Our Bonds

Chapter 253 - 228

I don't want to do any work... Heck, I don't even want to do anything in this sweltering heat. Of all times, why must my air conditioner break down now?

"Hot..." (Zuihou)

"Ugh..." (Shigure)

"Onee-chan, scoot over a bit more." (Zuihou-chan)

"This pool is already crowded enough. I can't move any further." (Zuihou)

The three girls squeezed themselves in the mini pool I installed in my office. Shigure is the only one in her swimsuit. The twins don't have their own so they wore the standard issue one-piece navy blue school swimsuit, the same type the submarine girls wear as their uniform but without the ballistic armor modification. While I would usually be ogling at the feast in front of me, this heat is discouraging me from such acts. By the way, Shioi is with her fellow submarine girls, enjoying the large training pool they have at their dormitory.

"Admiral, the water has gone warm~ Change it~" (Zuihou-chan)

"Do it yourself. Agh, why can't summer disappear entirely?"

"Why winter comes, you are going to say the same thing. And if Summer is gone, you won't be able to enjoy us in our swimsuits." (Zuihou)

"As if you have one yourself."

She is right, but I don't want to admit it. Ah.

"I know what are we going to do today."

"Hmm?" (Zuihou-chan, Zuihou, Shigure)


"Oooohhhhh!" (Zuihou, Zuihou-chan, Shigure, Shigure-chan, Shioi)

The five girls stared at the departing train as it left the terminal. No matter how many times they have seen or taken one, they are still fascinated by these trains. Well, looking at trains isn't what we came here for today.

"Come on, let's go."

Like many of the larger train terminals in Japan, Kyoto station comes with it's own shopping complex. With on the surface and underground, we should be able to find and get what we came here for, new swimsuits for the girls. And for myself too while we are at it. I had the girls change into their casual outfits, to 'blend in'. It would be troublesome if one of those activist caught win that a shipgirl is out and about. Those self-righteous fools are still creating trouble everywhere. Zuihou's outfit consist of a black t-shirt under a light yellow sundress. Her smaller twin had a green halterneck and suspender shorts. Shigure was wearing a white blouse with short puffy sleeves and blue jeans while her smaller twin wore a white blouse and suspender skirt. Shioi had a black crop top over a white t-shirt and blue shorts. Shioi is a sight for sore eyes. It's rare to see her in anything else other than a Kimono, Yukata, and her usual swimsuit. Even though we are hear to do some shopping, the girls seem to take delight in the mall's air conditioning.

"Oi. We didn't ride a train for two hours just to enjoy the Aircon here."

Wait, why am I sitting down with them?!

"I already have my own swimsuit though." (Shigure)

"Nothing wrong with your usual one, I just felt that you should have one that you like. The one you have was given by HQ, right?"

Shigure nodded,

"That means you didn't choose it yourself. We are here to pick one for each of you."

"Erm... Is it alright for me to be here?" (Shioi)

"Yeah. Why did you ask?"

"No reason." (Shioi)


"Admiral, I know it's a bit too late, but is it fine to suddenly take an off day like this?" (Zuihou)

"I don't see the problem. I still have quite a few off-in-lieu and leaves to use. And besides, the deadline for today's workload is due at the end of the week. I can take my time doing it. Rei even take a day off today."

"The work is going pile up again..." (Zuihou)

"Don't mind the minor details. Let's go find the swimsuit store."

"If only you show this much enthusiasm in work." (Zuihou)

"Hey, I am much more enthusiastic than this in bed. And you can't compare work to having fun."

"I don't think that's something you say in public." (Shigure)

Ah. Crap. Was I too loud? Nah. We 're fine. No one is looking. Everyone else is minding their own business.

"What about the others? If the others find out we bought new swimsuits they are bound to make quite a fuss." (Zuihou-chan)

"That won't be an issue. I have a plan that would make everyone happy. Let's just say you girls are getting priority treatment. Enough talk. Let's find the swimsuit store."

Although I said it as though it's going to be some kind of fun expedition, we found one rather quickly and easily. There is one on the third floor, showing rather flashy swimsuit designs in their display window and with several teenage girls who are obviously planning a beach vacation and have just bought a new swimsuit of their own.


I just noticed something. This store is a dangerous for a male like me. The store doesn't look like they have a selection of male swimsuits. This store seems to solely cater to the female clientele. The girls patronizing the store are here with their girl friends. I don't see any guys around. If there were some around, I could at least blend in as one of those 'waiting for their girlfriend to finish' type or 'my girlfriend wants my opinion on her swimsuit' type. Obviously, it's going to be super awkward for because I'm the only guy here!

"Admiral, what are you spacing out for? Let's go in." (Shioi)

"I will wait for you girls out here. Call me when you are done choosing your swimsuit."

"This was your idea. You are coming in with us." (Zuihou-chan & Zuihou)

Zuihou-chan and Zuihou each grabbed an arm and pulled me into the store. This is going to be awkward.

I tried act as normal as I could while the girls picked out different swimsuits and asking for my opinion. I can feel the stares of the other customers. I think I can even hear some whispering. This is so awkward!

"Uummm..." (Shioi)

Shioi looks a little helpless.

"What's wrong? Having some trouble?"

"Not really. It's just that, are there only two-piece swimsuits here? I don't really mind but I rather have a one-piece swimsuit. It will look weird to show my two-toned skin." (Shioi)

"I see. You want to hide it."

"Yeah. And I'm more used to one-piece swimsuit" (Shioi)

"You don't have to though. You won't look weird. You will look cute and beautiful even in a two-piece. If you still insist on a one-piece, why not buy another one that is a two-piece? You can slowly get used it."

"Geez. It's because you always say things like tha..." (Shioi)

"Admiral, come here." (Zuihou-chan)

Zuihou-chan call for me from the fitting room. Looks like she found something.

"How do I look?" (Zuihou-chan)

Zuihou-chan was wearing a pink swimsuit with frills on its top. Cute, and fits her child-like stature.

"That's cute. Is that your final choice?"

"Mmm. I want to see other styles." (Zuihou-chan)

"Go look around some more. You don't have to pick only one."

"Yay! Ehehe~" (Zuihou-chan)

Zuihou-chan drew the curtains close.

"That guy..." (???)

"Isn't that a child?" (???)

"Gross... Should we call the police?" (???)

That nearby group of girls... Oi! I can hear you! And she only looks like a child.

"Sir?" (???)

Oh boy...

I turned around to see the smiling store assistant standing behind me.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" (Store assistant)

"Er... Not really, I guess. You don't happen to have a male section here, right?"

"Oh. We d-" (Store Assistant)

"Admiral, does this look good?" (Shigure)

The curtains to one of the fitting rooms drew open, revealing Shigure in white bandeau bikini with a huge ribbon in front. She looks s.e.xy.

"Wow. That looks good on you ma'am." (Store Assistant)

"That's right. You look great."

Shigure blushed.

"But if I may speak my mind." (Store Assistant)

"Hm?" (Shigure)

"I have a selection of bikinis that will look perfect for a body like yours. If you would allow me, I can show them to you." (Store Assistant)

Shigure looked at me, as if looking for my guidance.

"I don't see why not. But what's important is that you like it."

"Okay. Then I will be in your care." (Shigure)

Shigure closed the curtains as she changed back to her normal clothes.

"Sorry. Where were we? Ah, right. Do you have a male section?"

"We do. I can bring you there." (Store Assistant)


Before we can go, Shioi ran up to me,

"Admiral, which one do you like? This green one-piece, or this frilly two-piece?" (Shioi)

"It's not up to me to choose though. Why not you try them on and see if you like them first?

"For a dark skin tone, something with brighter colours will be perfect for you." (Store Assistant)

This lady... Is she some kind of aspiring fashion designer? She speaks as though she knows what will look good on them.

"Did that girl call him 'Admiral'?" (???)

"Wait. Does that mean he is one of those military people that I have been hearing bad things about?" (???)

"The protesters, right? The ones that say people like him abuse the girls and send them to their deaths. That sort of thing?" (???)

Do you girls know how to speak softly? What kind of lies have you been fed?! I am so tempted to go over a correct them.

"Doesn't look like they have been abused. And they look so happy with him." (???)

"Umm... Sir? Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you part of the military?" (Store Assistant)

Oh no. Not you too.

Wait. Maybe I can use this chance.

"Yes and no. IJN is a military organization but we have no ties with the JSDF. I brought my girls here to buy new swimsuits for the beach party we are having next week."

"We are having a beach party next week?" (Shioi & Zuihou-chan)

"I wanted to surprise you all though."

I pet both of their heads,

"Anyway, you can expect more of my girls to be visiting your store for the next couple of days. So be sure to catch them. They will be happy to receive some recommendations."

"Thank you so much." (Store Assistant)

I want to turn around to see the look on those girls who have been talking openly behind my back but let's try to be professional here.

Shigure, Zuihou-chan and Shioi followed along as the store assistant brought me over to the male section, which was at the corner of the store, before leading the three girls to over to another part of the store. They do have a male section here. Small, but still a good selection of swimming trunks and speedos. I mean, guys don't have much variety of swimwear to choose from in the first place, apart from the weird designs that are solely for fashion. This store also has one of those weird outrageous swimsuits on a mannequin. It was a purple full body type, covering the legs while leaving the arms exposed, with butterfly wings. Who the heck would want to buy that?

Ah. This one looks comfortable. Maybe I can try this one too.

As I walked over to the fitting room with my selection in hand, I caught something at the corner of my eye.

On the other side of the store window, Rei was walking with a guy whom I don't know.

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