Our demon king is coming.

32: Thor, there is only a young wife proponent here.

"What do you mean, Sir Raymond!! I can't believe I would recommend Machia to talk to the Esta family!!

What a princess Louloulou and Ulysses sit in the bench in that room as she complains and opens the vice royal door.

"............ eh"

This is unexpected.

"Well, Master Tor. You're feeling good already...... eh. Good......"

Princess Loulou looked horrified and looked up at me.

But when you look at Machia behind me, you laugh somewhere chopped up.

"Hey Thor. I knew you'd eat."

Sir Raymond smiles and says, "Come on, come here," as if he knew we were coming at this time.

Very angry.

"I appreciate the advisory magicians getting it all together. I got into a little trouble.......... I want Princess Lulu to hear it too"


It's kind of different air.

Sir Raymond just started talking as me and Machia sat in the chair.

"His Royal Highness the First Prince Alfredo told his mother and the Chancellor to stop planning the rebellion. I need to be king.... but when I said it, His Highness Alfredo seemed to have touched the wrath of the faction, which is now closed between the backs of the faction"


We were surprised, but we still had that look.

Machia, in particular, had previously told Prince Alfredo that this would happen. Still wondering if I would give my opinion to the righteous queen or the prime minister.

Princess Lulu put her hand on her mouth and shook her eyes worryingly.

For her, Prince Alfredo hits his real brother.

"It seems that those factions intend to monitor Your Highness thoroughly and, if they do not respond to persuasion, apply the magic of brainwashing by the magicians of the Esta family"

"Let, brainwash!?

"The Great Council of Lords is about two weeks away. They must be in a hurry over there."

"But the queen!? Will the Queen allow that!!


Sir Raymond sighs and looks at me.

"That's what I said now. It's a move. That's the information we got from our collaborators over there. As it is, Your Highness literally becomes a puppet..."

He had the kind of look that he said was heartily unforgivable. There's always a Sir Raymond somewhere I can afford, who puts his strength into his fist.

This guy is really cute with his own nephew or niece.

"You can't do that!!

Princess Lulu raised her voice.

She won't know what the hell's going on right now. But it seemed obvious to me that my brother was in trouble.

"I... don't know much about factional feuds or succession feuds. But, Alfredo, your brother must be in danger, right?

"... Princess Lulu"

Machia frowned and saw Princess Lulu trembling on her shoulders.

Lord Raymond stands before Princess Loulou, as he says it's time.

"The princess... I called you here to tell you everything. And I want you to make up your mind."


"I will tell you the secret of your birth, the connection between your mother, the righteous queen, and the Terzier family behind it, as well as the Esta family. The princess, I'm sure, will be shocked, but please calm down and listen. Whatever you ask, you don't have to worry. Because we are on your side…"

Sir Raymond put his hand on Princess Lou's shoulder and looked her in the eye and said so.

Finally, the time has come to tell her the truth.

I opened my mouth to say something, but in the end I stopped. And I bit my back teeth.

She would be heartily saddened if she found out that my mother was trying to kill me.


Princess Lulu still cried out in the middle of the conversation.

But what she began to cry about was that her brother, Prince Alfredo, flew out of the royal palace worried about herself rather than saying that she was about to be killed by the queen, and went back to tell her mother and the prime ministers her opinion.

What the hell made her cry?

I've hardly ever met my brother, who was my sister. Or where my brother tried to fight against the flesh parents he called his mother and his prime minister.

"Brother Alfredo... eh"

She gripped Ulysses' sleeve as she sat next to her and complained sobbing.

"Please, Brother Ulysses!! Alfredo, please help your brother!!

"... Lulu. Look, if this side protects Alfredo's brother and we have all the evidence of the rebellion, the Queen and the Chancellor... will be tried as sinners."

………… Yes...... I understand. But what your mother is trying to do is not acceptable.... That's how much I know!!


Princess Lulu turned to me this time. Her eyes have a proper light.

"Dear Thor!! Dear Thor, please. I won't tell you to stay with me forever. So take your brother... eh. Raymond's uncle... Dear Machia... eh. Please, please............!!

Her words were true and this one was not something that could be very ignored.

How the hell does Sir Raymond work?

Ulysses rubs Princess Lulu's shoulder worryingly, and Machia looks strange with her arms together.

After a while Sir Raymond opened his mouth.

"... of course, this one is also striking a hand at rescuing His Highness Alfredo. As a matter of fact, there are some in the Esta family who have devoted their love to the First Prince's camp and want to fall back on this side. Like Barondot Esta."

"Barondot esta......? That's..."

I recall from that name. With Machia and me, when I was dining with Prince Alfredo, a royal magician named Barondot Esta came to pick up the prince.

"Barondot Esta is the second son of the current Esta family owner, but he doesn't seem to feel a future in the Esta family today. He's a very realistic guy, and I know him well... because he's in sync. I don't know what to say."


Sir Raymond continued.

"He is aiming for the seat of the head of the Esta family after this commotion. And Miss Machia...... eager for you to be my wife. It's a testament to working hand in hand with this one, and most importantly, if you're as beautiful and talented as you are, everyone wants to marry you. hahahahahaha"

That's him.

He's the one who brought Machia into this conversation!!

Barondot Esta...... he was a long haired man who looked good there. But when it comes to synchronizing with Sir Raymond, he's about 28 or 29 years old.

What a difference in age!! He's a Loricon!!

"............ Han"

Machia smiled sarcastically.

"Sir Raymond... I appreciate the story, but you just said it, didn't you? Well, if you're going to put in an exploration, I'll cooperate, but you're not getting married, are you?

"Really? Though I think it's a pretty good story... of the great nobility, and the wife of the next lord of one of the largest magic gates in the country!! All-you-can-eat luxurious, all-you-can-eat delicious food..."

"............ eh"

"Hey Machia, don't get stuck there!!

Makia reacted strangely, so I panicked and pinched my mouth.

"Didn't Makia just turn fifteen in the first place? I can't believe a man near Thirty Roads wants such a young daughter for his daughter-in-law... too suspicious... eh. Suspicious and too dangerous!!

"... eh"

"... eh"

Sir Raymond from above. Machia and her classmate Smyrda Bigrates have named her as the next Queen's candidate.

Next, Ulysses. Married a green witch who was about 200 years younger during the White Wise.

"Is this the only guy here!!

I cling to myself.

There are only Loricons here. There is only a young wife proponent.

"But well, we only need to find out which Barrondot is the enemy or the ally. If you're on your side, he'll be the one you need in His Highness's rescue operation, and if you're an enemy, you'll have to let exploration in. So, Miss Machia... I'm so sorry, but I don't have to take it from you to talk about your engagement to Barron Dot Esta, so please pretend that you're responding well there..."


Machia assumed that he would, so I would deny it.

"No, Sir Raymond, I can't believe you let that happen to Machia."

"Thor, you overreacted earlier. What the hell?"

"What is it!! People are worried and saying it!! I don't think I can do that to you in the first place."

"Huh......!! Even I can pretend to be a crowd!!

Me and Machia started arguing again.

Princess Lulu and Ulysses say, "Are you in a crazy fight?" "That's a crazy fight," he says.

"But Mr. Thor... in order to rescue Alfredo's brother, it is necessary to cooperate with Maki and Barron Dot Esta, who is deeply connected there. Sure it could be dangerous..."

"I'll do it, Ulysses. Sometimes I have to show you how useful I can be."

Machia said in a strong tone to Ulysses before I denied it.

And he asks me how I look worried somewhere.

"... Thor, I know you're showing me around.... but this is something we have to do. For Princess Lulu and Prince Alfredo..."


"Please, Thor"


I can't deny it anymore because Makia is honest with me about her attitude.

Exhale briefly.

"I get it... Instead, I'll escort you from the shadows. If he makes any weird moves, it's how I pop up."

"... that's a great mechanism."

Sir Raymond clings as he nibbles.

But I ignore this old man's reaction, and now I turn to Princess Lulu.

"Excuse me, Princess Lulu. I may not put it on your escort again for a while..."

"Yes, no. It's okay. I... I have to do everything I can... It's for your brother."

"I'll put some of my spirits on Lulu, don't worry."

Ulysses laughed at Lulu, and Princess Lulu seemed horrified.

Machia is distracted somewhere.

Surely, from here to the Great Council of Aristocrats, I'm sure you won't lose your mind.

The battle of each other's factions beneath the water is finally on the table.

Well, I think I'm going to get sick, and I got into a lot of trouble.

Now I have to be a true Machian knight. They're asking you to greet Machia.

Even if it's a trail of great nobility, I don't feel comfortable being served a little bit.

There is that, but I don't know if Machia, who thinks she might be single for the rest of her life, is in a hurry to "possibly never get another chance like this" and concludes weird.

What is it?

Am I being tested by something?

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