Our demon king is coming.

17: Makia, make a deal with the brave.

"Ha... you did it, me too"

I had a strange idea about the person who put the spell on me.

Or there's only one.

I remember a case a few months ago. Who asked me if I trusted him….

I asked the scene really smoothly and uncomfortably, so I didn't even question it at all and spinned the words. He said he trusts you. Trustworthy indeed.

Now that I think about it, the unusual pleasure of that person when I said "I trust" in that person was strange.

I put my hand on my forehead and all I get is a dry laugh.

That word made it a condition for embedding the curse. It was a detour, but if you asked me if I was avoided, I might not have been able to do that either.

"If you say you have no choice, you have no choice, Red Witch. The concubine was also cast a spell a thousand years ago without noticing his act and his surrounding hand spin. So much so that Kanon was fooled too.... By taking over the personalities of various people, he can become a person of many patterns and hide something called“ himself ”. Nobody knows a true blue general. I don't even know."


Princess Shatoma sips Cool Jasmine's tea, elbows on the table, jaws on, and has some distant eyes.

"A thousand years ago, the Blue General took over the flesh of his concubine fiancée and approached his concubine. And he used his concubine's favor to cast a death spell on her."


"When the concubine and Cannon realized about it, the seeds had already sprouted and it was too late.... That's why the concubine thought. I wonder how I'm going to die."

A thousand years ago, Princess Vine was indeed executed with guillotine. I'm not sure what the reason was, but I've heard it was the brave ones that drove me that far...

"The Blue General had his concubine in the way. The holy girl and the concubine to be worshipped had the absolute support of the people. It was the Blue General who was intentionally escalating the dispute with immigrants and manipulating civil unrest in the eastern continent behind it. He was trying to disrupt the countries of the east, create gaps and invade from the north.... The concubine knew that she was cursed and her life was being cut in pieces. It's just something that the Blue General wants you to do, and vice versa.... When I found out I was going to die, I could do anything. I took the lead and anticipated the future of the eastern continent after I wasn't there.... I was desperate to make my death just meaningless."

Princess Chatma's tone of old stories was calm, shocking in content, yet even comfortable.

"... it was Canon who was the prime minister of our nation back then who took that step and dared to be the bad guy. Kanon guillotined and executed his concubine as a heretic witch. It was a historic, meaningful“ death "and the“ great cause ”of a concubine with many tricks. The death of a concubine inspired the transformation of our nation into what is now Frezier. The only nation that can fight the North..."

"... Princess Vine"

"Yes... the concubine is Princess Vine. That's what they used to call me... the Demon King."

She looked at me like she was always asking, and I think I know what that means.

Princess Shatoma... Princess Vine is giving me a hint. And always ask.

Then what are you going to do?

General Cannon is arming up, just dropping his gaze.

The scent of drifting honey was sweet, and around Princess Shatoma, the spirits of butterflies flickering with glitter and scaly powder.

"... In short, I don't have a hand in spells."

"I told you there was only one. Blue General, kill yourself."

"Almost impossible hands would be like no... Princess Shatoma"

I know. It's only a matter of time before the seeds are sprouted and my flesh is taken over by the Blue General.

If my flesh were taken over, what would happen?

My consciousness is gone, and only this immense magic and the ability to burn down the continent is in the hands of the Blue General.

I know better myself that it must never happen.


After a long and long silence I opened my mouth.

"First, you have to do something about the one who cursed me.... I know more or less. That man is the only thing that's possible."

"... he must be a throwaway pawn. Killing me isn't gonna help you."

The brave man lowered his voice and pinched his mouth.

"I know. But we have to do something. … it would not be good for the Kingdom of Ruskia for him to exist"

"... well, think for the sake of the country... or the Red Witch"

I laugh niggly when Princess Shatoma says it's funny.

"My family, Thor, Ulysses, and Perselis are in this country. I can't think about myself like I did 2,000 years ago."

"... then will you tell the Black Demon King or the White Sage about this? You want them to help you?


To Princess Shatoma's inquiry, I raised my shoulder slightly and eventually, exhaled for a long time.

"... I can't tell you. Absolutely, when I say it, they go looking for the Blue General's body. Whatever you do, you'll try to help me. That's what we call a relationship...... If either of those guys were in the same situation as me, that's what I would do.... I really want to rely on those guys, and I want their help. But that's almost impossible. If you go looking for a blue general that you won't know when you'll find him, and those two are away from this country, that's what the blue general thinks. Without the power of Thor, the power of Ulysses, there can be no defense of Ruskia."

"... hehe, I'm surprised. Surprisingly realistic, Red Witch. I've reviewed it."

Princess Shatoma puts the fan on her mouth and makes her look delightful.

"The concubine seems to have misunderstood that. That's what you said, and I'm so relieved. Surely now there is no more room in this country than to embark on an unpredictable journey with the Black Demon King and the White Sage. It will be a gap in the kingdom of Ruskia, a gap in Frezier at the end."

"... thank you"

It can also be realistic. As soon as fate is laid down, some things are visible.

Outreach My mind was calm. Now, the best thing I know what I'm going to be is me and the brave.

"I don't know what to do... brave man"


"This situation might be convenient for you.... If so, what would be the best part of my situation?"

I also felt strange not to rely on Thor or Ulysses to question the brave men who resented and killed each other 2,000 years ago, but he knows the “best” that Thor or Ulysses can't derive.

And you can poke it at me.

The brave man stared at me, narrowed his eyes, and had a face that was hard to judge.

"What's your best hope, Red Witch?"

He just asked about it.

"... Hope, huh? I can't believe it's the best. … there are too many important things in this world to decide what you want the most"

There is much hope, Machia Odileel is a happy man.

In short, that's what you'd say.

"Of the Odileel family, I want to protect your father and mother, and I want Ulysses and Perselis to be happier. This time, I want you two to stay together forever. But... Tor... eh"

Unexpectedly, no words came up.

With Thor, I want to be happy. I want to make him happy.

The hope feels almost meaningless.

"... I don't want to leave Tor alone"

That was the word that popped out.

The brave man listened to me in silence, and told me.

"Okay. I'll make everything you want come true.... Instead, you'll get what I want."


"It's a deal... Red Witch"

The look on the face of the brave man who said deal, is as pale as ever, but he has had an unchanged purpose for 2,000 years.

Why not? For my part, if I resisted my fate, he was as horrible and hateful as a reaper, but not so much now.

I can understand what Princess Vine means to act with the brave all the time.

I'm sure she felt this way a thousand years ago, too.

If you accept destiny, the brave will find the best and fulfill your wishes.

They'll take care of the deal.

He didn't change.

I'm sure that's been the case for a long time.

But the demon kings resist. From that coffin, run away from the brave, fight, hate. Try to move the world. I try to survive.

That's why I feel he's the Reapers of the Demon Kings, with no blood, no tears. That's one thing, it's not wrong.

Because brave men, by whatever means, will try to kill us.

But I agreed to a brave man's deal.

Because I intuitively understood that it was the best and the way to fulfill what I wanted.

"Hehe... this... they must be angry..."

I didn't get any tears.

I rather got a big purpose and a way to make it happen. It was quieter and calmer than I thought.

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