Our Cool School~!

14 Cold Song Lin VS Cool Yu Ri

Everyone's gazes were on Mo Xuan Ji who looked like an angel in Li Yu Ri's imagination. She was wearing a long white dress, with her long black beautiful hair, she had white wings that of an angel, her mesmerizing black eyes shone brightly with sparks on it, her smile so beautiful that it attracted everyone... 'Li Yu Ri! What the hell are you thinking?! You ARE a girl! Not a boy! But if I was ever a man, I would definitely chase after the Gentle Princess, Sister Ji! I don't want her to end up with that crazy brother of mine at all! But Goddess Ji likes him so I can't do anything about it... yet.' She thought.

"...no longer the problem!" Li Yu Ri who was busy in her daydream, returned to her senses as she heard Mo Xuan Ji say. She almost wanted to slap herself for thinking like that. She scratched her head as she said, "Xiao Ji, can you repeat what you said?" Everyone looked at her as if they were looking at an idiot. Mo Xuan Ji sighed as she opened her mouth, "I'm simply saying that let them do what they want! They'll get tired when they see that what they're doing can't affect your works. They'll eventually stop troubling you guys then. You just have to have a good willpower and patience so that you can stay strong in front of them. I'm just worried if you can stay strong until then.."

Li Yu Ri immediately nodded her head, "I can stay strong until the end! It's just that I don't know about Brother Shan." Lu Jeong Shan, Tang Min and Mo Xuan Ji were speechless. Li Yu Ri blinked, "Don't you guys believe me?" Everyone sighed as they shook their head. Li Yu Ri pouted, "I really can do it! You don't have to make that face! See I'm going to stay patient till the end! Just wait and watch!" Sheng Hi Fan didn't know why he felt the girl's energy and courage was quite inspirational. If he could help her, that would've been great but...

Right at that moment, the door opened, and immense light entered the room. Li Yu Ri squinted her eyes at the light to see a figure of a person, particularly a girl. The girl looked extremely familiar with her cold eyes and straight shoulder-length hair. The girl said, "Sheng Hi Fan! What are you doing here with Class 1-2's students?" Everyone finally saw her face which was very beautiful and alluring. She.Was.Class.1-1's.Class.President.Song.Lin!

Sheng Hi Fan was surprised to see her here, "I was here to discuss things with Class 1-2's Class President and Vice President, that's all." Song Lin coldly sneered as she looked at the four students from Class- 1-2 and said coldly to them, "I'm sorry, but Class- 1-1's students don't have too much time to waste on you people. So, I'm taking my classmate away, if you want to ask, ask your Teacher yourself! Don't come and associate us, Class 1-1's students with you, Class 1-2's."

She then turned to look at Sheng Hi Fan, "Xiao Fan, let's go." Song Lin turned around as she prepared to leave with Sheng Hi Fan behind her when she heard a yell, "Wait!" Song Lin creased her brows as she coldly looked at Li Yu Ri. "Oh, it's you, I wonder you got your money or not last time we met." Li Yu Ri's eyes narrowed when she heard her, "Excuse me, Class 1-1's Class President, Song Lin, I'm not a beggar who wants your money so please don't bring the incident with the money. I clearly remember slapping your face with your own money!"

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Song Lin was triggered and her cold face cracked, "You!" Li Yu Ri then coolly turned to stand among others as she folded her arms and domineeringly said, "Class 1-2's students also don't have time to waste on you 'people'. We just needed some advice from the student who had personally experienced Class 1-3's students' tantrums. Otherwise, even if you threw people at us, we won't take them in, because we don't wanna 'associate' with either Class 1-1 or Class 1-3."

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