Our Bonds

Chapter 268 - 242

It has been a week since Zuihou-chan's initial transformation and so far, nothing has yet to happen. Well, not like I want something to happen. It's just felt impossible that that was the only time she will ever transform. The following morning, after roll call, I called Vestal from Azur Lane for ȧssistance. She, along with Yuubari and Akashi, helped to give Zuihou-chan a thorough check-up. They didn't find anything abnormal with her, apart from her core not being a cube anymore. Of course, I didn't tell the two of them about her transformation. In fact, apart from Shigure and Zuihou, I didn't tell anyone else about Zuihou-chan. I don't want them to start thinking Zuihou-chan as a threat. I plan to slowly release such information once I myself figure out what is going on. I told Vestal while escorting her back to the pier and gave her the scanner. She told me that she would analyze it once her schedule is free. Apparently, another META has been discovered, so everyone is working doubly hard. On the bright side, Ark Royal META and Hiryuu META have finally officially joined their ranks. This is great news, considering the fact that these two powerful shipgirls have been eluding them for months. Now they just need to recruit the rest of them. I will find and send a congratulatory gift later.

We have completed our part in the operation, so it's time for us to kick back and relax for a bit. Once HQ give us the new planes, we will go straight to testing them. Its getting colder every passing day. A sign that Summer is coming to an end and Autumn is just around the corner.

"I can't wait to fish for some Sanma and bake potatoes in a pile of leaves."

"Hmm? What is this about fishing and baking potatoes?" (Shigure)

Oops. I must have said that out loud.

"It's going to be autumn soon. It's the perfect season for fishing and potato baking."

"Now that you mention it, Summer is almost over. That was fast." (Shigure)

"Feeling sentimental?"

"About what?" (Shigure)

"I don't know."

"Ufufu~ Weird. Anyway," (Shigure)

Shigure got out from under the blanket and straddled on top of me. A certain part of my body immediately became a Metapod and used the move 'harden' once her nȧkėd body was in plain view.

"Can we go for another round?" (Shigure)

"You are pretty daring today. Another round isn't enough."

Shigure kissed me as we combined our bodies,

"Ahh~" (Shigure)


Me and my big mouth...

"Did anyone see it?"

"I don't think so. Umikaze was beside me but I immediately covered up when I noticed it." (Zuihou-chan)

Zuihou-chan undid her robe and exposed her ċhėst. There are black, vein-like streaks spreading out from the spot where her core is supposed to be.

"Do you know what caused this?"

She shook her head.

Zuihou-chan had just returned from her sortie in the Ri Lanka islands. It was a simple sortie to eliminate the Abyssal Heavy crusier fleet that is roaming around the area. After giving their report, they got to the docks to wash and repair any damages they received. That was when Zuihou-chan found out that something is happening to her body again. And so, here she is in front of me. From what I can see, the black streaks have extended all the way to her waist from the center of her ċhėst, covering a large portion of her front and back. Her limbs and neck are still unaffected, but at the rate it's spread, they will be soon.

"Were you thinking of negative thoughts? We know that thinking about happy things suppresses your transformation. Probably."

"I wasn't. I was just talking to Umikaze about you. Ah." (Zuihou-chan)

"Imma question you about that later. Anyway, are you feeling alright? Any pain or anything?"

"I'm alright. I wasn't hit or anything." (Zuihou-chan)

"You were able to take out most of the Abyssal escorts, so your combat prowess is normal. Is this just a physical change?"

"What is happening to me?" (Zuihou-chan)

She is afraid. Anyone would be if there is an adverse change happening to them.

I pet her head,

"It will be okay. Nothing bad is happening to you."

I hope. Even I have no idea whether this is bad or not. Her transforming into an Abyssal physically is scary enough. If she completely became an Abyssal both inside and outside... I don't want to think about such an outcome.

"For the time being, let's try to turn you back to normal."

Since happy thoughts can cause her to revert back to normal, let's make her happy.

"Come here. Let's make ourselves comfortable."

I took Zuihou-chan's hand and led her to the sofa. I had her rest her head on my ŀȧp and begin my usual pampering session.

"Erm... Admiral?"

She doesn't seem impressed,

"Eh? You don't want it like this?"

"No no no. I'm happy that you are petting me, but I would prefer something more... intimate." (Zuihou-chan)

"Why are you in heat at a time like this?"

"I'm not!" (Zuihou-chan)

Suddenly, a black tendril sprouted from her back, tearing through her robe and nearly hitting me.

"Nooo!" (Zuihou-chan)

"Wait! Calm down! It's alright."

Black patches appear all over her body again and a small horn grew out of her forehead. Crap! It's happening again.

"Why?!" (Zuihou-chan)

I hugged her tightly.

"Calm down. Breathe."

I can hear a knock on my door.

"Admiral? Is everything all right? I heard a loud screa-" (Shioi)

"Wait! Don't come i-"

Too late. Shioi opened the door and stared wide-eyed at us. This is bad.

"Wha-Why is-" (Shioi)

"Shioi, this is an order. I know you are afraid, but keep quiet. Don't scream. Understood?"

Since it was an order, Shioi had no choice but to nod her head fearfully. I really hate doing this kind of orders. It takes away their freedom and they are forced to obey. But right now, I'm more concerned about Zuihou-chan. She is trembling really badly as she gripped my pants.

"Shhh~ Do your best. Don't let it take over you. You will be fine."

"Erm... Admiral? Why is-" (Shioi)

"This is my girlfriend, Zuihou-chan. She is not an Abyssal. And she will never be one."

"Eh? Zuihou-chan?" (Shioi)

It feels as though Zuihou-chan has calmed down a bit. She isn't trembling as much as before. I can still hear her sobbing a bit though, but that's fine.

My phone rang. What now?

"Sorry, Shioi. Can you help me pick that up? Pit it on speaker so I can decide whether to respond or not."

Shioi walked to the phone and answered it,

"Hello. Maizuru Naval Base Head Office." (Shioi)

"Eh? Shioi-chan? You are the secretary for today?" (Ooyodo)

Shioi looked at me and gave a few nods,

"Y-yeah." (Shioi)

"Huh... Oh well. Is Admiral there? I have Vestal from Azur Lane on the line. She says it's important." (Ooyodo)

Vestal! Has she figured something out?

"Sorry, Zuihou-chan. I will be back soon."

I whispered into her ear. I can feel her gripped my pants tightly but released her grip almost immediately. I gestured to Shioi that I will be taking that call.

"Yeah. Admiral just came out of the toilet." (Shioi)

"I see." (Ooyodo)

I gently laid Zuihou-chan down on the sofa and walked to my desk. Shioi passed me the phone,

"Hello. What's up, Ooyodo?"

"Ah. There you are. Vestal from Azur Lane is on the line. She says it's extremely important." (Ooyodo)

"Put her through."

"Roger." (Ooyodo)

After a couple of beeps, Vestal's voice came through the receiver,

"Hello? Admiral-san?" (AL Vestal)

"Vestal? Good. Have you found something?"

"You can put it that way. I had Yuubari analyze the logs and everything. There are quite a few things that were a little unusual but the main issue was that red number." (AL Vestal)

"Yes. That's the one that I'm more concerned about."

Shioi sat next to Zuihou-chan. She seems hesitant at first, but soon she was stroking through Zuihou-chan's hair.

"Right. So what that number represented was something called 'Control', according to the log. I will send you the entirety of the log so you can read it yourself." (AL Vestal)

"Control... What those it mean?"

"I'm not too sure myself. There is this line 'Calculating... Field unspecified... Data archived..." before the words 'Control level developed'. If we take it's meaning at face value," (AL Vestal)

"That would refer to Zuihou-chan's control over her transformation?"

"It's just a hypothesis, but yes. Right now, she doesn't have control over the transformation, right?" (AL Vestal)

"Yeah. She just had another incident."

"Right now, the number is at '7'. Assuming it is really referring to Zuihou-chan's ability to control it, that would mean that her transformation is at random." (AL Vestal)

"I highly doubt it's at random. If it was, my other girls would be freaking out by now. I haven't seen her transform since then until now. Maybe it refers to the number of days?"

"That sounds illogical but an acceptable theory, nonetheless. We need more data before we can reach a suitable conclusion." (AL Vestal)

Zuihou-chan is now sitting up straight and smiling. The two girls took turns whispering things in each other's ear. Looks like they are having fun. It's as though...

Actually, what am I afraid of?

Is it about Zuihou-chan becoming an Abyssal and I will have to kill her? Am I afraid that everyone else will treat her as an enemy? If everyone can be friendly to Hoppou-chan, what is stopping them from welcoming Zuihou-chan in this form? Zuihou-chan is afraid of her body changing and that is obvious. But what am I really afraid of? Did I think I was protecting her by keeping her transformation a secret? Why am I not following through with what I said?

"Admiral-san? Hello?" (AL Vestal)

"Thanks for your help. Send me whatever data you managed to decipher. I will take it from here."

"Are you sure? I can get Yuubari to develop another device to help you monitor her condition. And with due respect, did you hear what I just said?" (AL Vestal)

"Sorry. Let's just say I have an epiphany. Once again, thank you for your hard work. Now, it's time to do my job."

I hung up. I dialed the Command Centre's number, where Ooyodo should be in.

"Ooyodo, gather everyone in the courtyard.. I have an announcement to make."

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