Our demon king is coming.

04: Machia, fall firmly into bed.

My upset must have been seen by the brave, too.

He looked down at me with some kind of wrinkled look between his eyebrows.

But I don't mean to say anything, I try to leave with the sieve.

"Wait a minute, brave man. What are you going to do?


The brave man turned his gaze only towards me, the same rare face.

I fear the unreadable, blue eyes of my emotions.

I don't know what you're talking about.

"Oh, I'm asking you what you're going to do with that kid. I don't seem to have any memories, I was very upset..."

"No matter what I don't do, he's dragged out to the center of the world on his own. That's what it is."


"When it comes to what we can do, we do everything we can to keep Lena out of federal hands. That's all he's got. For those who don't remember, it's easy to get flirted with by the world.... Princess Chatma decided that it would still be safer to stay in Ruscia than to protect her in Frezier. That's why I brought her here. Lord Raymond tolerated protecting her in the Royal Palace as a new card."

"... yes. Then that girl... you've been in this country forever."

I grabbed my right index finger with my left finger and raised my nails asexually, trying to mis-modulate my complex feelings.

I'm telling you, I'm staying in this country as a General of the Seventh Fleet.


The brave man narrowed his eyes and looked up into the sky.

The Seventh Fleet remains in line in the sky.

"There are many laws activated by Lena showing up. Red Witch...... how do you resist it? Like 2,000 years ago, you give up without even being able to defy it and leave yourself to the flow?

The words of the brave man made no sense, and I always looked like I was in trouble.

Two thousand years ago, what the hell did I give up and say I couldn't resist...

I thought I had decided everything by my own will, but in his mouth, it was as if I hadn't.

The brave man turned his back on me and left.

I wonder what he wanted to tell me. And I wonder what I couldn't tell you.

"Ha... you're always tired when you see him"

I went back to my room and fell into bed.

I have a party in the evening, but I don't have the energy to prepare.

It's just chest noise. Asexual nagging around the top of my left chest, it hurts.

Though I'm not sure.

I wonder why the brave always say things in a way that makes them cloudy.

If you're clear, I don't think I'm feeling this much anymore.

"... you're still here..."

Squeeze each and every one of you, sigh.

A year ago, in the tomb of truth in the Patriarchate, I felt that since I was informed of so many truths by him, I could no longer see the brave man with only the same feelings of hatred as 2,000 years ago.

I've seen him for a long time this time, and I realized that.

I feel that vague fear of what I will be told to him this time, when I will be killed by him, is greater than hatred.

"Hey, Machia.... Why are you falling in bed?

Thor came in without even knocking.

But I didn't have the strength to get up, and I looked right at him, again.

"... I'm tired."

"Tired? You? How dare you tell me I've been exhausted to keep getting sharp questions from Princess Shatoma. That guy is really awesome. Oh, come on."

"... yes. A boulder is a princess of a country. Or the next queen..."

"... you're really tired"

Thor sits next to me relaxing in bed and asks how I am.

"What's up? What happened? What happened? Is Ulysses' marriage sounding like it after all?

"No, I'm not."

No, I'm not. Why do you have to feel so neat on such a happy day?

"... I've met a brave man"

One word, when I squealed like that, I changed the color of Thor's eyes.

Lower the tone of voice and say, "You...".

"Where the hell are you? You almost got me killed?

"... that can't be right. He can't kill me unless I leave him with a lot of work.... I'll see you later today, okay. He doesn't want to kill me now."

"That may be true, though.... then did they say anything?


Thor had fallen all the way into bed. Put his hand on my back and asked worryingly.

But you tell him about Lena?

Lena says it's Helena?

Thor will surely be confused. He didn't see him.

But if I don't tell you now, I also feel cowardly. If you don't say that, you can't even tell Thor what you talked to the brave man.

What should I do?

"... I've met a strange girl"

"What? Why did you go from talking about meeting a brave man to talking about meeting a girl?


Thor's question was best.

He says, "Hey, Machia," I'm going to rub your back.

"Hey Thor, you know what girls come from different worlds?

"What? What are you talking about? It's not about you, is it?

"No, I'm not. It's about girls coming from different worlds, flesh and blood. You've actually met that girl before, haven't you? You haven't noticed, have you?

Get up, sit up on the bed peppered, blurry.

My words would have been puzzling to Thor.

"... what's going on, Machia? You ate something weird at the festival."

That's what you say, you pay for the hair that snaps in my face.

He still doesn't seem to realize that 2,000 years ago, Helena, the Black Demon King's pet princess, was a man from another world.

Indeed, she lost her memory and was protected by the Black Demon King, who remained queen.

"Oh, you know... Tor... I... today... eh"

I tried to tell him, even as I ate.

I have to tell you.

I have to tell Thor that I met Lena from Helena's rebirth.

Thor is looking right at me and waiting for my word.

But if Helena finds out she's in this world in this day and age... if she regrets betraying the Black Demon King and killing herself 2,000 years ago, what the hell will Tor do?

"Dear Machia, I need to be ready."

Suddenly, Lepis came into the room without a sound and told him so.

Lepis moved his eyebrows slightly as me and Thor had some sort of translated look on the bed,

"... sorry to bother you"


"No, I didn't interrupt anything"

"Unmet expectations"

Me and Thor answered outdoors calmly.

Lepis nodded lightly, "Really?" he said to me again.

"Dear Machia, it's time to get ready for the party. Today is the first day of the Episcopal Festival. It will be an important party. There are also Princess Chatma of Frezier and General Kanon. … We need to get you ready to attend."

Lepis looked at my hair, which got messy, and he looked like he was in trouble.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry I fell into bed.

"Dear Thor... because they peek at your lady's demeanor?

"... Okay, you want to tell me to leave."

Thor laughs bitterly.

The sarcasm of Lepis is the same.

"Bye, Machia, if I can get a degree. I'm messing with Noah and the model next door."

"... Yep"

Thor is in Noah's room next door most of the time when he waits for me. Noah and Thor seem to talk to the boulders, and they build models together and look at the design of the Magic Fortress.

He'll be a good space magician, Tor always says. In short, they're adorable.

Pathan, and the closing sound of the door.

After all, I couldn't tell him about Lena.

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