Our demon king is coming.

45: Machia, it's time to say my * *.

Today is the last day of the Episcopal Festival.

When I think of last year, it can also be said that this is Fate Day.

In the end, I have to spend the last part of the festival on a Valkyrian ship.

"Good morning, Master Machia"

"... oh my goodness - Lepis"

I yawned and got up out of the warm water.

I slept in a capsule like this bath at night again.

Lepis helped me get dressed.

"With that said, Master Machia. Thor was very worried about Machia..."

"... hmm. What?"

"Is it going to go back to normal? and"


"But I was surrounded by girls."

"... heh"

On the second floor, a little low voice.

"Do you care?

"Nothing. I'm not the type to be jealous like crazy."


"Really? I don't know what the hell this is about."

I seriously thought Lepis had been listening, so ten damage to his heart.

I knew you were imagining me saying that...

"'Cause I had a lot of wives in Black Demon King.... It's okay if I'm not out of company, I am."

"Is that what it is?

"... maybe"

Well, the Red Witch did.

I don't think I had much of a desire to make the Black Demon King my own. Though I just had the desire to be in the same circle.

I wore a red dress, had Lepis take my hair off, and I tried to wear a ribbon, like I always do, but I'm going to stop somehow.

"... ha. There's no point in decorating it, is there? Anyway, I'm free."

"Dear Machia. Don't you tie your hair?

"Yeah. You wouldn't even have to be so neat."


Lepis flaunts his shoulder at the look of my heart.

I only wore earrings, and later I didn't wear a slice of special ornaments, and I stayed as simple as saying what the tension was when I was in the royal palace.

"Oh, I want to go somewhere...... I want to go to the festival and eat something delicious."

"You shouldn't, Master Machia. I thought you told General Canon to stay on the Valkyrian ship."

"Yes, but ~ yes, but ~"

Lepis sighed small again as if he was in trouble to me, squeezing waste as if he were a child.

"You can't see such a heartless Machia in a boulder. Shall I ask General Cannon? Whether you can just go out for a little while."

"... really?

I pointed my sparkling eyes at Lepis, just then, the sound of a knock on the door.

"Go ahead."

When properly answered, the rumored General Cannon came in to open the door to the room, so I rushed back out to draw my mind.

"Hey, what can I do for you?

"... Today is the last day of the Episcopal Festival. I don't know what will happen. Don't get distracted."

"Beh, beh, there's nothing to be distracted about!

I let my eyes swim and tried to start excuses, but General Cannon continued without expression.

"The Federation probably cares about the power of Rubel Tower. You will know what Blue General is capable of. I don't know when or where he'll call. Besides, you're being targeted. You'll be safe here."

"Were you even eavesdropping?

"I thought it was time to say my"


I knew you were imagining me saying that!

Though I'm not wrong about this one.

"But whatever happens, there's a Valkyrian ship in this country, and the green curtain is completely closed today, and there's nothing wrong with the ocean right now, is there? I wonder if there's a gap."

"... I'd like to think there isn't, but it's the blue general behind it"

"You've got things to hide behind, too."

To tease you, General Cannon narrowed his eyes so tight that I coughed low.

Oh, scary scary scary.

"... that's good"

He groaned and I was about to overhear him say, "Yes, yes, you do," for a moment, huh? and.


"Let's issue permission to go out. Just during the ceremony. In the meantime, everyone pays attention to the Rubel Tower ceremony and gathers in the harbour on the side of the Instructional Research Institute. The city will be relatively idle"

"... did you eat anything weird?

To General Kanon, who listened to me very briefly, I became a thoughtful and frightened expression.

This guy is trying to trap me...

I can't wait to get this battleship destroyed.

That's all he said, and when he glanced at Lepis, he left the room intact.

I've become a pocan, and I look up at the lepis, most importantly.

"Hey, outside, can I play?

A child. Am I a child?

Mother, can I go play outside?? Like.

"Yep. When the ceremony starts..."

"And Lepis?

"No, I have a job to do otherwise...... But we don't have an escort for Machia."

"Yes.... nothing. Me, it's okay to be alone?

"You can't say that."

Lepis just smiled a little bit.

"And don't forget the Covenant of the Queen of War."

"... you're telling me to keep that noisy stuff? Yes, yes, I got it."

I hung the golden sword I had just received from the brave man on my hips and weaved my cape from above.

"I told you, there's nobody here."

I had Lepis drop me off at the harbor and then I was alone.

It's good because I feel good about the sea breeze for a long time and I feel easy. Of course I weave my cape and wear my hood deep, my figure and my sword are hidden.

After all, people were all headed toward Rubel Tower because the ceremony would begin.

When I say, once I look up at that tower, I immediately head toward the city.

It's a festival, so I need to look around and eat something delicious.

The Valkyrian dishes are delicious, but you can't have that breath-taking white room.

I knew I had to move my body.


Second, I was grabbed on the shoulder and called out.

It was an unexpected voice.

"Wait, Machia."

"... Tor!?

Its lord was Tor. You came in a hurry, I'm just a little rough on my breath, but it's Tor.

"Why are you here!!?

I looked up at Tor, with a temporarily surprised look intact, solidified.

"The guy from Lepis taught me. So, let's explore your location and get this far."

"But you, is the ceremony good?

"Such a ceremony, I'm just watching, and I can't help but be bored. I left it all to Ulysses."


I miss my conversation with Thor so much that I just haven't seen him in just a few days, and I accidentally spread my hands and hugged him.

"Ugh... Tor. Eh."

"What? What's up? Hey, I just haven't seen you in a day or two..."


Because of my long dreams, I kind of felt like I hadn't seen Tor in forever.

I was wondering if I might see Thor again, as it were...

He wanted to bury his face in Tor's abdomen, hug his hips thoughtfully, and be sure to say the same “Tor” warmth from an early age.

"Come on. You're a real extremist."

Thor, who knows nothing, naturally stayed in a frightened manner, but he pounded and stroked my head with a hood on. Oh. I knew Tor would calm down.

"Tor is good...... eh"

"What. Absolutely.... Look, you, anyway, have the soul nerve to come and eat something delicious from the festival. I'll give you the luxury. Eat anything."

"... buy that fried doughnut. And salted beans."

"Oh, yes."

Tor going to buy the stall I pointed at, as I was properly told.

I grabbed one of Thor's cloaks like a child and it stuck perfectly on his back.

Let's be honest and sweet to Thor today or so... tell yourself that.

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