Our demon king is coming.

12: Lena, talk about a woman torn in love.

I'm Lena.

In this world, Princess Shatoma tells me to call myself just Lena, so I do.

Coming to another world, I came to this Luskian kingdom, protected by Princess Shatoma and General Kanon in the desert at the northern end of the kingdom of Frezier.

In this country, for some reason, he is said to be the Savior, and before he knows it, he has decided many things.

But I could not resist it, and the only way to live in this world was to be flushed by those around me.

"Me, I want to go back to the original world......"

It was in front of a girl I hadn't even known yet that I popped the word.

The girl, named Machia Odileel, is a very gorgeous and beautiful girl with long bright red hair and aqua blue eyes.

Machia said herself, too, that she came from Earth.

Unlike me, though, he “reincarnated” after he died.

"... why do you want to go back to Japan? You don't like this world?

Machia has a strange look and asks me.

"Because everyone in this world sees me with a very special eye."

"Well, if something from different worlds isn't special, it feels like saying what's special..."

"But I'm sure General Cannon doesn't like me. You always look at me like that.... you know, so does a brunette. Somewhere you don't like to see me."

"A brunette... you mean Thor?

Machia scratches her pompous head as she goes off her gaze, "Uh..." You look like you have a verse in mind.

That brunette, that's what they called “Tor”.

"No, look, General Cannon was originally like that, or he hates me so much that I'm not such a ratio, yeah. As for Thor... I don't know... because he has no love. You're not a bad guy, are you?

She was trying so hard to follow me.

With that said, Machia seemed somewhere intimate with someone who said that Tor. I was so worried about her.

"Uh..." Machia, "can I call you?

"Huh? Yeah, of course. I don't mind if I say" Lena, "either."


Me somewhere horrible. I don't know what to say, I couldn't quite be in this world with someone I could talk to with my normal heart like this.

Because Princess Shatoma can be relied upon, but she will be in awe. Compared to that, Machia is easy to talk about somewhere.

"Lena, in the royal palace, let's take a look around, shall we? You're bored to be here, aren't you?

"... ugh, yeah"

Machia laughed like she was in trouble and stood me up as I sat down.

"How old is Machia?

"What? Age? I'm 15."


Me that has unwittingly solidified. I thought you were exactly older or just as old as me, but I didn't know you were younger......

Still, I wonder if that style is irregular at fifteen.

"I can't help but be told I don't look like that because I remember my last life when I said I was fifteen."

"... of previous life... memory?


More than that, she didn't say anything. I wonder if the memory of a previous life is meant to be the memory in Japan.

"Wow, Takai..."

"It would. The Ruscia Royal Palace is divided into three main layers, and the upper layers are a royal territory. I'm not royal, but I'm allowed to live on this level. Oh, look, the domed building you see over there, you know? That's the Vabel country. It is the main mountain of the Vabilofos sect, in the Kingdom of Ruskia."


"That said, you don't get it, do you? It's called a very sacred place in this Mayday."

Machia took me to a high place in the royal palace. The castle is provided with aerial gardens between the hierarchies, and they seem to surround the royal palace in a circular fashion.

The King's capital, overlooking the beautiful green garden, is very spacious and busy.

Frezier is also a developed nation, but I felt something different to say shades.

I don't know what to say. The Kingdom of Ruskia is very vibrant.

"And, uh, you see it? That building on the roof is delicious. Oh, the little shop next door tastes good cake."


Even though it is difficult to discern what it is to be pointed at a small building from a high place, Machia told me one delicious food and confectionery store after another that she knew.

You're so gourmet even though you have a thin body.

"You had dinner with Thor before at that store, didn't you? Hmmm... I'm hungry talking to you."

"What's Thor... that brunette?


"Machia and that Tor guy, are you a lover?


I asked as a matter of course, wondering if I was.

Then Machia gets a strange look that's hard to say and puts her finger on her forehead.

"Hmm...... I wonder what it is. Except me and Thor are still lovers or something like that...... Originally he was my entourage...... no, no, originally a classmate? Enemy? Hmm."


"Ugh, um..."

"I'm sorry...... I must have lost something"

"Maybe, you care? About him."

"............ eh"

Machia turned her eyes to me, as she explored me.

Blue-green eyes, quietly brilliant.

"Yes, no... that's not what I'm saying... Because I felt like he hated me, like he was avoiding something. Haha, although I may be over-conscious."


Tor...... that brunette young man. He had a very neat face, a calm voice, and I felt kind of nostalgic. The first time I saw it, though, it was in love.

But when he looks at me, it seems very sad, unpleasant, complicated... I can feel that kind of negative consciousness.

Did I do something to that guy?

I'm just a little scared.

"I'm sorry. I was just asking about people's faces. That's what happened in Japan...... I just asked her about her complexion and she just wanted to live up to her expectations. Of which, because it was a mother and child family"

"... it is."

"I was a tough mother, but I'm the only one in your mother, so if I'm gone, I'm sure I'll be sad.... I wonder how I can go home..."


Machia has shut up. I guess she doesn't know how to do that.

Sawasawa and the warm spring winds of the afternoon rock the white flowers in the garden. Is it a strong aromatic flower or a classy fragrance that blushes flowers reminds me of my mother's perfume.

My mother was an elite employee of a cosmetics company.

Apparently my mother's home was poor, but she worked hard to enroll in prestigious universities in person and graduated as chairman. A career woman who has since worked for a major cosmetics company and continues to deliver results. They thought she was the mother of a winning life, but the only “loss” for her was a loss as a woman.

My mother caged me with one bourgeoisie, but the man says he chose another woman as his wife.

At the end of the day, my mother, who had become a single mother torn into love, gave me a thorough and talented education to keep from beating the children between my father and his real wife.

I wanted to live up to my mother's expectations, since I was a little girl, I was passed through to study school and many learnings, I didn't have free time, etc., and I didn't have many thoughtful friends.

Still, I liked my mother because she complimented me so much when I got the results. He was on the right side for anniversaries and stuff, and he celebrated. I was everything to my mother, and I was everything to my mother.

My mother always said.

He wants me to gain the power to live alone. It's not about academia or upbringing, it's about whether you can work hard or not.

I respected my mother and I wanted to answer as much as I could to her expectations.

But when I was a little girl, I kept asking for "hard work," and I didn't know how to breathe or play like a high school girl, and I thought about what was fun and what my hobby was, and I became a boring person who didn't come out with anything.

I didn't even know what it felt like when my classmates blossomed into love stories......

"Hey Machia, it may be strange to ask someone I just met about this... has Machia ever fallen in love?

"Huh? What is it? Serves to sticks"

"Oh, sorry"

Because I suddenly heard that, she raised her eyes like a gnaw.

I'm sorry...... I really don't even know when to cut these stories out. I'm the type of friend you can't make.

"Well... there's nothing there. Although I don't have very good memories."


"That's right. I'm not hot."

"You're so beautiful... you say strange things, Machia"

"... haha, that's because you don't know who I really am"

She laughs creepy, she's still so cute. I wonder what a true makia is...

"I think Lena is more attractive to both men. Girls from different worlds are very mysterious and bothering. Besides, you have such a sweet, lovely face. What a pain in the ass I am. Big tits look stupid or something!! I don't think it's terrible!?

"... Oh, really?

Machia's tone grew stronger as to whether there was a gradual mix of personal grievances or something.

Ha, she noticed it herself, with Cohon so that she misunderstood.

"Why would Lena talk like that? You want to try to make love?

"... somehow, I was remembering your mother, and I just remembered. I'm sorry. Suddenly.... I wonder what it's like to say I want to be in love... Because your mother, too, was someone your father couldn't pick for you."


Machia stared at me, then turned that gaze somewhere far away, across the sky.

"Love... I feel so happy when I'm in love. But I'm not stable... I'm so curious about what that person thinks about me, and I can't wait to see when I'll see him next or when he'll see me... I want you to like me, and I want you to give me a little something funny. It's pretty easy to remember.... but when I find out that the person will never like me, I fall back on it. It's going to be so painful that I still don't want to remember much. I don't think I want to fall in love anymore... I don't know what I'm talking about."

Machia is suddenly blushing and sending wind to her face with her hands wrinkled.

I don't know... I felt like I heard from my fifteen-year-old girlfriend about her love a long time ago. What the hell is that about, “when”?

Dokun, dokun...... and something pulses in me.

Machia was mismocking with laughter, but that gaze at me was somewhere uncut.

"You've talked weird. Forget it. It's the past."

"... yeah. Thanks. Something's very exciting. It's like girls talking to each other."

'Cause it's supposed to be girls.'

I put my hand on my own, my squeaking chest.

Machia laughed like she was in trouble and felt her gaze slightly down.

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