Our demon king is coming.

20: Tor (torque), memory 1.

About 2200 years ago.

Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Cedermund on the North Continent

Torque: Ten.

My previous life's name was Torque Seidelmund.

Long ago, on the coast of the northern continent, there was a small nation.

That is the kingdom of Seidelmund, a nation that is no longer in modern times.

It was such a small country.

I was born a prince of that kingdom. As my twin brother.

My brother's name was Alec, and we were just like no other twins I've ever seen, with thin pigmented hair and a typical northern national appearance with white skin.

My father was a king and my mother a queen.

I've been an exemplary prince with good procedures and no special problems since I was a young child, and the king used to make me study to be the king of times, and I didn't really play or behave like a child.

My brother, on the contrary, is a problem child who plays pranks all over the royal palace because he feels free, and I feel the queen always scolded Alec.

Alec wasn't stupid.

I was just being honest with myself and being a kid.

When I'm scolded, I'm shunned, but I move around a little soon again, making a prank. I have wondered if the prank is malicious in many ways and genius in some ways. I wish I'd poured half that enthusiasm into my studies.

The queen turned back to Alec and praised me on the contrary.

"Torque is a great kid. He's a fine son of me and the king, equipped to be the next king."

I liked being praised and embraced by my mother, the Queen. I liked my kind, warm and beautiful mother.

I may have tried so hard to be praised for this. Although I enjoyed studying and martial arts as much as I did for some reason. My mother praises me, and my father recognizes me, and that's when Wazu was about ten years old.

My brother couldn't do the same thing as me.

Speaking of prank lovers, the same time, the same studies and auditions as I did, I'm sure they wouldn't have rivaled me.

I guess Alec knew that at a young age. The sensation was sharp.

So I wanted to catch my mother's attention, but I was scolded for playing a prank.

My mother scolded Alec very much, but she will always hug and comfort me afterwards.

You could definitely do it. That's me and the king's son.

And I think Alec ended up spending more time with my mother.

Wouldn't my mother have understood Alec better than me, after all, who doesn't expose herself much?

Alec and I had little to do with each other because we were taught martial arts and martial arts archery under different adults than the twins.

Even when I met him, Alec hated me, so he was always that way.

One day, my mother's precious ring disappeared. Alec hid it.

Looks like the king gave it to me, and my mother let the royal palace servants look for it, but it doesn't come out of nowhere.

I searched between studies and auditions. Because I didn't want to see my mother's sad face.

Even though no one of the royal palace's servants could find it, I could find it right away. It was on the inside of the chimney.

Alec didn't seem to like it, and now he hid somewhere the little chalice being fed in the chapel of the royal palace.

The kings and ministers rushed to the boulders to find the whole royal palace.

The Holy Grail is a prayer for the rare southern priests who come here to receive holy water.

Now we know that the priests were sharing the holy water of the Great Tree Fountain on the southern continent around the world.

I mixed it up with everyone and looked for the Holy Grail.

It was beside the royal palace, on the heavenly side of the old bell tower, beneath which was a broken brick.

The water received will not freeze even in this cold, but remains in the Holy Grail with wonder, just quietly there.

Alec came to the spot when I found it. I'm sure he was up from somewhere.

"Brother, how can you always find what I've hidden?"

"... Alec, I knew it was you"

"My brother is weird. You can do anything, and you can find something no one can find. It's like a monster in a cave at the end of the North."

"... don't say anything unpleasant"

The monster of the cave at the end of the North is the demonic tribe that existed all over the world at the time and was the subject of a crusade.

Demons and humans had long been unacceptable to each other.

"If the water in the Holy Grail was gone, you, I'm sorry for the prank."

"... I don't do that"


I wish I could use my cleverness in my usual studies.

"Give it to me, please. I found it, so I'll take it."

"... you"

"Your brother should stay in his room and study."

Alec jumped over here trying to take the Holy Grail without thinking.

I rush to shelter the Holy Grail and avoid myself.

Then Alec caught his foot in the brick pocket where he had just hidden the Holy Grail, about to fall from the heavenly edge of the tower.


I hurried and pulled Alec, but I was also horrified for a while.

The brick collapsed and we fell straight from the old tower.

Oh, I thought you were dead.

It was a short life, and I knew something as a young man.

At this time, the water in the Holy Grail overflowed my body from the vessel.

Maybe that moment was just the split between me, Torque Seidelmund's life.

No, but there was no such thing as a division originally, though it might have been inevitable.

Even though it was an extremely cold land, I felt so soft, wrapped up in the warmth of a leaky wood day.

The rubbing sound of green, tree leaves echoed in his brain, glimpsing a fragmented vision of the great tree.

I don't know if they protected us, but me and Alec fell off the northern hitchhiking edge, which could hardly have helped, and somehow lived.

Alec was crying for too much fear, but I was inexplicable, but I naturally kept my neck tilted.

Then Alec returned the Holy Grail to the chapel, and was furious with the king and queen, and all the others. Naturally.

Alec was trapped in a dark room, given the typical punishment of not eating overnight, and crying, so I went to him and sneaked up on him and gave him sweets and warm milk.

"... brother... eh"

"Look, don't cry anymore. I don't know why you're mad at me..."

"Because... because..."

Alec is an idiot.

I don't care if you're pissed off or angry at me to say children, though I may just be evil.

Alec ate sweets, drank milk, and cried again.

I stayed with Alec that night, scared of the dark room.

I feel like I've talked a lot for the first time. Alec was afraid of the dark, so he talked about something all the time.

I care why I can find something no one can find.

"... I don't care why you say it. Even I don't know. If you're looking, you'll find it."

"That's crazy, brother. Even adults can't find it."

"... Hmm, I wonder why"

I never really thought about it myself.

While we were thinking and talking about things, we fell asleep at some point.

And because of that dark room, I didn't realize the changes that were happening to my body.

This night was my last torque as a prince.

The next day, I wake up with a painful scream from my mother, who came to get Alec out of the room.

"What color are those hair and eyes!?


I didn't know what my mother was talking about, but Alec looked at me and was shocked.

The morning sun plugged into the room, and now I look like everyone.

"A, Alec...... ugh. Come here!!

My mother pulled Alec toward herself and looked at me with frightened eyes.

I couldn't figure it out, but when I saw myself on a silver plate my mother dropped, I opened my eyes unexpectedly.


Her hair and eyes, which were not supposed to be black, were black.

"... ah..."

And then, I realized.

Dark hair and eyes are considered heretical and neglected in this country. Dark hair was said to bring disaster.

My mother looks at me and she's afraid.

"How could this happen... Torque... ugh. Torque has been eaten by the devil."

My mother couldn't seem to hide her confusion as she embraced Alec. I'm calling and crying, and I'm waking up hysteria.

I just sat there and watched my mother mourn and mourn.

"is, Mother..."

"Don't come!!... don't come, devil child... eh. You say you will turn into torque and even eat Alec!!


Suddenly, it would have been better for her now to think that my child had been eaten by the devil than the fact that my child would have black hair and dark eyes.

My mother doesn't believe I'm torque anymore.

After that, Torque said he was dead, and he never tried to accept me, and it hit me cold.

Then, by decision of the King, I was confined to the dungeons of the Royal Palace.

Originally, the brunette child was often executed as a disaster, but I died of illness and was locked up in a dungeon, making a difference to my luxurious and busy life.

I had nothing to do with it, and I had nothing to do with anyone.

Clothes and meals came out quite a bit at the consideration of my father, the King, but I never felt it was tasty anymore, and the cold dungeon was a truly lonely place with no light or sound.

How did this happen?

No one could tell me that, and I'm sure no one knew that.

It was just bigger to say what it was at this time than to say sad.


How long has it been since I've been in the dungeon? Would it have been about six months?

I was just finding one bore in this dim, cold iron lattice.

That was something I could do all of a sudden, but when I put the back of my hand in front of it, a small square shape would come out and tell me what was going on in this royal palace.

I don't know the details, but I can somehow understand who's where.

"... Alec's guy, you're skipping class again. He's the next king, so we need to hang on a little longer."

Alec's behavior is somehow easy to understand.

There's supposed to be a class this time, but I'm not in that room, and I'm always wandering around trying to find a place where no one else is.

My mother was always searching for such Alec and trying to keep him within sight.

After my incident, my mother seemed very overprotective of Alec. I am often with Alec.

As always, the King carries out his work as king.

A fine king. I wasn't lost in closing me down here.

Rumor has it that I've become the demon child who says I have dark hair, who was rumored to be the next king, the people get anxious and influence politics.

In this day and age, magic, faith, and cursing were still more powerful than scientific ones.

I was still better off just locked up.

I stole his eyes and gradually honed this “space magic” move, gaining the power to get out of the house one day.

It's the magic of instantaneous movement of space and space, if you say so, “warp”.

At first, I could only walk through a person's stride, but that's all I can get through the iron lattice.

I used that power and left the barn.

It's not like I wanted to do something.

I just wanted to see my family's face a while back. No one has come to see me for six months.

Fully covered with cloth from his head, he uses space magic and wanders through the royal palace to avoid seeing anyone.

Not long ago, I saw the central square and auditorium of the royal palace and saw the statue of a beautiful sculpture. What I liked was the portrait. A portrait depicting the kings of history.

Even though I miss all of the royal palaces, it also seemed like a strange place I didn't know where.

I lived here until before.

"Alec, come on. Because you will be king."

I heard voices from somewhere.

It's from Alec's room. My mother is here.

I just open the door a little and peek into the conversation.

"... you must not be reluctant to study or archery. You used to do it so much."

"No, Mother, it's Brother Torque."

"Well... what are you talking about? You can do it. Of me and the king, my only son."

"That's what my mother said, and she's letting me replace Brother Torque."

"... well, what are you talking about!?

My mother embraced Alec. Alec is somewhere mucky.

"Why does Mother hate Brother Torque? Lock me in a place like that.... I don't know why, but my hair turned black."

"Don't say much, Alec. She's not here anymore. The devil has eaten me..."

My mother cried out. Say, "You were such a good boy" as if the devil had really eaten you.

I wonder what.

Very, my chest hurts.

In my mother, I am already dead.

"What a good boy you were, yes!! Nothing has changed, my brother. Anything was done as usual, and unlike me, it was great. My brother who brought me sweets and milk was a torque brother who was no different than usual!! However, my hair and eyes just turned black and everything else was the same brother..."

Alec said so, dropping the trinket on the desk to the floor, wasting the estate and crying out.

My mother hugs Alec so hard, she cries, "Sweet Alec, you don't have to worry about anything".

"You're afraid of the devil... it's okay, because my mother is sure to protect you. My dear, only one son"

I was so sad about everything, I'm sorry, I couldn't be there.

I shouldn't have come.

Alec is a child, and I'm not convinced why I was locked up in that place.

So you're rebelling and destabilizing my mother, who wants my shadow from him.

My mother is my mother, pointing all her love for me and her complicated thoughts at Alec and pushing her. There's nothing I can do, I'm sure.

I shouldn't have seen it.

Let's go home now. Be quiet across that iron lattice in that cabin, if you can't forget it from anyone.

Considering that, I couldn't help but notice the tears.

"... wow"

I hit someone because I magically neglected to check my surroundings.

Shit, I thought, but when I looked up, there was a king there.


The cloth I was wearing had already fallen to the floor, and I was exposed to its dark hair and black eyes, so I hurried to attract the cloth.

Tears distorted my vision and I couldn't attract the cloth properly, and I lagged behind on the wall.

"Sorry, sorry...... I'm going back to my cabin."


"I'm not coming here anymore."

I cry and apologize over and over again. To me, the king keeps his cloth shut and softly embraces me.

It was so unexpected that I made myself stiff, but the king said, "My father was just quiet, but strong."

"I'm sorry, I locked you in there...... torque. I would have missed you......"

Always, my father, who only gave me his word as king, did so with a trembling voice, a king who should not apologize to me.

The word, a little sad and certainly one that my father still thinks of me as a son (torque), made me almost cry again.

The truth is, "Why did you lock me up in that place!!" or "I don't like that place anymore, please let me out!!" Or maybe I wanted to say it.

"No,“ the King. "It's okay, I'm... going home. I will never leave that place again."

"............ Torque"

"Thank you"

My father still thinks of himself as his son, and I've had enough. Even if my mother hates me and neglects me and tries to forget me.

It was too much of a salvation for me at this time, and it also meant going back to that barn.

Don't let them get in trouble.

If my existence really affects something, as the scourge of the dark-haired, dark-eyed demon child, that's what I'm sorry about the king who's keeping me alive.

Let's go home. To that place.

And I'm sure there's no going out anymore.

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