Our Bonds

Chapter 94 - 84

I can feel something sharp on my skin. No. It's sinking into me!

Ow... Ouch! What the...?

I flung off the blanket to see who was the culprit.

"Yuudachi?! Wake up! Stop biting me!"


Now this is a really painful wake up call. She's really biting into my arm. She is holding onto it and wouldn't let go.

"Muu... Noisy... What's going on?" (Shigure)

Shigure sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning Shigure. Ouch! It's a bit a sudden but please you help me out over here. It's really painful."

Shigure just gave one well placed whack on Yuudachi's head. That did the trick because Yuudachi immediately got up.

"Ouch! What is it?! An enemy?!" (Yuudachi)

Yuudachi looked around for a while before looking down and noticing the bite wound. She really did a number on me.

"Yuudachi..." (Shigure)



"Sorry." (Yuudachi)

Yuudachi laid on her back and held her shirt in her mouth, exposing her stomach. What a weird way to apologise. Tatsuta must have taught her this.

"I already know the answer but I'm just going to ask, what is the meaning of this?"

"Tatsuta-san said that this is the best way to apologise when you do something bad." (Yuudachi)

I knew it. Only she would do this sort of things.

"Oh well. This isn't such a big deal."

"What are you saying? You're bleeding!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou was at my side, bandaging my arm. She is overreacting a little. Just a medium- sized plaster would do the trick. At first, Shigure was the one that went to get the first-aid kit while Yuudachi was panicking. Not only did she bring the first-aid kit, she brought Zuihou along as well.

"Isn't this a bit too much?"

"We need to do it properly. Or else the wound might get infected." (Zuihou)

"I still think this is a too much. Oh right. Yuudachi, you can go now."

"But..." (Yuudachi)

"I'm fine. I accept your apology. Anyway, you are hungry, right? Shigure is waiting for you at the cafeteria. I got the fairies to cook some meat for the both of you."

"Really? Thank you, Admiral-san!" (Yuudachi)

She beamed at my words and got up. She is going to pounce at me again. I know that stance.

"Okay okay. Go get changed. You have a sortie later."

Yuudachi left the office, running like an excited child with her arms outstretched.

Yesterday, Shigure wanted to sleep with me. Yuudachi was with her as well, so she decided to join us. After that, we have what happened this morning. I heard her mumbling about food as I tried to save my arm from being her breakfast.

"Geez. That Yuudachi... Now then, open wide. Ahh~" (Zuihou)

Zuihou grabbed a piece of Tamagoyaki and held it at my mouth.

"Zuihou... What are you doing?"

"You are hurt. So let me feed you. Come on. Ahh~" (Zuihou)

"I can feed myself. She bit my left arm, not my right."

Oh, now she is pouting. This girl is another child.


"Here. How is it? Delicious?" (Zuihou)

"Yes. It's delicious."

"Ehe. I'm glad." (Zuihou)

After eating, it was time to work. Apart from some sorties, there isn't much to do today. Kashima is going on a 'field trip' with the coastal defense girls. Souryuu, Fubuki and Asashio are following as escorts. Fleet 1 is going to clear out the area around Okinoshima Sea. Merchant sh.i.p.s have reported Abyssal sightings in their trade routes. So this is a Search-and-destroy mission. This sort of thing happens from time to time. Some Abyssals will stray from their usual haunts and start terrorizing non-military sh.i.p.s and their warship escort. Naval Warsh.i.p.s are equipped anti-abyssal guns, though they can only repel them temporarily. As such, it's better to eliminate the stray Abyssal as soon as possible.

As I was skimming through the daily reports, which are basically the same rules and regulations we have to follow and some news about upcoming activities, there was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

"Good day to you, Admiral. Is Takasaki-san here?" (Shioi)

It was Shioi. I see. It's time of the Submarine girls to have their lunch.

"If Zuihou heard that, she would get angry again."

"Ehehe. Force of habit." (Shioi)

"She isn't here. She is on sortie with fleet 1."

"Oh. That's too bad." (Zuihou)

"Why are you looking for Zuihou anyway?"

"We wanted to ask Taka-, Zuihou-san to join us for practice." (Zuihou)

"Did Taigei fell sick again?"

"No no. Taigei-san is fine. We just wanted Zuihoi-san to join us. Its been a while since we pla-, I mean, practiced together." (Shioi)

Talk about a slip of the tongue. It's already obvious what the submarine girls want to do. But, this will be interesting to watch.

"Fine. I will arrange a date to fit our schedules."

"Yay. Thank you, Admiral." (Shioi)

"Anything else?"

"Umm... Oh yeah. I saw Hoppou-chan is moving around near the base." (Shioi)

Hoppou-chan? Oh. That Northern Abyssal Princess. What's an land-based abyssal doing around here?


Wait! An Abyssal Princess near our base?! Why didn't you tell me that first?!

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