Our Bonds

Chapter 91 - 81

"Alright. Food, check. First aid kit, check. Climbing gear... Where's my climbing gear?" (Rondo)

"Over here." (Houshou)

Houshou presented a small duffle bag to Rondo.

"Oh. Thanks for packing it for me." (Rondo)

"Is it really necessary for all that?"

"There might be mountains. Or cliffs" (Rondo)

There won't be any mountains. Let alone cliffs. The whole place is barely even a hill. As Rondo suggested, both of us going to explore and map out the island off coast of Sasebo. He really did get us permission to survey the island. In fact, instead of discussing this with the Board of Directors, he went straight to the Marshal Admiral.

We brought what is basically camping gear and some tools to help us get around the place. We already used scout planes to give us a brief topography of the island. What's left is to survey the environment and formations of the place. As a precaution, we even brought along some rifles. There might be aggressive animals there. The plan was to take a speed boat from Sasebo Naval District, land on the southern beach of the island, and spend a few days mapping out the entire place. Since the Sakura Empire operated on a similar island before they joined Azur Lane, and our shipgirls have technically explored one before, we actually have a brief idea of what to expect. The question is whether or not the place is suitable for ordinary humans like us. Communication systems seem to be useless since there may be a magnetic field there, but we theorized that it disappear overtime. Not sure how long it will take though.

"Seriously. This is ridiculous! Who in the right mind would suggest exploring a newly formed island which we know nothing about? And to think that you even dragged the Grand Admiral along..." (Sasebo)

"Ohh... So you think that I'm doing something ridiculous now, is that what you're saying?" (Rondo)

Rondo stared at Sasebo's Admiral, who is beginning to realize his mistake.

"W-wait, you're not the one who suggested this?" (Sasebo)

I shook my head.

"Even if I suggested it, why would I bring a Grand Admiral into this?"

"Then..." (Sasebo)

"So, what will it be? Admiral of Sasebo Naval District. Am I crazy or what?" (Rondo)

"Hiiiiii! My sincerest apologies, Sir!" (Sasebo)

That was the quickest dogeza I have ever seen someone done before. Putting that aside,

"Hey, don't go. Please..." (Zuihou)

Since two days ago, at the Setsubun Festival, Zuihou has been begging me not go on this little adventure of ours. After finding out that we got permission to investigate the island, her pestering got even more intense. All day and all night, she has been trying to get me to stay. I understand that she is worried, but I want to go. This can serve as payback of all the times she almost gave me a heart attack after screwing up during her missions.

"Admiral, I'll be a good girl. Please don't go." (Zuihou)

She is using the child tactic now. She has been doing that pretty frequently nowadays. Especially whenever she couldn't get what she wants.

"I'll just be gone for a few days. It's just a simple land survey."

"But there might be scary things there. Lets just go home." (Zuihou)

"I already promised to go with Grand Admiral Rondo. If I don't go, I may get charged for insubordination."

"Oi. Why am I the bad guy now?" (Rondo)

Zuihou looks like she is going to cry again. I ruffled through Zuihou's hair,

"I promise I'll make it back safely, okay?"

"I will definitely bring your man back. In the meantime, Houshou can you take care of Maizuru? It will be good change of pace to what usually do." (Rondo)

"Got it. I'll be in your care, Zuihou-chan." (Houshou)

"... You must come back..." (Zuihou)

"I promise."


It was a 2 hour boat ride to the island. When we made landfall on the beach, there were a few turtles and giant lizards sunbathing there. They don't seem to be concerned about us, so we just continued on our way. From the beach, we caught a glimpse of the giant Sakura tree in the middle of the island.

"Testing, can you hear me?" (Rondo)

Rondo tested the radio we brought along as we walked. As expected, we were answered with just static.

"Okay. That checks off connection issues on our list."

"This place is quite nice, actually. It's neither too hot nor too cold. There are connecting paths to other place. Looks like this will go smoothly." (Rondo)

For starters, we followed the concrete path which led from the beach. Matching the information we have, Torii gates lined the pathway. The path led to a small junction. We carried on in a straight line and found a fairly large Gazebo-like structure.

"This is the perfect spot to set up camp. There is shelter and I think I heard some water flowing nearby." (Rondo)

"Lets map out what we have found."

Rondo drew out the path we took from the beach and other observations we made along the way. I'm extremely bad at the drawing. If I were the one that did it, it would just be scribbles.

"Should we go check out the paths we saw or head for the source of water first?" (Rondo)

"Obviously, we need to secure our water source first. Have you already forgotten your field training?"

"Who would have thought that useless camp would finally be useful." (Rondo)

"I getting flashbacks of that Field Sergeant. Till now, I still don't get why they called a JSDF soldier to conduct our field training?"

"It's just for formalities sake. We are a still part of the military after all. Gotta maintain a good relationship with them." (Rondo)

To the east of our campsite, covered in lush greenery, there was a small river flowing downwards. Where it leads to, That's for us to discover later. We decided to cover all the routes which are led by concrete paths first before venturing into the jungle areas. Seriously, I know the Sirens have these weird reality-warping abilities, but why would they take the time to create, not one but, multiple such islands? What a weird enemy we have.

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