Our Bonds

Chapter 78 - 70


So sleepy. I barely gotten any sleep last night. Before the party, I snuck off to collect the presents from a delivery man waiting outside the Inn. After that, I lost track of the time wrapping them up. That's why I showed up late. Even after the party, I continued to wrap all of them and distributed them to their respective rooms. I was lucky enough to complete all of these by dawn. Good thing everyone was tired out from exploring and partying. Oh and by the way, I got the innkeeper to give me a copy of every key for the rooms we reserved, just for the day. So it's not like I broke into their rooms or anything. The innkeeper looked at me with suspicion, but after some explaining, he just handed them to me. I guess he can't be bothered to listen any longer.

I was planning to laze about today, but after last night's party, Zuihou told me she wanted to go out with me. I couldn't say no to such a request. We arranged to meet in front of the red lamp near the stone bridge at 9am. Looking around, there are many other patrons walking around in a Yukata with a Haori. Since it's Christmas, there are plenty of couples as well. Maybe I should have wore one too. Instead, I'm wearing blue jeans and a thick, brown overcoat.

Now that I think about it, this is a Christmas date, isn't it? It is! How didn't I realize it sooner?! I should have dressed better. Maybe if I go back now...

"Did you wait long?" (Zuihou)

Too late...

"Sorry. It took me some time to dress up." (Zuihou)

Zuihou was wearing a white hoodie with a green jacket and matching green skirt. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail with a white ribbon and brown ankle boots covered her feet.

"Is it weird?" (Zuihou)

"N-no. It looks perfect on you."

I'm speechless. Her outfit completely caught me off-guard.

"Really? Ehehe. That's great!" (Zuihou)

She totally looks like any other ordinary girl! I thought she either be wearing a Yukata or her usual outfit. I have never seen it before.

"That outfit... When did you get it?"

"Oh. I bought it during my previous time-off. I thought maybe this is a good time to wear it." (Zuihou)

"I-I see. Anyway, where should we go first? I don't know anything about this place."

"Don't worry! I explored around yesterday. I know all the fun places." (Zuihou)

"Then, lead the way."

"Yes!" (Zuihou)

Just as Zuihou said, she really knew what are the interesting places in this small Onsen town. There's a sweets shop which sells delicious desserts. I could use the sugar rush. There is even a retro game center which has vintage Pachinko machines, a shooting gallery and Smart Ball,which is like a pinball machines. The place has a nostalgic feel to it. There is a museum which offer lessons on straw crafting. I only managed to make a simple straw ball, while Zuihou made a plane. How and when did she learn to do that? The instructor only taught us the basic crafts like a ball, a flower or a hat.

Not confined to the Onsen town, we went out and travelled to the coastal cliffs of Hiyoriyama, at the outskirts of Kinosaki. Located at Hiyoriyama is a small aquarium. Apart from the usual tanks of fishes and animal shows, what made this aquarium stood out from the rest was the Aji fishing zone. As the name implies, we can fish for our own aji(Horse Mackeral) and have it freshly fried. Being a girl of the sea, Zuihou seems to enjoy the aquarium trip a lot. Upon returning back to Kinosaki, we found a restaurant selling Snow Crabs. It's a little expensive, but extremely worth it. When was the last time I ate such delicious crab? After the feast, we took a break at a nearby Ashiyu(Foot Bath).

"Fuwah~ That was delicious. Right, Admiral?" (Zuihou)

"Yeah. I'm stuffed."

Oh man. A full stomach and all that walking is making me feel sleepy. On top of that, my sugar rush is wearing off.

"Admiral, are you alright?"

Oops. I mustn't fall asleep.

"Yeah. I just a little tired, that all."

"Really? Don't try and push yourself."

"I'm fine.Shall we go? We have soaked quite a bit."

As I stood up, my vision went blurry. I felt a bit light-headed.


I can't remember anything after that.


There's something soft under my head. What is this? A pillow... or not. It's way too smooth and warm to be a pillow. Without thinking, I touched this wierd 'pillow'.

"Hyaah! Where are you touching?!"


I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Zuihou peering at me with a bright red face. I just noticed I was lying on Zuihou's lap. So this is the fabled Lap Pillow'. This is nice. Wait... that's not it!

"Erm... What happened? I remember being soaking our feet at the Ashiyu."

"You suddenly fainted. That was a shock. I didn't know what to do for a moment there. Luckily, a couple helped me to move you this bench." (Zuihou)

Is that so? Wow. Nice going, me. How pathetic. Fainting on your first date.

"Is that so? I'm sorry. For ruining our first date."

I felt something dropped on my cheek. It was a little wet. I took a look at Zuihou face and realise where it came from.

"Wait. Why are you crying?"

"I knew from the start. Since the beginning of the operation, you haven't been sleeping much. Even after yesterday's party, you were busy wrapping and giving out our presents." (Zuihou)

"How did you-"

"Of course I would know. You have been doing this for years. I knew you were tired after all that, but I still asked you out when you could have been resting." (Zuihou)

"N-no. I-"

"This whole time, I have been causing nothing but trouble for you! Maybe it's better-" (Zuihou)

I gave Zuihou a chop on the head.

"Shut up and listen to me."

I slowly got up. Damn. I'm still feeling a little light-headed. I looked straight at Zuihou.

"It's true that I haven't been sleeping much lately. And yeah, I was up all night preparing the present. But when you asked me out today, I was happy. You know I can't no when my cute shipgirl ask for something like this. I had fun, really. Seeing you smile makes me happy as well."

I wiped her tears. Good thing Shouhou told me that Zuihou is feeling down because of the whole Azur Lane Saga and not contributing to the operation.

"Don't say you have been nothing but trouble. We still have another 3 days here. We can take our time and have fun. So don't cry. You're making feel bad as well."

I touched the warm skin of her cheek. In response, Zuihou gently held on to that hand.


Zuihou's expression change from a crying one to a happy one. She maybe trying to smile, but she is definitely still feeling down. I better do something to change her mood. Since this is a Onsen trip, I don't want anyone to leave with bad memories. But first...

"Anyway, let's go. We attracted a quite a bit of attention."

"When did this happen?"

Without noticing, a crowd had formed around us. Maybe they thought we were filming a drama or something.

I grabbed Zuihou's hand and made a run through the crowd.

"Let's go!"

"Wa- Eh?!" (Zuihou)

Sometimes, things like this aren't so bad. It allows us to reaffirm our feelings for each other. Although, attracting attention isn't part of the plan.

That night, after much pestering, I agreed to let Zuihou help me wash my back. She is trying her best to make me feel better, despite being embarrassed. Since we booked the entire inn, I'm the only one using the male baths and no one would bat an eye if Zuihou and I were to use the mixed outdoor baths. And that's where she did the deed. It's taking me everything I got to remain calm. Her white skin is glowing in the moonlight as we soaked in the bath.

"Oh that reminds me. I haven't said it to you yet."

"What is it?" (Zuihou)

"Merry Christmas."

"At this timing? You're so slow." (Zuihou)


"Well, I also didn't get a chance to say it today."

Zuihou reached out and kissed me on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Admiral♪"

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