Our Cool School~!

32 "Don't Misunderstand Us."

Li Yuri froze as she subconsciously glanced at Tang Min, who was her best friend, then at Lu Jeongshan, her crush since childhood..

'Is this what it feels like to be stuck between rock and a hard place?'

In the end..

"What? You're not gonna choose between the two of us??" Tang Min raised his brows at her answer.

Li Yuri nodded her head as she smiled slyly, thinking that she was simply too smart, "I'll rather choose to sit with Sis Feng instead! Bro Shan and you can sit together!"

Tang Min and Lu Jeongshan looked at each other before looking away right away in disdain.

Tang Min humphed before sitting with Mo Xuanji, while Lu Jeongshan sat beside another boy in the class.

Qi Feng speechlessly turned to look at Li Yuri and asked, "You're not gonna sit with your Bro Shan?"

When Li Yuri heard her words, she widened her eyes and lowered her voice, "What are you saying, Sis Feng?! My Bro Shan??"

Qi Feng looked at her blushing cheeks and found her extremely adorable, just like the puppy she had reared when she was small.

She averted her gaze away and said aloofly, "Xuanji told me that you like Lu Jeongshan. And your actions make it even more obvious."

"Oh" Li Yuri covered her face in despair as she said embarrassedly, "Sis Xuan really sold me out!"

Qi Feng narrowed her eyes, "What? You didn't want me to find out?"

Li Yuri frantically shook her head, "It's not that I didn't want to tell you! It's just.. You see.. There's been rumors circulating in the school-"

She abruptly stopped talking when she realized what she just said.

Qi Feng took out her textbook and casually asked while practicing questions, "What rumors?"

Li Yuri pondered and chose not to tell her at last, "Actually, it's nothing.."

Qi Feng's lips curled up in amusement.

"You're not going to tell me? Oh, then I'll check out the school forum and see what's it about."

Li Yuri was flustered when she thought about how others were talking about Qi Feng.

Lu Jeongshan was very famous in the school and he was just like a school idol with many fans, who were infatuated with him.

Many fans talked about this matter when someone posted a photo of Bro Shan and Qi Feng, standing together.

Some fans shipped the two of them since their temperament was similar while some even scolded her anonymously in the forums for 'using' their God Lu for fame in school.

She was afraid that Qi Feng would feel bad about this. So she pursed her lips and carefully spoke.

"Then I-I'll tell you! Actually.. There's been a rumor recently.. That you and Bro Shan.. Are dating and all sorts of things.."

She then added, "But Sis Feng, don't worry! They're all just baseless talks! They will disappear as soon as time passes by.."

Li Yuri: "??"

Why did it feel like Sis Feng was coaxing her not to misunderstand them..

Qi Feng noticed her confusion and was about to say something else when the bell rang and the class started.


Lunchtime. Cafeteria.

Li Yuri looked at the gloomy Mo Xuanji and nudged Tang Min, who was beside her, "What happened to her?"

The latter innocently shrugged as he muttered, "I don't know."

He then pointed the carrots in her plate. "Give me all your carrots. I'll eat them for you."

Li Yuri happily passed her carrots to him using her chopsticks.

Sitting across from them, Qi Feng saw this and subconsciously glanced at Lu Jeongshan, who was sitting on the other side of Li Yuri.

'Weird. He fought with his father for her, yet he's actually silently watching her with another boy?'

Su Lan raised her face from her plate as she quietly peered at the five of them, who were busy in their own thoughts.

'These five always have something going on in their mind while eating..'

She then giggled, 'As for me, I only have thoughts about food all day long!'

After everyone finished their meals, they stood up. Li Yuri was walking while talking to Tang Min, when someone bumped into her.

Immediately, the food in the plate of the person splattered all over her uniform.

Li Yuri was shocked as she stepped back subconsciously, while looking down at the dirty mess on her jacket.

Su Lan recognized the girl who bumped into them, was none other than Song Lin's lackey and angrily yelled at her.

"Gu Feifei! Can't you watch while walking?! You've spilled everything on Yuri's coat now!"

Gu Feifei sneered coldly, "Su Lan! She was tbe one who wasn't watching her steps while walking! And now you're blaming me! As expected of a bunch of losers from trash Class 1-2!"

Tang Min shot a cold glare at her, "You intentionally bumped into her, didn't you?! You could've walked by the side, you just had to walk on the path we were walking on!"

The girl with pigtails, who was standing beside Gu Feifei spoke in a condescending tone.

"Aiya, do you own this cafeteria?! This is school's property so every students are free to walk wherever they want!"

Li Yuri bit her lips as she was about to retort, when a cold voice resounded from her side, "Yes. I own this cafeteria."

Everyone turned to look at Lu Jeongshan, who spoke at this time. Gu Feifei's face flushed and the pigtails girl also kept quiet.

What he said was true though..

The Lu Group had invested for the school and this cafeteria was also built under their name few years ago..

The two girls felt their face burning with others' gazes of contempt and hatred plastered at them.

At this time, someone came to their rescue, "Everyone! I have a piece of shocking news for you!! Brother Em came in our school!!!"

All of the students couldn't help but ask the person in disbelief, "What did you say?! Is it true??"

The person nodded his head excitedly, "He's in the grounds right now!!"

Immediately, everyone was silent for a second before they screamed while rushing outside.

Gu Feifei and that pigtails girl choose this chance to escape as they hurriedly joined the crowd.

Li Yuri's eyes sparkled when she heard the exclamation that she even forgot about her coat.

'Brother Em came to the school?!'

She was about to run with all of the other students, when someone grabbed her collar from behind.

Dumbfounded, she glanced back and saw Lu Jeongshan's handsome face.

"Bro Shan.. You... Why did you stop me?"

Li Yuri pitifully glared at him. Lu Jeongshan looked at her dirty coat and asked coldly, "You're going out like this?"

Li Yuri looked down and embarrassedly muttered, "Oh, that's right.. What should I do now.."

Lu Jeongshan let go of her collar as he took off his coat and expressionlessly gave it to her, "Put this on."

Li Yuri blinked twice, "...Bro Shan?"

Lu Jeongshan glanced at her, "Don't want it?"

Li Yuri instantly took the coat from him, "Want! Want!"

She then happily put it on after taking off her own coat.

Tang Min frowned as he looked at their interaction and kept silent.

While the sulky Mo Xuanji had already been dragged away by Su Lan to the grounds.

Meanwhile, at the side, no one noticed that Qi Feng's cold expression had cracked.

'Why is he here? Don't tell me..'

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