Our demon king is coming.

38: Machia, say I trust you.

Potatoes and when there was enough blood on the floor, I looked around with my eyes narrowed.

Everyone, my leopard freaks me out, can't move.

The queen slipped away and looked up at me as she sat back.

It's as if you've seen something horrible.

"Queen Zheng... how many times have you noticed your mistakes?"

"... eh... what?

Dear Adalziza frowned and gave me a confused look.

"What the hell did you want to do this for? For the First Prince to be the next king? For yourself? Is it for the clan?

When I pull out one of my own hair, I drop it all over the place, blood that fell to the ground.

In this space, the substance with the most information is myself.

Myself, what I don't have a problem consuming is hair.

For these guys, a single piece of my hair will suffice.

"Queen Zheng, although you have made many mistakes. Don't even think about the feelings of my son, the First Prince, it was foolish of you to intensify your fight for the throne. From here, I think you want to destroy yourselves."

"... be... disrespectful...!!

"Which is disrespectful. Hey, you said something about me being incompetent. I can't believe you can't use attack magic... That's your biggest mistake."


"Hehe... then I'll show you. My magic... my power..."

I patted my fingers.

Taking that as a signal, the blood on the ground became a long, long bright red Ibarra, like an elongated thread, but metallic wire, spreading around. It's a sharp blade, of the masked men who were around, bouncing off that mask and piercing it against a wall tangled in clothes.

A sharp red, razor-sharp blade tore away everything, everywhere in the room.

The way it is, everyone takes a breath, just a flash of events.

If you're careful, talk about saying that the sofa and vase in the room was ripped undisturbed.

"Oh, you... what the hell...!!

"Oops, you better not move!! Touch that bright red Ibarra at all. You guys are two in a flash!! hahahaha!!

I can't stop laughing.

To me like that, Sir Barrondot will look out for you.

Time has come. By now, Tor and Ulysses should have rescued the First Prince.

I hope this noise makes the protection over there so thin.

"Ah, the righteous queen. I'll tell you what, I didn't touch a finger until I showed off my powers. Don't forget that place, right? That means I'm not serious yet!

I said so, and as I tried to leave the room far away from her with the cuttlefish, the righteous queen raised her high voice.

"Oh, don't wait!! I just thought you'd be sorry for doing this..."

"That's our dialogue. You don't seem to understand."

Turn to the queen as she leaves, and I loosen my mouth.

"You're wrong. Give me my strength. … you haven't noticed that it means your collapse yet"


"Fair enough. In time, you'll notice."

I left a profound word and ran off on the spot.

Sir Barrondot, disguised as the wind following me, will follow.

The queen couldn't say anything, couldn't move, she was just surrounded by Ibarras, sitting around.

In time, the queen will notice.

Tell me you've kept everything important away from me.

By the time this bloody Ibarra disappears.

"Hahaha, refreshing. You can finally unleash your power at all costs!!

The explosion sounded because he threw a door knob with my blood at the guys coming after us.

That's not just a door knob anymore. It was just a grenade.

The power of the explosion, we limit it considerably, well, it would be just fine for us to escape.

If anyone comes at the sword, automatic defense with an earlier blood Ibarra.

"... hehe"

I have no blind spot. This bloody Ibarra was once something that the Black Demon King also struggled with considerably.

Because the medium is my own hair. It's just one hair with my cells that makes it a more user-friendly sword or shield than anything else.

I see masked men coming one after the other from across the long hallway.

Now I took what looked like an object that was hung on the wall and drowned my blood.

Sir Barrondot has been looking at me with a strange eye since just now.

"Miss Machia... what the hell"

"Take a look at this because it's good."

I threw that object at the soldiers again.

And I pull Sir Barrondot and hide in the shadow of the wall.

Yes, Dawn!!

"Did you..."

I make my face peek through the wall with a bad grin.

But tell Sir Barrondot, "Danger!!" I was pulled back.

Shortly after, a little ball of flame was unleashed towards me.

Even a direct hit won't be a big deal, but I would like to thank Sir Barrondot once and for all.

"Oh, thank you, Master Barrondot"

"No... if I can protect you. But be careful. For once, they are magicians of the Esta family."


He is still a gentleman.

We rode smoke through the maze-like corridors of the First Prince's camp.

Sir Barrondot is here so you can get out without difficulty.

When he entered a room, he magically moved a large painting hung on the wall, opening a hidden passage behind it.


"Miss Machia...... This is the hidden passage of the royal palace, known only to the Esta family and the king. We used to use this passage to say that the magicians of the Esta family were under the King's orders."

"... you're going through here"

I made a particular point, and I didn't squeal like that.

But Sir Barrondot smiled a little troubled.

"Can't you believe what I'm saying...?

…… Yes, no... I didn't mean to say that. "

"No... I have no choice. I was originally from the First Prince's camp here. Perhaps I am deliberately leading you here..."


Now, I don't know where Sir Barondot's true intentions were, but he has a very complicated look on his face.

But what I said first was sloppy or inappropriate.

I accidentally blew it out. And then you go into that passage yourself.

"What are you talking about? Who do you think I am? Even if there was a trap on the other side of this aisle, it wouldn't put me in danger first. Yes... it would be easier to trust you through here."

Anyway, where something happened, I am now allowed to use witchcraft.

"... Miss Machia.... that you trust me?

…… Yeah, I trusted you. So many things have worked so well so far. You helped me earlier. "

"... Miss Machia"

Sir Barrondot looked so happy that he had never seen it.

I am unintentionally surprised by his rare expression.

He takes my hand badly.

"Miss Machia!! also, please do it again!!

"Hey, what...?

"That's what I just said!!

"Earlier words? Oh, what? Trustworthy?

"That's right!!

I was impelled by his impetus to say that innocently. Good old, with sparkling eyes, like a boy.

What the hell is he happy about?

What a stumbling block to say when we have to get out of this place on time.

"Ah... uh... I trust you..."

"Is it true!?

"... Yep"

I laughed couscous and looked up at him properly.

With one of these words, I didn't think you were a jolly person.

"I trust you, Sir Barondot..."

He held his head down as a jean for what he was impressed with.

It's an exaggerated reaction.

"No...... sorry. Because I thought you wouldn't be trusted. Even if you don't become my wife, these words are enough and inspiring."

"Ma, again... because I'm exaggerating"

"It's true."

We had such a conversation as we went through a hidden passage.

Sir Barrondot's strange honesty has an unrivaled part to it, I thought I'd make it.

Through the aisle, where we left off, what a chapel in the royal palace.

This is an independent space, in a sense, that does not fall within the scope of any faction, but it is surprising that these passages were connected.


There's already a lily waiting for us.

But something's wrong. What if Prince Alfredo's rescue failed?

"Maki... I'm in big trouble"

"Duh, what's wrong? No way, you failed to rescue...?

"No, I can tell you that Brother Alfredo's rescue on top was successful. But Thor..."

"... Tor...? What the hell is wrong with you?

Ulysses' expression was what drove my anxiety.

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