Our Cool School~!

28 Are You Scared?

After school.

Li Yuri packed her bag and looked at Qi Feng who was sitting beside her and asked her curiously, "Where do you live?"

Qi Feng blew out the bubblegum in her mouth as she leaned against the chair coolly and said, "Feng'huang Area."

Li Yuri was taken aback as she muttered, "You're so rich, Sis Feng.."

She had heard that Feng'huang Area was where the most powerful families resided.

Qi Feng saw that she had finished packing and stood up as she put her hands in her pocket and uttered, "Let's go."

As the both of them walked out, they saw their friends waiting for them.

Su Lan noticed them finally coming out and said while looking at her watch, "You two came so late!" Beside her, Mo Xuanji smiled, "What took you guys so long?"

Qi Feng spoke with a sly smile, "Nothing, a certain someone just kept dazedly staring at her papers in disbelief earlier. That's why we're late."

Li Yuri felt slightly embarrassed as she blushed.

Tang Min pulled her away from Qi Feng and said coldly, "We're leaving then. Xuanji, come fast." Mo Xuanji silently followed them after bidding goodbye to the other two.

Su Lan looked at them leaving and slowly asked Qi Feng while stuttering, "You.. Sis Feng.." Qi Feng glanced at her questioningly.

Su Lan shyly said, "Sis Feng, let's go home together.." Qi Feng looked at her shy and red face and couldn't help but chuckle in amusement.

Her cold aura subsided as she laughed and asked, "Are you scared of me?" Su Lan's cute chubby face blushed even more, making her look adorable.

She shook her head and said embarrassedly, "No, it's just.. That I don't know how to talk properly with others.."

Qi Feng smiled and suddenly said, "Let's go home together then. Where do you live?" Su Lan smiled back and exclaimed, "Feng'huang Area!"

Qi Feng was stunned slightly. "..You live there too? Which mansion do you live in?" Su Lan replied cheerfully, "Mansion No. 9, Su Manor!"

Qi Feng blinked. 'Oh so she's the Young Miss of that Su Family..'

Su Lan excitedly asked her, "Which mansion do you live in, Sis Feng??"

Qi Feng simply answered, "..No. 7; Fine Jade Villa."

Su Lan couldn't help but be startled.

Fine Jade.. Wasn't that where one of the Big 4 families, Qi Family, lived?!

So Qi Feng was actually from that Qi Family!

Su Lan was shook by that thought. She knew that Qi Feng was from a very rich family but she hadn't expected it to be THAT rich!

One had to know that the most powerful families were the famous Big 4's.

Starting from the great Han Family which was followed by the Lu's, the Qi Family actually stood in the third place alongside the Yun family.

Qi Feng saw a familiar black car parked nearby and turned to the stunned Su Lan, "Let's go. I'll drop you off at your house."


- Fine Jade Villa.

After dropping off Su Lan at the Su Family house, Qi Feng reached the villa.

She got off the car and was immediately greeted by a group of familiar bodyguards, who were standing guard outside the villa.

Qi Feng was pleasantly surprised seeing them. She asked one of the bodyguards with an anticipation, "Is Tang at home today?"

One of the sturdy bodyguard respectfully nodded his head and said, "Yes, Young Master is inside. He said that he'll stay over for a while."

Qi Feng had a rare smile on her face as she quickly dashed towards the house. She entered the villa and was greeted by the servants and maids.

She nodded at them before rushing towards the living room and instantly spotted a familiar face.

"Qi Tang, why didn't you tell me you were coming home tonight!" she pouted as she crossed her arms and questioned the lad in the sofa, who was busy in his home.

The handsome youth, lazily inclining on the sofa, had very similar features to Qi Feng but the only difference was that he had striking blue hair which looked too vibrant and eye-catching along with an ear-piercing.

Qi Tang looked up and smiled at his twin sister as he flipped his blue hair, revealing his charming face that could easily make any girl's heart flutter.

If Li Yuri was present, she'd scream out loud because this youth was none other than her Brother Emster! But unfortunately, she wasn't present here.

"I texted you though, Feng'er." he said as he looked down at his phone and scrolled through his Weibo.

Qi Feng took out her phone from her bag and indeed he had messaged her but because she didn't get to check her phone, she had missed it.

She put her phone away as she harrumphed like a little kid and sat down beside him.

"So, how was your first day at Kingdom High?"

Qi Tang asked as he sent a message to inform his manager that he'd not come back today and to cancel all his remaining schedules.

Qi Feng stretched her back and spoke casually, "It was okay, considering I made many friends today. There was a mishap and I had to join Class 1-2 instead of the Elite Class.."

She slowly muttered with a smile, "But now I'm thankful that I didn't get to join the Elite class.."

Qi Tang patiently listened to his sister as he asked with curiosity written all over his face, "Oh then, did you meet that fiancé of yours?"

Qi Feng's eyes flashed with a complicated emotion before it turned normal as she said, "No, but how did you know about this matter?"

Qi Tang shrugged nonchalantly, "Dad told me that he and his friend arranged a marriage for you two.. Did you agree to it or did he force you?"

Qi Feng chuckled lightly, "It's not like I have a choice; it's an agreement between adults."

Qi Tang silently looked at his sister as he said seriously, "Feng'er, if you want to, I can try to persuade Dad for you."

Qi Feng shook her head as she sighed, "He's already angry at you for entering the entertainment circle. He'll really disown you if you keep going against his arrangements."

Qi Tang also sighed and uttered, "I'm such a loser, right.." Qi Feng cut him off with a death-glare, "Don't start that annoying thingy again. Right, where's mom?"

"She went to visit the Han Family." Qi Tang didn't persist with his words and obediently answered her, when he felt the atmosphere turning gloomy.

Qi Feng suddenly remembered that cute yet foolish deskmate of hers and pursed her lips slightly. "Tang, does the Han family have any child of our age?"

Qi Tang raised his brows as he teased, "What, do you want to marry to the Han Family instead?"

Qi Feng looked at him with a displeased expression, "Don't joke around."

Qi Tang coughed and pondered deeply before shaking his head, "No. The Hans have only two sons who are already over the age of 18."

As expected.

Qi Feng frowned, "Maybe an illegitimate child? A daughter?"

Qi Tang smirked evilly, showing his canine teeth, "Why are you so interested in the Han Family all of a sudden?"

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