Our Bonds

Chapter 264 - 238

We watched as Roma fired all of her cannons at the Ne-class Kai, engulfing it in flames and taking out one of it's eye. It's anguish screams echoed through the speaker as it recoiled backwards. It's still alive.

"Dannato! <Damn!> This thing is tough. Just die already!" (Roma)

"Can we do something?" (Ro-chan)

"Nope. We have already done our part. Now, it's their turn to take the spotlight."

These girls just want to rampage some more.

"I'm not satisfied nano! I still want to shoot Abyssals nano!" (Iku)

Zuihou's submarine support fleet have already taken out the Abyssal escort fleet and provided air support against the Abyssals main fleet. Now, they just need to sit back and let Roma's fleet do their thing. Though they clearly want to join in the fight.

"Even if the battle drags on into the night, you won't be able to do anything. Night support will be left to Rei."

"That won't happen. We will chase this one away and afterwards, it's time for the last dance." (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"Well, if you do that, my girls can come home earlier and we won't need to consume much resources for resupply."

"I want my girls to come home earlier as well. Roma and I will hav-" (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"Ammiraglio, un'altra parola da te e ti faccio un buco in faccia. <Admiral, one more word from you and I will blow a hole in your face.>" (Roma)

"Alright. I won't say anymore." (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"What did she say?"

"She just told me to shut up in Italian." (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"That was a bit too long for just two words."

Oh well, I can't be bothered to find out.

"Anyway, is it okay if we leave you here to handle things on your own?"

"Yeah. We are fine. You're done with your part anyway. On the off-chance we fail, I will inform you. Otherwise, be prepared for tomorrow's last dance." (Brunei Anchorage Admiral)

"That's what I want to hear. Alright, girls. Come on home. We are done for the day."

"Thank you for the support." (Perth)

"Grazie <Thanks> (Italia)

"See you tomorrow." (De Ruyter)

"Good luck." (Zuihou)

"Bye bye!" (Ro-chan)

Zuihou's fleet left the area while Roma and the others continued to rain fire on the Ne-class Kai. Seriously, it just took the full force of two battleships to the face and it still wants to fight despite being the only one left. Talk about tenacity.

"Alright, girls. I'm going to shut off now. Once you get back, resupply and get some rest."

"Yes~" (All)

"Zuihou, private channel. I need to talk to you."

"Okay." (Zuihou)

"They are going to flirt again..." (Imuya)

"Shut up."

I switched to our usual channel. Zuihou, Shigure, Zuihou-chan and I use this channel whenever we want to have a private chat. I got Ooyodo to set this up for me, so technically she is the only one other than the four of us to have access. Fortunately, she wants nothing to do with it.

Right now, I have something important to discuss with my first one.

Zuihou sped up, putting some distance between her and the submarine girls. Probably so that they wouldn't eavesdrop. I waited until I heard the familiar 'ping' of someone entering the channel and her icon changed colour to match mine.

"Zuihou, afterwards-"

"I know. It's about Zuihou-chan, right?" (Zuihou)

"Ah. You knew?"

"I have helped you quite a few times in that weird ritual of yours. Of course I would know. This is the last one, isn't it?" (Zuihou)

That right. Zuihou-chan's core is finally taking on a new shape. It wasn't clear a few weeks ago but now, the shape it seems to be morphing into has become obvious. And extremely clique. It's changing from a cube into a heart shaped core. Now, just need to break off the last quadrant and we are done. After that, she would definitely want me to take her. She has been waiting for months.

When I took Shigure's first time without telling Zuihou, I felt a little guilty. As if I betrayed her. I know she agreed to let me build a harem but there is this lingering feeling of guilt. So figured I should discuss this and inform her at the very least.

"Actually, the second last if I stop once she starts expelling heat. But I plan to go all the way and finish it today. Including her resting time, the whole thing would probably end tomorrow morning."

Zuihou let out a sigh,

"It's a little frustrating, but the three of us agreed to it." (Zuihou)

"I'm sorry."

"Don't need to apologize. I knew what I signed up for when I agreed to this harem thing of yours." (Zuihou)

"I know it's not much but on our next off, let's go somewhere together. Just the two of us."

"Is that your way of appeasing me? It's going to take more than that." (Zuihou)

"Oh, come on. Don't be like that."

I'm already feeling as guilty as it is.

"Ehehe~ Just kidding. So long as you come back and continue to love me, I'm fine with anything." (Zuihou)

"That goes without saying. I love you. You are my first one."

"Ufufufu~ That... makes me... a little happy..." (Zuihou)

Zuihou blushed. That's a sign that I passed.

"Anyhow, go on. My perverted little sister is waiting for you." (Zuihou)

"Alright. See you tomorrow morning."

"Heh. I doubt you will wake up early after all that. See you later. I love you, Keita-kun~" (Zuihou)

"Wait. Did you just-"

Zuihou left the channel before I can say anything. That girl... Don't do something like that and get embarrassed. I can still see her on the monitor. She is jumping around and rolling on the water. Her face is a red as a tomato. God, I can't stop smiling...

Ah, but before that. Some preparations are in order.

First, I went to Mamiya's to get two bags of ice. Once I entered my office, I went straight to the bathroom to fill the tub with cold water. Since a lot of heat is being expelled from Zuihou-chan during the breaking process, it's better if I have something to cool her body down to some degree. I poured the first bag of ice into the water and stuff the other one into my personal freezer.

I opened my room door and to no one's surprise, the girl in question is already on my bed, wrapped in a blanket and reading a rather thin book. Hey! That's my doujinshi!

"What are you doing? How did you get this? I thought I already locked them up."

"No you didn't." (Zuihou-chan)

"Yes I did."

I looked at my cupboard, which is secured with a padlock. I did lock them up. Oh, you got to be kidding me. Yes, I locked the padlock, but I did not secure the latch. The padlock is just hanging there while the latch swings about nonchantly.

Zuihou-chan gave me a smug look.

"Alright. Come here!"

"Kyaah! Ah, wait! I'm not ready yet." (Zuihou-chan)

I'm trying to tickle her but that damn blanket is the way.

"Come on. I will be touching your body anyway. There is no need to hide."

"Hyaah! Wait! I still need to prepare my heart! Noo!" (Zuihou-chan)

I pulled the blanket off her and understood what she meant.

"Wh-where did you get that?"

Zuihou-chan was wearing a pink, lacey, semi-transparent lingerie which bȧrėly covers her waist, exposing her bellybutton and all the important bits. She is wearing a white, lacey cutout pȧntɨės with equally lacy garter belts which are attached to her pink stockings. Something is rising and it's not the shie- Yeah, no. The joke is getting old. Anyway, this is hot as heck!

"I bought it online. I figured Admiral would love it since the girls in your doujinshis always have such an outfit. Plus, Onee-chan wore something similar too." (Zuihou-chan)

I can't help it! There is something sėxy about this kind of clothes.

"Also," (Zuihou-chan)

Zuihou-chan placed a touched the spot where core is supposed to be,

"I want tonight to be special as possible." (Zuihou-chan)

I returned her smile,

"Let's get started. I will do my best to make this a night for you to remember."

"I'll be in your care, Admiral~" (Zuihou-chan)

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