Our Cool School~!

7 Make Him Pay The Price

Li Yuran was annoyed that his screaming went in vain... He needed to take revenge on his sister somehow...After half an hour, Li Yuri yawned as she stretched her arms. She got up and went to her bathroom.

- Bathroom

Li Yuri lazily walked over to the mirror. She picked up her toothbrush and started brushing her teeth. Her eyes were slightly opened as she was still sleepy. Just when she finished brushing her teeth, she searched for her mug. Then, she drank the water and gargled. She spit the water out of her mouth. Right at that moment, she took a glance on the mirror...


- Downstairs

Li Yuxi was drawing while Li Yuran was writing his notes as usual. Li Yuan was reading the newspaper and Ji Shiya was cooking breakfast for everyone. Li Yuri came downstairs, adjusting the badge of Class President on her coat. ''Mother! How do I put this?''

Ji Shiya shook her head and sighed, ''My children don't even know how to put a badge on a coat...'' Li Yuan gently laughed and took a sip of his tea before saying, ''At least she's better than him!'' Li Yuri immediately glanced at Li Yuran at the mention of 'him'. She stared at him with a poker face and thought, 'How dare he do that to me?! I'll definetely make him pay for this!!'

Ji Shiya was cooking when Li Yuxi called her for something. Right at that moment, Li Yuri looked at Li Yuran's bowl... Wait and watch! I'll definitely make you pay the price for spoiling my beautiful face with a black marker!

- Dining Table

Li Yuri sat between Ji Shiya and Li Yuxi while on the other side Li Yuan sat with his 'useless' son, Li Yuran. Li Yuran was busy writing his notes when Li Yuri quickly finished her breakfast and got up. She picked up her bag and put on her shoes. Li Yuran closed his books and picked up his chopsticks. He took one bite of the rice. He frowned as he said, ''What the hell, mom?! Why is there so much salt in rice?!''

Ji Shiya furrowed her brows slightly and took another bite, ''You brat! Everything's fine with my food!'' Li Yuran again took a bite and said, ''Mom! Did you put extra salt in my rice because you wanted to punish me for yesterday's incident?!'' Ji Shiya stood up and raised her hand but was stopped by Li Yuan, ''Dear, it's okay. Calm down and you.. do you want so badly to be punished by me, you punk!''

Li Yuran mumbled, ''I swear my rice is salty...''

One..Two..Three... ''LI YURI!'' Before Li Yuran could say anything else, Li Yuri ran faster than a cheetah!

- Class 1-2

Li Yuri entered the classroom, panting. She ruffled her own hair and walked towards her seat. She saw Mo Xuanji sitting with Tang Min. 'I guess today I have to sit with Bro Shan...' She turned her gaze on Lu Jeongshan who was reading his book. 'He reads so much, I bet this year he's gonna come in first!' Li Yuri slowly walked towards Lu Jeongshan...

She sat on the empty seat next to him and said, ''Hi, Bro Shan!'' No response...

She sighed and disappointedly put her head on her desk. Lu Jeongshan glared at Li Yuri's small head as he put his book in his bag and asked, ''How is your injury?''

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