Our demon king is coming.

01: Machia, tea party and blue lacrima.

The gray skies here these days make you feel as cold as wood withers.

Ruskia also seemed to be in full winter.

Hi, I'm Machia.

Before this, I turned fifteen.

With a thick robe of deep wine colour woven in its wines, you head out of the royal palace yard into the crossing and down the corridor.

This is where we go to the Patriarchate.

"Dear Machia...... Since you don't say anything to Dear Tor and would you like to leave your room?

"... why should I just go out and tell him?"

"No... I've been reporting to Master Tor to go anywhere until now..."

"He's busy escorting that princess right now, so it would be pathetic to get more work done."

"... ha"

Lepis, who still appears out of nowhere. I answered her question with a little crunch.

"I mean, you're not cold with one of those thin robes?

"… We in the Twilight clan are from the northern continent. This kind of cold won't get in while it's cold"


Pale eyes are normal enough to say that I do not feel the cold at all.

I sighed one thing as I walked down the corridor.

"Again, because your birthday is responding?


"I have no choice. Master Thor had a sudden job, too. Master Rubette, the first princess who returned from Gibraltar's studies, seems to like you very much, Mr. Thor."

"... Han"

It started about two weeks ago.

A few days before my birthday, at the Princess's return party, our general magician greeted me.

Probably a tremendous little princess.

When she approached us lovingly, she fell unexpectedly and Thor immediately accepted and helped her. If only it were the princess's occasional MAX look back then.

I saw a lot of those chavon balls that are common in girls' comic books.

Then the princess called Tor "Master Tor" and applied to Sir Raymond to be her own full-time knight?

So just on my birthday, Tor was taken as an escort for Princess Lulu's expedition.

Yeah, I'm a "former” lord and I don't have the power to restrain him, but this isn't a very interesting development.

And then what I say, I'm leaving Tor blatantly alone.

"Welcome, Machia, Lepis!!

It was Perselis who opened his hands and welcomed us in the Patriarchate.

He's still a child face, a small figure with no irregularities, but this still makes him a wife soon.

Me and Perselis have become more intimate since that fall event. I'm sure now that I have her memory back, I can talk to her with the same eyes.

"Huh, what the heck!! Thor must be Machia's knight. Ugh."

"... well, it's not like I had a contract like that. Did he just keep going on his own..."

"Was the boulder where I said Black Demon King...? I'm going to be hot."


Sure, he's unusually hot. Even before, many women in the royal palace had thrown their peachy gaze at them and let them have a yellow voice.

There has never been anyone better than me among these women.

In a room in the Patriarchate, arrange the grilled confectionery that you sneak in to your desk, a tea party just for girls.

Perselis pointed his lips, roaring "Mmm" just now.

"... Thor is a Machian knight... and yet..."

"No, that's enough. The story.... By the way, are you guys doing well?

I have tried to preach to Perselis the subject with Ulysses.

Then Perselis blushes, and after coughing with Gohon, somehow shun.

"... what, now Baidu"

I care about a lot of things.

"Before this... I was going to get Ulysses to eat some handicrafts..."

"Yeah, yeah."

"But I only know how to cook porridge..."

"... ugh, yeah"

"Still, Ulysses tells me it's delicious and they eat it. But it was a little blue and white... my face."


What an easy story to come up with the image of the spot while messing with your toe fingers.

Ulysses must have tried his best to eat...... I think it was originally white.

I did eat porridge here once, but to be honest, I didn't eat that drool. I think it's because of that porridge that Perselis is in this shape forever.

"When me and Ulysses are together, my brother gets into a mess every once in a while, but your brother said the porridge, to be honest, first. Because I didn't even know I made it... I'm sure that's the honest feeling."

"... Ah, he doesn't seem to lie ~. I mean, what's an intrusion?

"... you take care of him."

And when we were talking about him, “he" just broke in as if we were listening.

Break down somehow the Bishop's clothes of the Patriarchate and hang on his devilish face.

"Stepping into my country means getting my holy hammer of judgment, doesn't it, Red Witch? Yes, death penalty decision!!

"... Wow, I'm out. Even if you say holy judgment, all you can do is laugh."

Prestigious, esca appearance.

Again, this is the rebirth of the Archbishop of Holy Ashes a thousand years ago, so I don't know what's in the world.

"Ha, just a woman. What is a tea party? Red Witch, you're talking about being dumped by the Black Demon King recently!! haha uke ~!!


I felt like something I couldn't see pierced me from my back.

"The White Sage already belongs to people, and you're finally a lonely woman. Oh, don't worry. I'll kill you soon, so get ready to go into the grave. I'll take care of the grave for the rest of my life."

Eska says so, picking one baked treat on our table and eating it in one bite.

Regrettably, I tried to stab him in the flank with a fork, but he was a little avoided. This guy only has good reflex nerves.

"Brother already!! Don't tell me you're going to kill Machia!!

"... mi, witch..."

Esca suddenly has a smaller attitude when she is angry with Perselis.

He's unusually vulnerable to his real sister, Perselis.

"In the first place, you can't tell a bishop who reaches out to people to kill people!!

"... ha"

At the end of the day, it is preached to Perselis.

"You're still vulnerable to witches..." said Lepis, who had been watching how things were going, rubbing tea.

Absolutely right.

"What the hell is he doing here?"

Eska is about to be kicked out of the room while being pounded.

Well, maybe you wanted me to.

"Hey, hang on...... wait, witch!! I need to talk to you for a second..."


Esca hastily removed one palm-sized demonic conductor crystal (lacrima) from the sleeve of her deep bishop's garment and placed it in front of me.

"This is a video recording lacrima. It's one of Frezier's latest technologies, but here's footage of the fight against the guerrilla giants who showed up on the north coast of Frezier the other day."


I frowned unexpectedly and looked up at Esca.

"... you, where the hell did this come from"

"Ha... I was an investigator on another continent. There are nets where information from around the world just comes in. This is from an investigator who recently returned."


I took that round, blue lacrima.

What the hell does that crystal, which is slender and heavy, record?

"This, even if I look at it, say it?

"... I've seen it many times already. It's up to the Patriarchate to give it to you, until I obey it."


"The battle between Princess Chatma of Frezier and General Cannon is in sight."

There were many things that surprised me, but the most amazing thing was that Eska knew those two.

"You know those two?

"Naturally. I've never met anyone in my life."


In this era......?

It's a word that bothers me a little.

"Hey, I gave that to you properly. It's a treasure trove of valuable information, no matter who and when you look at it. Be careful what you do."

"... ugh, yeah"

"Say thank you to me, in less than twenty characters."

"What? It won't be because of you. If instructed by the Patriarchate…"

"Yes, twenty characters over. Death Penalty Decision!!

"... Ugh, my brother says that again!! You can't. Ugh!!

"Mi, witch..."

The last exchange between Perselis and Esca is becoming more and more fixed.

I'm looking somewhere far away at Lepis saying, "You're smiling.

After Eska left the room to escape, we decided it was time to leave the Patriarchate too.

Due to the fast darkening lately, the activity time is shorter and troublesome.

"Hey Perselis, you want to see this footage, too?

"... um, actually, I already saw it with my brother. So Machia, look with Ulysses and Thor."

Perselis answers as he scratches his cheeks with his index finger.

It was a little surprising. Perselis said he had already seen footage of these wars.

"Machia...... I wish I could make up with Thor"

"... that's nothing, that's good enough. I'm not fighting... naughty..."

To the words of Perselis, I put the end of the phrase with Gognogonho. I whispered a little bit.

But she's laughing with her hands in her mouth like she's all the prospects.

Even though she looks like a young girl, her memory came back to me and she became an objectified being.

"Dear Machia... It's time for the sun to set. We must return to the royal palace."

"Ah...... yeah. I know, I'm coming."

Recall me as Lepis ascertains the sunset that is sinking by the gates of the Patriarchate.

I waved gently to Perselis and left the gates of that Patriarchate.

It's cold.

But I can see the sweat running down your back.

I was worried about the blue lacrima in my hand, and I was walking early by accident.

What the hell do you say it shows?

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