Our Bonds

Chapter 46 - 43

Suzuya's Reppu shot down the Recon plane Yorktown launched. It's owner noticed almost immediately and quickly informed her teammates, albeit a little confused.

"One of their fighter planes just went straight into range and took out my scout! How did they managed to pinpoint it's location?" (Yorktown)

"Did they use a Fighter to as a scout instead?" (Prinz Eugen)

"Don't be stupid! A Scout plane is much better for reconnaissance. A fighter plane is used for interception." (Enterprise)

"Could be range of their radar is larger than we expected?" (Nagato)

"Possibly... but what kind of ship has a radar with such a large detection range?" (Yorktown)

"Whatever the case, let's just advance. Since their plane moved straight to attack ours, they must be straight ahead as well. Mobile fleet 1, advance!" (Nagato)

-Back at fleet 1-

"Enemy plane eliminated. Retrieving planes." (Suzuya)

"Good! We managed to blind them for a bit. Let's attack them from an angle." (Agano)

"Good idea. At least we can take them by surprise." (Shigure)

"They must be thinking that we are moving straight at them. Ehehe. This could be fun!" (Suzuya)

"Well then, let's move... um... that way!" (Zuihou)

Fleet 1 moved towards north-north east. Whilst Azur Lane's mobile fleet 1 continued advancing straight.

"Maybe it wasn't a good idea to put Nagato as the flagship... I should have picked a more experienced shipgirl as the flagship." (Commander)

"But isn't Nagato the main flagship for the Sakura Empire? She is one of the Big 7."

Yeah. I know that. The thing is... I only found her last week. She is cute, has a nice voice, has overwhelming firepower and an adorable figure, but she lacks experience in leading a fleet." (Commander)

"Did you just say the same thing twice? Wait, you found Nagato last week and you putting as flagship for your main fleet?"

"Yeah. Don't you do that too?"

*sigh* "Of course not! I don't know how things work on your side but I always give them training before doing such things. A flagsh.i.p.s role is to lead the fleet to victory. As you can see, Nagato-san is making a beginners mistake by advancing straight ahead and not consider any other options. By the way, why aren't the rest saying anything to correct this?"

"I ordered them to listen to whatever Nagato-chan says and not guide her along the way. I thought this was a good way to give her some experience..." (Commander)

"You dumbass!"

"Thank you for your insight, Admiral! So that means the winners has already been decided?" (Iku)

"Hey! When did you start broadcasting us?"

"It's true that Nagato-chan made a mistake. Geez, our Commander really is a dumbass." (I-19)

"Oi!" (Commander)

"But when it comes to raw firepower, no one in this match can beat her! So we still have a chance!" (I-19)

Right now, Fleet 1 has took a semi-circle route towards Mobile Fleet 1. They should right about...

"Enemy fleet spotted. I will show you the nightmare of Solomon!" (Yuudachi)

"What the? They came from there? All sh.i.p.s, cannons at the ready! Feuer!" (Prinz Eugen)


Both teams launched a volley of fire at each other. Fortunately, these are just training rounds, but they still hurt like the real thing. The aircraft carriers launched their bombers and fighters, starting a dogfight in the skies.

"The battle has started!" (Iku)

As Iku announced, the whole audience cheered. The moment everyone has been waiting for is finally happening!

Being faster sh.i.p.s, Akatsuki, Prinz Eugen, and Belfast went forward to draw fire whilst Nagato prepares for the next wave of shelling. Yorktown and Enterprise remained near the back, launching their planes.

"The same trick won't work twice!" (Agano)

Agano launched her torpedos at the three of them. Akatsuki and Belfast were able to move out of the way in time, but not Prinz Eugen. The torpedos exploded upon contact.

"Yes! A direct hit!" (Agano)

Or so it seems... Orbiting around Prinz Eugen were three hexagonal walls of light. These 'shields' protected her from getting damaged.

"What the hell is that?"

"Its a special skill my shipgirls can used. Each of them have a unique skill. For example, Prinz Eugen's skill are those three shields." (Commander)

"That's cheating!"

"Maybe. But isn't this more interesting than a normal match?" (Commander)

Azur Lane shipgirls have a special skill... If that's the case, we may have a problem. Wait a minute... If these are the same girls as before, why didn't they use those skills during our encounters? There must be a limit.

"Eh? That's so unfair!" (Agano)

Agano continued her shelling at Prinz Eugen. For almost 10 seconds, she just stood there and took it, before evading. As she tries to regroup with the rest of her team, one of Suzuya's Suisei manage to score a hit on her.

"Hehe... Now it's gotten interesting." (Prinz Eugen)

"Eugen, get back! We will take it from here." (Belfast)

"Don't worry. I can still fight." (Prinz Eugen)

Now her shields didn't appear. So there is some kind of condition to be met. And she can't use it in quick succession.

"My enemies, now it's going to hurt a little bit for you." (Belfast)

Belfast fired her cannons, hitting Shigure directly. Yuudachi's clothing are in pieces and her equipment on fire.

"Geez, no way! I'm all tattered, aren't I?" (Agano)

"Eh? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen at all." (Belfast)

Did she forget what happened back then? This shouldn't be the first time she saw Agano in this condition. Almost everyone was damaged during our first encounter.

"No matter how many times I see it, I'm still surprised." (Commander)

"Stop staring!"

"Agano-san, major damage. As per the rules, Yuudachi-chan will be retrieved from the match. Imuya-chan, Goya-chan, if you please!"

Imuya and Goya appeared from beneath the water surface and pulled Yuudachi away.

"Wai- What? You guys were here the whole time?!" (Agano)

"Surprised? Let's get you out of here first dechi." (Goya)

"Wahh! Goya-san! Imuya-san!" (Akatsuki)

Akatsuki waved at them. Looks like she is happy to see her new friends.

"Akatsuki-chan!" (Goya)

"Come on! Let's go already! Akatsuki-chan, concentrate on what's behind you!" (Imuya)

" Behind m- ?" (Akatsuki)

"Hey pipsqueak! Behind you!" (Enterprise)


"Wah! That's brutal. Akatsuki-chan is unable to battle anymore!" (I-19)

"Take her away Ro-chan, Shioi-chan!" (Iku)

"Too bad, Akatsuki-chan." (Shioi)

Shigure can be scary sometimes. While Akatsuki was distracted by the submarine girls, Shigure came up from behind and scored a headshot at point-blank range, knocking her out of the match.

"That's cheating!" (Commander)

"It's her fault that she got distracted. At least Imuya gave her a warning."

With Agano and Akatsuki out, both sides are evened out. Actually no. Prinz Eugen is also out. Zuihou's Tenzan managed to land a torpedo on her.

Oh now I get it. There is a cool down between each skill use and only a chance of it happening. Some of them are like buff skills, like Belfast. It looks like her skill gives her shells an additional burning effect. That's why Agano was taken out in one hit and her equipment was on fire.

"Focus on their flagship! Who is holding on to the flag?" (Nagato)

"Is it that one? The girl with the white flag." (Yorktown)

"A destroyer as a flagship? Oh whatever. Enterprise-san, take her out!"

"You don't have to tell me that!" (Enterprise)

Enterprise launched a squadron of Curtis Helldivers and Douglas Destroyers. All these are dive bombers.

"Yorktown, back me up!" (Enterprise)

"On it sister!" (Yorktown)

Yorktown launched her squadron of Grumman F4F wildcats. These are most probably to escort Enterprises bomber squadron.

"Zuihou-chan!" (Suzuya)

"Yeah!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou and Suzuya launched more fighters to intercept. Shigure and Yuudachi proceed to shoot down as many planes as they can. Yamashiro's shelling manage to damage Belfast, who in turn launched her own torpedos in the light carriers direction. The torpedos made contact and a loud explosion occured, followed by screams and a thick smoke.

"Suzuya-san! Zuihou-chan!" (Yamshiro)

"Suzuya-san is seriously damaged! She is out!" (Iku)

"How dare you!" (Yuudachi)

"Yuudachi, wait! Don't go too far!" (Shigure)

Despite Shigure's pleas, Yuudachi rushed forward towards Belfast. Once she was in torpedo range, Yuudachi launched all of her torpedos. With damage sustained from Yamashiro, Belfast couldn't retreat, nor was she able to evade in time.

"Belfast-san is out of the battle! Submarine unit, please take her away!" (I-19)

"Yuudachi, get out of the way!"


A bomb from a Helldiver landed on where Yuudachi was.


Yuudachi fell to her knees beside a fallen Shigure. Shigure took the blow from Yuudachi, as a result, she suffered some major damage.

"Why? Why did you cover for me?" (Yuudachi)

"Of course I would. We are friends. I'm leaving the rest to you..."(Shigure)

"Shigure!!!" (Yuudachi)

What's with this dramatic moment? Even the submarine girls, who just surfaced, are looking on in bewilderment. They look unsure as to when to retrieve her.

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