Our Bonds

Chapter 242 - 219 (Tentative ending)

San Francisco-san swung her bat at the Siren Tracker, sending it flying high up into air. Boise fired at the airborne Siren, destroying it.

"Phew. That's all of them, for now." (San Francisco)

More explosions rang out in the distance. Fireballs can be seen erupting from the both sea and air.

"Woah. Things are pretty chaotic out there." (San Francisco)

"Looks like that light idea of yours worked out in the end, Boise." (Ticonderoga)

"This isn't a dream, right? They are still alive in this world..." (New Jersey)

After the Anchor Fairy built the totem, Boise suggested an idea to attract attention. She turned on every neon light and laser light on the island to the highest intensity. Even when the fog had encompassed the whole island, the lights still managed to pierce through. I think. It did attract attention. Within minutes, wave after wave of Sirens begin to show up, forcing everyone to go into battle mode. Amagi-chan and Amagi-chan got injured severely after the fifth wave, leaving New Jersey-san and the others to hold the fort. Ticonderoga and Boise are hurt but are still fighting.

I can't do anything, my equipment still refuses to work. All I could is sit on the beach and tend to the injured Amagi-chan and Akagi-chan. I used the towel I got earlier to stop the bleeding. Because they have been fighting for a while, I eventually learned the names of the scantily clad siren girls.

"Get ready. The next wave is here." (New Jersey)

"Oh come on! I'm about to go dry here!" (Archerfish)

"I'm... almost out of ammo too..." (Morrison)

"You two, get back. I still have plenty of planes left!" (Ticonderoga)

"I can still fight!" (Little Enterprise)

"I will make sure everyone gets to Azur Lane safely. I swear this on my title of the Black Dragon!" (New Jersey)

New Jersey-san reactor spinner faster as her cannons took aim at the approaching Sirens. This time, there are no mass-produced sh.i.p.s, only the weird humanoid forms. I can see a few Trackers, Explorers and even Peace Breakers. This is going to be tough for everyone.

Suddenly there was the sound of low-flying planes. A group of planes flew over the incoming Sirens, creating explosions among the Siren ranks. Then there was whistling, followed by a large explosion which engulfed a large number of Sirens. What is happening now?

Wait. Those planes... Seirans, Suiseis and Abyssal Cat Fighters? If the Abyssals are not here, there is only one girl I know that can use those type of Abyssal Aircraft. And those three Seirans... Does that mean they are here?

"What?! Where did that come from?" (Archerfish)

"I hope it's friendlies." (San Francisco)

"Eyes in front. The enemy is still here!" (New Jersey)

"Shioi?" (???)

I quickly turned my head to the source of that voice. Onee-chan's head was sticking out of the water as she looked at me.


"Shioi? Shioi! Shioi!" (Shion)

Onee-chan dashed out of the water and into the beach. She dropped all of her rigging and equipment as she rushed to hug me tight. I'm so happy. I thought I would never see her again.

"Shioi! Shioi!" (Shion)

"Onee-chan! You came."

"Who is that?" (Archerfish)

"Ah. Wait. I found Shioi. She is with the nine other people." (Shion)

"Hey! I asked, who are you?!" (Archerfish)

Onee-chan took out her pistol and pointed it at Archerfish-san, who materialized two torpedoes in the air. I quickly stood between them,

"Onee-chan, it's okay. They helped me."

"Is that true?" (Shion)


I turned to Archerfish-san, who was ready to launch her torpedoes.

"Archerfish-san, she is my sister."

"Your sister?" (Archerfish)

"Since you are Shioi's friends, I thank you for looking after my sister. The others are coming soon. Just sit tight." (Shion)

"The others?" (Archerfish)

More explosions rocked the island as another horde of Sirens got destroyed. There are more Abyssal Cat Fighters, Tenzens and Suiseis flying around now, dropping their payload and flying away before a salvo of shells decimated the Siren wave.

"Huh. I didn't expect the Americans to be here." (???)

A tall girl with long blue hair wearing a white coat approached the island from the left. Two metallic dragon-shaped constructs sprout out from behind her, each with a sword in it's mouth. Some familiar faces popped out behind her.

"Shioi!" (Zuihou, Zuihou-chan, Shigure)


The three of them rushed towards me, but Zuihou-chan tripped and fell onto the shallow water.

"Oh dear. Looks the little comrade in at her limits." (???)

Zuihou-chan's face was red, with steam coming out of her body.

"I'm okay. Just a little tired." (Zuihou-chan)

"Look. Comrade Admiral is worried about you." (???)

Admiral is here?

"Eh? Okay." (Shion)

Onee-chan took out her earpiece and passed it to me. I placed the earpiece into my ear.

"Shioi, can you hear me?" (Admiral)

I never thought I would be so relieved to hear his voice. My vision became a bit burly.

"Woah. Why are you crying? Are you alright? It must have hurt a lot." (Admiral)

Oh no. He can see me? This is embarrassing!

"I hate to interrupt this wholesome reunion, but we beed to go. Now." (???)

The girl with long white hair with a red streak interjected.

"Comrade Tallin is right. We need to go before more of them show up." (???)

"Wait. How do we not know that you are not clones?" (San Francisco)

"Can clones talk like us? Geez. This is why you Americ-" (Girl with red streak)

"Comrade Tallin, that enough." (Admiral)

"Tch. Yeah yeah. Whatever." (Tallin)

"Comrade Belorussiya, please bring them back to the HMS Hood. Don't forget the injured as well. Sorry, Shioi. We can talk later. Right now, let's get everyone to safety." (Admiral)

"You there! Follow us. Woah. Why are you crying?" (Belorussiya)

New Jersey walked up to the girl named Belorussiya. She is crying.

"It's true! You are- Everyone is-" (New Jersey)

"You know her?" (Fluffy girl with fox tail scarf)

"I don't think so..." (Belorussiya)

"Comrades, it's better if we move now. Otherwise, we would be surrounded." (Girl with sharp metal rod)

"Kirov is right. Let's go. Boise, take Akagi. I'll get Amagi." (Ticonderoga)

"Can you move?" (Shion)

"Yes. But I don't think I can dive properly though."

"Hop on. I will carry you." (Shion)

"Eh? No way. I can't let you do that."

"Come on. Rely on your sister once in a while." (Shion)

You know I can't refuse you if you say it like that. Geez!

I got on Onee-chan's back and we both submerged partially into the water. Ticonderoga-san and San Francisco-san have secured Amagi-chan and Akagi-chan.

But how are we going to get out of this? The Sirens have already surrounded us?

"Looks like we a tad too late, Comrade." (Kirov)

"We don't have much a choice. Comrade Belorussiya, take the vanguard. The rest of you form a defensive perimeter around the injured. Destroy everything in sight and lead everyone out safely." (Admiral)

"Hahahaha! Excellent! You really know what a lady wants, Comrade Admiral." (Belorussiya)

Belorussiya's rigging growled. Even with swords in their mouth, it looks as though they are smiling. In fact, everyone of the white-clad shipgirls are smiling.

"We will support from behind." (Zuihou)

"Let me help. It will be just like old times." (New Jersey)

"I don't know what is this old times you spoke off American, but I'm interested. Tell me all about it once we get out of this place." (Belorussiya)

"Yeah. I will tell you all about it." (New Jersey)

"All right, Comrades. Crush the enemy! Break their spirit and their bones!" (Belorussiya)

"To arms!" (Kirov)

"Fire control, I'm counting on you!" (New Jersey)

"Let's make some noise! Hahahaha!" (San Francisco)

With Belorussiya leading the charge, everyone fought their way out of the Siren horde, destroying everything in their path. Admiral gave orders and informed the rest of incoming attacks. I wonder how is he seeing all this. The Mirror Sea is supposed to block of all communication from both in and out. That was the impression I got when the radio I had the manjuus build for me wasn't able to pick up any signal apart from the other girls. Once we managed to break through, we made a beeline to a large ship.

A step ladder dropped down towards us and everyone climbed up, except for Ticonderoga-san, who used her planes to fly herself onto the deck.

"Sheffield, get the injured to the infirmary now!" (AL Commander)

The voice of Azur Lane's Commander sounded through the P.A system. Within second, a maid came running out to the deck. She checked on Amagi-chan and Akagi-chan, before leading Boise-san and Ticonderoga-san away.

"Follow me." (Sheffield)

"The rest of you, come on up. Zuihou, lead the way." (Admiral)

No way... Why is Admiral here?

"Let's go." (Zuihou)

Zuihou led us through the ship and into a room with a heavy-looking steel door. The floor was cold. Without touching the door, it opened on its own.

And I suddenly find in Admiral's arms.

"Shioi! Oh, thank goodness! You are alright." (Admiral)

"Ad-Admiral?! What- Why are you here?"

"Because of some stupid effect this damn Siren construct has. Oi! How long are you going to block the door? Use your head!" (Tallin)

"Ahaha. Sorry. I couldn't help it." (Admiral)

The Admiral brought us inside. Azur Lane's Commander is also here. Why?

"Alright. Head to the next point and finish them off. The mastermind should appear any time now. Give me a moment." (AL Commander)

As soon as the Commander turned around, New Jersey-san charged towards him.

"Wai- Hey!" (Kirov)

"Sorry about that. Welco- Woah!" (AL Commander)

New Jersey hugged the Commander and rubbed her face on his c.h.e.s.t,

"It's you! It's really you!" (New Jersey)

"Pudding... You really are alive in this world..." (San Francisco)

"Wha-Huh? Um... Sorry. Who are you?" (AL Commander)

"Ah. Oh right. Shioi did warn us about this." (New Jersey)

New Jersey released her grip and took a step back. When we were the island, I told them that the Commander may not know anything about them. Based on what they just said, does that mean the Commander from their previous world is the same as this one?

"I am battleship New Jersey, the indomitable Black Dragon of the Eagle Union. When I say "indomitable," I'm not just tooting my own horn, hehe~♪ If you knew more about me, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about." (New Jersey)

Please to meet you, New Jersey. I'm-" (AL Commander)

"Commander Suwanto Ao, right?" (New Jersey)

"Eh? How did you know?" (AL Commander)

"Did you tell them?" (Admiral)

"No. I don't even know his name."

"Of course I know. I have a lot of things to tell you." (New Jersey)

"I understand. But I need you to put that on hold for now. Right now, everybody is out there fighting. Once this fight is over, I will listen to anything you want to say." (AL Commander)

"About that, we can help." (New Jersey)

"No way. You are all injured one way or another." (AL Commander)

"Don't worry, puddin'. Just give some supplies and we will be back at full strength." (San Francisco)

"Are you sure?" (AL Commander)

"Yes!" (Little Enterprise)

"Enterprise shrunk?!" (AL Commander)

"Once you commit, there is no pulling out." (Boise)

"I don't really understand, but I can't let you go back out there when we just retrieved you." (AL Commander)

"Please! I don't want that to happen again! I want to use my full power so such an event won't ever happen again!" (New Jersey)

"Again, what are you talking about? Ahh. I understand. But promise me this. All of you better come back here. Alive. Understand?" (AL Commander)

"Yes!" (New Jersey, San Francisco, Archerfish, Little Enterprise)

"Hood." (AL Commander)

"There is some oil and ammunition in the cargo bay. I have already opened the door so take what you need." (Hood)

"Thank you. Alright gang, let's eat our fill and get back out there." (New Jersey)

The four girls left the bridge.

"Geez. If that's the case. Alright, girls. Looks like we are in for some overtime." (Admiral)

"More action for us." (Belorussiya)

"Of course, it won't be unpaid. Comrade Avrora has a stash of Vodka back at our base. I will convince her to share some." (Admiral)

"I will hold you to that, Comrade Admiral" (Kirov)

"I'm more of a beer person myself." (Tallin)

"We have beer. Lots of them." (Admiral)

"Th-then, I don't mind working just a bit harder." (Tallin)

Wah... A classic tsundere...

You three are alright with helping as well?" (Admiral)

"Yeah. I don't mind." (Shigure)

"I will make them pay for what they did to Shioi!" (Shion)


"I will help too." (Zuihou)

"Alright. Zuihou-chan is already at her limit so she will stay with me. Ao, have you found where the mastermind is hiding?" (Admiral)

"Not yet. This is a difficult customer. Playing hide-and-seek with so many people." (AL Commander)

"Any ideas on how to drag them out?" (Admiral)

"Usually if we destroy enough of their fleet, they will show themselves to deal with is personally." (AL Commander)

"That means we haven't destroyed enough. Alright girls. Find the remaining Sirens and send them back to their maker." (Admiral)

"Wait. You are sending them out there again?" (AL Commander)

"Of course. We are friends. Friends help each other in times of need. Now it's one of those times." (Admiral)

"Thank you, Keita." (AL Commander)

"Get yourselves resupplied and head out immediately. Secure our victory from the enemy's grasp!" (Admiral)

Everyone else exited the bridge, leaving me and Zuihou-chan with Admiral. The Commander continued giving orders to the fleets fighting on the battlefield.

"Admiral... You promised." (Zuihou-chan)

Zuihou-chan sleepily walked towards Admiral. Admiral sat on the floor,

"Okay. Come here. You really pushed yourself today." (Admiral)

Admiral stroked Zuihou-chan's head as she laid on his l.a.p. How nice.

"Shioi... Join me... You know you want to..." (Zuihou-chan)

"Eh? No. I shouldn't..."

"You can, you know. It has been a rough day for you. You deserve some rest." (Admiral)

"I can go rest in the crew quarters."

"There are none. The crew quarters are all locked." (Admiral)

"What non-" (Hood)

That British lady was about to say something, wasn't she? I think I saw Zuihou-chan remove a finger from her lips.

"Come on. Don't need to be so reserved." (Admiral)

Admiral pulled my hand and dragged me to his l.a.p.

This is amazing! I'm this close to Admiral!


"It's okay... Admiral is... Admiral is... Everyone can..." (Zuihou-chan)

"And she is off to dreamland. She really did her best tonight." (Admiral)

What did Zuihou-chan wanted to say?

"Sorry, Shioi." (Admiral)

"Huh? What for?"

"For a lot of things. I'm sorry for neglecting you all this time. I'm sorry for not getting you an active role up until now. I'm sorry that I made you embarrassed with what I was doing with Shigure." (Admiral)

Oh, that time... I actually ran away because of shock and something else. Of course I'm not going to talk about it.

"But most importantly, I'm sorry for not spending much time with you. Even though you were with me the whole time." (Admiral)

"Isn't that the same as the first?"

"I guess so." (Admiral)

"Ehehe. You remind me of when we first met. Awkward and kind of lame."

"Eh? Was that how you thought of me back then?" (Admiral)

"A little bit."

But that was what attracted me to you in the first place. Now, you have changed for the better... Maybe,

"Admiral, can I spend more time with you from now on?"

"Stupid. You don't have to ask permission for that. I will indulge whenever you want." (Admiral)

I can selfish every now and then.

"Then, I will hold you to it."

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