Our demon king is coming.

17: Maki, reunion and retreat.

I'm Maki.

On the way to the underground factory of the Royal Palace, there was a cell where the Demons were being captured, and Thor reunited with the Warcraft, who was once one of them.

But a silver king named Istarte suddenly appeared, and Thor is now confronted with him.

I didn't mean to put down Tor... but I didn't want to see the Silver King yet, so Tor let me go and go underground.

You wanted to see what the factory was like up ahead.


Something enormous, smoky, surrounded by its reinforcements and magic formations.

A tube of liquid with a bright red blood colour is entangled like a tsu.

In an underground factory, something of it was manufactured.

Yeah, I know.

A giant soldier would be a guy.

"Wow... gross hey"

The smell is terrible when this one comes closer, while the appearance impact is also reduced.

The giant soldiers made here are fitted with many arms, as if they were Thousand Kannons, and their hands hang from everywhere. Like Marionette.

From all over the metal body, there is a sound of geezy, critical.

But I don't think I have a head yet.

Princess Shatoma would be furious if she found out she was building a giant soldier here.

Has the Chamberlain Royal Palace turned its back on the Federation after cutting off Frezier's hand to possess the giant soldiers?

Or is it to say that the Chamberlain Royal Palace has been taken over by the Federation and used as a factory...

3D magic formations circle around the defective giant soldiers like flow work.

It looks like the lights are shining on the sinner, and I'm trembling on the boulder.

"Hey, don't move..."

Even though he hid in the shadow of the corner of the aisle so that he could not be noticed, he was unconsciously taken his arm from behind.

I can stick a gun to my head.

But your voice sounds familiar...

"If you don't want to die, raise your hands and answer my question in less than three seconds."

"Hey, hey, hey"

"How many transfer devices are there in this factory? Yes, Yichi..."

"Wait a minute. I'm telling you!

He turned the artifact he was wearing as a ring into a spear, making sure he played the gun he was poking from behind, and shook off his restraint.

Oh, I knew it.... it's Esca.

Wow, it's been a year.

"Shit... you fucked up!!

"Ugh, it's you. I'm hiding because of you, so please be quiet. What will you do if the factory employees find out!!

"... oh, man... you don't look like an official"

Eska changed her expression, seriously.

"You'll just be dressed as an official.... Damn."

I took the heavy hat I was wearing on my head and threw it, and I paid for my long hair.

"... it's me"


I let you look at me, Eska, Pokan.

"Who is it?"


"This woman is too suspicious to kill."

"Hey, hey, wait!!

Eska, who doesn't realize I was Machia.

I took out the knife, and he's already a killer.

Oh, that ~ ~. That's crazy.

But it's true, it's not exactly the same.

"Are you sure? You sure you don't understand? You know what I'm doing?

"... what? What?"

"It's me!! Red Witch!!

Yeah, I told you, and I waved my fists down my hands.


Eska stays with those three white eyes, straight face.

If you understand me, I've thrown that knife for real.

No problem because the artifact plays that on the auto, but it's so exciting.

"Hey, what are you doing!

"... hmm"

Eska puts her hand on the wall, holds her forehead and has been silent for a while to think of something, but gradually laughs cookly.


"Ugh, shut up, Esca, shut up"

"Nah, here it comes. For some reason, the guy who died a year ago was reincarnated so fast. Yeah, well, it's only possible for the Demon King class to be the one to prevent my attacks so easily. And that artifact... the covenant of the Queen of War, right? There's only one guy who can use it."

"... I'd appreciate it if you understood."

Before the strange tension of Esca, I sigh.

This guy is no different.

"You know, Neesca, there may be something out of place to explain right now, but I'm not reincarnated. Um, it's a hard place... well, in short, the brave guys were doing everything they could."

"... I get it. In other words, the only person who can make this happen intentionally is the collector."

"Oh, what a good thing."

Outreach An esca who lightly acknowledges my existence.

Red Witch, what the hell are you doing here?

"... Actually, I'm acting with Thor. 'Cause my purpose and his purpose were a little close."

"What, that bastard, did he remember you?

"No, there must be no reason for that.... you can't tell him about me, either."


Eska obviously creased between her eyebrows.

"I don't even remember, but it's dangerous to only give information..."

"Why don't you order me to remind you of your memories?"

"... I can't."


"I can't. That order is in the name of Machia Odileel. I don't have a name."

"... I don't know what that means."

Eska is honest.

But I, too, couldn't explain it any more, I just strayed from him.

"I don't know... where is that Black Demon King? I need to rendezvous with him..."

Eska was saying something, that's when I moved my eyebrows pickly at the feeling of running my body.

When Tor and I broke up earlier, I carelessly touched his cloak. I just stuck my blood on his cloak for a little while...

"Oh, that. Thor's gone."

"... what?

"Tor's signs suddenly flew off somewhere. He must have gone back to the cloud chimney."

I didn't think it would be easy to beat my Silver King opponent, but I left him alone because I thought if I had to, he could escape into the cloud chimney (cloud chimney) planting on the walls.

"That's bad. Thor had to escape from the Silver King to say that the Silver King would return to this underground factory. We have to hurry and run too..."

"Wait a minute!! I've got the number of transporters planted here..."

"That's Tor's Mimizuk room analyzing it."

"Uh... seriously"

"Look, I know what's being created here, so let's get out of here."

I don't know why you were counting the number of transfer devices so hard, but Eska is so confusing, you should just get out of here before it matters.

If Tor isn't here, we need to rendezvous with him soon.

"Wait a minute."

I also hold my breath and stop because Eska suddenly has a pissed, serious look.

He was only looking a little out of the shadows and asking how the factory was doing.

Looks like someone's on your side.

"... are you ready? If you have everything you need for the ritual, I'd like to get started."

"Yes. Thanks to His Highness's help, this street is going well. All you have to do is breathe in your life..."

A voice.

It's the voice of the king of silver and the voice of a man I don't know.

From under the esca, too, I look right in the face.

On the iron bridge just on the side, a king of silver and a man with a noble appearance he had never seen before and... a brunette in a Federation white military uniform is holding back behind him.

"King Chamberlain and king of silver."

Eska taught me in a whisper.

"... Shit. We're retreating, Red Witch. The King of Silver unfolds the artifact. If I catch you, you won't get away with it."

In a calm voice, Eska instructed me.

I'm sure he felt an unusual wave of magic unfolding on that spot.

Istarte sil vis hermedes.

The magic numbers inside that adorable look are over 2 million mg.

If the Silver King hasn't been reincarnated into another world, then this is a monstrous number.

The boulder is a Demon King class rated the Lord God of the Mythical Age.

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