rope you in. I will take command of my main fleet. You will take command of the rescue fleet. Don't worry. We will be safe in Hood's sh.i.p.s." (Commender)

"Okay. Now I understand why we need to be on site physically, but now I got another question."

"Shoot." (Commander)

"Why did the Marshal Admiral only allow me to bring four of my girls? Was it something you specifically requested?"

"There isn't any special reason. I just felt four girls will be more than sufficient. What I had in mind was a quick rescue op. Get in, retrieve the girls, and get out. With that, I require a fast fleet. The girls that are escorting you are heavily armed, so much so that speed isn't really their forte." (Commander)

"Okay, that sounds logical."

"We have a some time before we rendezvous with the others, so feel free to explore the shop if you want." (Commander)

"Just don't enter or touch anything s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e. Please." (Hood)

"Admiral, can we?" (Zuihou)

"Go on. But be careful. I will call you girls back when we reach."

"Yay! Let's go." (Zuihou)

The four girls made their way out of the bridge. The sound of their pattering footsteps became softer and softer, until they can't be heard anymore. I made my way to the sh.i.p.s deck. It's been a long time since I got the chance to experience the sea breeze like this.

The stars are pretty...

Ah. I found a good spot to enjoy the breeze and gaze at the night sky. On top of this 381mm twin gun.

How nostalgic. Back in my training days, I spent a good seven months on a training cruiser. During my free time at night, I would sneak to the top of one of the turrets a gaze at the stars for a while. I got caught and punished a few times though. Be it cleaning the toilets, night duty, or solitary confinement, none of them could keep me away from my favourite spot on the ship.

I wonder how Shioi is doing. She must be scared. She is a tough and smart girl, so she is probably hanging out somewhere safe, or maybe she is with the other shipgirls that are on that island.

Shioi has been with me for a long time. She was there when I first came to Maizuru Naval Base. Lately, I haven't been paying much attention to her. Heck, I didn't even fulfill her numerous request of giving her an active role until now. I wouldn't be surprised if she were to be disappointed with me. But right now, I just want to bring her home. I care for all of my shipgirls, but just like Zuihou, Zuihou-chan and Shigure, Shioi has her own little spot in my heart.

"What are you doing?" (Commander)

"Just thinking about stuff."

"I see. Is the view great from up there?" (Commander)

"Yeah. It's perfect."

"I want to see. Is there enough space for two people up there?" (Commander)

"I mean, it's bigger than that door in that one movie, so yeah. You can even fit three people up here."

"Brilliant. I'm coming up." (Commander)

I can hear the ladder move and someone groaning in pain. Wait a second. Who was talking to me?

I turned my head to the right, just in time to see a hand rise out of nowhere, and than the Commander's head.

"Help me up. I still don't have enough strength in my left leg." (Commander)

"What are you doing? You shouldn't be up here."

I pulled him on top of the turret.

"I want to see the same view as you." (Commander)

"One more chance. Say something like that again and I will push you off."

"How mean! Ahahaha. I played too much eroge when I was stuck in bed, so I learnt quite a few potential pick up lines." (Commander)

That's not what I was asking...

"Jokes aside, I came to check on you. You looked depressed when you silently exited the bridge." (Commander)

I did? I thought I was making a normal face.

"I'm worried about Shioi."

"I get you. I can also feel my heart stop whenever any of my girls fall off the radar." (Commander)

"I know right? Whenever they suddenly disappear, scary thoughts fill your head. Like are they still alive? Can I still save them? How do I get them back?"

"I won't go that far, but I know what you mean." (Commander)

The both of us stared at the night sky, silently enjoying the twinkling stars. Maybe I should invite the others to go stargazing with me. Doing this with a guy is little...

"By the way, I have been wanting to ask something. Why didn't you ask us to help?" (Commander)

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"You have a missing shipgirl in our mission area, right? You could have ask me to help you find her. If you did, I would have pushed ahead with the operation, and maybe I won't have to drag you out here with me." (Commander)

"To be honest, I wanted to force you to help me. I was afraid you would deny me, so my initial thought was to use the previous times I helped you to force you to return the favour. Ouch! What was that for?"

My arm throbbed after he punched me.

"That is for being an idiot. What the heck are you saying? You don't have to force me to help you. Just ask me and I would do it!" (Commander)

"But it's not your girl in danger. Why would you risk your life to help someone who isn't related to you?"

"What? And be a jerk to the person who has already helped me countless times? We are friends. Friends help each other and don't demand any payment. You could rely on me once in while, can you?" (Commander)

Oh... How could I fail to notice that?

"You are right. Sorry..."

"Next time, if you need help, don't be afraid to ask. Azur Lane will always lend a helping hand. And if you find any fun stuff, you better share with us." (Commander)

"Likewise, Maizuru will also be ready to help whenever you need.I will try to remember to share those fun stuff with you guys."

"Master and guest, sorry to interrupt you bonding session but we are reaching the rendezvous point very soon. Please return to bridge." (Sheffield)

Sheffield stared at us blankly. When did she get here?


I immediately climbed down the turret.

Wait for us, Shioi. We are coming.

"Master?" (Sheffield)

Hm? I turned around to see Sheffield looking up at the Commander, who is looking down from the turret with a concerned face.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me...?"

"Well that was dumb. How do I get down from here?" (Commander)

Sheffield let out a exasperated sigh.

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