Our demon king is coming.

29: Machia, gunpoint and blue flowers.

After leaving the Medithes' mansion, I headed to the Patriarchate.

During ecclesiastical festivals, there are always many overflowing on the premises of the quiet Church State. Was it just where the prayer ritual ended?

I ran that crowd too far down the street and out behind the cathedral. When we got here, there were hardly any more people, like the bustle we had just had was a lie.

Going to the back of the Patriarchate, I stood in front of a black door where I could not enter except the people involved.

Just a year ago, I wandered with Thor in this diocese and found the door of black fate, but now I'm used to opening this door.

I will put my hand on that door.

Then the red light rushes around the branches of the tree carved into the door.

"Oh, Miss Machia. What's wrong with you?"

I was called out. Looking back, Bishop Delgusta of the Patriarchate stood in the guise of an ecclesiastical festival.

"Bishop... I just stopped by here. You're busy with Perselis right now, aren't you?

"The witch's ritual has ended earlier, so I'm in your room now,"

"... yes. But you must be a little tired."

I was hoping to talk to Perselis a little bit, but she's very busy during the Episcopal Festival.

I wonder if it's hard to meet.

"For now, I'm going downstairs. It doesn't matter, does it?

Asking Bishop Delgusta that, he bowed his head and said:

"As you wish. And that is the will of Vabilofos."

Katsung, Katsung my shoes, and went down the long stairs.

I've been here many times, but I don't know if I've ever been here alone.

By the time you start to feel the stinging air, oh, I realize a little later to that garden.

Many plants, clean springs and underground gardens with great trees. Sleeping garden of truth.

"... ugh"

The sun shouldn't reach there, but the soft light falls and it feels very clear and good.

Holy Land, is full of magic just called.

We stepped on soft grass and even went to the root of the great tree.

Shizukuishi, which spills from the leaves of the great trees, make a small noise when they regularly watermark the fountain.

Such a quiet and spatial, I went to check every “coffin”.

This is the coffin of the demon king's class, containing the remains.

"The White Sage... you're not so different from Ulysses. It's still white, delicate, and straight."

In the 2,000-year-old dream I had, the White Sage hadn't come out yet, but I miss watching that sleepy look.

"The Green Witch... looks more grown-up than the Perselis do now"

Two thousand years ago, I never met a green witch, but the olive hair is exactly the same color as Perselis' hair today. Although I have a slightly longer hair.

"I wonder who this is. Um, I'm wearing a patriarchal uniform... hmm. I mean, he has a calm, discreet look on his face..."

I watched the remains of a man who had been laid in the coffin next to the green witch, in cold sweat.

I've never really been aware of it before, but maybe this is the "guy”. But something... you say he looks like a pretty good guy compared to the guy he is now? How can you say saint?


When I was sitting next to the coffin and peeking into my face with Seriously, I was grabbed by the thoughtful head from behind and heard Dos' resourceful voice.

"What are you... peeking into people's coffins? You should peek into the empty coffin on the other side..."

"... e, esca... yes, I was just, like, cracking my head off"

He showed up.

You're wearing exactly the bishop's clothes, and your face is an extremely evil esca.

"You're lonely on your own. Shall I push him into the coffin like this? Ah?"

"Hey, hey, don't be ridiculous, you!!

I desperately held his hand, punched and scratched, and managed to pull away.

His arm strength is considerable, so your head really hurt enough to crack.

A man who does this to a maiden is no asshole.

"Oh... it hurts..."

Holding my head, I glanced at Kikki Eska.

Eska is looking down at me as she nibbles.

"If that's how it goes, do you mean you're feeling better already? Too bad."

"You don't have to be sorry. I mean," ill, "so I'm off on all official business."

"What is it? Savory."

I stood up and wore the dress.

For one reason, quietly, I wanted to look around at the demon kings in the coffin, but it was something that came by a very noisy guy.

"I'm here to see Perselis. I'm not looking for you."

How dare you say such great things in this garden? "

"It's not your garden, is it? This sacred garden doesn't suit your face."

"I don't even look good on bad girls like you. After all, you have to be pure like a witch..."

"... as always. You, too."

Weird and cisconic esca.

But he doesn't resemble the siblings that make Perselis and his parents alike, if they don't tell me.

I turned that way and headed towards Stasta and the empty coffin.

To the coffin where the 2,000-year-old Red Witch was supposed to go in.

Until a little while ago, Shuma, son of the white sage and then green witch, was the place where it was kept.


Copon Copon and, as the blisters float from the bottom, they're hitting the glass door, staring at its repetition, and I'm barometric about the coffin's unspoken presence.

Once, I breathed.

"What? You want to go in there?

Eska came after me and made such a joke, but I faced him with a serious face.

I'm a little confused, but I'll untie the red ribbon that's tied around my neck.

When he started unbuttoning the shirt that was stopping the lace, Eska was clearly in a surprising behavior suspicious attitude.

"... Huh? What? No, no, no, because I'm a priest."


What did I mistake for you, this man, for the priesthood?

I was wearing a dress with it all the way to my neck today, so I just had no choice but to take it off.

You're usually wearing a chest exposed dress. Me.

"I don't know what I'm mistaken about, but I just want you to see this"

I was hiding it with a lace shirt, under my left clavicle, chest.

Turn your shirt and show Eska that. It's floating there, with a blue curse pattern.

Eska opened her eyes and stared at it without blinking.

"Do you remember?“ Archbishop of the Holy Ashes. "

Asked so as to explore, Eska raised one mouth and grinned, putting her hand on her forehead.

"Ha ha... I saw something I never wanted to see again. Yeah, I get it. Everything.... Is it because of this that you fell before, disrupting your magic?"

"... right"

As I answered with a soothing voice, Eska took the gun out of its wide sleeve and pointed it at me.

"You hit me bad, Red Witch. Then don't say anything more. I don't want anything anymore, either. You should die here."


Eska's eyes were serious.

That's all you have to say about this “curse”.

"The curse of the Blue General, is that all you want?"

"Naturally. Because of that, a thousand years ago, how much you think I struggled. He doesn't die as much as he did once. Doesn't make sense. Moving on to the new vessel, just repeat it.... if they take over your body, that's what's gonna get out of hand"


"But right. That bastard, I didn't know you'd already hit such a lead. It's hard to tell where you're lurking... You're still the“ Red Witch ”in the first place? No, either way. If you kill her, you'll get the body of the Red Witch and the green curtain will be finished."

Eska comes closer and pushes the muzzle over the curse mole.

I didn't move. Just hold your fist and stare at him.

"... nothing, I haven't been with you that long, and I don't want you to trust me or trust me. I think you're probably right.“ Brave man, "that's what he said.... but just wait a little longer. Me, nothing yet..."

"I can't wait. The curse does not know when it will be fully activated. I can't let you go wild. If you don't want to die, resist. Let him fight me."


I untie the palm I was holding and narrow my eyes.

I knew this would happen. Still, there was something I wanted to tell Eska, so I showed her this curse mole.

The brave man told me not to use magic, but will I still have to fight to get him to listen?

I put my thumb on my lips.

It's the distance between me and Esca, who was nervous, but it becomes meaningless before one great kill and magic. Eska pointed a gun at Ba and that way.

Brave... General Cannon was standing by the entrance to the underground garden.

"... you... the retriever"

Eska chipped her tongue.

General Cannon comes over here once and tells Esca.

"The Red Witch hasn't made a" big deal ”yet. Don't get your hands on me."

"What? I know that. This can't be right. I'm sure you do. The curse of the Blue General combined with the power of the Red Witch is quite troublesome. It's no trouble. Isn't the world his private arena anymore? The power of the Red Witch can burn the continent!!

"... I know"

General Cannon has the same cold, low tone, just one word. That's all.

Eska had built a muscle on her forehead and eaten her teeth when she thought she said something, but she didn't say anything more, and put the gun away in a way she didn't look like him.

Eska also has a part close to Princess Shatoma. There is no good will for “hostility” towards General Canon.

What was this man, a "brave man” to us, like Princess Shatoma or the class of demon kings a thousand years ago, who said Eska?

"... brave man"

I looked up to General Cannon and accidentally called him "the brave man”.

I was going to stop calling him a brave man already.

"Red Witch, the Valkyrian ship is ready to welcome you in. Princess Shatoma's will."

"... Huh?

"The magic control device on that battleship has the effect of dampening the curse's progression. You'd better leave the ground now."

"Are you all right now?

"It would be better as soon as possible"

"Hey, wait a minute......"

I suppressed my chest and closed my eyes.

And nod slowly.

"... ok. Isn't that the best part? Then I'll do as you say. Just wait a little longer. One day... No, this evening, because we're headed to the Valkyrian ship"

"... would be good"

General Cannon, unexpectedly and lightly, has forgiven me.

Eska distorts her expression and is frustrated. Maybe because you have something to say but you can't break it into me and General Cannon's story.

"Hey, you guys don't ignore me. Just kidding."

I'm finally getting into it.

I re-tie the ribbon on my chest, pay my hair, turn to Esca.

"Eska, I guess your worries are the most important. I'm not your brother-in-law... but I need you to do me a favor."


I did one “favor” to Esca.

That's something you can't ask someone to take care of me, and that's why Esca was fit.

The boulder esca also had a slightly surprising look, "I see," he muttered, looking diagonally up.

"Oh, guys."

That's when Perselis came to this garden and found us and raised his voice.

I asked Bishop Delgusta if he was in a hurry, for ecclesiastical festivals, in a flickering costume.

Perselis stopped haphazardly when he realized that General Cannon was here.

General Cannon will also stare quietly at Perselis.

"... Also, you came here..." Kaya. ""

Perselis frowned a little and smiled.

To her, the brave man, General Cannon, is a man named Kaya.

I looked sideways at Chirali and General Cannon.

For his Demon King class, he is a being with many positions and names. Being who lived different times for the same purpose.

Therefore, very uncertain.

I wonder where his, real “name” is with all the different looks.

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