Our demon king is coming.

48: Machia, before the dawn of the king's capital.

I didn't expect this to happen after two reincarnations that day after I gave up the Black Demon King.

How the hell would you say this could happen?

"... Tor... Oh, stop... Oh, stop it, I know it's on!!!

"Stay with me!!

I was suddenly deprived of my lips and my head was about to turn white, but there I thought of Thor's flank and punched him in the stomach while he was frightened.


He is holding his mouth by his hand and turning his eyes in a panic state.

This man is absolutely insane. I'm kidding you suddenly it's a kiss.

I've always thought it was that one, but I didn't know it was this much!!

"No... Machia, I knew you'd react like that... Good punch."

"That wouldn't be the problem!! Oh, oh, what the hell are you doing!!

"Hi, I thought I told you how I feel."


Thor was giving in to my full punch, but he was gradually getting back to normal, and he was staring at me.

I couldn't look directly at him, but I didn't want to lose either, so I glanced at Tor anyway. It doesn't make any sense.

"Ko...... scared......"

"You won't have a choice!!

And then again, I can't stand it and turn towards the wall and take my hand to my chest. Not half. It's a heartbeat high.

I'm ashamed to say that I was very neglectful of these experiences, because my lover was stupid in the days of the Red Witch and there were no close men at all. The man himself involved, in the way he said Black Demon King (married) White Sage (married)......

"Hey Machia... are you going to stay in the corner of the room all the time dressed like that? You're gonna catch a cold."

"Ah, if you back out of there, I'll go back to betting too!!

"... well don't say that. I'm tired, too. Let me sleep like this..."

"I'm not kidding!! How dare you sleep on the couch there!!


"... ah"

I regretted it after I said it.

"That... you can stay in this room."

Tor's proud face.

What is this man... was he like this??

After all, he's been hit by some brainwashing magic earlier...

"It's a lie. Lie. I'm going back to my room now.... you'll be tired too, so take a rest"


When Tor got off his bet, he went out into the garden as usual, stretched his back and tried to go back to his room.

"Ma, wait... Tor... eh"

I tell him to go home, and for some reason, he goes out in the garden and pulls him back.

I wonder why... there was one thing I wanted to ask you.


"T, Tor... you... the... eh"

It was when I tried to hear what was in Tor while dyeing my cheeks and looking out of sight, which was not even in the glass.

The sound of bells ringing throughout the Wang capital.

Thor and I looked at each other and looked down from the garden. Fire was spinning and smoke was rising everywhere. There was a figure of the Wang Capital that I had never seen before.

"... well, why..."

"What the hell is going on? No way, the First Prince's faction is so quick..."

Thor looks down at the king's capital, squeezes his expression, and magically puts out a monitor around him.

We're checking on Wang Du.

"... a demon clan"

"... what?

"The demons are rampant in the king's capital..."

I peek into and check that monitor.

I'm sure that many demonic tribes that have been so distracted have begun to storm in the wake of something.

I don't know what triggered it...... we've already noticed.

"Anyway, we have to go to Lord Raymond and check the situation..."


What a sleepless night.

Earlier, I was completely awake, but when this happens, I won't be able to rest my body yet.

The sound of bells and the red of flames like the climb of the dark night.

Finally, the demonic hands of the enemy nations attacked the King's capital of Ruskia in these ways.

"Sir Raymond, there are demons in Wang Du!!


Going to Sir Raymond's room, Sir Raymond was looking down through the window at the King's Capital in the lower realm.

"... Yes, you may say that the First Prince's faction threw everything out to the Federation. Many demons have also come before the castle to fight the soldiers of our country. When you get into the country this way, the green curtain won't do you any good... The righteous queen and the prime minister are losing their appearance by multiplying this noise.... but I'm still chasing you. I knew this would happen if I rescued the First Prince."

I heard something like a blast from somewhere.

The mess in Wang Du seems to be considerable.

"Apparently, the demons are about to enter the Patriarchate and take over the Patriarchate. Over there, His Highness Ulysses is on his way, and some young people have recently returned. I didn't know this would happen when the green witch lay low..."

"Is the Patriarchate under attack?

"Oh.... I guess they're going to make demands on the shield here..."

Thor seemed to say he couldn't stay, even after.

He is the king who originally bound the demons. It must be complicated.

"... Sir Raymond. About these demons... will you leave it to me"

"... and say?

"I'll get rid of them... there's no one left"

I reacted tingly and looked up at him.

Wait, Tor.

You're telling me you're gonna kill all the demons?

"Thor... you..."


What the hell is Thor thinking?

It's just that he's got eyes that don't make him feel confused or lost at all, and he doesn't seem to grind his nerves over things on the other side of the window.

"... ok. Thor... you seem to have an idea, and what you say you know better about the Demons. How long will it take?"

"... it will take a little while to deploy the Magic Fortress, but as soon as it deploys... it will be over"

"Magic Fortress...? What kind of magic fortress do you think you're going to build? Even if they built something like that over the king's capital, which defeated the giants before, the demons could destroy this country."

"... of 100% phantom, it's a different space. Only the Demons will be captured and trapped. … its magical fortress is named…" Ismore, the northernmost ideal place "…"

".................. eh"

I didn't think, I turned my bewildered gaze to him.

Because Ishmore is the ideal home of the demons once built by the Black Demon King on the northern continent.

It's also that snowy mountain country, where Tor and I first met.

Sure, that country was also created by the Fortress of Magic, but what the hell am I going to do?

"Thor, what is this... Eyesmore..."


Thor went out into the upper air garden of the royal palace and stood where he could see the lower boundary.

Smoke is rising from all over the place, and you can hear contention and screaming.

Ruskian soldiers work hard, but it's not hard to imagine being frightened by demonic tribes that the people have never seen.

"... I have a blueprint for the old Eyesmore, but I haven't built anything 100% phantom yet. But... I remember those days vividly... now I can build them."

"What are you going to do with the Demons? Because the Demons... you didn't work so hard to protect them..."

"...... yes. So I'll get it back. It's been transformed into a Federation, and it's just a monster... It may be ego, but I... demon tribe again..."

That's what he said and when he tightened his expression, he removed his cape and took off his jacket for some reason.

It's a mysterious behavior.

"Hey... what are you doing"

"I need to feel colder..."

"... doesn't make sense."

Under this cold sky, Thor is deliberately taking off his jacket to remember that northern continent where Eyesmore was.

I was one dress, even though it was cold and I was rubbing my body with both hands.

"... here... You weave your feathers."


Thor threw a thick Knights jacket at me.

He was floating, but what a hater.

"... hey, what... Well, it's cold... and I appreciate it."

It's warm.

"... Hmm. There you go."

I was cold, so I weaved my toil jacket. Thor was wearing it until just now, so naturally it's very warm.

I wonder what it is...... Thor was originally, kind of a sweet guy, but later on, I think this kindness is complicated and unceasing.

I grabbed his jacket a little.

"............ Grimmind. Replace Eyesmore's blueprints on a phantom basis. Target set only for Demons"

"Because it's 100% phantom and you're okay?

"Oh... trapping them is a completely different space. You can call it the world of my memory. The connection between Ishmore and the Demon Nation is deep in history. Use that information."

"... as you say, Black Demon King"

Grimmind was somewhere dissatisfied because it was less risky to be phantom based, but he did the job he was told to do hard, even though he was flanked by Thor.

How much longer will it take to build even the Magic Fortress, which I have already built, because I will create it from the beginning no matter how many models I say it takes to build?

Still, I guess the only solution to this commotion at once is Thor's Magic Fortress.


I looked up into the sky and found one flying Demon clan trying to strike some sort of attack on Tor.

Thor can't rip his hands off anything else right now.

"... I can take care of you."

I bit my thumb and put that blood on the stone that was there.

And throw that stone... throw!!


"Hey, what is it? Bombing!?

"... I defeated one enemy. Unlike you, I'm not sweet on the Demons either. You should build a magic fortress. In the meantime... leave it to me."

"............ makia"

I pull my hair out and let it pass blood on to me.

The hair then becomes a long, thin metallic blade that stretches out branches everywhere.

It made a mesh like a cage and surrounded us.

The enemy can't come in here.

It's a red rose stump that combines attack and defense.

Just then, I heard a very loud explosion from somewhere.

If you wonder what it is, you're just in the Church. A great deal of smoke is rising from those in the diocese.

"... the Patriarchate is under attack."

"Don't worry a little"

Sure, there's Ulysses going over there. Eska should be there, too.

I don't even think those two are there and there's something wrong with them...

"I hope you don't let Eska get too violent and the church collapse..."

"That's possible."

Anyway, we have to build the Magic Fortress here as soon as possible.

And if everything is over, this country will be a new will again, a new form.

We were making the dawn of this new country current.

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