Our Bonds

Chapter 245 - 221

Iku launched a torpedo at the last Ri-class Elite, blowing it up and sinking it.

"Yes! Iku had a great dazzling victory! I'm expecting a reward from you~ Admiral~" (Iku)

"If you can defeat the Aircraft Carrier Princess and come back safely, I might consider it. Anyway, keep it up, girls. The next area belongs to the Aircraft Carrier Princess. Make your shots count. Stay back if you are hurt and don't push yourself."

The girls advance towards Node ZII. With Sasebo successfully sinking the Supply Depot Princess yesterday, it's time for my submarine girls to shine in the third phase. So far, we are making quite a good progress. The whole week spent training really paid off. Their evasion and accuracy have improved drastically. They don't even have a scratch on them. Of course, that is only for the time being. Once they face off with the Aircraft Carrier Princess, the story would be different.

The camera showed a pale woman in the distance, with dark clouds hovering over her. The Abyssals really love their dark clouds. Let's see...Since this one is wearing more clothes than usual, it's a

"Line Ahead formation and maintain fourth battle speed at all times unless ordered otherwise. Watch out for it's Cat Fighter bombers. They have AS capabilities."

"Roger!" (All)

The girls begin to slow down as the move within range.

"Be wrapped in flames...and sunk instantly...!" (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

The princess let out a low growl, seeing as their is nobody in the area, before holding up her hand. A large black orb formed above her palm, before splitting into... I'm guessing twenty-four smaller orbs? I can't really count them when they are revolving around her hand. The smaller orbs turned white and transmute into Cat Fight Bombers, leaving their creator in doves as the begin their hunt. Jokes on them, my girls are the hunters this time.

"Go. Find them..." (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

"Maintain your depth. They are alerted of your presence but haven't spotted you yet. Launch your torpedoes and surface on my command to launch your seaplane fighters and bombers for the bombing run. Take out her escorts first. We don't want any interference."

I watched on the monitor as a squadron of Cat Fighter bombers flew over my girls.

"Stay calm. Maintain your depth. Turn 50 degrees port and begin encircling around the fleet."

After sending that generic strategy to HQ, I got scolded, of course, for not putting more thought into it. I argued that I don't have enough information to come up with a good strategy, which is true since I'm feeling around in the dark over here. Only then did they provide me with the necessary information, in return I had redo my strategy for Phase 3.

The strategy I had come up with is quite straight forward. First, take out the Light Cruiser Tsu-class and Destroyer Ro-class Late Model with torpedoes once they are in range. If we are lucky, we can also deal some damage to the Princess and her bodyguards. Then, conduct a bombing run on the Light Cruiser He-class Flagship and Heavy Cruiser Ri-class B Flagship to weaken them before finishing them with another serving of torpedo tempura. Finally, focus all attacks on the Aircraft Carrier Princess. It might be easier to sink the weaker Abyssals with seaplane bombers but I want to use their destructive power on the stronger ones instead. The girls will be constantly circling around the enemy fleet, using the water as cover. Though the Abyssal Aircrafts have AS capabilities, it will be easy enough to avoid them as long as I inform the girls about their bombing trajectory.

"We are in range in 3... 2... 1..." (Shioi)


All six submarine girls launched a salvo of torpedoes at the enemy fleet. Just as planned, the torpedoes hit and sank the weaker Abyssals first. The Light Cruiser He-class Flagship evaded the attack while the Heavy Cruiser Ri-class B Flagship took a hit for the Princess.

"It evaded instead of protecting the princess." (Shioi)

"That's unthinkable. They would normally defend their princess no matter what." (Imuya)

"That might be an intelligent Abyssal. Don't worry. Just stick to the plan for now. We will have to adjust accordingly if that thing gets too dangerous."

The princess glared at the He-class. I assume she realized something might be wrong with her subordinate, or maybe she is angry that it didn't risk it's feeble life to protect her.

"Shioi, Goya, Iku, Hachi, surface and begin the bombing run. Launch your fighters for escort and intercept the enemy air fleet. Ro-chan, Imuya, launch some torpedoes as distraction and keep them in place."

"Okay! Time to I-401's gallant battle! Go get em!" (Shioi)

The four girls surfaced briefly to launch their aircraft. Seirans, Zuiuns and Type 2 Seaplane fighters flew up high and begin to fulfill their roles. Explosions filled the sky and Abyssal rubble crashed into the water as the seaplane fighters take out the Abyssal Air Fleet while the bombers rained death from the sky. Most of the bombs hit the Ri-class B Flagship and the Princess, however, the Ri-class B Flagship shielded the Princess from most of the attacks, resulting in it being severely damaged. The He-class dove underwater when the planes got into the air, confirming our suspicions that it's an abnormal Abyssal.

"Sink!" (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

"Planes flying over from starboard! Intercept and scatter."

The Type 2 fighters did the best to intercept the bombers, but what we have in quality, the Abyssals beat us in quantity. The fighters were overrun, and the bombs were dropped.

The girls scattered in all directions, dodging the explosions happening around them as pillars of water shoot up high into the sky. Their vitals are still in the green, meaning none of them are hurt. Good.

"Regroup and continue your assault. Ro-chan, Imuya, I need you two to keep a lookout for the He-class. Destroy on sight."

"Roger!" (Ro-chan & Imuya)

"Did you think... you have won? That's cute!" (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

The Aircraft Carrier Princess summoned more Cat Fighters.

"Retrieve your aircraft. Switch to torpedoes for the time being. The sky is a bit too crowded for an aerial assault."

That thing is no an Aircraft Carrier, that's a whole air base.

"Understood." (Shioi, Iku, Goya, Hachi)

"Imuya, Ro-chan, any sign of that He-class?"

"I can't see it anywhere. Not even it's yellow glow." (Imuya)

"Imuya, I need you to remain on lookout duty. Ro-chan, prepare for an torpedo assault like the rest."

This is chance for us to finish the battle easily. Even if that He-class is lurking around, as long as we take down that princess, it's our win. Right now, she only has a severely damaged Ri-class protecting her. Take it down and she would be exposed. We still have to be aware of those cat fighters though.

Ro-chan, Goya, strike down that Ri-class. Shioi, Iku, Hachi, lets put that unruly princess to bed for a bit."

"Ro-chan, let's do it dechi!" (Goya)

"Yeah, Dechi-chan!" (Ro-chan)

"Don't call me dechi, dechi!" (Goya)

Ro-chan and Goya swam away from the group towards the Ri-class.

"Ro-chan might not match Bismarck-nee-chan or Eugen-nee-chan... But Ro-chan will do her best!" (Ro-chan)

"Please Torpedo-san!" (Goya)

"Gooooo!" (Ro-chan & Goya)

The two of them launched their torpedoes in perfect harmony, striking the Ri-class in an explosive spectacle. The Ri-class let out a beastly cry as it exploded, disappearing into dust as it returned to it's maker. Now, the Princess is all alone!

"Imuya, you can forget about that He-class now. All units, focus on that Princess!"

"Sink!" (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

More cat fighters filled the sky. She is getting desperate!

"Battle speed 5! Prepare to crash dive at a moment's notice. Bombs are being dropped at your current location."

A squadron of Cat fighters flew over the girls, dropping their payload on them. The girls crash dived to evade the bombs, but Shioi didn't make it in time.

A bomb exploded directly behind her, sending her flying forward and putting her vitals in the yellow.

"Hey! I don't want this!" (Shioi)

"Are you alright, Shioi?"

"I'm fine. I can still fight." (Shioi)

"Got it. Bring your birds back up into the air again. This time for distraction. We going to launch your whole stock of torpedoes."

The four aircraft carrying submarine girls surfaced to launch their aircraft and dived back into the water just before the Abyssal planes are able to get a lock on them.

"All units, fire!"

All six girls launched their torpedoes at the Princess, causing a large pillar of water and smoke to rise up. Some of their bombers managed to drop their bombs on her before getting shot out of the air, causing more damage.

"Go down!" (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

"Right back at ya. Keep attacking her. Don't let up!"

The girls continued launching torpedo after torpedo while doing their best to dodge the bombs that were thrown about haphazardly. Now she is just attacking blindly. The girls continued their onslaught whilst circling the princess, until we got what we want.

The Aircraft Carrier Princess slowly descent below the surface,

"This will repeat... again and again..." (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

"Target has retreated. Mission accomplished. Good job girls."

We... They won. We were lucky that one of them disappeared, but we still won. The Princess will be back for a few more rounds until it is truly destroyed, but for the time being, the girls are victorious. The six of them celebrated.

"That's it for today. Come on back and rest for the day. We will go for round two tomorrow."

"Okay~" (All)

"Shioi, how are your wounds?"

"Hmm... It stings a little, but nothing I can handle." (Shioi)

"At least you are not hurt too badly. Come home, get some food and head to the baths, alright?"

"Yes! Ehehe~" (Shioi)

"Then, I will see you back here. Admiral, out."

I shut off my radio and took off my headset.

"Good job, Admiral." (Ooyodo)

Ooyodo approached me with a bottle of soda. Just what I need.

"Thank you, Ooyodo."

I twist open the bottle cap and let the pleasant sound of soda fizz fill my ears. I drank until my thirst is satisfied.

"Phew. That hits the spot."

"Glad to hear that." (Ooyodo)

"Where is Rei doing?"

"I believe she is still training with the North Union and the others." (Ooyodo)

"That's good. But she better not overexert them and herself. I will talk to her about it later."

For the third mission, which will take place once we are done with this one, I want Rei to be command for the first phase. I believe it's finally time for her to shine as a Commander. She was both excited and nervous when I told her this. Just like me years ago. I told her apart from the main fleet, she can pick whoever she thinks is perfect for the mission. I even gave her the intel we have on the enemy present in the third mission. It's only a matter of how she can lead the girls to victory.

"I will be in my office. Ring me up if anything happens."

"Understood." (Ooyodo)

I left the Command Centre and walked back to my office.

Seriously, we were really lucky this time. An intelligent Abyssal appeared but didn't do anything apart from running away and reducing the number of attackers and shields the princess can utilize against us. We may not be this lucky next time. I have to keep my wits around me.

I opened the my office door and immediately let out a sigh.

Again with this...

Zuihou-chan was sitting on the sofa, wrapped in nothing but a towel.

"Admiral~" (Zuihou-chan)

I closed the door behind me,

"Come on, put on some clothes. You are going to catch a cold."

"It's hot today. I can't catch a cold in this heat." (Zuihou-chan)

"Ever heard of a summer cold?"

"More importantly-" (Zuihou-chan)


"I haven't said anything yet!" (Zuihou-chan)

"I already know what you are going to say. We have been trying everyday all week to no avail. Your body is simply not ready yet."

That day, when I was about to take Zuihou-chan first time, Zuihou-chan passed out after one round of teasing. The red mental cube also became visible through her c.h.e.s.t and her body emitted some steam. Since then, whenever we try, her body would react in some way, be it letting off hot steam or her passing out with something as simple as some light c.a.r.e.s.sing. There is obviously something happening to her body. I decided to postpone our special day till we find out why her body is reacting like this. Though, Zuihou-chan is an impatient girl.

"I feel like today is the day. Nh!" (Zuihou-chan)

I poked her c.h.e.s.t and the red glow emitted from c.h.e.s.t area.


"Why is this happening? I just want to-" (Zuihou-chan)

I hugged the little girl tightly,

"Listen, I know you want to do it. I want to do it with you too. But more importantly, I don't want to hurt you. We don't know how you are reacting like this. We need an expert. So until we figure it out, let's put a pause on this, okay? I promise, I will do it with you as soon as we resolve it."

"Promise?" (Zuihou-chan)


I released her from my hug and stuck out my pinky finger. We interlocked out pinky fingers together,

"Pinky promise, if I lie, I will drink 1000 needles, and cut my pinky." (Both of us)

Zuihou-chan smiled a bit. Good. I pet her head.

"Come on, get dressed. It will be bad if someone sees you like this."

"Hehehe. Okay~" (Zuihou-chan)

The little girl got dressed and helped me with my work, all the while sitting on my l.a.p and snuggling up to me whenever she feels like it. Needless to say, my legs went numb by the end of the day.

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