Our demon king is coming.

, the laws of the world.

"Hey, Dr. Kano. … may I go out for a moment?"

The next day.

I held my notebook aside, wore sailor clothes and asked him.

He just narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't mind."



And he also gave me a decent penny.

Oh, wow. It's Japanese Shiroyoshi!! And two!!

"What are you gonna do?

"... I have something to do. You go anywhere on your own."


When he said that with the same cold attitude, he left me in the living room and caged me in another room.

Well, if that's what he says, do as he pleases.

Apparently, we were in the woods on the Tama side of Tokyo.

Dr. Kano, you live in hiding.

We were able to find a bus stop right away, and from there we managed to get to the station, and then we took the central line.

I miss... I'm on the train, me.

I used to ride all the time.

Uncles in suits, young mothers and little children, aunts obsessed with chatting.

Everyone wears clothes commonly worn by modern Japanese and is rocked by trains.

Well, dresses and stuff, it's just cosplay here.

It was supposed to be a natural view, and I was curious to see it.

Before I switched trains, I left the station to have an early lunch on my own, but in front of the station, a woman complaining about something in desperate shape handed me a flyer and I somehow saw it.


That was a flyer of content that my daughter said was missing.

He wants information, he says.

"... Lena..."

In the picture, it was undoubtedly Lena.

Yes, on this planet, you're Ping Linna.


Again, I look back at the woman handing out the flyers.

I asked Lena before, remembering her and her mother's tenacity.

"Lena... Mother, I'm trying so hard to find you."

Sure, she seemed like a tough, neat looking woman, but she's still looking so hard for Lena. As a mother, my daughter...

But I guess Lena doesn't know about this.

Even her mother would never have thought that Lena had gone to another world.

I left the spot with that flyer stuck in my pocket, suppressing my unbroken feelings.

After lunch, I finished eating, and then I headed to the area where I lived.

My body is on its own, and I remember my way home. Though I don't know if I can say on the way home......


My apartment was still there.

It's no different. It's lame though.

"Wow... be a grasp"

Masako Oda was patient, wasn't he? Because I lived in such a run-down, small apartment.

If I were reincarnated, the noble lady would be amazing now.

Never stayed there so long, I went from the place to the apartment where I lived, feeling like I was going to school.

Transparency often picked me up, but rarely did I pick me up.

That said, I just thought that the apartment was the same and still nostalgic.

I wonder if you still have his parents. I lost my permeability... I wonder what you thought.

He was unfriendly with his parents, but it would be sad if his son died...?

I remember Delia Field's parents.

Machia's dead, and those two... the hell...

"... eh"

No, no, no, no.

I'm about to cry.

I left the scene early and now headed to Yuri's house.

"Oh. That it's still a mansion"

Yuri's house is built differently from the gate. Boulder.

A beautifully tidied bamboo grove garden can be seen across the enclosure.

I watched it from afar.


Yuri's mother comes out of the gate, and I panic and hide in the corner.


Yuri's mother, as beautiful as ever, was wearing a light purple kimono.

But I figured... maybe I lost a little weight...

Yuri was among us, and he was best friends with his family.

Even Yuri's mother has always been better with me. He called me for dinner, he made me lunch, he let me hold my vegetables, and he really took care of me.

"... sorry, aunt..."

I shrugged unexpectedly and I left the spot.

Sure, we were on this planet, too.

I was reminded of that.

And the last thing we came to was the high school we went to.

You're wearing the uniform here, so you're not uncomfortable, are you?

Just in time for lunch break, they're all wandering around.


I broke into the school and headed to a place I miss.

Yes. It's that unused art prep room that had the Past Life Penance Sorority.

Dr. Kano told me we were missing.

Well, we're not gonna bother to leave any traces of him killing us, are we?

Walk down the quiet hallway of the annex to that room.

Although the paper that already says penance sorority has been stripped off, I gently opened the door and the key seemed to be open.

"Oh... that's careless."

Well, it's convenient here.

That's what I thought, and I went into that room that I miss.

In the shimmering air, you can see the dust lit by the afternoon sun slowly dancing.

I feel that the plaster statues, bull bones, and painting materials that are no longer used are better prepared than they were when I...

The whiteboard I used a lot seems to be intact.

"... you miss everything. You've been talking to them all this time."

I stroked a wooden, spilled, scratchy desk and stayed on the spot for a while.

But a chime of rest time rings, haha.

"... you can't. It's time to go back."

I stared at the notebook I was holding aside. A notebook that talked and recorded a lot of memories here.

Yes. If we hadn't talked, those days we couldn't have done it.

This place was, for us, the only place where we could expose ourselves to vegetables.

I was just a little confused, but I pinch that among the countless materials on the shelves that I always served.

I don't know.

Why am I doing this?

I couldn't help but keep this "here” though my chest was pounding.

One day, even if someone finds it, they may never understand it.

And once I stroked my plain notebook back, sandwiched in a lot of old material, I left this room.

You can't run. Run down the hallway, leave the annex, and fly out of school as you go.

While I regret the important things I've left behind.

That was the result of one determination, that I would never come back here again.

It was in the evening that I came home to Kano Sensei.

Because it's something I've been shopping for a lot.

"... finally, are you home"

"Yeah. I was shopping and it's getting late. Oh, I spent all the money I got, but it's good."


"Oh, yeah, hey, Doctor"

I punched everything I had bought on the floor, packed it in a big shoulder bag, and said.

"Me, I'm going back. To Mayday."


And then you get up and turn back to him.

"... I'll be at Mayday's again..."

Dr. Kano stared at me for a while, but he just looked diagonally downwards and said "well" in a complicated way.

Something, it was a slightly unexpected reaction.

"You bought the luggage for that... with my money"

"Yeah, well. It's my money when you hand it to me. That's it."


"What. Are you telling me to go to the other world alone? You should be ready so you can do anything by yourself for a while."

"Nothing. You didn't say anything."

I looked up at him with my luggage on my shoulder and said I was ready.

"Come here," said Dr. Kano.

I went underground again about him.

There's plenty of space right through that suspicious lab lined up with capsules, with a Mayday magic formation in the center of it.

"... take this. Your... artifact."

He was standing on the edge of this space. He brought it and gave it to me.

"Huh? But could it have been in this shape..."

What was in his hand was the appearance of a spear long as red as blood.

I see the golden sword, the shape of the armored weapon that destroyed the giant soldiers, but I've never seen this spear before.

"" The covenant of the queen of war "… is inherently“ long spear ”appearance. If you look at mythical murals, etc., it is more often portrayed in the figure of a spear. But this is an artifact that, by your will, changes into any form. As long as it's a weapon for contention."


"With this, your power will be more powerful than ever. With the Mayday I'm going to live, I'm sure it will help."

I received that spear and tightened my expression to cold weight.

And raise your face and ask him again.

"Hey... why was this artifact... called" Goddess Protection ”? Why did you have it...?


"'Cause even if you ask, you won't tell me this either, you..."

I laughed kusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

After a while, the light that came up in a bowl swept through the letters of the magic formation.

"... Red Witch"

Dr. Kano said... No, the brave man said...

"Your magic numbers were in the 1.66 million mg 's as of Machia Odileel... you bounced on reincarnation"

"... Yep"

"You know what? By“ reincarnating ”beyond the boundaries of the world, the number at Mayday before jumps to about 1.5 times the number. This is because only souls cross boundaries. … Conversely," metastasis "causes both flesh and soul to jump to double the previous number because it crosses this boundary"

"... that"

"Oh. The next time you get down to Mayday, that magic figure will be about 3.3 million mg... breaking numbers"


"Literally, he's the most powerful demon king.... there is no match for you. Your battle as Demon King must be coming..."

The brave man made a small laugh.

"You..." metastasized. "Yes... the next time you step down to Mayday, you will be adapted to the position of“ Savior ”of the world. with that great power..."

It's the law of the world.

My magic numbers will jump and dramatically alter Mayday's record.

And I, like brave men and Lena, take the position of “savior” in that world.

I looked at him with amazing eyes and the color of the world changed forever.

Blue skies and thin waters that last everywhere.

I broke up with Thor, very similar to that place.

of the world. … It was a boundary.

"Maybe you... all this way, were you weighing in?

So that I can go to Mayday again with all this power. so that I can be the Messiah.

All, from the beginning, all.

When I asked him that, he also smiled a lot.

Disgust and a little relief. Let those things seep in.

And he seemed to have another thing to hand to me, and he gave it to me. I'll palm out and take it.


Red, Shizuku-shaped earrings.

It was that one crack.

"Again... I hope to see you. To him..."


That's all he says, he turns his back on me.

I also turned my back on him and just looked forward.

"Thank you…" Brave man. "Thank you for all your help.... because I will return this favor properly. You, too, do well."


And step by step, move on.

Make sure you kick the surface, forward, forward.

Just cross the line, ahead, to the far other light strong.

Once again, I will travel to another world.

Once, there was a girl named Masako Oda.

There was a girl named Machia Odileel.

I am, these two are different. The body belongs to Makiko, and the soul belongs to Makia.

Then who the hell is it?

No name, no.

That's the Savior.

"Oh... really,“ nobody, "hey, me"

It's where I got off, and I wanted to get my information, but I don't have a name, so I don't know one thing.

Perhaps, as the brave man said, the magic numbers are over 3 million mg.

Full of magic seems like something different from what it has been.


There, it was the desert.

A world of strange slaughter, with the remains of giant soldiers falling everywhere.

I look out over the world with a blue sailor skirt and a bright red elongated spear.

I'm home.

I stepped down to Mayday again…

"My demon king... is about to..."

And move on.

Where to go, what to do... it will come to you first.


Inhale the smell of dry sand, just, I, powerfully.

Step on the land of different worlds and look forward.

What can I do now in this world, my darling, who has raised so many “I”?

To know that.

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