Our Bonds

Chapter 80 - 71

If Amagi hadn't explained the situation, the entire naval district would have been turned to rabble, along with me. According to Amagi, she requested to come and be the 'caretaker' of the district while we were on vacation. Because of her health, Akagi volunteered to accompany her. I got to admit, they did a real good job in maintaining the place. It would have been perfect if they didn't leave hairs lying around.

"I truly apologize." (Amagi)

"You apologized enough. Beside, the others would feel weird if they didn't have anything to clean this time. It's sort of like a yearly thing for us."

"You need to thank Amagi-nee-sama. If it wasn't for he-" (Akagi)

"Akagi-chan!" (Amagi)

"Ah. Pardon me." (Akagi)

"Ahaha. Well, for the time being, why not you two relax for the time being. Zuihou, please you prepare tea for our guests."

"On it."

"If that's the case, I can-"

"Just sit down and relax!" (Zuihou and I)

Zuihou prepared the tea and placed it on the coffee table. Even though Amagi and Akagi had cleaned the place, Zuihou still wanted to do some sweeping and scrubbing.

Speaking of which, I heard that the operation was a success. The Batavia Princess was sunk and a new shipgirl had been found. Shinshu Maru, an IJA R1 Amphibious Assault Ship. She looks like a character straight out of a Star Wars movie. There were 2 other operations after that to tie up some loose ends. Brunei Anchorage was in charge of them. Right now, the other districts are enjoying their 5 day vacation in their respective Onsen Towns.

"The girls here are a little like ours." (Amagi)

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. They are very lively. Not to mention cute. Like the young destroyer you beside you." (Amagi)

"Young destroyer? Pfft!"

She is talking about Zuihou, isn't she?

"Geez. I'm not a Destroyer!" (Zuihou)

"Ufufufu. Nee-sama, she may not look like it but Zuihou-chan is a Light Aircraft Carrier." (Akagi)

"Oh, I'm sorry!" (Amagi)

"Geez..." (Zuihou)

I pet Zuihou's head.

"There there. My cute Destroyer."

My shin stung for quite a while after that.


With the help from Akagi and Amagi, we managed to clean and polish the whole district within 2 days. Amagi also brought along Kaga to help out. Though in this case, it's more like using Kaga as the bait.

"Wai-wait! Don't be so rough!" (Kaga)

"So fluffy!" (Matsuwa)

"So comfortable poi!" (Yuudachi)

"Where is this attached to nya?" (Mustuki)

"St-stop~" (Kaga)

Most of the destroyers and Coastal Defense girls gather around Kaga. They were completely enthralled by her white fur. At the same time, Amagi and Akagi are chatting with the older shipgirls.

"Wow. How did you get such smooth hair, Akagi-san?" (Shouhou)

"You just to treat it with love. Your black hair is also pretty smooth, Shouhou-san." (Akagi)

"Eh? This is Shouhou? She is so different from the Shouhou we know." (Amagi)

"Yes. I'm Shouhou. oh right. Thank you for saving my sister the other day, Akagi-san." (Shouhou)

"Your welcome. I needed to drag my juniors back anyway." (Akagi)

Akagi gave a cynical smile as she said that. She really is a scary person.

"Your sister? Zuihou-san is your sister?" (Amagi)

"Yes. That's right." (Amagi)

"Pardon me, but you two don't lookalike at all." (Amagi)

"Ahaha. We get that a lot." (Shouhou)

Meanwhile, Zuihou and I were hiding in the Kotatsu. It's really cold!

"Are you sure you don't want to join them?"

"It's fine~ It's warm here~" (Zuihou)

She is completely taken over by the Kotatsu...

"Don't fall asleep. You will catch a cold."


With all our tasks done, what's left is to chill around and wait for the New Years.

Speaking of which, are you 3 staying here overnight? If you want, you can."

"Thank you for the offer, but we are returning to our base. Commander is waiting."

"Besides, Kaga-san is reaching her limit."


The Destroyers and Coastal Defense Sh.i.p.s have Kaga under their mercy. She is just lying there while they have their way with her.

"Come on you girls. Don't bother Kaga too much!"

"Okay~!" (Destroyers and DEs)

And they continued to fluff Kaga's tails and ears. My words completely went into one ear and out the other.... Oh well.

After getting Kaga's attackers off her, the 3 fox girls left. Everyone else returned to doing their own activities. Some of them went to the entertainment room, some went for a bath and some went to relax in their rooms. Zuihou and I are still lazing about in the Kotatsu, listening to the radio and waiting for the New Years bell to ring. It was close to midnight, so most of the girls are either fast asleep or having another drinking party.

"It's almost the year 2020. How was it this this year, Tanaka-san?" (Radio DJ: Yasuda)

"Well, I wouldn't it was a great year, but it's was still pretty good. What about you, Yasuda-san." (Radio DJ: Tanaka)

"These New year Broadcast are always the same."

"Mmh..." (Zuihou)

Zuihou is trying to keep herself awake. It's way past her usual bedtime.

"You know, you can go to sleep first if you want. Your eyes are barely open."

"No. I want to be the first to give Admiral my New Year Greetings." (Zuihou)

Another one of her weird antics... This year has been eventful. Our family grew. We tackled new problems. We made new allies. Zuihou getting kidnapped, twice. The best moment for me was when the both of us confessed to each other. With the ring sitting in my drawer, I plan to marry Zuihou soon. Once she meets the requirements. Of course, the one in question doesn't know this yet.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!" (Radio DJ Tanaka and Yasuda)

A bell rang at the same time the 2 Radio DJs said that, welcoming the New Year.

"Even though you said you wanted to greet me first, You fell asleep in the end."

Zuihou was resting her head on the Kotatsu, sleeping soundly. She couldn't stay awake after all.

"That makes you cute as well."

I carried Zuihou to my room, careful not to wake her up, and laid on my bed. I don't have her pajamas with me, so I changed her into one of my T-shirts, before tucking her in with me.

"Happy New Year, Zuihou. I love you."

I kissed her forehead before going to sleep myself.

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