Our demon king is coming.

30: Machia, talk about what if.

It's Machia.

I can't sleep very well in many ways.

Thor finally woke me up, and I was so relieved.

Was it because you watched the battle against the giant soldiers of Frezier as a video?

Is it because I saw the brave man and Princess Vine in a long time?


Those two were the same.

As always, it goes a lot further than we do.

In the end I didn't see the brave fight, but I only knew that I still had those two swords.

A golden sword as a testament to bravery “the patronage of the goddess” and another foggy sword. Previously, in the dream of Ulysses, it was a sword used when killing the White Sage.

And Princess Vine's battle surprised me. She's amazing.

Another different style of combat than Ulysses or Esca. I was impressed to see if Spirit Magic had as many different forms of application as that.

Above all, he looked great, he was beautiful, and that would show and inspire him as a great figure for the people.

In that sense, she is still the one whose mission is to carry the country. Will you say it's charismatic?

"My magic doesn't even look good... it's just painful and I should be afraid..."

I got my face out of a thick futon and honestly those words came out.

That's not especially what I didn't like. It just came out somehow.


Somehow I looked out the big windowsill and I looked at it, and it was just a big moonlight.

And oh, my God, it was snowing white.

"Wow... it's the first snow!!

If you jump out of a warm futon and weave a thick stall from above your negligee look, you'll try to get out to the garden tip.

Ruskia doesn't get much snow, but it's finally really midwinter.


I'll pop out on purpose to watch the snow even though it's cold.

I'm sure this little snow never gets deep, but looking at the snow, I still can't help but remember that country where the Black Demon King was 2,000 years ago.

I hated the cold, but still, over and over, I went to that snow mountain.

"Hey, Machia. Were you awake too?"

"............ Tor"

To my surprise, a sick toil roamed the garden in the middle of the night in such cold clothes.

"With such thin clothes on you sick bastard!!

"I had a cold."

Does Tor say that there is no such thing as cold in the boulder?

We sat on the side bench.

"Hey, Tor. Snow."

"... the first snow. No... I don't feel like I've seen too much silver world on one side of my dreams to call it the first snow..."

Thor looked at the sky strangely, staring at the white snow that was reflected in the moonlight.

I'm sure he remembered 2,000 years ago.

"To those who miss you...... did you see me?


"There are a lot of people who want to see you, aren't there?

"Oh...... It feels weird to say we met, but I've always remembered the part that drove me to the corner of my memory. I didn't even see the White Sage because I woke up dreaming along the way."

"... yes"

"But the Red Witch came out pretty good. How awful of you to start with. Suddenly you burned my arm."

"Uh... Was I? I don't remember how I met you. Wow..."


No, I actually remember it right.

When I was on the western continent, a traveler told me about the Black Demon King of the North, and I went to see him. But I was soon driven away.

A bit of a bitter memory, like a nostalgia.

"On second thought, you're not much different. You mean a big mess."

"I wonder. You used to be a better man, didn't you?... in many ways."

"Leave me alone."

"Hahaha. But it's cuter now."

I laugh, tapping on the knee of a squishy toil.

"'Cause the Black Demon King is something floating around, gazing from the top, dressed, dark-heroic and something. Besides, she's a woman."


Thor is about to have an earache.

I was a little crazy, frowned and couscous laughed.

"But I really thought you were amazing. I was using my powers for a good or bad purpose."

"Still, I know somehow now. That is self-satisfying.... I was really a bad demon king who was proud of my power."

"Oh, but you did. That black, wasted, long cape was also something of an admirer."

"You... I would say you did it on purpose. I'll never forgive you."


Thor sees his memory as an assassin from the past.

Well, what you call the past is an embarrassment.

"Oh, even you used to cook for yourself exactly. Now you're in a luxurious position just eating all you've ever had to make."


I went back a little and remembered that I had once behaved like a Black Demon King in the past and was sexually embarrassed.

Besides, it didn't seem so tasty now that I think about it.

"And you won't have a choice. I had nothing else to do in those days. Okay, I have a lot of fun right now... so I guess not. Do you mean it tastes more professional than you made it yourself..."

I palate as I stroke and grip my fingertips.

In those days, there weren't so many seasonings, and the times were.

"I was floating. I was still young, too.... Yu, forgive me"

"What are you talking about? You. That was delicious."

"... well, yeah?

Thor sees me in a hurry saying things that don't make sense, with the look on his face just asking if I'm okay.

I thought I'd get off topic.

"A dream 2,000 years ago, did you see your wives? There was Sieve, Teres... Helena."

"... Sieve has met."

"Sieve ah. I miss her... I liked her a lot. Sometimes it reminds me a little when I look at Lepis, don't you think the atmosphere is similar only to that of an ancestor on a boulder?

"Oh, oh...... If you ask me..."

Sieve was a good woman.

He was careful of me, too, and I guess it was that guy who best understood the Black Demon King's ideals.

That's why I gave my name to Sieve and the Black Demon King's child.

"I didn't go as far as the days of Terjes. I'd rather not see Helena."

"You... you're still dragging me"

Sieve, Terjes is the first real wife, the next, but Helena is a famous person who always follows the story of the Black Demon King.

He was said to be the last wife to the Black Demon King and the most beloved princess, but he will eventually be the one who betrays the Black Demon King and catches him to death.

I have seen all the times.

Tor put his arms together and gave him an indescribable look and said it again in a mucky manner.

I don't even want to remember her.

"... I liked you so much? I knew you were special about her."

"... do you? You're no different."

"That you're so annoying is more than anything else. 'Cause after what happened to that guy, you totally stopped liking anyone. Even on Earth, I don't trust women who don't fall in love."


"That's all I liked about you, that's all."

Thor was silent, but I looked at him temporarily and looked up at the stars in the sky when I exhaled white.

"If that girl shows up again, you can't help but care. Ulysses made Perselis the way he always liked it."

"That's... none. Impossible in the first place."

"... you're talking about what if"

But what would I do if a loved one of my previous life showed up to Tor and I couldn't forget that love in this world either?

I'm sure you'll miss me a lot.

"I don't know what I would do if I married someone until you..."

"... don't let the story fly."

"It's not funny. It's about you. We're old, and we're all getting married early in our time."


Thor put his arms together and sighed small.

"I've been thinking about you since the Red Witch days, but you're not very sure about that story. … why do I have the premise of being single all my life?"

"... eh, no?

"What law?"

"'Cause it's me. Red Witch. It's a lot of trouble."


Tor was pompous.

But even he should understand. Women who are too powerful are troublesome, and I am my strong. Even on Earth, where I was a normal person, I wasn't hot at all compared to Tolu or Yuri.

"Two thousand years ago, even though there were good men in the Black Demon King and the White Sage, I was single for 200 years."


"... there was still someone I liked a lot.... but they didn't deal with me till the end..."

"Oh, you were there? That's my first ear......... who?

"Ha ha ha. Secrets, secrets."


The Red Witch has thoughts that she hid, hid, and hid through.

But I'm sure you were right to hide it through.

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